942 resultados para strategy formulation process


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This thesis describes research that has developed the principles of a modelling tool for the analytical evaluation of a manufacturing strategy. The appropriate process of manufacturing strategy formulation is based on mental synthesis with formal planning processes supporting this role. Inherent to such processes is a stage where the effects of alternative strategies on the performance of a manufacturing system must be evaluated so that a choice of preferred strategy can be made. Invariably this evaluation is carried out by practitioners applying mechanisms of judgement, bargaining and analysis. Ibis thesis makes a significant and original contribution to the provision of analytical support for practitioners in this role. The research programme commences by defining the requirements of analytical strategy evaluation from the perspective of practitioners. A broad taxonomy of models has been used to identify a set of potentially suitable techniques for the strategy evaluation task. Then, where possible, unsuitable modelling techniques have been identified on the basis of evidence in the literature and discarded from this set. The remaining modelling techniques have been critically appraised by testing representative contemporary modelling tools in an industrially based experimentation programme. The results show that individual modelling techniques exhibit various limitations in the strategy evaluation role, though some combinations do appear to provide the necessary functionality. On the basis of this comprehensive and in-depth knowledge a modelling tool ' has been specifically designed for this task. Further experimental testing has then been conducted to verify the principles of this modelling tool. Ibis research has bridged the fields of manufacturing strategy formulation and manufacturing systems modelling and makes two contributions to knowledge. Firstly, a comprehensive and in-depth platform of knowledge has been established about modelling techniques in manufacturing strategy evaluation. Secondly, the principles of a tool that supports this role have been formed and verified.


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This thesis describes research that has developed the principles of a modelling tool for the analytical evaluation of a manufacturing strategy. The appropriate process of manufacturing strategy formulation is based on mental synthesis with formal planning processes supporting this role. Inherent to such processes is a stage where the effects of alternative strategies on the performance of a manufacturing system must be evaluated so that a choice of preferred strategy can be made. Invariably this evaluation is carried out by practitioners applying mechanisms of judgement, bargaining and analysis. Ibis thesis makes a significant and original contribution to the provision of analytical support for practitioners in this role. The research programme commences by defining the requirements of analytical strategy evaluation from the perspective of practitioners. A broad taxonomy of models has been used to identify a set of potentially suitable techniques for the strategy evaluation task. Then, where possible, unsuitable modelling techniques have been identified on the basis of evidence in the literature and discarded from this set. The remaining modelling techniques have been critically appraised by testing representative contemporary modelling tools in an industrially based experimentation programme. The results show that individual modelling techniques exhibit various limitations in the strategy evaluation role, though some combinations do appear to provide the necessary functionality. On the basis of this comprehensive and in-depth knowledge a modelling tool ' has been specifically designed for this task. Further experimental testing has then been conducted to verify the principles of this modelling tool. Ibis research has bridged the fields of manufacturing strategy formulation and manufacturing systems modelling and makes two contributions to knowledge. Firstly, a comprehensive and in-depth platform of knowledge has been established about modelling techniques in manufacturing strategy evaluation. Secondly, the principles of a tool that supports this role have been formed and verified.


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This thesis describes research that has developed the principles of a modelling tool for the analytical evaluation of a manufacturing strategy. The appropriate process of manufacturing strategy formulation is based on mental synthesis with formal planning processes supporting this role. Inherent to such processes is a stage where the effects of alternative strategies on the performance of a manufacturing system must be evaluated so that a choice of preferred strategy can be made. Invariably this evaluation is carried out by practitioners applying mechanisms of judgement, bargaining and analysis. Ibis thesis makes a significant and original contribution to the provision of analytical support for practitioners in this role. The research programme commences by defining the requirements of analytical strategy evaluation from the perspective of practitioners. A broad taxonomy of models has been used to identify a set of potentially suitable techniques for the strategy evaluation task. Then, where possible, unsuitable modelling techniques have been identified on the basis of evidence in the literature and discarded from this set. The remaining modelling techniques have been critically appraised by testing representative contemporary modelling tools in an industrially based experimentation programme. The results show that individual modelling techniques exhibit various limitations in the strategy evaluation role, though some combinations do appear to provide the necessary functionality. On the basis of this comprehensive and in-depth knowledge a modelling tool ' has been specifically designed for this task. Further experimental testing has then been conducted to verify the principles of this modelling tool. Ibis research has bridged the fields of manufacturing strategy formulation and manufacturing systems modelling and makes two contributions to knowledge. Firstly, a comprehensive and in-depth platform of knowledge has been established about modelling techniques in manufacturing strategy evaluation. Secondly, the principles of a tool that supports this role have been formed and verified.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To relate the managerial competencies required of nurses with the process of change experienced in the expansion of the Family Health Strategy (FHS). METHOD A qualitative research conducted in primary health care in a southern Brazilian city, through interviews with 32 managerial and clinical nurses. The interviews were processed by IRAMUTEQ software. The resulting classes were examined under five managerial competencies to promote change. RESULTS The four classes obtained from data were: the Family Health Strategy expansion process; confrontations and potentialities; mobilization for the change; innovations in medical and nursing consultations. The classes were related to one or more competencies. CONCLUSION The expansion of the Family Health Strategy requires managerial competencies of implementing and sustaining change, negotiating agreements and commitments, using power and influence ethically and effectively, sponsoring and selling new ideas, and encouraging and promoting innovation.


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Tutkimuksen tavoite oli selvittää yrityksen web toiminnan rakentamisen vaiheita sekä menestyksen mittaamista. Rakennusprosessia tutkittiin viisiportaisen askelmallin avulla. Mallin askeleet ovat; arviointi, strategian muotoilu, suunnitelma, pohjapiirros ja toteutus. Arviointi- ja toteutusvaiheiden täydentämiseksi sekä erityisesti myös internet toiminnan onnistumisen mittaamisen avuksi internet toiminnan hyödyt (CRM,kommunikointi-, myynti-, ja jakelukanava hyödyt markkinoinnin kannalta) käsiteltiin. Toiminnan menestyksen arvioinnin avuksi esiteltiin myös porrasmalli internet toimintaan. Porrasmalli määrittelee kauppakulissi-, dynaaminen-, transaktio- ja e-businessportaat. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin menestystekijöitä internet toimintojen menestykselle. Nämä tekijät ovat laadukas sisältö, kiinnostavuus, viihdyttävyys, informatiivisuus, ajankohtaisuus, personoitavuus, luottamus, interaktiivisuus, käytettävyys, kätevyys, lojaalisuus, suoriutuminen, responssiivisuus ja käyttäjätiedon kerääminen. Mittarit jaettiin tutkimuksessa aktiivisuus-, käyttäytymis- ja muunnosmittareihin. Lisäksi muita mittareita ja menestysindikaattoreita esiteltiin. Nämä menestyksen elementit ja mittarit koottiin yhteen uudessa internet toimintojen menestyksenarviointimallissa. Tutkielman empiirisessä osuudessa,esitettyjä teorioita peilattiin ABB:n (ABB:n sisällä erityisesti ABB Stotz-Kontakt) web toimintaan. Apuna olivat dokumenttianalyysi sekä haastattelut. Empiirinen osa havainnollisti teoriat käytännössä ja toi ilmi mahdollisuuden teorioiden laajentamiseen. Internet toimintojen rakentamismallia voidaan käyttää myös web toimintojen kehittämiseen ja porrasmalli sopii myös nykyisten internet toimintojen arvioimiseen. Mittareiden soveltaminen käytännössä toi kuitenkin ilmi tarpeen niiden kehittämiseen ja aiheen lisätutkimukseen. Niiden tulisi olla myös aiempaatiiviimmin liitetty kokonaisvaltaisen liiketoiminnan menestyksen mittaamiseen.


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The diffusion of mobile telephony began in 1971 in Finland, when the first car phones, called ARP1 were taken to use. Technologies changed from ARP to NMT and later to GSM. The main application of the technology, however, was voice transfer. The birth of the Internet created an open public data network and easy access to other types of computer-based services over networks. Telephones had been used as modems, but the development of the cellular technologies enabled automatic access from mobile phones to Internet. Also other wireless technologies, for instance Wireless LANs, were also introduced. Telephony had developed from analog to digital in fixed networks and allowed easy integration of fixed and mobile networks. This development opened a completely new functionality to computers and mobile phones. It also initiated the merger of the information technology (IT) and telecommunication (TC) industries. Despite the arising opportunity for firms' new competition the applications based on the new functionality were rare. Furthermore, technology development combined with innovation can be disruptive to industries. This research focuses on the new technology's impact on competition in the ICT industry through understanding the strategic needs and alternative futures of the industry's customers. The change speed inthe ICT industry is high and therefore it was valuable to integrate the DynamicCapability view of the firm in this research. Dynamic capabilities are an application of the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm. As is stated in the literature, strategic positioning complements RBV. This theoretical framework leads theresearch to focus on three areas: customer strategic innovation and business model development, external future analysis, and process development combining these two. The theoretical contribution of the research is in the development of methodology integrating theories of the RBV, dynamic capabilities and strategic positioning. The research approach has been constructive due to the actual managerial problems initiating the study. The requirement for iterative and innovative progress in the research supported the chosen research approach. The study applies known methods in product development, for instance, innovation process in theGroup Decision Support Systems (GDSS) laboratory and Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and combines them with known strategy analysis tools like industry analysis and scenario method. As the main result, the thesis presents the strategic innovation process, where new business concepts are used to describe the alternative resource configurations and scenarios as alternative competitive environments, which can be a new way for firms to achieve competitive advantage in high-velocity markets. In addition to the strategic innovation process as a result, thestudy has also resulted in approximately 250 new innovations for the participating firms, reduced technology uncertainty and helped strategic infrastructural decisions in the firms, and produced a knowledge-bank including data from 43 ICT and 19 paper industry firms between the years 1999 - 2004. The methods presentedin this research are also applicable to other industries.


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This thesis investigates the strategy implementation process of enterprices; a process whichhas lacked the academic attentioon compared with a rich strategy formation research trdition. Strategy implementation is viewed as a process ensuring tha the strtegies of an organisation are realised fully and quickly, yet with constant consideration of changing circumstances. The aim of this sudy is to provide a framework for identifying, analysing and removing the strategy implementation bottleneck af an organization and thus for intesifying its strategy process.The study is opened by specifying the concept, tasks and key actors of strategy implementation process; especially arguments for the critical implementation role of the top management are provided. In order to facilitate the analysis nad synthetisation of the core findings of scattered doctrine, six characteristic approaches to strategy implementation phenomenon are identified and compared. The Bottleneck Framework is introduced as an instrument for arranging potential strategy realisation problems, prioritising an organisation's implementation obstacles and focusing the improvement measures accordingly. The SUCCESS Framework is introduced as a mnemonic of the seven critical factors to be taken into account when promoting sttrategy implementation. Both frameworks are empirically tested by applying them to real strategy implementation intesification process in an international, industrial, group-structured case enterprise.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia liiketoimintatiedon hallintaa pk-yrityksissä. Tutkimuksen pääkysymys on, miten pk-yritykset voivat parantaa ulkoisen liiketoimintatiedon saatavuutta, hallintaa ja hyödyntämistä. Tutkimuksessa määritellään aluksi liiketoimintatieto ja sen alueet, sekä esitetään kirjallisuuden pohjalta malleja päätöksenteosta ja strategisesta johtamisesta. Nämä mallit vaikuttavat siihen, miten hankittua tietoa hyödynnetään yrityksessä suunnittelun ja päätöksenteon apuna. Tutkimuksessa rakennettiin kirjallisuuden perusteella pk-yrityksille sovellettu viitekehys ulkoisen liiketoimintatiedon hankintaan ja hallintaan, jossa huomioitiin ne vaatimukset, joita pk-yritysten ominaispiirteet, kuten rajalliset resurssit, asettavat liiketoiminnan kehittämiselle. Diplomityön empiirisessä osassa kerättiin teemahaastatteluilla tietoa pk-yritysten nykyisistä tiedon hallinnan käytännöistä, tiedon tarpeista, lähteistä, hankinnasta ja käytöstä päätöksenteossa. Yritysesimerkkien avulla havainnollistetaan, kuinka liiketoimintatietoa käytännössä jalostetaan ja hyödynnetään yritysten kehitystoiminnassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella tiedon hallinta pk-yrityksissä on usein satunnaista, epämuodollista ja epäsystemaattista. Esitetty viitekehys voi auttaa pk-yrityksiä analysoimaan ja kehittämään tiedon hallinnan toimintamalliaan.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli muodostaa viitekehys sijoittajaviestinnän strategian muodostamiseen ja soveltaa viitekehystä käytännössä. Tutkimusongelma nousi case-yrityksestä, SSH Communications Security Oyj:stä, joka listautui vuoden 2000 lopussa. Teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu aikaisempaan kirjallisuuteen sijoittajaviestinnästä, strategian kehittämisestä ja rahoitusteoriasta. Rahoitusteorian alueet, joita käsiteltiin tutkimuksessa ovat; vapaaehtoinen tiedottaminen, markkinatehokkuus ja agenttiteoria. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutettiin soveltamalla teoreettista viitekehystä case yritykseen. Empiirisessä osuudessa käytiin läpi seuraavat vaiheet; nykyisen tilan ulkoinen ja sisäinen analyysi, tavoitteiden asettaminen ja sijoittajaviestintä strategia ehdotuksen muodostaminen case yritykseen. Tutkielman viimeinen kappale kokoaa tärkeimmät löydökset, pohtii työn teoreettista kontribuutiota ja liikkeenjohdollisia kytköksiä sekä esittää tutkimuksen herättämiä ehdotuksia jatkotutkimuksille


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Internationalization represents a complex topic that has been researched for quite some time. However, since it continues to be extremely current a topic, its significance has not diminished, but maybe even increased in importance. Companies today face extreme pressure to enter new markets in the hope of growing, becoming more profitable, increasing market share, attracting new customers and meeting the requirements of its share- and stakeholders. In the increasingly global business environment of today, companies are facing both challenges and possible advantages of internationalization. Few companies are not operating internationally and it is becoming the question of ‘Why not?’ rather than ‘Why?’ to internationalize business operations. Internationalization and the importance of strategy are discussed in this research from the viewpoint of three case companies that were interviewed about internationalization strategies. This research project is a qualitative study that answers the research question of How is a business strategy constructed for entering a new market? The sub-questions are • How are goals set and what indicators are used to monitor the achievement of these goals? • What are the key characteristics of a strategy implementation process? The research method chosen for this study is a multiple-case study. Three case companies were chosen for the interviews in order to gain in-depth data of internationalization strategies within the construction industry.


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En el mundo actual el enfoque del proceso estratégico es una variable que cada vez va tomando un mayor peso e incidencia en las decisiones de los directores de empresa, sin embargo, poco se ha estudiado sobre esta variable al ser adoptado por los nuevos modelos de cooperación empresarial en las organizaciones. Es por esta razón que esta investigación busca esclarecer la aplicabilidad de las metodologías y herramientas utilizadas en la planeación estratégica de una empresa en una red, además de servir como un primer acercamiento a los aspectos más importantes en la planeación estratégica de una red.


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La obtención de una ventaja competitiva, el desarrollo, el crecimiento, la perdurabilidad, entre otros, son los aspectos que buscan las organizaciones a través de las estrategias que se definen. Sin embargo, no es suficiente con diseñar las metas y los objetivos que se quieren alcanzar, es necesario aterrizar estos propósitos en planes de acción e involucrar a todos los miembros de la organización, lo cual se consigue a través de la implantación de la estrategia. En este sentido, la etapa de implantación de la estrategia en una organización, da curso al camino establecido en la etapa de formulación de la estrategia, por lo tanto, se relaciona directamente con su éxito o su fracaso. No obstante, este proceso no depende de algunos pocos miembros de la organización, de directivos o de funcionarios, sino que depende de la buena sincronización y armonía de todos aquellos que hacen parte de ella. La presente investigación a través de la revisión teórica y de evidencias empíricas, busca poner de manifiesto la incidencia de dos aspectos clave en la organización sobre la implantación de la estrategia, por un lado, los líderes, a partir de sus competencias interpersonales y por otro el capital humano, a partir de sus valores. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que tanto las competencias del líder como los valores del capital humano son determinantes para la adecuada implantación de la estrategia organizacional.