1000 resultados para Aalto, Eija: Tuntumaa tutkimukseen
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Chorioamnionitis is known to be an important risk factor underlying preterm delivery, and it has also been suggested to associate with brain lesions and deviant neurological development in both preterm and term infants. Cytokines are believed to be the link causing the deleterious effects of inflammation to the nervous system. Their genetic regulation has also been suggested to play a role, as interleukin (IL)-6 -174 and -572 genotypes, which partly regulate IL-6 synthesis responses, have been connected with deviant neurological development in preterm infants. We evaluated the association of histological chorioamnionitis with brain lesions, regional brain volumes, and the functioning of the auditory pathway in very low birth weight/very low gestational age (VLBW/VLGA) infants. In addition, we investigated the association between IL-6 -174 and -572 genotypes and histological chorioamnionitis, neonatal infections, and brain lesions and regional brain volumes in VLBW/VLGA infants. This study is a part of a larger multidisciplinary project PIPARI (Development and Functioning of Very Low Birth Weight Infants from Infancy to School Age), in which the survivors of a 6-year cohort of VLBW/VLGA infants (n=274) are being followed until school age in Turku University Central Hospital, Finland. Placental samples were collected in the delivery room, and were analyzed for histological inflammatory findings. Blood samples from the infants were collected and DNA was genotyped for IL-6-174 and -572 polymorphisms (GG/GC/CC). Brain ultrasound examinations were performed repeatedly in the neonatal intensive care unit and at term age, and were analysed for structural brain lesions. Brain magnetic resonance imaging was performed at term age, and was analysed for regional brain volumes. In addition, diffusion tensor imaging was performed at term, and was used to analyse fractional anisotrophy and the apparent diffusion coefficient of inferior colliculus. The brainstem auditory evoked potential recordings were carried out according to the routine clinical procedure at median age of 30 days after term age. In our study, we found that histological chorioamnionitis was not an independent risk factor for brain lesions, reduced regional brain volumes or abnormal functioning of the auditory pathway in VLBW/VLGA infants. In addition, we found that IL-6 -174 GG and -572 GC genotypes were associated with a higher incidence of histological chorioamnionitis, and that -174 CC genotype associated with higher incidence of septicaemia. The analysed IL-6 genotypes were not associated with other brain lesions, but a reduced volume of basal ganglia and thalami was associated with IL-6 -174 CC and -572 GG genotypes. In conclusion, our findings suggest that histological chorioamnionitis is not an independent risk factor for the brain development of VLBW/VLGA infants, or that the risk caused by inflammation does not exceed the risks attributed to other underlying pathologies behind preterm deliveries. In addition, our findings give reason to propose that IL-6 promoter genotypes have a role in the defence against serious infections and in the brain development of VLBW/VLGA infants.
Emission trading with greenhouse gases and green certificates are part if the climate policy the main target of which is reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon dioxide and fine particle emissions of energy production in Helsinki Metropolitan area are calculated in this study. The analysis is made mainly by district heating point of view and the changes of the district heating network are assessed. Carbon dioxide emissions would be a bit higher, if the district heating network is expanded, but then the fine particle emissions would be much lower. Carbon dioxide emissions are roughly 10 % higher, if the district heating network is expanded at same rate as it has in past five years in the year 2030. The expansion of district heating network would decrease the fine particle emissions about 40 %. The cost of the expansion is allocated to be reduction cost of the fine particle emissions, which is considerably higher than the traditional reduction methods costs. The possible new nuclear plant would reduce the emissions considerably and the costs of the nuclear plant would be relatively low comparing the other energy production methods.
This study considered the current situation of solid and liquid biomass fuels in Finland. The fact that industry consumes more than half of the total primary energy, widely applied combined heat and power production and a high share of solid biomass fuels in the total energy consumption are specific to the Finnish energy system. Wood is the most important source of bioenergy in Finland, representing 20% of the total energy consumption in 2007. Almost 80% of the woodbased energy is recovered from industrial by-products and residues. As a member of the European Union, Finland has committed itself to the Union’s climate and energy targets, such as reducing its overall emissions of green house gases to at least 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, and increasing the share of renewable energy in the gross final consumption. The renewable energy target approved for Finland is 38%. The present National Climate and Energy Strategy was introduced in November 2008. The strategy covers climate and energy policy measures up to 2020, and in brief thereafter, up to 2050. In recent years, the actual emissions have exceeded the Kyoto commitment and the trend of emissions is on the increase. In 2007, the share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption was approximately 25% (360 PJ). Without new energy policy measures, the final consumption of renewable energy would increase to 380 PJ, which would be approximately only 31% of the final energy consumption. In addition, green house gas emissions would exceed the 1990 levels by 20%. Meeting the targets will need the adoption of more active energy policy measures in coming years. The international trade of biomass fuels has a substantial importance for the utilisation of bioenergy in Finland. In 2007, the total international trading of solid and liquid biomass fuels was approximately 77 PJ, of which import was 62 PJ. Most of the import is indirect and takes place within the forest industry’s raw wood imports. In 2007, as much as 21% of wood energy was based on foreign-origin wood. Wood pellets and tall oil form the majority of export streams of biomass fuels. The indirect import of wood fuels peaked in 2006 to 61 PJ. The foreseeable decline in raw wood import to Finland will decrease the indirect import of wood fuels. In 2004– 2007, the direct trade of solid and liquid biomass fuels has been on a moderate growth path. In 2007, the import of palm oil and export of bio-diesel emerged, as a large, 170 000 t/yr biodiesel plant came into operation in Porvoo.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to examine the IT Service Management (ITSM) capabilities of a large international company and develop a design for the IT Service Management of the company. The thesis consists of two parts: a literature review and a case study. The first part is the literature review. It examines different aspects of IT Service Management. The purpose of the literature review is to increase the credibility of the case study. In the case study, the IT Service Management of a large industrial company is assessed, and an improved design for IT Service Management is created. The services are limited to common IT services, and management is limited to operative management. To assess and develop the case company’s IT Service Management, the IT organization and its ITSM capabilities are analyzed, and on the basis of the analyses, an improved IT Service Management model is created. As a result of the analyses, it was found out that the management of the IT organization is function-oriented. Therefore, the organization needs a management model that breaks the functional borders and brings services to the center of management. The designed model aspires to achieve this by defining IT services and modeling management processes from the service perspective.
Tutkimuksessa tutkitaan vaihto-omaisuutta tilintarkastajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimusongelma oli selvittää, minkälaisia asioita tilintarkastaja huomioi vaihto-omaisuutta tarkastaessaan lain sekä sidosryhmien odotusten näkökulmista. Tutkimus on käsiteanalyyttinen. Alan kirjallisuuteen pohjautuvan teorian ohella tutkimukseen sisältyy empiirisenä osuutena tilintarkastajien haastatteluja. Lain näkökulmasta tilintarkastaja huomioi lukuisia seikkoja, jonka tavoitteena on varmistua vaihto-omaisuuden fyysisestä olemassaolosta, oikeasta arvostamisesta sekä oikeasta jaksottamisesta. Käytännössä tilintarkastajat tarkastelevat lähinnä suoritettua inventointia, hinnoitteluperiaatteita sekä alimman arvon periaatteen noudattamista ja epäkuranttiutta. Vaihto-omaisuus on tilintarkastajien näkökulmasta pääosin keskeinen sekä työläs lakisääteisen tilintarkastuksen osa-alue, etenkin jos tarkastuskohteen vaihto-omaisuuden määrä on olennainen. Odotuksilla ei sen sijaan ole lain näkökulmaa vastaavaa merkitystä, sillä tilintarkastajan ja sidosryhmien välillä vallitseva odotuskuilu ei tilintarkastajien näkökulmasta tutkittuna koske yksittäisenä osaalueena vaihto-omaisuutta. Odotuskuilu koskee tilintarkastusta ennemmin kokonaisuutena. Vaihto-omaisuuden kannalta sidosryhmien odotukset eivät siten ole tilintarkastajan näkökulmasta keskeisiä.
Tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat asiakkaan luottamuksen kokemukseen palveluntarjoajaa kohtaan ei kasvokkain tarjottavissa terveyspalveluissa. Tutkimusongelman käsittelyssä kiinnitetään erityisesti huomiota luottamuksen rakentumisen dynamiikkaan ja aikaulottuvuuteen sekä yksityisen palveluntarjoajan maineeseen yhtenä luottamuksen kokemusta selittavänä tekijänä. Kirjailisuuskatsauksessa on määritelty paääkäsitteet maine ja luottamus sekä niiden alakasitteita. Lähteinä on käytetty luottamusta käsittelevää kirjallisuutta useilta eri tieteenaloilta. Case tutkimus on suoritettu laadullisin menetelmin kirjallisuuskatsauksessa esitetyn viitekehyksen ja aikaisemman tutkimuksen pohjalta. Primaariaineisto on kerätty fokusryhmäkeskusteluilia. Aineistoa on pyritty anatysoimaan mahdollisimman yksityiskohtaisesti tutkimuskysymyksen kontekstissa. Analyysin pohjalta tehtyjä tulkintoja on verrattu aikaisempaan tutkimukseen. Case tutkimus osoitti, etta positiivisten odotusten ja suomalaista terveydenhuollon järjestelmää kohtaan tunnetun luottamuksen ansiosta suhtautuminen terveydenhuollon palveluntarjoajaa kohtaan on lähtokohtaisesti luottavainen. Luottamuksen rakentumisen ensivaiheessa nopea luottamus perustuu aikaisemmista kokemuksista siirrettyyn luottamukseen ja stereotypioihin. Seuraavassa vaiheessa luottamus henkilöityy hoitajaan. Luottamus syvenee positiivisten kokemusten ja odotusten täyttymyksen myötä koskemaan myös palveluntarjoajaa. Luottamuksen rakentumisen tärkeimmiksi tekijöiksi nousivat yrityksen maine sosiaalisessa mediassa, suosittelijat, yrityksen asema terveydenhuollon järjestelmässä sekä hoitajien kyvykkyys, kompetenssi, empatiakyky ja potilaan ymmärtäminen.
The identifiability of the parameters of a heat exchanger model without phase change was studied in this Master’s thesis using synthetically made data. A fast, two-step Markov chain Monte Carlo method (MCMC) was tested with a couple of case studies and a heat exchanger model. The two-step MCMC-method worked well and decreased the computation time compared to the traditional MCMC-method. The effect of measurement accuracy of certain control variables to the identifiability of parameters was also studied. The accuracy used did not seem to have a remarkable effect to the identifiability of parameters. The use of the posterior distribution of parameters in different heat exchanger geometries was studied. It would be computationally most efficient to use the same posterior distribution among different geometries in the optimisation of heat exchanger networks. According to the results, this was possible in the case when the frontal surface areas were the same among different geometries. In the other cases the same posterior distribution can be used for optimisation too, but that will give a wider predictive distribution as a result. For condensing surface heat exchangers the numerical stability of the simulation model was studied. As a result, a stable algorithm was developed.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kunnossapidon nykytilaa metsäteollisuuden voimalaitoksissa. Asiaa selvitettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, jossa haastateltiin kunnossapidon vastuuhenkilöitä. Tutkimuksen kohteeksi valittiin kahdeksan erikokoista voimalaitosta, jotka edustivat suurimpia Suomessa toimivia metsäteollisuuden konserneja. Työssä käsiteltiin tiedon ja materiaalin hallintaa, kunnossapidon suunnittelua ja organisointia sekä taloudellisia vaikutuksia. Tulokset on esitetty yleisessä muodossa ilman laitoskohtaista erittelyä. Metsäteollisuus toimii hyvin globaaleilla markkinoilla, joilla kilpailu on kiristynyt viime vuosina. Tehokkuutta on pyritty parantamaan kaikilla sektoreilla ja tämä näkyy muutoksena monilla kunnossapidon osa alueilla. Merkittävä muutos oli kunnossapitotoimintojen eriyttäminen omaksi yhtiöksi, joka oli toteutettu yhtiön strategisena valintana puolella tehtaista. Tutkimuksessa kävi myös ilmi, että henkilökunnan koulutukseen panostamalla tietojärjestelmiä voidaan hyödyntää tehokkaammin. Varastoon sidotun pääoman pienentäminen on merkinnyt materiaalilogistiikan tärkeyden korostumista tavoiteltaessa parempaa käyttövarmuutta. Kun lisäksi teollisuuden investointien määrät ovat viime vuosina laskeneet, on kunnossapidon ja etenkin sen suunnittelun rooli kasvanut.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää yritysjärjestelyiden vaikutuksia Suomen markkinoilla, sekä tutkia onko yritysjärjestelyiden eroavaisuuksilla vaikutusta menestymiseen. Yritysjärjestelyt ryhmitellään maksutavan, koon, kansainvälisyyden ja markkina-arvo/kirja-arvon perusteella. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 31 yritysjärjestelystä, joissa ainakin toinen osapuoli on ilmoitushetkellä ollut listattuna Helsingin pörssiin. Tutkimukseen valitut yritysjärjestelyt ovat tapahtuneet vuosien 1999-2007 välillä. Tutkimus suoritetaan kahdella eri menetelmällä: markkinaperusteisia tuottoja ja yritysten taloudellista informaatiota analysoimalla. Markkinaperusteisia tuottoja tutkitaan epänormaaleiden tuottojen avulla. Taloudelliseen informaatioon perustuvaa kannattavuutta tutkitaan kassavirran ja operatiivisen tuloksen avulla, jotka suhteutetaan yritysten markkina-arvoon ja liikevaihtoon. Empiiristen tulosten mukaan yritysjärjestelyt tuottavat ostettavan yrityksen osakkeenomistajille epänormaaleita tuottoja ja ostavan yrityksen osakkeenomistajille nollatuottoja. Tulokset ovat samankaltaisia kuin kansainvälisellä aineistolla aiemmin saadut. Taloudelliseen informaatioon perustuvat tulokset ovat ristiriitaisia mutta niistä on havaittavissa heikohko menestyminen yhdistymisen jälkeen.
Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää ominaisuudet, joita ohjelmistoalan yrityksen kansainvälistymisessä tukevalla kumppanilla tulee olla. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää mainitut ominaisuudet yleisesti ja luoda työkalu, jonka avulla potentiaalisia kumppaneita on mahdollista arvioida. Tämän lisäksi ominaisuuksia tarkennettiin tutkielman empiirisessä osassa, jossa kansainvälisen kumppanin ominaisuuksia selvitettiin tapauskohtaisesti tutkielman kohdeyrityksen, CAD Oy:n tilanteessa. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Ensimmäinen pohjautuu aikaisempaan tutkimukseen ja kirjallisuuteen kansainvälistymisestä, kohdemaiden valinnasta ja kumppanuuksista. Jälkimmäinen on laadullista tapaustutkimusta. Empiriassa selvitettiin CAD Oy:n kansainväliseltä kumppanilta vaadittavat ominaisuudet ja kartoitettiin naita ominaisuuksia omaavia potentiaalisia yhteistyökumppaneita tutkimuksen kohdemaista. Empiirinen tutkimus perustui kohdeyrityksen johdolle ja henkilöstölle tehtyihin haastatteluihin sekä verkkomateriaaliin. Empiiriseen tutkimukseen liitettiin kohdeyrityksen toiveesta myös kohdemaiden analyysia. Johtopaatoksena todettiin, ettei ole olemassa tiettyjä kriteereitä tai ominaisuuksia, joiden vaatimukset täyttämällä olisi mahdollista löytää sopiva kumppani jokaiseen tilanteeseen. Ominaisuudet on aina määriteltävä tapaus ja yrityskohtaisesti. Niihin vaikuttavat myös laajentumisen kohdemaan ominaispiirteet. Usein kumppanin toivotaan olevan luotettava, ja sen tulisi voida tarjota komplementaarista osaamista liittyen joko myyntiin ja markkinointiin tai teknologiseen osaamiseen. Sen on lisäksi tunnettava paikalliset toimintatavat ja kyettävä huolehtimaan asiakkaista ja heidän vaatimastaan tuesta. Erikoisvaatimuksia asettavat tuotteiden ominaisuudet ja lokalisointivaatimukset.
Succestul players of the university game? A study about the short duration of master’s degree studies and graduating at a young age The duration of studies has long been a topic of conversation. It was first mentioned in 1883, but the discussion has been quite active and topical for the last fifty years. During that time, there have been numerous committees, working groups for the Ministry of Education, and revisions to the structure of the master’s degree program. All of these have focused on lowering the duration of studies as well as the age at which students graduate. These two factors have been regarded as indicators of efficiency. Achieving these goals is seen to promote the successful transition from studies to work. In addition, the greater time that people spend working is thought to help with the fiscal burden of an aging population. The reasons for prolonged study seem to be: students working during the course of their studies; the actual workload of the studies, which sometimes does not correlate with the calculated workload; problems with the students’ course selections and with their financial support from the government; issues in teaching; and problems with university funding. This study focuses on students’ study experiences, their progress, and the university itself. Of particular interest was the students’ use of different resources—cultural, social, and economical capital. Participants in the study had graduated from the University of Turku between the years of 1999 and 2001 and were divided into two groups: prompt graduates, those who graduated among the fastest 18th percent in their faculty; and those who graduated at a slower pace. A survey (N=499) and interviews (N=69) were among the methods used, along with a compilation of statistics on the students’ duration of studies, the number of modules studied, and marks obtained. Bourdieu’s theory about fields and the games people play in those fields formed the theoretical background of this study. The university was seen to form a playing field with historically and politically changeable rules. The students playing in this field were considered to possess different economical, social, and cultural resources, which they use more or less successfully. Some of the strategies used by students result in gra¬duating at a young age and/or a short duration of study; some do not. This study divided the age of graduation and the duration of study into separate games. This allowed the study to determine the relationship between these two factors and to examine their similarities and differences. The study also focused on the idea of success. Short duration of studies and a young graduation age can be considered, be some, an indication of success in navigating the university field. This study aimed to see if this concept held true or whether these seeming indicators of success have negative side effects. The main result of this study is that, even though the games of duration and age have similarities, they are sufficiently diverse to be considered separate games, which need different resources. To graduate with a short duration of studies, it is important for a student to successfully view and navigate the university field, tailoring one’s studies and extracurricular activities to suit the individual. In the game of youth, the background of the student seemed to be of greater importance. The youngest graduates had spent more time with their parents, who also had higher educational qualifications. They also had higher achievement in their previous studies. This seems to indicate that their background allowed them to assimilate a better understanding of the school and university fields and that playing the university game was natural for them. As for the aspect of success, it seems that there are many ways to define the term. Youth on graduation and short duration of studies can be seen as two indicators of success. Both revealed negative and positive outcomes, even though short duration of studies seemed more often to be connected with positive outcomes. However, it seems that the best indicator for success is the way in which students organize study into their lives to support and suit their needs and abilities to realize a meaningful life and a successful entry into the field of work.
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