944 resultados para Blackboard drawing.


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Despite the social and (increasingly) commercial significance of sport and sporting bodies worldwide, they remain under-represented in the mainstream management literature. One of the more recent and dramatic examples of the global sports-media nexus is the 'Super League saga' in Australia. This paper recounts the tale of the Super League saga, providing a holistic analysis of the events and competitive issues arising by drawing on literatures concerning the economic nature and value of sports leagues, the resource-based view of the firm and the nature of psychological contracts in changing environments. The analysis confirms the general monopolistic tendencies of professional sports leagues in an increasingly global industry driven by the sports-media nexus, in accord with a number of comparable cases internationally. The particular conditions of the Australian marketplace that exacerbate this tendency beyond, for example, that found in the USA, and differences in the outcomes of battles between rival leagues are also considered. The Super League saga portrays the importance of effective management of resources key to the production of the 'rugby league product' including, among others, the often over-looked importance of careful management of local resources for the success of global strategies, and, where human resources are key, the importance of psychological contracting. The holistic analysis of the Super League saga in Australia affords lessons that extend well beyond the realm of sports.


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Study Design. Two abdominal muscle patterns were tested in the same group of individuals, and their effects were compared in relation to sacroiliac joint laxity. One pattern was contraction of the transversus abdominis, Independently of the other abdominals; the other was a bracing action that used all the lateral abdominal muscles. Objectives. To demonstrate the biomechanical effect of the exercise for the transversus abdominis known to be effective in low back pain. Summary of Background Data. Drawing in the abdominal wall is a specific exercise for the transversus abdominis muscle (in cocontraction with the multifidus), which is used in the treatment of back pain. Clinical effectiveness has been demonstrated to be a reduction of 3-year recurrence from 75% to 35%. To the authors' best knowledge, there is not yet in vivo proof of the biomechanical effect of this specific exercise. This study of a biomechanical model on the mechanics of the sacroiliac joint, however, predicted a significant effect of transversus abdominis muscle force. Methods. Thirteen healthy individuals who could perform the test patterns were included. Sacroiliac joint laxity values were recorded with study participants in the prone position during the two abdominal muscle patterns. The values were recorded by means of Doppler Imaging of vibrations. Simultaneous electromyographic recordings and ultrasound imaging were used to verify the two muscle patterns. Results. The range of sacroiliac joint laxity values observed in this study was comparable with levels found in earlier studies of healthy individuals. These values decreased significantly in all individuals during both muscle patterns (P < 0.001). The independent transversus abdominis contraction decreased sacroiliac joint laxity (or rather increased sacroiliac joint stiffness) to a significantly greater degree than the general abdominal exercise pat-tern (P < 0.0260). Conclusions. Contraction of the transversus abdominis significantly decreases the laxity of the sacroiliac joint. This decrease in laxity is larger than that caused by a bracing action using all the lateral abdominal muscles. These findings are in line with the authors' biomechanical model predictions and support the use of independent transversus abdominis contractions for the treatment of low back pain.


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Design of liquid retaining structures involves many decisions to be made by the designer based on rules of thumb, heuristics, judgment, code of practice and previous experience. Various design parameters to be chosen include configuration, material, loading, etc. A novice engineer may face many difficulties in the design process. Recent developments in artificial intelligence and emerging field of knowledge-based system (KBS) have made widespread applications in different fields. However, no attempt has been made to apply this intelligent system to the design of liquid retaining structures. The objective of this study is, thus, to develop a KBS that has the ability to assist engineers in the preliminary design of liquid retaining structures. Moreover, it can provide expert advice to the user in selection of design criteria, design parameters and optimum configuration based on minimum cost. The development of a prototype KBS for the design of liquid retaining structures (LIQUID), using blackboard architecture with hybrid knowledge representation techniques including production rule system and object-oriented approach, is presented in this paper. An expert system shell, Visual Rule Studio, is employed to facilitate the development of this prototype system. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated reasons for the outsourcing of a core HRM function, recruitment. Drawing from transaction costs and institutional theories, it was hypothesised that the pressure to minimise transaction costs and the presence of industry trends towards outsourcing would be positively associated with the outsourcing of recruitment. Survey data were gathered from 1I 7 HR professionals in Australia. Both hypotheses were partially supported. Specifically, the outsourcing of recruitment activities was positively associated with trust in the agency supplying the recruitment service and with the need to reduce internal labour but not fixed costs. With regard to institutional theory, the outsourcing of recruitment was positively associated with mimetic but not coercive forces. The study concludes that although most assumptions about recruitment agency use are expressed in economic terms, in reality, HRM practices are also influenced by forces exerted by the institutional environment in which organisations are located.


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When the existence in Utrecht of the DeWitt/Van Buchel drawing of the Swan Theater became known in 1888, William Poel was already seven years into his inquiries into the best means of staging the public amphitheater and great hall plays of the English Renaissance.1 I mention this to emphasize that the discourse came before the fact: the belief that Shakespeare's plays are best staged as it was then imprecisely imagined they had once been staged-simply, without elaborate settings or time-consuming scene changes, with direct actor-audience address, "in-the-round"-had as much to do with reactions against the late nineteenth-century stage's pictorialism, with its set-changing interruptions and cut-and-paste revisions to Shakespeare's texts, as it had to do with presenting the Bard "authentically." Some of the confusion caused by the uneasy mixing of historical scholarship and the assumptions and practices of our own contemporary theater profession can be glimpsed in the phenomenon of modern in-the-round staging, often claimed as a more "authentic" approach to Shakespeare in performance, but one which is then modified to make possible post-Stanislavsky acting methods and to satisfy modern audience expectations.


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Commonplace incivility is a topic of longstanding interest within social theory, perhaps best exemplified by Goffman's studies of the interaction order. Nevertheless we know very little about its distribution and expression in everyday life. Current empirical work is dominated by criminological agendas. These tend to focus on more serious and illegal activities rather than minor deviant acts that are simply inconsiderate or rude. The paper reports findings from a focus group study conducted in Melbourne, Australia that set out to benchmark everyday incivilities. The results suggest that perpetrators of incivility have a surprisingly broad social distribution as does the range of locales that might be characterised as 'high risk'. Turning to the work of Putnam and Wolfe, we call for a research focus on low-level incivilities as key symptoms of the state of civic virtue and the strength of moral ties within civil society. Drawing on Virilio, Bauman and Durkheim, it is suggested that the experience of incivility is underpinned by the growth of freedom and movement in contemporary urban settings, and has ambivalent implications that not only invoke boundary maintenance and retreatism, but also offer the possibility for boundary expansion and tolerance of difference.


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This discussion argues the transformative potential inherent in the corporeal experience of motherhood as represented in selected textual moments of Japanese narrative. Narratives that address the experiences of the body of the mother are informed and given substance by an intense physicality, and thus have the potential to contest processes of social inscription in addition to suggesting alternative possibilities for all readers, not just those occupying an embodied maternal space. The discussion features brief events from the work of three writers who have written as mothers: Tsushima Y(u)macrko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko. In Yama o hashiru onna (1980; translated as Woman Running in the Mountains, 1991), Tsushima Y(u)macrko invites the reader to consider the embodied response to light of Takiko, a young pregnant woman. Emiko, the protagonist of Hishoku (Without Colour, 1967) by Ariyoshi Sawako, is the Japanese wife of an African American and has just given birth to a child. The daughter protagonist in Enchi Fumiko's 'Kami' ('Hair', 1957) operates a hairdressing business that is viable only with her mother's unpaid labour. The narratives are read through a matrix of post-structuralist theories of embodiment, drawing on the work of writers such as Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Elizabeth Grosz.


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This paper delineates the development of a prototype hybrid knowledge-based system for the optimum design of liquid retaining structures by coupling the blackboard architecture, an expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO and genetic algorithm (GA). Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces under a user-friendly environment, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking, and member sizing optimization. For structural optimization, GA is applied to the minimum cost design of structural systems with discrete reinforced concrete sections. The design of a typical example of the liquid retaining structure is illustrated. The results demonstrate extraordinarily converging speed as near-optimal solutions are acquired after merely exploration of a small portion of the search space. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid retaining structures.


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This paper describes a coupled knowledge-based system (KBS) for the design of liquid-retaining structures, which can handle both the symbolic knowledge processing based on engineering heuristics in the preliminary synthesis stage and the extensive numerical crunching involved in the detailed analysis stage. The prototype system is developed by employing blackboard architecture and a commercial shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO. Its present scope covers design of three types of liquid-retaining structures, namely, a rectangular shape with one compartment, a rectangular shape with two compartments and a circular shape. Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking and member sizing optimization. It is also integrated with various relational databases that provide the system with sectional properties, moment and shear coefficients and final member details. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid-retaining structures with increase in efficiency and optimization of design output and automated record keeping. The design of a typical example of the liquid-retaining structure is also illustrated. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Asurvey-based field study was conducted with 232 members and nonmembers of the National Tertiary Education Union to investigate the psychological processes underpinning union support. Drawing on value-expectancy models and social identity/self-categorisation theory, this study investigated the role that both individual and grouprelated factors play in predicting attitudinal and behavioural support for the union. Variables investigated included instrumental and ideological attitudes, perceptions of a normative climate of union-support, and perceptions of higher education being under threat. Further to support for previous findings for the role of instrumental and ideological attitudes it was found that the perceived workplace norm had the anticipated direct effect on behaviour and evaluation and also moderated the behavioural expression of ideological and instrumental attitudes. The perception of threat to employment and higher education also directly impacted on behaviour and moderated the behavioural expression of ideological beliefs. The implications of these findings for collective action research will he discussed.


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Te??ricos apontam um estreitamento nas rela????es das entidades do terceiro setor com o Estado. Esta aproxima????o, numa perspectiva internacional, est?? inserida no que se convencionou chamar crise do Estado provedor e, portanto, na busca por modelos alternativos de implementa????o de pol??ticas sociais. No ??mbito nacional, a expans??o do terceiro setor ??, em parte, fruto da redemocratiza????o do pa??s, com a prolifera????o e o amadurecimento de iniciativas da sociedade civil. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a reflex??o sobre o contexto onde surgem e se desenvolvem essas rela????es. Parece-nos que lan??ar luz sobre a id??ia de parceria pode colaborar na compreens??o das potencialidades e limites desse modelo de coopera????o intersetorial.


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Este trabalho faz uma breve revis??o sobre as diferentes maneiras de se estruturar uma iniciativa or??ament??ria de g??nero, seja ela elaborada pelo governo ou pela sociedade civil, em n??vel local ou nacional, considerando todo o or??amento ou setores selecionados e dependendo do est??gio do ciclo or??ament??rio em que ela ?? realizada. Este estudo delineia uma estrutura para a an??lise de g??nero de or??amentos, relacionando os insumos ??s atividades, aos resultados e aos impactos e, a partir da??, apresenta alguns exemplos de an??lises de or??amento a partir da perspectiva de g??nero, em diferentes momentos do ciclo or??ament??rio, buscando experi??ncias em diferentes pa??ses. Tamb??m destaca dois princ??pios chave na an??lise do or??amento com enfoque no g??nero, a saber: 1) a avalia????o do impacto do or??amento tanto sobre o indiv??duo como sobre a fam??lia; e 2) o reconhecimento da contribui????o econ??mica do trabalho dom??stico n??o remunerado, a cargo basicamente das mulheres.


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Este informe expone de forma sumaria los diversos enfoques y aproximaciones que nueve pa??ses de la Uni??n Europea ??? seis antiguos miembros (Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia, Italia, Espa??a y Portugal) y tres miembros recientes (Letonia, Polonia y Hungr??a) ??? est??n usando para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. En la primera parte, se presenta el marco conceptual y las definiciones con las que poder entender de qu?? hablamos cuando hablamos de corrupci??n y de conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. Posteriormente, trata de las razones existentes tras las pol??ticas de regulaci??n y tratamiento de los conflictos de inter??s y la importancia de ellas para el funcionamiento adecuado de la democracia. A continuaci??n, se explican las caracter??sticas, peculiaridades y dilemas de esta pol??tica p??blica en el contexto de las teor??as y enfoques sobre pol??ticas p??blicas. El informe tambi??n examina los puntos comunes en las estructuras, m??todos y procesos utilizados para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en los pa??ses estudiados, adem??s de explicitar las principales diferencias en los marcos legales, medios de implantaci??n, mecanismos de evaluaci??n y medios de ejecuci??n. Por ??ltimo, incluye una visi??n cr??tica de las ventajas y desventajas relacionadas con la utilidad de los instrumentos empleados y finaliza con recomendaciones relativas a c??mo formular e implantar pol??ticas de este tipo.


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O presente trabalho utiliza a metodologia DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis ), para avaliar a efici??ncia das 22 Ag??ncias da Previd??ncia Social ??? Ger??ncia Executiva Fortaleza (APS-GEXFOR). DEA utiliza programa????o linear cujo n??cleo das estruturas anal??ticas ?? formado a partir do modelo original CCR (Charnes, Cooper, e Rhodes). Aplicada ??s DMU (Decision Making Units), define uma Fronteira de Efici??ncia identificando Unidades Eficientes e Ineficientes. Foi utilizado o modelo DEA-CCR implementado pelo software DEA Solver??. A Previd??ncia Social (INSS) disp??e de indicadores de desempenho. Algumas vari??veis utilizadas no modelo implementado derivam desses indicadores, outras informa????es foram disponibilizadas pelos sistemas de informa????o da institui????o. A avalia????o de efici??ncia DEA das APS-GEXFOR permitiu identificar as melhores pr??ticas, mensurar a participa????o de cada vari??vel envolvida na avalia????o da unidade e projetar as unidades ineficientes na fronteira de efici??ncia, identificando metas a serem atingidas para torn??-las eficientes no conjunto observado.


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Este estudo tem dois objetivos: revisar criticamente a produ????o cient??fica nacional sobre o tema ???compet??ncias no trabalho e nas organiza????es???; e apresentar o conceito e discutir sua utiliza????o no setor p??blico. Para tanto foram analisados relatos de pesquisa emp??rica e ensaios nacionais e estrangeiros ??? em peri??dicos de psicologia e administra????o. Foram discutidos: enfoques te??ricos, instrumentos de coleta de dados, procedimentos de an??lise, entre outros aspectos. Na an??lise da produ????o nacional, constatou-se que, em sua maioria, as pesquisas: descrevem compet??ncias ocupacionais ou profissionais; possuem desenho survey; apresentam pluralidade quanto ?? natureza da pesquisa e utiliza????o de m??todos e t??cnicas para coleta e an??lise de dados; e s??o realizadas principalmente no setor terci??rio da economia. Verificou-se, ainda, a converg??ncia do conceito de compet??ncia, diante da complexidade e fragmenta????o te??rica previamente constatadas na literatura. Entretanto, mesmo em evid??ncia, a produ????o cient??fica brasileira sobre o tema ?? recente e ainda h?? uma lacuna sobre a discuss??o do construto e sua aplica????o no setor p??blico, em especial no caso brasileiro, quando se trata da administra????o p??blica federal, direta, aut??rquica e fundacional.