795 resultados para good enemy


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Non-myrmecophilous lepidopteran larvae using plants bearing ant attractants such as extrafloral nectaries are good models for studying morphological and behavioural mechanisms against ant predation. Udranomia spitzi (Hesperiidae) is a butterfly whose larvae feed on leaves of Ouratea spectabilis (Ochnaceae), a plant with extrafloral nectaries. We described the early stages of U. spitzi, and used field observations and experiments to investigate the defensive strategies of caterpillars against predatory ants. Larvae pass through five instars and pupation occurs inside larval leaf shelters. Ant-exclusion experiments revealed that the presence of ants did not affect significantly caterpillar survival. Predation experiments showed that vulnerability to ant predation decreased with increase in larval size. The present study showed that predatory ants are not as relevant as demonstrated for other systems, and also illustrates how observational data and field experiments can contribute to a better understanding of the biology and ecology of a species of interest.


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Fibroblastic rheumatism (FR) is a rare disease first described by Chaouat (in Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic 47: 345-351, 1980) and is characterized by a combination of rheumatologic and dermatological manifestations. Rheumatologic features are symmetrical polyarthralgias with joint stiffness, associated with cutaneous nodules and sclerodactyly. Histology shows an increased number of fibroblasts and a marked dermal fibrosis. A large number of treatments have been tried, but all of them have shown an unpredictable effect on FR. We report a Brazilian case of FR showing a good clinical response to methotrexate treatment. This drug may be considered an effective treatment in FR.


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Objective Immune responses against differentiated thyroid carcinomas (DTC) have long been recognized. We aimed to investigate the role of immune cell infiltration in the progression of DTC. Design We studied 398 patients 253 with papillary and 13 with follicular thyroid cancers, as well as 132 with nonmalignant tissues. Patients and measurements Immune cell infiltration was identified using CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD68 and FoxP3 immunohistochemical markers. In addition, we assessed colocalization of CD4 and IL-17 to identify Th17 lymphocytic infiltration and colocalization of CD33 and CD11b to identify infiltration of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). Results Immune cells infiltrated malignant tissues more often than benign lesions. The presence of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (CLT) concurrent to DTC, CD68+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, FoxP3+ and Th17 lymphocytes but not MDSCs was associated with clinical and pathological features of lower tumour aggressiveness and a more favourable patient outcome. A log-rank test confirmed an association between concurrent CLT, tumour-associated macrophage infiltration, and CD8+ lymphocytes and an increased in disease-free survival, suggesting that evidence of these immune reactions is associated with a favourable prognosis. Conclusion Our data suggest that the tumour or peri-tumoural microenvironment may act to modify the observed pattern of immune response. Immune cell infiltration and the presence of concurrent CLT helped characterize specific tumour histotypes associated with favourable prognostic features.


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Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a class of 28 positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid octadecadienoic.Currently, it has been described many benefits related to the supplementation of CLA in animals and humans, as in the treatment of cancer, oxidative stress, in atherosclerosis, in bone formation and composition in obesity, in diabetes and the immune system. However, our results show that, CLA appears to be not a good supplement in patients with cachexia.


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This paper describes the integration of information between Digital Library of Historical Cartography and Bibliographical Database (DEDALUS), both of the University of São Paulo (USP), to guarantee open, public access by Internet to the maps in the collection and make them available to users everywhere. This digital library was designed by Historical Cartography Studies Laboratory team (LECH/USP), and provides maps images on the Web, of high resolution, as well as such information on these maps as technical-scientific data (projection, scale, coordinates), printing techniques and material support that have made their circulation and cultural consumption possible. The Digital Library of Historical Cartography is accessible not only to the historical cartography researchers, but also to students and the general public. Beyond being a source of information about maps, the Digital Library of Historical Cartography seeks to be interactive, exchanging information and seeking dialogue with different branches of knowledge


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[EN]This dissertation analyses the Eastern cultural influences present in the aesthetic of Buck’s best seller The Good Earth. The objective is to study the characteristics of Buck’s aesthetic as a product of a creative process of self-translation between Mandarin and English. The methodology of analysis has focused on the characters of the novel, the strategies used to refer to them, the characters’ idiolect and their social interaction (facework). Finally, these cultural aspects have been compared with one of the Spanish translations available of the novel. The results obtained show a novel highly influenced by the Eastern tradition, where the idiolect of the characters show an influence from both East and West possible thanks to the mechanism of self-translation.


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Il Medio Oriente è una regione in cui le scarse risorse idriche giocano un ruolo fondamentale nei rapporti e nelle relazioni tra gli Stati. Soprattutto nell'area di Israele, Palestina e Giordania la natura transfrontaliera delle fonti idriche condivise è considerata da qualche ricercatore come un catalizzatore del più ampio conflitto arabo-israeliano. Altri studiosi, tuttavia, vedono nella cooperazione regionale sulle risorse idriche un potenziale cammino verso una pace duratura veicolata dalla natura interdipendente delle fonti idriche comuni a più territori. Dato che l'acqua è l'elemento che per molti aspetti contribuisce allo sviluppo sociale ed economico e dato che le fonti idriche sotterranee e di superficie non conoscono confini e si muovono liberamente nel territorio, la cooperazione tra gli Stati rivieraschi delle risorse idriche dovrebbe arrivare a prevalere sul conflitto. Unica nel suo genere, l'ong trilaterale israelo-palestinese giordana Friends of the Earth Middle East, FoEME, ha fatto proprio tale auspicio e dal 1994 punta a sviluppare progetti di cooperazione per la salvaguardia del patrimonio naturale dell'area del bacino del fiume Giordano e del Mar Morto. Attraverso l'esperienza del Progetto Good Water Neighbors, GWN, avviato nel 2002, sta lavorando ad una serie di iniziative nel campo dell'environmental awareness e del social empowerment a favore di comunità  israeliane, palestinesi e giordane transfrontaliere che condividono risorse idriche sotterranee o di superficie. Operando inizialmente a livello locale per identificare i problemi idrico-ambientali di ogni comunità  selezionata e lavorare con i cittadini (ragazzi, famiglie e amministratori municipali) per migliorare la conoscenza idrica locale attraverso attività  di educazione ambientale, di water awareness e piani di sviluppo urbano eco-compatibile, il Progetto GWN ha facilitato a livello transfrontaliero i rapporti tra le comunità  confinanti abbattendo la barriera di sfiducia e sospetto che normalmente impedisce relazioni pacifiche, ha coadiuvato l'analisi dei problemi idrici comuni cercando di risolverli attraverso uno sforzo programmatico condiviso e sostenibile, per giungere infine a livello regionale ad incoraggiare la gestione idrica comune attraverso lo scambio di informazioni, il dialogo e lo sforzo/impegno cooperativo congiunto tra gli attori parte del GWN al fine di incentivare la pace attraverso l'interesse comune della tutela delle fonti idriche condivise. Gli approcci di local development e participation, le azioni di confidence building e il peacebuilding attraverso la tutela ambientale applicati con il metodo di bottom up all'interno di un contesto non pacificato come quello del conflitto arabo-israeliano, fanno del Progetto GWN un esperimento innovativo e originale. Le comunità  israeliane, palestinesi e giordane selezionate hanno imparato a migliorare le proprie condizioni idrico-ambiennali cooperando assieme e sfruttando l'interdipendenza dalle fonti idriche condivise, avviando nel contempo rapporti pacifici con società  sempre considerate nemiche. La sfida è stata quella di far comprendere le potenzialità  di una cooperazione locale, in vista di un coordinamento regionale e di uno sforzo comune in grado di generare un beneficio collettivo. La lezione appresa finora durante questi primi sette anni di Progetto è stata quella di capire che non è necessario attendere la fine del conflitto per poter essere di aiuto alle proprie comunità  o per un benessere personale, ma si può agire subito, anche nel pieno dell'Intifada al-Aqsa e con i coprifuoco.


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Das Jahr 1989 markiert nicht nur den Beginn entscheidender geopolitischer Veränderungen, sondern gleichzeitig den Ursprung eines bedeutsamen Wandels in der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Mit der viel beachteten Studie ‚Sub-Saharan Africa – From Crisis to Sustainable Growth’ initiierte die Weltbank eine Debatte über die Relevanz institutioneller Faktoren für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, die in den folgenden Jahren unter dem Titel ‚Good Governance’ erhebliche Bedeutung erlangte. Nahezu alle zentralen Akteure begannen, entsprechende Aspekte in ihrer praktischen Arbeit zu berücksichtigen, und entwickelten eigene Konzepte zu dieser Thematik. Wenn auch mit der Konzentration auf Institutionen als Entwicklungsdeterminanten eine grundlegende Gemeinsamkeit der Ansätze festzustellen ist, unterscheiden sie sich jedoch erheblich im Hinblick auf die Einbeziehung politischer Faktoren, so dass von einem einheitlichen Verständnis von ‚Good Governance’ nicht gesprochen werden kann. Während die meisten bilateralen Akteure sowie DAC und UNDP Demokratie und Menschenrechte explizit als zentrale Bestandteile betrachten, identifiziert die Weltbank einen Kern von Good Governance, der unabhängig von der Herrschaftsform, also sowohl in Demokratien wie auch in Autokratien, verwirklicht werden kann. Die Implikationen dieser Feststellung sind weit reichend. Zunächst erlaubt erst diese Sichtweise der Bank überhaupt, entsprechende Aspekte aufzugreifen, da ihr eine Berücksichtigung politischer Faktoren durch ihre Statuten verboten ist. Bedeutsamer ist allerdings, dass die Behauptung der Trennbarkeit von Good Governance und der Form politischer Herrschaft die Möglichkeit eröffnet, Entwicklung zu erreichen ohne eine demokratische Ordnung zu etablieren, da folglich autokratische Systeme in gleicher Weise wie Demokratien in der Lage sind, die institutionellen Voraussetzungen zu verwirklichen, welche als zentrale Determinanten für wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt identifiziert wurden. Damit entfällt nicht nur ein bedeutsamer Rechtfertigungsgrund für demokratische Herrschaft als solche, sondern rekurrierend auf bestimmte, dieser zu attestierende, entwicklungshemmende Charakteristika können Autokratien nun möglicherweise als überlegene Herrschaftsform verstanden werden, da sie durch jene nicht gekennzeichnet sind. Die Schlussfolgerungen der Weltbank unterstützen somit auch die vor allem im Zusammenhang mit der Erfolgsgeschichte der ostasiatischen Tigerstaaten vertretene Idee der Entwicklungsdiktatur, die heute mit dem Aufstieg der Volksrepublik China eine Renaissance erlebt. Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg dieser Staaten ist danach auf die überlegene Handlungsfähigkeit autokratischer Systeme zurückzuführen, während Demokratien aufgrund der Verantwortlichkeitsbeziehungen zwischen Regierenden und Regierten nicht in der Lage sind, die notwendigen Entscheidungen zu treffen und durchzusetzen. Die dargestellte Sichtweise der Weltbank ist allerdings von verschiedenen Autoren in Zweifel gezogen worden, die auch für ein im Wesentlichen auf technische Elemente beschränktes Good Governance-Konzept einen Zusammenhang mit der Form politischer Herrschaft erkennen. So wird beispielsweise vertreten, das Konzept der Bank bewege sich ausdrücklich nicht in einem systemneutralen Vakuum, sondern propagiere zumindest implizit die Etablierung demokratischer Regierungsformen. Im Übrigen steht die aus den Annahmen der Weltbank neuerlich abgeleitete Idee der Entwicklungsdiktatur in einem erheblichen Widerspruch zu der von multilateralen wie bilateralen Akteuren verstärkt verfolgten Förderung demokratischer Herrschaft als Mittel für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung sowie der fortschreitenden Verbreitung der Demokratie. Besteht nun doch ein Einfluss der Herrschaftsform auf die Verwirklichung von Good Governance als zentraler Entwicklungsdeterminante und kann zudem davon ausgegangen werden, dass Demokratien diesbezüglich Vorteile besitzen, dann ist eine Entwicklungsdiktatur keine denkbare Möglichkeit, sondern im Gegenteil demokratische Herrschaft der gebotene Weg zu wirtschaftlichem Wachstum bzw. einer Verbesserung der Lebensverhältnisse. Aufgrund der mit den Schlussfolgerungen der Weltbank verbundenen bedeutsamen Implikationen und der bisher weitestgehend fehlenden ausführlichen Thematisierung dieses Gegenstands in der Literatur ist eine detaillierte theoretische Betrachtung der Zusammenhänge zwischen den zentralen Elementen von Good Governance und demokratischer Herrschaft notwendig. Darüber hinaus sollen die angesprochenen Beziehungen auch einer empirischen Analyse unterzogen werden. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist deshalb die Fragestellung, ob Good Governance eine von demokratischer Herrschaft theoretisch und empirisch unabhängige Entwicklungsstrategie darstellt.


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Concerns of Thai consumers on food safety have been recently increasing, especially in urban areas and for fresh produce because food safety scandals, such as chemical residues on fresh produce (e.g., cabbage) still frequently occur. The Thai government tried to meet consumer needs by imposing in the domestic market a stronger regulation aimed at increasing the baseline level of food safety assurance and by introducing a voluntary standard (based on Good Agricultural Practices or GAPs and known as Q-GAP) and the related food safety label (i.e., Q mark). However, since standards and regulations are weakly implemented in the domestic market compared to exported products, there is still a lack of Thai consumers’ confidence in the safety of local food products. In this work the current situation of GAPs adoption in Thai fresh produce production is analysed. Furthermore, it is studied whether Thai consumers place value on food safety labels available on the market, to know whether consumer demand could drive the market of certified safer products. This study contains three essays: 1) a review of the literature, 2) a qualitative study on stakeholders' perception toward GAPs adoption and 3) a quantitative study, aimed at analysing consumers' preferences and willingness-to-pay for food safety labels on fresh produce using a discrete choice experiment. This dissertation contributes to the economics of quality assurance and labelling, specifically addressing GAPs and food safety label in the fresh produce supply chain. Results show that Q-GAP could be effectively used to improve food safety in Thai domestic market, but its credibility should be improved. Stakeholder’s awareness toward food safety issues and the delivery of reliable and sound information are crucial. Thai consumers are willing to pay a premium price for food safety labelled produce over unlabelled ones. Implications for both government and business decision-makers are discussed.


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We review the functional and oncologic outcomes of seminal vesicle and prostate capsule sparing cystectomy combined with ileal orthotopic bladder substitution.


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Altitude training has become very popular among athletes as a means to further increase exercise performance at sea level or to acclimatize to competition at altitude. Several approaches have evolved during the last few decades, with "live high-train low" and "live low-train high" being the most popular. This review focuses on functional, muscular, and practical aspects derived from extensive research on the "live low-train high" approach. According to this, subjects train in hypoxia but remain under normoxia for the rest of the time. It has been reasoned that exercising in hypoxia could increase the training stimulus. Hypoxia training studies published in the past have varied considerably in altitude (2300-5700 m) and training duration (10 days to 8 weeks) and the fitness of the subjects. The evidence from muscle structural, biochemical, and molecular findings point to a specific role of hypoxia in endurance training. However, based on the available performance capacity data such as maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2)max) and (maximal) power output, hypoxia as a supplement to training is not consistently found to be advantageous for performance at sea level. Stronger evidence exists for benefits of hypoxic training on performance at altitude. "Live low-train high" may thus be considered when altitude acclimatization is not an option. In addition, the complex pattern of gene expression adaptations induced by supplemental training in hypoxia, but not normoxia, suggest that muscle tissue specifically responds to hypoxia. Whether and to what degree these gene expression changes translate into significant changes in protein concentrations that are ultimately responsible for observable structural or functional phenotypes remains open. It is conceivable that the global functional markers such as Vo(2)max and (maximal) power output are too coarse to detect more subtle changes that might still be functionally relevant, at least to high-level athletes.