907 resultados para Cuadernos Americanos
A gray, fine-grained arkosic sandstone tablet bearing an inscription in ancient Hebrew from the First Temple Period contains a rich assemblage of particles accumulated in the covering patina. Two types of patina cover the tablet: a thin layer of black to orange iron-oxide-rich layer, a product of micro-biogenic processes, and a light beige patina that contains feldspars, carbonate, iron oxide, subangular quartz grains, carbon ash particles and gold globules (1 to 4 microns [1 micron = 0.001 millimeter] in diameter). The patina covers the rock surface as well as the engraved lettering grooves and blankets and thus post-dates the incised inscription as well as a crack that runs across the stone and several of the engraved letters. Radiocarbon analyses of the carbon particles in the patina yield a calibrated radiocarbon age of 2340 to 2150 Cal BP. The presence of microcolonial fungi and associated pitting in the patina indicates slow growth over many years. The occurrence of pure gold globules and carbon ash particles is evidence of a thermal event in close proximity to the tablet (above 1000 degrees Celsius). This study supports the antiquity of the patina, which in turn, strengthens the contention that the inscription is authentic.
This article deals primarily with two things: 1) the history and nature of the Edomite deity Qos, as far as these can be determined from the known archaeological and textual evidence, and 2) the similarities between Qos and Yahweh, the god of Israel, particularly in regard to the theories concerning the origins of the deities. Through the article I will consider some of the recent suggestions concerning the origin of Qos and how this may relate to the origin of Yahweh. I will suggest that both deities originated in the northwestern portion of the Arabian Peninsula and, that ultimately, the mutual origin of the deities accounts for the fact that the Bible makes no reference to Qos as the god of Edom.
Abstract: Three early West Semitic inscriptions from the Arabah valley are studied here, all of them apparently connected with the Egyptian copper-mining activity in the region, notably at Timna, in the period of the Ramessides. The most striking detail in these texts is a sign corresponding to an Egyptian hieroglyph (N6B ) which depicts two serpents guarding the sun-disc, and another with one serpent (N6 , ); these never appear on conventional tables of early alphabetic letters; this leads to a critical reappraisal of current identifications of the original picture-signs, and elaboration of a new system of interpreting early Canaanite inscriptions, involving recognition that the signs could sometimes stand for whole words and could also be used as rebuses.
Abstract: The Mittanian zoomorphic vessels from Nuzi, Tell Brak, Tell al-Rimah and other sites allow the creation of a significant database for analysis based on typological criteria as well as spatial distribution. This class of materials is attested in several areas of the ancient Near East from the Late Calcholitic and still produced until the Mittanian age and thereafter. Most of the finds come from temples or domestic contexts and they can be now securely dated, while their spatial distribution can be properly investigated. Lion representations seem to predominate, but pigs and other animals appear as well. The exact function and meaning of these vessels are difficult to ascertain, nevertheless, in most cases, they are probably related to cultic practices performed throughout the Mittanian Empire.
Contenido: ¿Europeos o americanos? / La Dirección – Kierkegaard y Marx / Cornelio Fabro – Panorama filosófico en el Méjico actual / José Rubén Sanabria – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía
Contenido: El amanuense de Borges / Roberto Alifano – Presencia de la muerte en Los conjurados / María Amelia Arancet Ruda – Borges y el género biográfico / Graciela del Carmen Barreiro – Alemania en Borges / Claudia E. de Belva – Perfiles biográficos en La intrusa de Carlos Hugo Christensen / Armando Capalbo – Borges y la literatura oral / Norma Carricaburo – Hacia un cronotopo rioplatense en Borges: su lectura de La tierra purpúrea de Guillermo E. Hudson / Laura F. Cilento – Borges “Autor universal entre dos mundos” / Héctor Ciocchini – Jorge Luis Borges en el canon occidental / Jorge Dubatti – La estructura circular en dos cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges / Sara Beatriz Fernández March – Borges y su concepción de la historia / Teresita Frugoni de Fritzsche – Borges y la isotopía de la incertidumbre / Mariano García ; clara Miri – Algunas consideraciones sobre el uso del diálogo en la narrativa borgeana / Javier Roberto González – Cervantes por Borges: las lecturas posibles / Silvina Cristina Lstra Paz – Civilización y barbarie: dos versiones del sueño de la historia / María Rosa Lojo – Algunas preferencias literarias en “Los Amigos”, de Jorge Luis Borges / Nora Longhini – El Astrólogo postergado: Xul Solar y Borges en la década del 20 / Fabiana Elisa Martínez – El “arte poética” de Borges, una estética de la duración / Luis Martínez Cuitiño – Aproximaciones al pensamiento de Jorge Luis Borges: la vuelta al humanismo / Graciela Maturo – Los hacedores en El hacedor de Borges / Valeria Melchiore – Jorge L. Borges: Autobiografía y (Auto)ficción / Ros aE. M. D. Penna – Polifonía y contrapunto en la narrativa de Jorge Luis Borges / Elisa Rey – Borges o la pregunta por el ser / Ana María Rodríguez Francia – Emerson y Borges, dos americanos ante la Historia / María Alejandra Rosarossa – Un homenaje a Jorge Luis Borges en La prisión de la libertad de Michael Ende / Nora Lía Sormani – La memoria de Shakespeare: Borges y el laberinto de la memoria / María Esther Vázquez – Reseñas bibliográficas
This article studies the chronology of the New Kingdom Egyptian copper mining in the southern Arabah valley, and particularly Timna, traditionally dated in the 13th– 12th centuries BCE. a reassessment is made of the local archaeological evidence and especially of the findings of the Hejazi Qurayya pottery in archaeological assemblages of the southern Levant. It is argued that the chronology of the New Kingdom activities at Timna needs a revision towards lower dates.
Resumen: Miguel de Unamuno tenía gran interés por y hacia los temas de América, sobre todo de la América hispánica. El objetivo de este artículo es refl exionar sobre la recepción y la acogida que dio a la literatura hispanoamericana coetánea, sobre cómo se aproximó a la obra de los escritores americanos, especialmente los argentinos. A través de un análisis crítico, se profundizará en esta relación considerando que América estuvo presente en su refl exión y su preocupación. Asimismo, se tratarán brevemente las colaboraciones literarias del escritor vasco en La Nación y otras revistas americanas para demostrar su interés respecto a la temática.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyze different changes observed in the royal figure of Hatshepsut. It is proposed a threefold division: Divine birth as “Son of Amun”, coronation as Maat-ka-Ra and, finally, the damnatio memoriae of her royal memory.
Contenido: Presentación -- Parte I. Contribuciones especiales con motivo del 35º Aniversario de la Revista: El derecho privado entre dos Bicentenarios : a propósito de los treinta y cinco años de Prudentia Iuris / Gabriel Limodio -- Breviario de la legislación civil (1980-2015) / Marcelo U. Salerno -- La transformación del derecho penal argentino / Guillermo J. Yacobucci -- Tendencias, cambios y desplazamientos en el campo jurídico / Roberto A. Punte -- Derecho administrativo y ética : una visión luego de treinta y cinco años / Pedro Coviello --- Parte II. Cátedra Internacional Ley Natural y Persona Humana: ¿Hacia un estado mundial de derecho global? / Daniel A. Herrera -- La persona humana en el Código Civil y Comercial, artículos 17 y 19 : una reflexión filosófica / Héctor Padrón -- "De F.A.I., a M.A.D. : el derecho a la vida en la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación" : workshop del 19 de noviembre de 2015 / Jorge Nicolás Lafferriere -- Parte III. Estudios doctrinales : Hegel y la disolución de la tradición de la ley natural : el apogeo del gnosticismo moderno / Félix A. Lamas -- El aborto en la ley europea : derechos humanos, derechos sociales y la nueva tendencia cultural / Grégor Puppinck -- Hacia una política criminal integradora / Carlos M. Romero Berdullas -- La doctrina del control de convencionalidad : dificultades inherentes y criterios razonables para su aplicabilidad / Juan Alonso Tello Mendoza -- Parte IV. Notas y comentarios : Habla ahora o calla (forzosamente) para siempre : las Convenciones en contra de toda forma de discriminación e intolerancia y su amenaza a la libertad de expresión en los estados americanos / Tomás Henríquez C. -- The art of human rights : enriching the life of the law school through drawings and other visual resources / Santiago Legarre -- Las citas de leyes y otras normas : legislación comparada y nuevo Digesto Jurídico Argentino / Fernando M. Toller -- "Paradiso, Campanelli" y un contrato internacional de maternidad subrogada ante el TSribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos / Julieta Monteroni -- Parte V. Documentos -- Recensiones
The evidence from Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou within the Kouris valley settlement system can offer further new data to outline a picture of the development trends from MBA to LBA I periods in the Kourion region. As to this area, such a “transitional” phase could be particularly relevant to better understand the development process of the mature LBA II–III urban centers (in Alassa as well as the most recent discovered in Erimi-Pitharka). In 2008–2009 a focus investigation (an intensive survey, geoperspections and excavations) within the Kouris Valley Project has been addressed to the site of Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou, which lies on one of the highest hilltops facing southward the Kouris dam. The excavations evidenced a double circuit wall which surrounds the top mound and the lower terrace. The top mound (Area A) has been widely occupied by a complex workshop, directly linked with a storage area. The natural limestone bedrock has been worked out to arrange a system of carved deep basins connected each other by a series of flow channels. Southward from the workshop, a large storage area has been cleared, with a relevant assemblage of big pithoi and storage devices. The first lower terrace area (Area B) has been possibly occupied by a domestic quarter; a cemetery area (Area E) has been also evidenced outside the external circuit wall, where a series of five rock-cut tombs (Tombs 228– 232) with single chamber and small incoming dromoi has been excavated.
Abstract: YHWH’s theophany and mode of action are frequently evoked in the Bible as a volcanic event. It is shown here that this representation, of central importance in the story of the Sinai Covenant, is probably not anchored in any specific volcanic eruption experienced by the Israelites in the past. In Antiquity, volcanic activity was specifically associated with the gods who patronized metallurgy, given the homology between lava flowing from a volcano and slag released from a furnace at smelting. Evidence towards such a link is also identified in the Bible. Accordingly, rather than being simply a literary artifice imaging the outstanding powers of YHWH, volcanism may reflect the existence of metallurgical roots in Israelite theology. This contention is supported by Biblical evidences associating YHWH with metal production: (i) his primeval dominion in mining areas, (ii) his special worship by metalworkers, (iii) the representation of his celestial universe as a giant furnace. It is concluded that the volcanic representation of YHWH’s theophany and mode of action reveal a surprising level of preservation of the metallurgic religious traditions in the ancient Israelite theology.
Abstract: The Museum of Natural History, La Plata, Argentina, houses a ceramic collection of the A-Group and C-Group cultures from Nubian tombs at Serra West (AA and ACS cemeteries), on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Nubia. It has been originated from the division after the excavations made by the Franco-Argentine Archaeological Expedition in Sudan between 1961 and 1963, as part of the UNESCO campaigns to save the Nubian monuments.
Resumen: Hasta 1993 no se llevaron a cabo por primera vez las excavaciones en lo que prometía ser el emplazamiento de una de las construcciones más importantes de Petra, la impresionante capital del reino nabateo. Su edificación, cuya iniciación data del siglo I a.C., sufrió numerosas modificaciones, reconstrucciones y derrumbamientos a lo largo de sus más de quinientos años de funcionamiento. Pero a pesar de ello aun hoy se desconocen con certeza las funciones para las cuales fue diseñado ya que, al margen de los elementos constructivos, apenas se han localizado materiales y aun menos inscripciones que arrojen algo de luz a un problema sobre el que intentaremos aquí exponer diversas teorías que posibiliten un mayor acercamiento a su resolución.