940 resultados para Constitutional bounderies
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo
OBJECTIVE: To study the distribution and inter-relationship among constitutional and biochemical variables with blood pressure (BP) in an population of Yanomami indians. To compare these findings with those of other populations. METHODS: The Yanomami indians were part of the INTERSALT, a study comprising 10,079 males and females, aged from 20 to 59 years, belonging to 52 populations in 32 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Each of the 52 centers was required to accrue 200 individuals, 25 participants in each age group. The variables analyzed were as follows: age, sex, arterial BP, urinary sodium and potassium excretion (24-hour urine), body mass index, and alcohol ingestion. RESULTS: The findings in the Yanomami population were as follows: a very low urinary sodium excretion (0.9 mmol/24h); mean systolic and diastolic BP levels of 95.4 mmHg and 61.4 mmHg, respectively; no cases of hypertension or obesity; and they have no knowledge of alcoholic beverages. Their BP levels do not elevate with age. The urinary sodium excretion relates positively and the urinary potassium excretion relates negatively to systolic BP. This correlation was maintained even when controlled for age and body mass index. CONCLUSION: A positive relation between salt intake and blood pressure was detected in the analysis of a set of diverse populations participating in the INTERSALT Study, including populations such as the Yanomami Indians. The qualitative observation of their lifestyle provided additional information.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Políticas Públicas
O presente trabalho versa sobre a aplicação do princípio da igualdade pelo Poder Judiciário. Busca-se analisar de que maneira o mandamento constitucional de igualdade se concretiza no contexto jurídico-evolutivo enquanto princípio de norma de controle, que é justamente no âmbito em que ele é justificado pelo órgão jurisdicional. Saber até onde o juiz constitucional pode ir, conhecer seus limites de atuação, parcos ou largos, definíveis ou nubilosos, bem como o que vem contido nessa vertente do princípio que o distingue de um enunciado geral da igualdade, faz dessa dissertação um estudo interdisciplinar, mas que não deixa de ser voltado para o entendimento jurídico-normativo dessa função específica do princípio. A conhecida fórmula da proibição do arbítrio recebe uma leitura que não é inovadora, mas que almeja aferir a sua suficiência no exercício daquela função. Ou algo mais vem a ser exigido do princípio? Desde já uma resposta de tal envergadura não pode ser encontrada sem o retrato da jurisprudência respectiva. Por isso que, ao fim, e sem a pretensão de esgotamento, se optou por conhecer alguns dos julgados do Tribunal Constitucional português sobre o tema proposto. A indicação da disfunção ou não do perfil da referida Corte com a posição doutrinária só pode ser resultante da análise conclusiva sobre o tema. Fica o convite à leitura.
Consabido que para uma sociedade organizada se desenvolver política e juridicamente, indispensável se faz a existência de um documento formal, dotado de observância obrigatória, capaz de definir as competências públicas e delimitar os poderes do Estado, resguardando os direitos fundamentais de eventuais abusos dos entes políticos. Este documento é a Constituição, que, em todos os momentos da história, sempre se fez presente nos Estados, mas, inicialmente, não de forma escrita, o que fez com que surgisse, então, o constitucionalismo, movimento que defendia a necessidade de elaboração de constituições escritas, munidas de normatividade e supremacia em relação às demais espécies normativas, que visassem organizar a separação dos poderes estatais e declarar os direitos e as liberdades individuais. Porém, de nada adiantaria a edição de uma Lei Maior sem que houvesse mecanismos de defesa, no intuito de afastar qualquer ameaça à segurança jurídica e à estabilidade social, por conta de alguma lei ou ato normativo contrário aos preceitos estabelecidos na Constituição. O controle de constitucionalidade, pilar do Estado de Direito, consiste em verificar a compatibilidade entre uma lei ou qualquer ato normativo infraconstitucional e a Lei Excelsa e, em havendo contraste, a lei ou o ato viciado deverá ser expurgado do ordenamento jurídico, para que a unidade constitucional seja restabelecida. No Brasil, o controle de constitucionalidade foi instituído sob forte influência do modelo norte-americano e obteve diversos tratamentos ao longo das constituições brasileiras, porém, o sistema de fiscalização de constitucionalidade teve seu ápice com o advento da atual Constituição Federal, promulgada em 05.10.88, com a criação de instrumentos processuais inovadores destinados à verificação da constitucionalidade das leis e atos normativos. Além disso, a Carta da República de 1988, ao contrário das anteriores, fortaleceu a figura do Poder Judiciário no contexto político, conferindo, assim, maior autonomia aos magistrados na solução de casos de grande repercussão nacional, redundando em um protagonismo judicial atual. Nesse contexto, o Supremo Tribunal Federal, órgão de cúpula do Judiciário nacional e guardião da Constituição, tem se destacado no cenário nacional, em especial na defesa dos direitos e garantias fundamentais insculpidos na Lei Fundamental, fazendo-se necessária, desta forma, uma análise na jurisprudência da Corte, no sentido de verificar se, de fato, tem havido evolução no controle de constitucionalidade no Brasil ao longo dos últimos anos e, em caso afirmativo, em que circunstâncias isso tem se dado.
A presente dissertação busca abordar a questão da restrição ao direito fundamental de liberdade da pessoa toxicodependente no Brasil, consistente, precisamente, na internação forçada para o tratamento de sua saúde e/ou para a segurança pública, sob o olhar do princípio constitucional da dignidade da pessoa humana em suas dimensões positiva, que exige uma obrigação de fazer por parte do Estado, e negativa, que cobra deste uma postura omissiva de proteção, em torno de um mesmo indivíduo; sem se olvidar do interesse público na execução da medida. Para tanto, ao longo do trabalho, a legislação brasileira atinente ao tema é posta em comparação com a sua correspondente portuguesa e, à luz, basicamente, das doutrinas desses países, são examinados direitos afetos à liberdade individual e ao direito social à saúde, sob a costura do apontado princípio estruturante das respectivas Constituições, de modo a permitir a visualização do amparo da medida restritiva no texto maior brasileiro e, ao final, uma análise crítica à ponderação de bens (direitos) realizada pelo legislador ordinário, com possíveis soluções para a sua aplicação em concreto, quando da análise da proporcionalidade da intervenção da liberdade pelo Poder Judiciário.
Constitutional arrangements affect the decisions made by a society. We study how this effect leads to preferences of citizens over constitutions; and ultimately how this has a feedback that determines which constitutions can survive in a given society. Constitutions are stylized here, to consist of a voting rule for ordinary business and possibly different voting rule for making changes to the constitution. We deffine an equilibrium notion for constitutions, called self-stability, whereby under the rules of a self-stable constitution, the society would not vote to change the constitution. We argue that only self-stable constitutions will endure. We prove that self-stable constitutions always exist, but that most constitutions (even very prominent ones) may not be self-stable for some societies. We show that constitutions where the voting rule used to amend the constitution is the same as the voting rule used for ordinary business are dangerously simplistic, and there are (many) societies for which no such constitution is self-stable rule. We conclude with a characterization of the set of self-stable constitutions that use majority rule for ordinary business.
El control electrònic s'ha aplicat a l'àmbit comparat, principalment, com a instrument de control de l'arrest domiciliari com a mesura cautelar i com a pena, i també en l'àmbit penitenciari junt a formes de compliment de la pena de presó en semillibertat. Des d'una justificació retribucionista de la pena es pot acceptar el control electrònic perquè té suficiència punitiva, pot aplicar-se de forma proporcional i no es degradant. D'altra banda, una justificació utilitarista de la pena accepta el control electrònic perquè redueix la delinqüència. Tot i que la seva aplicació a l'àmbit comparat no ha estat majoritàriament com a alternativa a la presó, es tracta d'un instrument que pot conferir credibilitat i potencial reduccionista a un sistema de penes alternatives. A l'ordenament espanyol pot considerar-se una mesura susceptible de ser aplicada dins el marc constitucional, malgrat afecti a determinats drets fonamentals. La seva previsió normativa com a pena i a l'àmbit penitenciari es molt escassa i presenta diversos problemes interpretatius. Quant a la seva aplicació a España, es reduïda a l'àmbit penitenciari i pràcticament inexistent com a pena. La credibilitat i potencial reduccionista que pot aportar el control electrònic a un sistema de penes alternatives permet defensar l'ampliació del seu ús al nostre ordenament en els supòsits ja previstos normativament i en d'altres de nous.
We identify a number of elements of the current Spanish system of regional financing that do not conform satisfactorily to the principles of equity, autonomy and efficiency that should inspire its design. Our main conclusion is that although the system presents a series of shortcomings that would require an in-depth reform, its basic focus on the equalization of the service provision capacity of all regional governments should be preserved because it is in accordance with the constitutional guarantee of equal rights for all citizens and with notions of horizontal equity that are widely shared in our country. In fact, the main shortcoming of the system is, in our opinion, that it does not fully guarantee such equality in practice. Additional weaknesses of the system are its lack of transparency, the absence of mechanisms to maintain vertical equilibrium across the different levels of the administration and a significant deficit of fiscal autonomy and responsibility on the pa
A major achievement of new institutionalism in economics and political science is the formalisation of the idea that certain policies are more efficient when administered by a politically independent organisation. Based on this insight, several policy actors and scholars criticise the European Community for relying too much on a multi-task, collegial, and politicised organisation, the European Commission. This raises important questions, some constitutional (who should be able to change the corresponding procedural rules?) and some political-economic (is Europe truly committed to free and competitive markets?). Though acknowledging the relevance of legal and normative arguments, this paper contributes to the debate with a positive political-scientific perspective. Based on the view that institutional equilibria raise the question of equilibrium institutions, it shows that collegiality was (a) an equilibrium institution during the Paris negotiations of 1950-51; and (b) an institutional equilibrium for the following 50 years. The conclusion points to some recent changes in the way that European competition policy is implemented, and discusses how these affect the “constitutional” principle of collegial European governance.
This text aims at showing the history of indigenous peoples’ mobilization in Colombia, the effects that it has brought about on Colombian democracy and political system, and the state’s reactions to their claims and actions. It will show how they have moved from class-based claims to a politics where identity claims have been central in their agenda and part of their strategies to negotiate with the state. It will also show the existing constitutional and legal framework that recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples, despite the context of persecution, murder, and forced displacement.
BACKGROUND: Clinical manifestations of giant cell arteritis (GCA) are variable. Whether signs and symptoms present in an explosive fashion or insidiously, once manifest the course is usually progressive unless treatment is initiated. METHODS: A retrospective review of patients with GCA seen in an outpatient neuro-ophthalmology clinic. RESULTS: We report four patients with biopsy-proven GCA who experienced spontaneous remission. Clinical manifestations consisted of headache and diplopia in two patients, constitutional symptoms in one patient and facial pain in another. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of this aspect of the disease in order to avoid a delay in diagnosis and treatment.
Résumé GLUT8 est la première des nouvelles isoformes des GLUT récemment identifiés. Il est fortement exprimé dans les testicules et plus faiblement dans les blastocystes, le cerveau, particulièrement au niveau de l'hippocampe, et le coeur. En conditions basales, il est retenu dans un compartiment intracellulaire. Si on l'exprime en surface cellulaire, par la mutation du motif d'internalisation dileucine, il transporte le glucose avec une bonne affinité. Dans le but d'étudier sa fonction au niveau de l'organisme, nous avons créé un modèle de knock out conditionnel, en entourant le dernier exon du gène de GLUT8 par deux sites loxP. En croisant nos souris avec une souche de souris transgénique exprimant la cre-recombinase dans les cellules de la lignée germinale, nous avons généré un modèle de souris portant la délétion totale de GLUT8 de manière constitutionnelle. Les statistiques effectuées sur les premières naissances indiquent qu'une partie des souris knock out ne survit pas, suggérant un rôle de GLUT8 au niveau du développement embryonnaire. Les souris qui ont survécu ne présentent toutefois pas d'anomalies durant la croissance et sont fertiles. Elles ont des taux de glucose et d'insuline sanguins normaux. Au niveau cérébral, la structure de l'hippocampe n'est pas modifiée par la suppression de GLUT8, cependant, les souris GLUT8-/- présentent une prolifération cellulaire augmentée dans le gyrus denté. Cette augmentation de division cellulaire pourrait être la réponse adaptée à une éventuelle augmentation de la mort cellulaire au niveau de l'hippocampe. Elles ne semblent toutefois pas présenter de défauts cognitifs majeurs dans le bassin de Morris en conditions normales. Toutefois, en conditions de jeûne, elles tendent à une meilleure mémorisation à court terme. Les études morphologiques et histologiques au niveau cardiaque n'ont pas révélé de d'hypertrophie au niveau ventriculaire. La stimulation de la contraction à l'isoprotérénol n'a pas mis en évidence de défaut d'adaptation des coeurs GLUT8-/-. Cependant l'analyse fonctionnelle par électrocardiogramme, en conditions basales, a montré une augmentation de la durée de l'onde P, suggérant un défaut dans la dépolarisation des oreillettes. Nos résultats indiquent que GLUT8 ne joue pas un rôle prédominant dans la survie et la fonction basale des souris. Il pourrait jouer un rôle plus important dans des situations stressantes pour l'organisme, comme l'hypoglycémie ou les conditions d'ischémie qui induiraient son expression à la membrane plasmique et stimuleraient le captage du glucose. Abstract GLUT8 was the first of the recently identified isoform of the GLUT family proteins. It is strongly expressed in the testis. It is also found at a lower level in the blastocyst, in heart and in the brain. Under basal conditions, it is retained in the intracellular compartment, but when the internalization motif dileucine is mutated, GLUT8 translocates to the plasma membrane and transports glucose with a relatively high affinity. To study its function in vivo, we created a conditional knock out mouse model. To do so, we targeted the last exon of the GLUT8 gene with two loxP sites. We then crossed these mice with a transgenic model expressing the cre-recombinase in the gem' line to generate a constitutional total knock out mouse. The statistics made on the first breedings showed that some of the knock out mice do not survive, suggesting a role of GLUT8 in the embryonic development. Conversely mice who survive do not show developmental defects and they are fertile with normal glucose and insulin blood levels. In the brain, the general structure of the hippocampus is not modified by the deletion of GLUT8. However, GLUT8-/- mice show an increase in the cell proliferation in the dentate gyms. This cell proliferation could be due to an increase in the cell death in the hippocampus. When tested in the morris water maze, these mice do not show any cognitive defects in the basal conditions, but they have a tendency to learn better in fasted conditions. The morphological and histological studies made at the heart level did not show any cardiac hypertrophy in the ventricles. The stimulation with isoproterenol did not show any adaptation defects in the GLUT8-/- hearts. However, the functional analysis made in basal conditions with the electrocardiogram showed an increase in the P wave length, suggesting a defect in the atrial depolarization in the knock out mice. Overall, our results show that GLUT8 does not play an important role in the basal general functions in the mice, but might play a more important role during whole organism stress. Hypoglycaemia or ischemia, for example could stimulate the GLUT8 translocation to the plasma membrane to increase specifically glucose uptake. Résumé tout public Les différentes cellules de l'organisme possèdent des propriétés particulières, qui leur permettent de maintenir les fonctions de l'organe auquel elles appartiennent. La membrane plasmique qui les délimite sélectionne les substances qui vont pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule et permet ainsi de maintenir un environnement interne constant. Le glucose est une source d'énergie importante pour la cellule et doit pouvoir pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule. Il utilise pour cela des protéines de transport qui le feront passer de part et d'autre de la membrane. Les protéines de la famille des GLUT (pour GLUcose Transporter) possèdent cette capacité. GLUT8 est un membre de la famille des GLUT identifié récemment. Il possède la capacité de transporter le glucose quand il se présente à la surface de la cellule. Il est principalement exprimé dans les testicules, dans le coeur et le cerveau et durant le développement embryonnaire. Son rôle n'est toutefois pas encore défini. Ce travail consiste à étudier la fonction de GLUT8 au niveau de l'organisme entier. Nous avons créé un modèle de souris dans lesquelles l'expression de GLUT8 a été supprimée pour mettre en évidence son importance dans le maintien de l'intégrité des fonctions du corps. Les observations effectuées sur les souris qui n'expriment plus GLUT8 nous indiquent que leurs cellules prolifèrent plus vite au niveau de l'hippocampe. L'hippocampe est une structure située dans le cerveau qui est impliquée dans les phénomènes d'apprentissage. Les souris qui ont été testées dans des tâches d'apprentissage n'ont malgré cela pas montré une amélioration de la mémorisation. Dans le coeur, la suppression de GLUT8 semble présenter un défaut quand on mesure l'activité électrique du coeur par électrocardiogramme. Toutefois, ils fonctionnent normalement et ne présentent pas de défauts morphologiques en conditions normales. Les expériences effectuées sur les modèles de souris indiquent que GLUT8 ne jouerait pas un rôle prédominant dans le fonctionnement normal du corps. Il pourrait exercer sa fonction dans des situations plus particulières comme l'hypoglycémie, où il permettrait une meilleure capacité à transporter le glucose dans les cellules.
Discussions at the inaugural meeting of a Trans-European Pedagogic Research Group for Anatomical Sciences highlighted the fact that there exist considerable variations in the legal and ethical frameworks throughout Europe concerning body bequests for anatomical examination. Such differences appear to reflect cultural and religious variations as well as different legal and constitutional frameworks. For example, there are different views concerning the "ownership" of cadavers and concerning the need (perceived by different societies and national politicians) for legislation specifically related to anatomical dissection. Furthermore, there are different views concerning the acceptability of using unclaimed bodies that have not given informed consent. Given that in Europe there have been a series of controversial anatomical exhibitions and also a public (televised) dissection/autopsy, and given that the commercial sale or transport of anatomical material across national boundaries is strongly debated, it would seem appropriate to "harmonise" the situation (at least in the European Union). This paper summarises the legal situation in a variety of European countries and suggests examples of good practice. In particular, it recommends that all countries should adopt clear legal frameworks to regulate the acceptance of donations for medical education and research. It stresses the need for informed consent, with donors being given clear information upon which to base their decision, intentions to bequest being made by the donor before death and encourages donors to discuss their wishes to bequeath with relatives prior to death. Departments are encouraged, where they feel it appropriate, to hold Services of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for those who have donated their bodies. Finally, there needs to be legislation to regulate transport of bodies or body parts across national borders and a discouragement of any moves towards commercialisation in relation to bequests.