742 resultados para implementations


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Pervasive Sensing is a recent research trend that aims at providing widespread computing and sensing capabilities to enable the creation of smart environments that can sense, process, and act by considering input coming from both people and devices. The capabilities necessary for Pervasive Sensing are nowadays available on a plethora of devices, from embedded devices to PCs and smartphones. The wide availability of new devices and the large amount of data they can access enable a wide range of novel services in different areas, spanning from simple data collection systems to socially-aware collaborative filtering. However, the strong heterogeneity and unreliability of devices and sensors poses significant challenges. So far, existing works on Pervasive Sensing have focused only on limited portions of the whole stack of available devices and data that they can use, to propose and develop mainly vertical solutions. The push from academia and industry for this kind of services shows that time is mature for a more general support framework for Pervasive Sensing solutions able to enhance frail architectures, promote a well balanced usage of resources on different devices, and enable the widest possible access to sensed data, while ensuring a minimal energy consumption on battery-operated devices. This thesis focuses on pervasive sensing systems to extract design guidelines as foundation of a comprehensive reference model for multi-tier Pervasive Sensing applications. The validity of the proposed model is tested in five different scenarios that present peculiar and different requirements, and different hardware and sensors. The ease of mapping from the proposed logical model to the real implementations and the positive performance result campaigns prove the quality of the proposed approach and offer a reliable reference model, together with a direction for the design and deployment of future Pervasive Sensing applications.


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Kernkollaps-Supernovae werden von einem massiven Ausbruch niederenergetischer Neutrinos begleitet. Sie zählen zu den energiereichsten Erscheinungen im Universum und stellen die derzeit einzig bekannte Quelle extrasolarer Neutrinos dar.rnDie Detektion einer solchen Neutrinosignatur würde zu einem tieferen Verständnis des bislang unzureichend bekannten stellaren Explosionsmechanismus führen. rnDarüber hinaus würden neue Einblicke in den Bereich der Teilchenphysik und der Supernova-Modellierung ermöglicht. Das sich zur Zeit am geographischen Südpol im Aufbau befindliche Neutrinoteleskop IceCube wird 2011 fertig gestellt sein.rnIceCube besteht im endgültigen Ausbau aus 5160 Photovervielfachern, die sich in gitterförmiger Anordnung in Tiefen zwischen 1450m und 2450m unter der Eisoberfläche befinden. Durch den Nachweis von Tscherenkow-Photonenrnim antarktischen Gletscher ist es in der Lage, galaktische Supernovae über einen kollektiven Anstieg der Rauschraten in seinen Photonenvervielfachern nachzuweisen.rnIn dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Studien zur Implementierung einer künstlichen Totzeit vorgestellt, welche korreliertes Rauschen unterdrücken und somit das Signal-Untergund-Verhältnis maximieren würden.rnEin weiterer Teil dieser Dissertation bestand in der Integration der Supernova-Datenakquise eine neue Experiment-Steuerungssoftware.rnFür den Analyseteil der Arbeit wurde ein Monte-Carlo für IceCube entwickelt und Neutinooszillations-Mechanismen und eine Reihe von Signalmodellen integriert. Ein Likelihoodhypothesen-Test wurde verwendet, um die Unterscheidbarkeit verschiedener Supernova- beziehungsweise Neutrinooszillations-Szenarien zu untersuchen. Desweiteren wurde analysiert inwieweit sich Schock-Anregungen und QCD-Phasenübergnag im Verlauf des Explosionsprozesses detektieren lassen.


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The conventional way to calculate hard scattering processes in perturbation theory using Feynman diagrams is not efficient enough to calculate all necessary processes - for example for the Large Hadron Collider - to a sufficient precision. Two alternatives to order-by-order calculations are studied in this thesis.rnrnIn the first part we compare the numerical implementations of four different recursive methods for the efficient computation of Born gluon amplitudes: Berends-Giele recurrence relations and recursive calculations with scalar diagrams, with maximal helicity violating vertices and with shifted momenta. From the four methods considered, the Berends-Giele method performs best, if the number of external partons is eight or bigger. However, for less than eight external partons, the recursion relation with shifted momenta offers the best performance. When investigating the numerical stability and accuracy, we found that all methods give satisfactory results.rnrnIn the second part of this thesis we present an implementation of a parton shower algorithm based on the dipole formalism. The formalism treats initial- and final-state partons on the same footing. The shower algorithm can be used for hadron colliders and electron-positron colliders. Also massive partons in the final state were included in the shower algorithm. Finally, we studied numerical results for an electron-positron collider, the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider.


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The thesis describes the implementation of a calibration, format-translation and data conditioning software for radiometric tracking data of deep-space spacecraft. All of the available propagation-media noise rejection techniques available as features in the code are covered in their mathematical formulations, performance and software implementations. Some techniques are retrieved from literature and current state of the art, while other algorithms have been conceived ex novo. All of the three typical deep-space refractive environments (solar plasma, ionosphere, troposphere) are dealt with by employing specific subroutines. Specific attention has been reserved to the GNSS-based tropospheric path delay calibration subroutine, since it is the most bulky module of the software suite, in terms of both the sheer number of lines of code, and development time. The software is currently in its final stage of development and once completed will serve as a pre-processing stage for orbit determination codes. Calibration of transmission-media noise sources in radiometric observables proved to be an essential operation to be performed of radiometric data in order to meet the more and more demanding error budget requirements of modern deep-space missions. A completely autonomous and all-around propagation-media calibration software is a novelty in orbit determination, although standalone codes are currently employed by ESA and NASA. The described S/W is planned to be compatible with the current standards for tropospheric noise calibration used by both these agencies like the AMC, TSAC and ESA IFMS weather data, and it natively works with the Tracking Data Message file format (TDM) adopted by CCSDS as standard aimed to promote and simplify inter-agency collaboration.


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In questa tesi ho voluto descrivere il Timing Attack al sistema crittografico RSA, il suo funzionamento, la teoria su cui si basa, i suoi punti di forza e i punti deboli. Questo particolare tipo di attacco informatico fu presentato per la prima volta da Paul C. Kocher nel 1996 all’“RSA Data Security and CRYPTO conferences”. Nel suo articolo “Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems” l’autore svela una nuova possibile falla nel sistema RSA, che non dipende da debolezze del crittosistema puramente matematiche, ma da un aspetto su cui nessuno prima di allora si era mai soffermato: il tempo di esecuzione delle operazioni crittografiche. Il concetto è tanto semplice quanto geniale: ogni operazione in un computer ha una certa durata. Le variazioni dei tempi impiegati per svolgere le operazioni dal computer infatti, necessariamente dipendono dal tipo di algoritmo e quindi dalle chiavi private e dal particolare input che si è fornito. In questo modo, misurando le variazioni di tempo e usando solamente strumenti statistici, Kocher mostra che è possibile ottenere informazioni sull’implementazione del crittosistema e quindi forzare RSA e altri sistemi di sicurezza, senza neppure andare a toccare l’aspetto matematico dell’algoritmo. Di centrale importanza per questa teoria diventa quindi la statistica. Questo perché entrano in gioco molte variabili che possono influire sul tempo di calcolo nella fase di decifrazione: - La progettazione del sistema crittografico - Quanto impiega la CPU ad eseguire il processo - L’algoritmo utilizzato e il tipo di implementazione - La precisione delle misurazioni - Ecc. Per avere più possibilità di successo nell’attaccare il sistema occorre quindi fare prove ripetute utilizzando la stessa chiave e input differenti per effettuare analisi di correlazione statistica delle informazioni di temporizzazione, fino al punto di recuperare completamente la chiave privata. Ecco cosa asserisce Kocher: “Against a vulnerable system, the attack is computationally inexpensive and often requires only known ciphertext.”, cioè, contro sistemi vulnerabili, l’attacco è computazionalmente poco costoso e spesso richiede solo di conoscere testi cifrati e di ottenere i tempi necessari per la loro decifrazione.


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In technical design processes in the automotive industry, digital prototypes rapidly gain importance, because they allow for a detection of design errors in early development stages. The technical design process includes the computation of swept volumes for maintainability analysis and clearance checks. The swept volume is very useful, for example, to identify problem areas where a safety distance might not be kept. With the explicit construction of the swept volume an engineer gets evidence on how the shape of components that come too close have to be modified.rnIn this thesis a concept for the approximation of the outer boundary of a swept volume is developed. For safety reasons, it is essential that the approximation is conservative, i.e., that the swept volume is completely enclosed by the approximation. On the other hand, one wishes to approximate the swept volume as precisely as possible. In this work, we will show, that the one-sided Hausdorff distance is the adequate measure for the error of the approximation, when the intended usage is clearance checks, continuous collision detection and maintainability analysis in CAD. We present two implementations that apply the concept and generate a manifold triangle mesh that approximates the outer boundary of a swept volume. Both algorithms are two-phased: a sweeping phase which generates a conservative voxelization of the swept volume, and the actual mesh generation which is based on restricted Delaunay refinement. This approach ensures a high precision of the approximation while respecting conservativeness.rnThe benchmarks for our test are amongst others real world scenarios that come from the automotive industry.rnFurther, we introduce a method to relate parts of an already computed swept volume boundary to those triangles of the generator, that come closest during the sweep. We use this to verify as well as to colorize meshes resulting from our implementations.


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This thesis investigates interactive scene reconstruction and understanding using RGB-D data only. Indeed, we believe that depth cameras will still be in the near future a cheap and low-power 3D sensing alternative suitable for mobile devices too. Therefore, our contributions build on top of state-of-the-art approaches to achieve advances in three main challenging scenarios, namely mobile mapping, large scale surface reconstruction and semantic modeling. First, we will describe an effective approach dealing with Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) on platforms with limited resources, such as a tablet device. Unlike previous methods, dense reconstruction is achieved by reprojection of RGB-D frames, while local consistency is maintained by deploying relative bundle adjustment principles. We will show quantitative results comparing our technique to the state-of-the-art as well as detailed reconstruction of various environments ranging from rooms to small apartments. Then, we will address large scale surface modeling from depth maps exploiting parallel GPU computing. We will develop a real-time camera tracking method based on the popular KinectFusion system and an online surface alignment technique capable of counteracting drift errors and closing small loops. We will show very high quality meshes outperforming existing methods on publicly available datasets as well as on data recorded with our RGB-D camera even in complete darkness. Finally, we will move to our Semantic Bundle Adjustment framework to effectively combine object detection and SLAM in a unified system. Though the mathematical framework we will describe does not restrict to a particular sensing technology, in the experimental section we will refer, again, only to RGB-D sensing. We will discuss successful implementations of our algorithm showing the benefit of a joint object detection, camera tracking and environment mapping.


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Geometric packing problems may be formulated mathematically as constrained optimization problems. But finding a good solution is a challenging task. The more complicated the geometry of the container or the objects to be packed, the more complex the non-penetration constraints become. In this work we propose the use of a physics engine that simulates a system of colliding rigid bodies. It is a tool to resolve interpenetration conflicts and to optimize configurations locally. We develop an efficient and easy-to-implement physics engine that is specialized for collision detection and contact handling. In succession of the development of this engine a number of novel algorithms for distance calculation and intersection volume were designed and imple- mented, which are presented in this work. They are highly specialized to pro- vide fast responses for cuboids and triangles as input geometry whereas the concepts they are based on can easily be extended to other convex shapes. Especially noteworthy in this context is our ε-distance algorithm - a novel application that is not only very robust and fast but also compact in its im- plementation. Several state-of-the-art third party implementations are being presented and we show that our implementations beat them in runtime and robustness. The packing algorithm that lies on top of the physics engine is a Monte Carlo based approach implemented for packing cuboids into a container described by a triangle soup. We give an implementation for the SAE J1100 variant of the trunk packing problem. We compare this implementation to several established approaches and we show that it gives better results in faster time than these existing implementations.


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Nowadays the rise of non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs associated with complexity is becoming a major factor in SoC design, limiting both scaling opportunities and the flexibility advantages offered by the integration of complex computational units. The introduction of embedded programmable elements can represent an appealing solution, able both to guarantee the desired flexibility and upgradabilty and to widen the SoC market. In particular embedded FPGA (eFPGA) cores can provide bit-level optimization for those applications which benefits from synthesis, paying on the other side in terms of performance penalties and area overhead with respect to standard cell ASIC implementations. In this scenario this thesis proposes a design methodology for a synthesizable programmable device designed to be embedded in a SoC. A soft-core embedded FPGA (eFPGA) is hence presented and analyzed in terms of the opportunities given by a fully synthesizable approach, following an implementation flow based on Standard-Cell methodology. A key point of the proposed eFPGA template is that it adopts a Multi-Stage Switching Network (MSSN) as the foundation of the programmable interconnects, since it can be efficiently synthesized and optimized through a standard cell based implementation flow, ensuring at the same time an intrinsic congestion-free network topology. The evaluation of the flexibility potentialities of the eFPGA has been performed using different technology libraries (STMicroelectronics CMOS 65nm and BCD9s 0.11μm) through a design space exploration in terms of area-speed-leakage tradeoffs, enabled by the full synthesizability of the template. Since the most relevant disadvantage of the adopted soft approach, compared to a hardcore, is represented by a performance overhead increase, the eFPGA analysis has been made targeting small area budgets. The generation of the configuration bitstream has been obtained thanks to the implementation of a custom CAD flow environment, and has allowed functional verification and performance evaluation through an application-aware analysis.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Modellierung niederenergetischer elektromagnetischer und hadronischer Prozesse im Rahmen einer manifest lorentzinvarianten, chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie unter expliziter, dynamischer Berücksichtigung resonanter, das heißt vektormesonischer Freiheitsgrade. Diese effektive Theorie kann daher als Approximation der grundlegenden Quantenchromodynamik bei kleinen Energien verstanden werden. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf das verwendete Zähl- sowie Renormierungschema gelegt, wodurch eine konsistente Beschreibung mesonischer Prozesse bis zu Energien von etwa 1GeV ermöglicht wird. Das verwendete Zählschema beruht dabei im Wesentlichen auf einem Argument für großes N_c (Anzahl der Farbfreiheitsgrade) und lässt eine äquivalente Behandlung von Goldstonebosonen (Pionen) und Resonanzen (Rho- und Omegamesonen) zu. Als Renormierungsschema wird das für (bezüglich der starken Wechselwirkung) instabile Teilchen besonders geeignete complex-mass scheme als Erweiterung des extended on-mass-shell scheme verwendet, welches in Kombination mit dem BPHZ-Renormierungsverfahren (benannt nach Bogoliubov, Parasiuk, Hepp und Zimmermann) ein leistungsfähiges Konzept zur Berechnung von Quantenkorrekturen in dieser chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie darstellt. Sämtliche vorgenommenen Rechnungen schließen Terme der chiralen Ordnung vier sowie einfache Schleifen in Feynman-Diagrammen ein. Betrachtet werden unter anderem der Vektorformfaktor des Pions im zeitartigen Bereich, die reelle Compton-Streuung (beziehungsweise Photonenfusion) im neutralen und geladenen Kanal sowie die virtuelle Compton-Streuung, eingebettet in die Elektron-Positron-Annihilation. Zur Extraktion der Niederenergiekopplungskonstanten der Theorie wird letztendlich eine Reihe experimenteller Datensätze verschiedenartiger Observablen verwendet. Die hier entwickelten Methoden und Prozeduren - und insbesondere deren technische Implementierung - sind sehr allgemeiner Natur und können daher auch an weitere Problemstellungen aus diesem Gebiet der niederenergetischen Quantenchromodynamik angepasst werden.


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Die causa finalis der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das Verständnis des Phasendiagramms von Wasserstoff bei ultrahohen Drücken, welche von nichtleitendem H2 bis hin zu metallischem H reichen. Da die Voraussetzungen für ultrahohen Druck im Labor schwer zu schaffen sind, bilden Computersimulationen ein wichtiges alternatives Untersuchungsinstrument. Allerdings sind solche Berechnungen eine große Herausforderung. Eines der größten Probleme ist die genaue Auswertung des Born-Oppenheimer Potentials, welches sowohl für die nichtleitende als auch für die metallische Phase geeignet sein muss. Außerdem muss es die starken Korrelationen berücksichtigen, die durch die kovalenten H2 Bindungen und die eventuellen Phasenübergänge hervorgerufen werden. Auf dieses Problem haben unsere Anstrengungen abgezielt. Im Kontext von Variationellem Monte Carlo (VMC) ist die Shadow Wave Function (SWF) eine sehr vielversprechende Option. Aufgrund ihrer Flexibilität sowohl lokalisierte als auch delokalisierte Systeme zu beschreiben sowie ihrer Fähigkeit Korrelationen hoher Ordnung zu berücksichtigen, ist sie ein idealer Kandidat für unsere Zwecke. Unglücklicherweise bringt ihre Formulierung ein Vorzeichenproblem mit sich, was die Anwendbarkeit limitiert. Nichtsdestotrotz ist es möglich diese Schwierigkeit zu umgehen indem man die Knotenstruktur a priori festlegt. Durch diesen Formalismus waren wir in der Lage die Beschreibung der Elektronenstruktur von Wasserstoff signifikant zu verbessern, was eine sehr vielversprechende Perspektive bietet. Während dieser Forschung haben wir also die Natur des Vorzeichenproblems untersucht, das sich auf die SWF auswirkt, und dabei ein tieferes Verständnis seines Ursprungs erlangt. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in vier Kapitel unterteilt. Das erste Kapitel führt VMC und die SWF mit besonderer Ausrichtung auf fermionische Systeme ein. Kapitel 2 skizziert die Literatur über das Phasendiagramm von Wasserstoff bei ultrahohem Druck. Das dritte Kapitel präsentiert die Implementierungen unseres VMC Programms und die erhaltenen Ergebnisse. Zum Abschluss fasst Kapitel 4 unsere Bestrebungen zur Lösung des zur SWF zugehörigen Vorzeichenproblems zusammen.


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The exchange of chemical constituents between ocean and atmosphere provides potentially important feedback mechanisms in the climate system. The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a chemically coupled global atmosphere-ocean model. For this, an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model with atmospheric chemistry has been expanded to include oceanic biogeochemistry and the process of air-sea gas exchange. The calculation of seawater concentrations in the oceanic biogeochemistry submodel has been expanded from DMS, CO₂


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Zeitreihen sind allgegenwärtig. Die Erfassung und Verarbeitung kontinuierlich gemessener Daten ist in allen Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Finanzwelt vertreten. Das enorme Anwachsen aufgezeichneter Datenmengen, sei es durch automatisierte Monitoring-Systeme oder integrierte Sensoren, bedarf außerordentlich schneller Algorithmen in Theorie und Praxis. Infolgedessen beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der effizienten Berechnung von Teilsequenzalignments. Komplexe Algorithmen wie z.B. Anomaliedetektion, Motivfabfrage oder die unüberwachte Extraktion von prototypischen Bausteinen in Zeitreihen machen exzessiven Gebrauch von diesen Alignments. Darin begründet sich der Bedarf nach schnellen Implementierungen. Diese Arbeit untergliedert sich in drei Ansätze, die sich dieser Herausforderung widmen. Das umfasst vier Alignierungsalgorithmen und ihre Parallelisierung auf CUDA-fähiger Hardware, einen Algorithmus zur Segmentierung von Datenströmen und eine einheitliche Behandlung von Liegruppen-wertigen Zeitreihen.rnrnDer erste Beitrag ist eine vollständige CUDA-Portierung der UCR-Suite, die weltführende Implementierung von Teilsequenzalignierung. Das umfasst ein neues Berechnungsschema zur Ermittlung lokaler Alignierungsgüten unter Verwendung z-normierten euklidischen Abstands, welches auf jeder parallelen Hardware mit Unterstützung für schnelle Fouriertransformation einsetzbar ist. Des Weiteren geben wir eine SIMT-verträgliche Umsetzung der Lower-Bound-Kaskade der UCR-Suite zur effizienten Berechnung lokaler Alignierungsgüten unter Dynamic Time Warping an. Beide CUDA-Implementierungen ermöglichen eine um ein bis zwei Größenordnungen schnellere Berechnung als etablierte Methoden.rnrnAls zweites untersuchen wir zwei Linearzeit-Approximierungen für das elastische Alignment von Teilsequenzen. Auf der einen Seite behandeln wir ein SIMT-verträgliches Relaxierungschema für Greedy DTW und seine effiziente CUDA-Parallelisierung. Auf der anderen Seite führen wir ein neues lokales Abstandsmaß ein, den Gliding Elastic Match (GEM), welches mit der gleichen asymptotischen Zeitkomplexität wie Greedy DTW berechnet werden kann, jedoch eine vollständige Relaxierung der Penalty-Matrix bietet. Weitere Verbesserungen umfassen Invarianz gegen Trends auf der Messachse und uniforme Skalierung auf der Zeitachse. Des Weiteren wird eine Erweiterung von GEM zur Multi-Shape-Segmentierung diskutiert und auf Bewegungsdaten evaluiert. Beide CUDA-Parallelisierung verzeichnen Laufzeitverbesserungen um bis zu zwei Größenordnungen.rnrnDie Behandlung von Zeitreihen beschränkt sich in der Literatur in der Regel auf reellwertige Messdaten. Der dritte Beitrag umfasst eine einheitliche Methode zur Behandlung von Liegruppen-wertigen Zeitreihen. Darauf aufbauend werden Distanzmaße auf der Rotationsgruppe SO(3) und auf der euklidischen Gruppe SE(3) behandelt. Des Weiteren werden speichereffiziente Darstellungen und gruppenkompatible Erweiterungen elastischer Maße diskutiert.


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In this thesis I present a new coarse-grained model suitable to investigate the phase behavior of rod-coil block copolymers on mesoscopic length scales. In this model the rods are represented by hard spherocylinders, whereas the coil block consists of interconnected beads. The interactions between the constituents are based on local densities. This facilitates an efficient Monte-Carlo sampling of the phase space. I verify the applicability of the model and the simulation approach by means of several examples. I treat pure rod systems and mixtures of rod and coil polymers. Then I append coils to the rods and investigate the role of the different model parameters. Furthermore, I compare different implementations of the model. I prove the capability of the rod-coil block copolymers in our model to exhibit typical micro-phase separated configurations as well as extraordinary phases, such as the wavy lamellar state, percolating structuresrnand clusters. Additionally, I demonstrate the metastability of the observed zigzag phase in our model. A central point of this thesis is the examination of the phase behavior of the rod-coil block copolymers in dependence of different chain lengths and interaction strengths between rods and coil. The observations of these studies are summarized in a phase diagram for rod-coil block copolymers. Furthermore, I validate a stabilization of the smectic phase with increasing coil fraction.rnIn the second part of this work I present a side project in which I derive a model permitting the simulation of tetrapods with and without grafted semiconducting block copolymers. The effect of these polymers is added in an implicit manner by effective interactions between the tetrapods. While the depletion interaction is described in an approximate manner within the Asakura-Oosawa model, the free energy penalty for the brush compression is calculated within the Alexander-de Gennes model. Recent experiments with CdSe tetrapods show that grafted tetrapods are clearly much better dispersed in the polymer matrix than bare tetrapods. My simulations confirm that bare tetrapods tend to aggregate in the matrix of excess polymers, while clustering is significantly reduced after grafting polymer chains to the tetrapods. Finally, I propose a possible extension enabling the simulation of a system with fluctuating volume and demonstrate its basic functionality. This study is originated in a cooperation with an experimental group with the goal to analyze the morphology of these systems in order to find the ideal morphology for hybrid solar cells.


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Topographically organized neurons represent multiple stimuli within complex visual scenes and compete for subsequent processing in higher visual centers. The underlying neural mechanisms of this process have long been elusive. We investigate an experimentally constrained model of a midbrain structure: the optic tectum and the reciprocally connected nucleus isthmi. We show that a recurrent antitopographic inhibition mediates the competitive stimulus selection between distant sensory inputs in this visual pathway. This recurrent antitopographic inhibition is fundamentally different from surround inhibition in that it projects on all locations of its input layer, except to the locus from which it receives input. At a larger scale, the model shows how a focal top-down input from a forebrain region, the arcopallial gaze field, biases the competitive stimulus selection via the combined activation of a local excitation and the recurrent antitopographic inhibition. Our findings reveal circuit mechanisms of competitive stimulus selection and should motivate a search for anatomical implementations of these mechanisms in a range of vertebrate attentional systems.