774 resultados para Social interactions
Vocal differentiation is widely documented in birds and mammals but has been poorly investigated in other vertebrates, including fish, which represent the oldest extant vertebrate group. Neural circuitry controlling vocal behaviour is thought to have evolved from conserved brain areas that originated in fish, making this taxon key to understanding the evolution and development of the vertebrate vocal-auditory systems. This study examines ontogenetic changes in the vocal repertoire and whether vocal differentiation parallels auditory development in the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus (Batrachoididae). This species exhibits a complex acoustic repertoire and is vocally active during early development. Vocalisations were recorded during social interactions for four size groups (fry: <2 cm; small juveniles: 2-4 cm; large juveniles: 5-7 cm; adults >25 cm, standard length). Auditory sensitivity of juveniles and adults was determined based on evoked potentials recorded from the inner ear saccule in response to pure tones of 75-945 Hz. We show an ontogenetic increment in the vocal repertoire from simple broadband-pulsed 'grunts' that later differentiate into four distinct vocalisations, including low-frequency amplitude-modulated 'boatwhistles'. Whereas fry emitted mostly single grunts, large juveniles exhibited vocalisations similar to the adult vocal repertoire. Saccular sensitivity revealed a three-fold enhancement at most frequencies tested from small to large juveniles; however, large juveniles were similar in sensitivity to adults. We provide the first clear evidence of ontogenetic vocal differentiation in fish, as previously described for higher vertebrates. Our results suggest a parallel development between the vocal motor pathway and the peripheral auditory system for acoustic social communication in fish.
In a highly dynamic society such as we live, have access to the virtual world is an increasingly common practice, is aiming to study, work or to search leisure through chat rooms, sites and games, being incorporated by the most varied groups that end up appropriating these new possibilities of interaction, shaping them in order to adapt them to their needs / wants. The specific purposes pursued through the use of tools available over the Internet can vary considerably when one takes into account specific user groups, which makes the topic quite relevant to problematization, especially when we take into account access through lan houses. This research seeks to study the networks of knowledge, sociability and leisure formed by young people who frequented the "Lan house do Paulo" in São Gonçalo do Amarante - RN based on the use of the online role-playing-game World of Warcraft, which makes possible the interaction of several users through an avatar resident in a virtual world, theoretically questioning the importance of this type of platform for the development and maintenance of social interactions among its users
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Música, Programa de Pós-graduação em Música, 2015.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Os pais e os professores vivenciam o quotidiano das crianças e constituem-se como observadores significativos (Guaragna e tal., 2005; Pires et al, 2008) e as suas perceções acerca dos filhos e alunos influenciam os comportamentos destes (Zirkel, 2002). Porém, as características das crianças parecem influir na perceção de pais e na perceção de professores (Pires et al., 2008). As crianças com DA apresentam características sócio emocionais próprias: instabilidade emocional, pouca tolerância à frustração (Fonseca, 2008) e dificuldades na interação social (Framer et al., 2008). As competências sociais e emocionais são muito relevantes no processo adaptativo da criança e contribuem para a consecução de objetivos sociais (Candeias, 2008; Anderson-Butcher et al., 2008; Buckley & Saarnni, 2006; Saarni, 2002). Neste contexto, considerando o papel especial dos pais e professores no processo desenvolvimental das crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem (DA), desenvolvemos um estudo que investigou a perceção de 37 pais e 66 professores acerca das competências sócio emocionais de crianças entre os 6 e 11 anos com DA. No estudo foram utilizados o Inventário do Quociente Emocional Bar-On, (EQ-i: Pa, versão original de Bar-On & Parker, 2004) nas suas versões para pais e para professores, e a Prova de Avaliação da Competência Social (PACS-6/11, Candeias et al., 2008; Candeias, 2008b), para avaliar, respetivamente, a perceção sobre a inteligência emocional e sobre a competência social. Os principais resultados sugerem que os pais avaliam mais positivamente as competências emocionais das crianças e que a avaliação das competências sociais dos pais é semelhante à dos docentes /ABSTRACT: Parents and teachers are significant observers and participants in every day’s children's life's and their perceptions about their sons and pupils can influence their on behavior (Zirkel, 2002). However, children’s characteristics can influence parent’s perceptions and teacher’s perceptions (Pires et a/., 2008). Children with learning disabilities (LD) have singular social-emotional characteristics: emotional instability, low tolerance to frustant events (Fonseca, 2008) and difficulties in social interactions (Framer et al., 2008). Social and emotional competences are relevant in children's adaptation process and contribute to the fulfillemente of social goals (Candeias, 2008; Anderson-Butcher et a/., 2008; Buckley & Saarnni, 2006; Saarni, 2002). ln this context, considering teachers’ and parent’s special role throughout the growing process, we developed a study that investigated the perception of 37 parents and 66 teachers about the social-emotional competences of children’s (with ages between 6 and 11 years) with LO. Results suggests that (a) parent’s perception of emotional competence has higher values, (b) there is no significate differences between parents and teacher’s perception about social competence.
This study shows the main socio- affective factors related to school difficulties of a group of three girls and three boys identified as "star" in the Programa Psicomotricidad e Intervención (Psychomotor and Intervention Program). The study was developed through a mixed methodology, in which the Human Figure Test, the Kinetic Family Drawing and an interview with the mother of each student were applied. The most important results revealed the existence of family conflicting factors that affect the emotional state of children, generating negative feelings about themselves that affect their social interactions and their school performance.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2016.
Within academic institutions, writing centers are uniquely situated, socially rich sites for exploring learning and literacy. I examine the work of the Michigan Tech Writing Center's UN 1002 World Cultures study teams primarily because student participants and Writing Center coaches are actively engaged in structuring their own learning and meaning-making processes. My research reveals that learning is closely linked to identity formation and leading the teams is an important component of the coaches' educational experiences. I argue that supporting this type of learning requires an expanded understanding of literacy and significant changes to how learning environments are conceptualized and developed. This ethnographic study draws on data collected from recordings and observations of one semester of team sessions, my own experiences as a team coach and UN 1002 teaching assistant, and interviews with Center coaches prior to their graduation. I argue that traditional forms of assessment and analysis emerging from individualized instruction models of learning cannot fully account for the dense configurations of social interactions identified in the Center's program. Instead, I view the Center as an open system and employ social theories of learning and literacy to uncover how the negotiation of meaning in one context influences and is influenced by structures and interactions within as well as beyond its boundaries. I focus on the program design, its enaction in practice, and how engagement in this type of writing center work influences coaches' learning trajectories. I conclude that, viewed as participation in a community of practice, the learning theory informing the program design supports identity formation —a key aspect of learning as argued by Etienne Wenger (1998). The findings of this study challenge misconceptions of peer learning both in writing centers and higher education that relegate peer tutoring to the role of support for individualized models of learning. Instead, this dissertation calls for consideration of new designs that incorporate peer learning as an integral component. Designing learning contexts that cultivate and support the formation of new identities is complex, involves a flexible and opportunistic design structure, and requires the availability of multiple forms of participation and connections across contexts.
Intersubjectivity is an important concept in psychology and sociology. It refers to sharing conceptualizations through social interactions in a community and using such shared conceptualization as a resource to interpret things that happen in everyday life. In this work, we make use of intersubjectivity as the basis to model shared stance and subjectivity for sentiment analysis. We construct an intersubjectivity network which links review writers, terms they used, as well as the polarities of the terms. Based on this network model, we propose a method to learn writer embeddings which are subsequently incorporated into a convolutional neural network for sentiment analysis. Evaluations on the IMDB, Yelp 2013 and Yelp 2014 datasets show that the proposed approach has achieved the state-of-the-art performance.
Winter conditions are believed to play an important role in the population dynamics of northern temperate stream fish, challenging the ability of fish to physiologically and behaviourally adapt. Climate change is predicted to increase both mean temperature and temperature fluctuations, especially during winter, leading to dynamic environmental conditions in terms of river ice production and flow. Therefore, knowledge about the winter ecology of stream fish is important for predicting and mitigating anthropogenic impacts on fish production in boreal streams. Stream salmonids are relatively active throughout winter, and behavioural responses to different winter conditions may be critical for survival. Yet, relatively little is known about overwintering behaviour of salmonids, particularly in streams with ice. In this doctoral thesis, I report the results from experimental field and laboratory studies on the behavioural ecology of juvenile salmonids under winter conditions. My results from the field show that salmonids grow more and use a broader range of habitats in the presence of surface ice than in its absence. Results from the laboratory experiments show that the presence of surface ice increases food intake rates, reduces stress and affects social interactions. These laboratory results may explain the positive effects of ice cover on growth that was found in the field experiment. Moreover, I show that drift-feeding ability is reduced at low temperatures, and that nocturnal drift foraging under winter conditions has a low efficiency.
In this paper we prove well-posedness for a measure-valued continuity equation with solution-dependent velocity and flux boundary conditions, posed on a bounded one-dimensional domain. We generalize the results of an earlier paper [J. Differential Equations, 259 (2015), pp. 10681097] to settings where the dynamics are driven by interactions. In a forward-Euler-like approach, we construct a time-discretized version of the original problem and employ those results as a building block within each subinterval. A limit solution is obtained as the mesh size of the time discretization goes to zero. Moreover, the limit is independent of the specific way of partitioning the time interval [0, T]. This paper is partially based on results presented in Chapter 5 of [Evolution Equations for Systems Governed by Social Interactions, Ph.D. thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015], while a number of issues that were still open there are now resolved.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir y comparar el nivel y las diferencias de las competencias emocionales de niños que asisten a ludotecas y que no asisten. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones cuantitativas, con diseño no experimental descriptivo-comparativo. Para este, se tomó una muestra de 540 niños colombianos, de los cuales 249 eran niños y 287 eran niñas. Se utilizó una “Guía de Instrumentación”, la cual se divide en dos rejillas de observación, una en situación natural y la otra en situación artificial. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas para el componente de expresión de emociones y empatía, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas para el componente de autorregulación. En líneas generales, esto demostraría que efectivamente las ludotecas sí tienen un efecto sobre las competencias emocionales, más específicamente en la expresión de emociones y la empatía, esto se pude dar, debido a que estos dos componentes se pueden desarrollar por medio de las interacciones sociales tempranas y el juego social; en cambio el desarrollo de la autorregulación depende más de factores personales como el temperamento y familiares como la relación madre-hijo. Por último, se requiere más estudios que den más evidencia de la relación entre las competencias emocionales y las ludotecas, de este modo, lograr que las ludotecas y las competencias emocionales sean vistas como factores claves en el desarrollo de los niños y niñas.
El propósito de este estudio es medir los efectos que tiene el videojuego League of Legends en los procesos cognitivos de memoria de trabajo visual (MVT) y solución de problemas (SP). Para medir dichos efectos se implementó un diseño pre test-post con un grupo experimental y uno control, compuestos cada uno por siete participantes, en donde se evaluaron los procesos previamente mencionados utilizando los cubos de Corsi para MVT y las matrices del WAIS III para SP. Después de realizar los respectivos entrenamientos se encontraron resultados significativos en los diferentes momentos de aplicación. En el grupo experimental se encontraron diferencias en la variable dependiente SP, mientras que en el grupo control en MVT, pero no en la interacción entre grupos ni diferencias entre grupos, lo que sugiere un efecto de familiarización a la prueba.
Climate in the classroom is one of the determining factors in the development of practices in Inclusive Education. Many factors contribute to the climate in the classroom. However, there are predominance on affective-relational factors, with impact on action, norms and values, social interactions and learning processes. In this paper, the authors reflect on four studies which aim to identify and evaluate the relationship between several agents in the teaching–learning process (regular teachers, special education teachers and peer students) and the students with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Disability and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The studies were held in Primary Portuguese schools. The results are presented and discussed in their similarities and differences. The discussion shows that relationships between teachers and children with Special Education Needs (SEN) differ from those between teachers and typical children, but also according to different SEN. In general, there are not significant differences between regular teachers and special education teachers
The text displayed here makes considerations around the social interaction conception of language and, based on that, understands it as a fundament for didactic and methodological approaches of language teaching and, similarly, relates it to social practices, which means understanding the interactions as fundamental for the process of development and learning of the human being. To do so, this text goes back to Vygotsky, according to whom the relationships of interaction are favorable to the development of language, as the beginning and the development of cognition are charged upon language and social interactions. We discussed language – which is conceived as a historical fact and the result of collective actions that men developed in working processes along history – through a theoretical standpoint.