999 resultados para Suites (Flutes (2))


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Introduction. We develop a sheep thoracic spine interbody fusion model to study the suitability of polycaprolactone-based scaffold and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as a bone graft substitute within the thoracic spine. The surgical approach is a mini- open thoracotomy with relevance to minimally invasive deformity correction surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. To date there are no studies examining the use of this biodegradable implant in combination with biologics in a sheep thoracic spine model. Methods. In the present study, six sheep underwent a 3-level (T6/7, T8/9 and T10/11) discectomy with randomly allocated implantation of a different graft substitute at each of the three levels; (i) calcium phosphate (CaP) coated polycaprolactone based scaffold plus 0.54µg rhBMP-2, (ii) CaP coated PCL- based scaffold alone or (iii) autograft (mulched rib head). Fusion was assessed at six months post-surgery. Results. Computed Tomographic scanning demonstrated higher fusion grades in the rhBMP-2 plus PCL- based scaffold group in comparison to either PCL-based scaffold alone or autograft. These results were supported by histological evaluations of the respective groups. Biomechanical testing revealed significantly higher stiffness for the rhBMP-2 plus PCL- based scaffold group in all loading directions in comparison to the other two groups. Conclusions. The results of this study demonstrate that rhBMP-2 plus PCL-based scaffold is a viable bone graft substitute, providing an optimal environment for thoracic interbody spinal fusion in a large animal model.


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The phosphate mineral series eosphorite–childrenite–(Mn,Fe)Al(PO4)(OH)2·(H2O) has been studied using a combination of electron probe analysis and vibrational spectroscopy. Eosphorite is the manganese rich mineral with lower iron content in comparison with the childrenite which has higher iron and lower manganese content. The determined formulae of the two studied minerals are: (Mn0.72,Fe0.13,Ca0.01)(Al)1.04(PO4, OHPO3)1.07(OH1.89,F0.02)·0.94(H2O) for SAA-090 and (Fe0.49,Mn0.35,Mg0.06,Ca0.04)(Al)1.03(PO4, OHPO3)1.05(OH)1.90·0.95(H2O) for SAA-072. Raman spectroscopy enabled the observation of bands at 970 cm−1 and 1011 cm−1 assigned to monohydrogen phosphate, phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate units. Differences are observed in the area of the peaks between the two eosphorite minerals. Raman bands at 562 cm−1, 595 cm−1, and 608 cm−1 are assigned to the �4 bending modes of the PO4, HPO4 and H2PO4 units; Raman bands at 405 cm−1, 427 cm−1 and 466 cm−1 are attributed to the �2 modes of these units. Raman bands of the hydroxyl and water stretching modes are observed. Vibrational spectroscopy enabled details of the molecular structure of the eosphorite mineral series to be determined.


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The pegmatite mineral qingheiite Na2(Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)2(Al,Fe3+)(PO4)3 has been studied by a combination of SEM and EMP, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The studied sample was collected from the Santa Ana pegmatite, Argentina. The mineral occurs as a primary mineral in lithium bearing pegmatite, in association with beausite and lithiophilite. The Raman spectrum is characterized by a very sharp intense Raman band at 980 cm�1 assigned to the PO3�4 symmetric stretching mode. Multiple Raman bands are observed in the PO3�4 antisymmetric stretching region, providing evidence for the existence of more than one phosphate unit in the structure of qingheiite and evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the phosphate units. This concept is affirmed by the number of bands in the m4 and m2 bending regions. No intensity was observed in the OH stretching region in the Raman spectrum but significant intensity is found in the infrared spectrum. Infrared bands are observed at 2917, 3195, 3414 and 3498 cm�1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. It is suggested that some water is coordinating the metal cations in the structure of qingheiite.


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The mineral kulanite BaFe2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3, a barium iron aluminum phosphate, has been studied by using a combination of electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy with EDX shows the mineral is homogenous with no other phases present. The Raman spectrum is dominated by an intense band at 1022 cm−1 assigned to the PO43-ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Low intensity Raman bands at 1076, 1110, 1146, 1182 cm−1 are attributed to the PO43-ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The infrared spectrum shows a complex spectral profile with overlapping bands. Multiple phosphate bending vibrations supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the phosphate anion. Raman spectrum at 3211, 3513 and 3533 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the OH units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects on the molecular structure of kulanite to be assessed.


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This research was done on lazulite samples from the Gentil mine, a lithium bearing pegmatite located in the municipality of Mendes Pimentel, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Chemical analysis was carried out by electron microprobe analysis and indicated a magnesium rich phase with partial substitution of iron. Traces of Ca and Mn, (which partially replaced Mg) were found. The calculated chemical formula of the studied sample is: (Mg0.88, Fe0.11)Al1.87(PO4)2.08(OH)2.02. The Raman spectrum of lazulite is dominated by an intense sharp band at 1060 cm-1 assigned to PO stretching vibrations of of tetrahedral [PO4] clusters presents into the HPO2/4- units. Two Raman bands at 1102 and 1137 cm-1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The two infrared bands at 997 and 1007 cm-1 are attributed to the m1 PO3/4- symmetric stretching modes. The intense bands at 1035, 1054, 1081, 1118 and 1154 cm-1 are assigned to the v3PO3/4- antisymmetric stretching modes from both the HOP and tetrahedral [PO4] clusters. A set of Raman bands at 605, 613, 633 and 648 cm-1 are assigned to the m4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4, HPO4 and H2PO4 units. Raman bands observed at 414, 425, 460, and 479 cm-1 are attributed to the m2 tetrahedral PO4 clusters, HPO4 and H2PO4 bending modes. The intense Raman band at 3402 and the infrared band at 3403 cm-1 are assigned to the stretching vibration of the OH units. A combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy enabled aspects of the molecular structure of the mineral lazulite to be understood.


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Bermanite Mn2þMn3þ2 ðPO4Þ2ðOHÞ2 � 4ðH2OÞ is a mixed valent hydrated hydroxy phosphate mineral. The mineral is reddish-brown and occurs in crystal aggregates and as lamellar masses. Bermanite is a common mineral in granitic pegmatites. The chemical composition of bermanite was obtained using EDS techniques. We have studied the molecular structure of bermanite using vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is characterized by a Raman doublet at 991 and 999 cm-1 attributed to the phosphate stretching mode of two non-equivalent phosphate units. Raman bands at 1071, 1117 and 1142 cm-1 are assigned to the phosphate antisymmetric stretching modes. The hydroxyl stretching spectral region is complex with overlapping bands attributed to water and hydroxyl stretching vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy proves most useful for the study of the mineral bermanite.


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Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has been used to determine the molecular structure of the phosphate mineral fairfieldite. The Raman phosphate (PO4)3- stretching region shows strong differences between the fairfieldite phosphate minerals which is attributed to the cation substitution for calcium in the structure. In the infrared spectra complexity exists with multiple (PO4)2- antisymmetric stretching vibrations observed, indicating a reduction of the tetrahedral symmetry. This loss of degeneracy is also reflected in the bending modes. Strong Raman bands around 600 cm-1 are assigned to v4 phosphate bending modes. Multiple bands in the 400–450 cm-1 region assigned to m2 phosphate bending modes provide further evidence of symmetry reduction of the phosphate anion. Three broadbands for fairfieldite are found at 3040, 3139 and 3271 cm-1 and are assigned to OH stretching bands. By using a Libowitzky empirical equation hydrogen bond distances of 2.658 and 2.730 A are estimated. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the molecular structure of the fairfieldite to be ascertained.


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Whether to keep products segregated (e.g., unbundled) or integrate some or all of them (e.g., bundle) has been a problem of profound interest in areas such as portfolio theory in finance, risk capital allocations in insurance and marketing of consumer products. Such decisions are inherently complex and depend on factors such as the underlying product values and consumer preferences, the latter being frequently described using value functions, also known as utility functions in economics. In this paper, we develop decision rules for multiple products, which we generally call ‘exposure units’ to naturally cover manifold scenarios spanning well beyond ‘products’. Our findings show, e.g. that the celebrated Thaler's principles of mental accounting hold as originally postulated when the values of all exposure units are positive (i.e. all are gains) or all negative (i.e. all are losses). In the case of exposure units with mixed-sign values, decision rules are much more complex and rely on cataloging the Bell number of cases that grow very fast depending on the number of exposure units. Consequently, in the present paper, we provide detailed rules for the integration and segregation decisions in the case up to three exposure units, and partial rules for the arbitrary number of units.


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This study used data from Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) to investigate how parent report of children’s emotional and cognitive regulation at age 2-3 years was associated with teacher ratings of children’s prosocial behaviors in the early years of school. A sample of 2,392 children was drawn from the LSAC Birth Cohort for the analyses. The analyses used structural equation modeling to estimate parameters of the relationships between key variables. Within the model, estimates of mother-reported emotional and cognitive regulation at age 2 to 3 years were significantly associated with teacher-reported prosocial behavior at 6 to 7 years. Emotional regulation was a slightly stronger indicator of prosocial behavior than cognitive regulation. Being female and from a family with a higher socioeconomic position were also associated with higher levels of prosocial behavior. Results are discussed in relation to the role of early childhood teachers in fostering children’s self-regulatory behaviors and in providing environments in which empathic and prosocial behaviors are modeled, guided, and scaffolded so that foundations are laid for caring behaviors to be understood and internalized by children.


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Although the adoption of Enterprise Web 2.0 within organisations is beneficial, it could meet with employees’ resistance and the adoption process can be lengthy. The successful implementation of Enterprise Web 2.0 is based on employee involvement and adoption of such social technology. This paper is part of a larger research project that explored the adoption of Web 2.0 by individuals within enterprises. Using a qualitative study, the findings show that there are number of adoption influences including technological, individual and contextual issues. This paper presents Web 2.0 technological attributes that influence its adoption. The found attributes are: friendliness, reliability, mobility, technical compatibility, discoverability, transparency and Web 2.0 type.


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The mineral olshanskyite is one of many calcium borate minerals which has never been studied using vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is unstable and decomposes upon exposure to an electron beam. This makes the elemental analysis using EDX techniques difficult. Both the Raman and infrared spectra show complexity due to the complexity of the structure. Intense Raman bands are found at 989, 1,003, 1,025 and 1,069 cm-1 with a shoulder at 961 cm-1 and are assigned to trigonal borate units. The Raman bands at 1,141, 1,206 and 1,365 cm-1 are assigned to OH in-plane bending of BOH units. A series of Raman bands are observed in the 2,900–3,621cm-1 spectral range and are assigned to the stretching vibrations of OH and water. This complexity is also reflected in the infrared spectra. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the structure of olshanskyite to be elucidated.


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We have studied the mineral goyazite using Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Goyazite is a member of the crandallite subgroup of the alunite supergroup. The crystal structure is of the alunite-type and consists of sheets of corner-sharing AlO6 octahedra parallel to (0001). The octahedrally coordinated Sr2+ cations occupy cavities between pairs of octahedral sheets and are surrounded by six oxygen atoms from the (Al3+)O6 octahedra. The very intense sharp band at 983 cm-1 is assigned to the ν1 PO43- symmetric stretching mode. The observation of a single band supports the concept that all the phosphate units are equivalent in the structure of goyazite. Raman bands observed at 1029 cm-1 and 1037 cm-1 are assigned to the to the ν3 PO43- antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Two Raman bands at 895 and 927 cm-1 are attributed to the stretching vibrations of H2PO4; thus indicating some hydrogen phosphate units in the structure of goyazite. Raman bands at 556, 581, 596 and 612 cm-1 are assigned to the ν4 PO43- bending modes, suggesting a reduction of symmetry of phosphate units. Two sharp Raman bands at 3609 and 3631 cm-1 are attributed to OH stretching vibrations from the goyazite hydroxyl units. Broad Raman bands at 2924, 3043, 3210, 3429 and 3511 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of goyazite to be determined.


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Currently there is a lack of choice when selecting synthetic materials with the cell-instructive properties demanded by modern biomaterials. The purpose of this study was to investigate the attachment of cells onto hydrogels prepared from poly(2-oxazoline)s selectively-functionalized with cell adhesion motifs. A water-soluble macromer based on the microwave-assisted cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-methyl-2-oxazoline and 2-(dec-9-enyl)-2-oxazoline was functionalized with the peptide CRGDSG or controls using thiol-ene photochemistry followed by facile crosslinking in the presence of a dithiol crosslinker. The growth of human fibroblasts on the hydrogel surfaces was dictated by the structure and amount of incorporated peptide. Controls without any peptide showed resistance to cellular attachment. The benignity of the crosslinking conditions was demonstrated by the incorporation of fibroblasts within the hydrogels to produce three-dimensional cell-polymer constructs.


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This study explores and evaluates students’ and teachers’ experiences when using a range of Web 2.0 tools in Higher Education teaching and learning. It contributes to our understanding of how Web 2.0 learning communities are constructed, experienced and the nature of the participation therein. This research extends our knowledge and understanding of the Web 2.0 phenomena, and provides a framework that can assist with improving future Web 2.0 implementation.