41 resultados para restlessness
The body of research on the relationship functioning of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is relatively small; the aim of the present study is to advance our understanding of this topic. It has been estimated that three to ten percent of children and one to five percent of adults have impairing symptoms of ADHD, which is a total of 4 million children and 4-5 million adults in the U.S. (Wender, 2000). A recent prevalence study found that approximately 4.4% of adults in the U.S. meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD (Kessler et al., 2006). Children with ADHD show innate temperamental characteristics, usually inattentiveness, distractibility, impulsivity, restlessness, demandingness, hyperreactivity, low tolerance for frustration, temperoutbursts, bossiness and stubbornness, and mood lability, along with an innate proclivity for academic underachievement. It has been estimated that one- to two-thirds of children with ADHD have symptoms that continue into adulthood, and for 40-50% of these adults, these symptoms are serious enough to cause impairment in functioning (Everett & Everett, 1999; Wender, 2000). Research suggests that the majority of cases are transmitted genetically, but some may be due to exposure to environmental toxins such as lead. Consumption of excess sugar or allergies to food may exacerbate or mimic ADHD symptoms in some children, but they are not a cause of ADHD (Wender, 2000). One hypothesized cause of the symptoms associated with ADHD is a deficit in the brain's executive functioning (Barkley & Gordon, 2002). Executive functioning can be conceptualized as the ability to inhibit, organize, and plan behaviors. Barkley and Gordon (2002) define it as the abilityto self-direct and regulate behaviors toward future goals, including social behaviors and goals. Other research suggests that executive functioning consists of inhibition, control of interference, verbal and nonverbal working memory, emotional regulation, attention, verbal fluency, visual scanning, and processing speed. Studies have shown impairments in these areas among adults with ADHD (Barkley & Gordon, 2002; Barkley, Murphy & Kwasnik, 1996; Goldstein, 2002).
Since the conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP) took power in Turkey in 2002, it has enjoyed a constant winning streak: it won each election (with a support level of 49.83% in 2011), subordinated the army (which had de facto stood above the civilian government) and was reforming the country. The situation in the country was stable (especially when compared to the crises and restlessness in the 1990s), the economy was booming, Turkey’s position in regional politics was strengthening, and Ankara’s significance on the international arena was growing. This encouraged the ruling class to make long-term plans, leading up to the hundredth anniversary of the republic in 2023. In the coming decade, Turkey governed by the AKP was to become one of the global economic and political centres, a full member of the EU and at the same time a political and economic leader in the Middle East. However, the negative trends in the situation both domestically (mass public protests, the deadlocked Kurdish issue and the unsuccessful attempt to amend the constitution) and abroad (the war in Syria and the coup in Egypt) seen over the past few months have laid bare the limitations of the AKP’s rule and have affected the government’s democratic mandate, prestige and credibility on the international arena, as well as peace and order and domestic security. When compared to the beginning of 2013, the way the situation will develop in Turkey is at this moment definitely less predictable; and the possible scenarios include both relative peace (however, with socio-political tension present in the background) and the threat of destabilisation. Therefore, although the AKP will still remain the sole major political force, this party will have to face challenges which will decide not only its political future but also the directions the country will be developing in. However, a comprehensive solution of the accumulated problems and a simple return to the status quo ante, convenient to the government, seem unlikely in the foreseeable future.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has long been described in children who demonstrate developmentally inappropriate symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and motor restlessness. In adults, symptoms are known to persist and the validity of adult ADHD as an entity is now recognized. There is an associated high proportion of other serious psychiatric comorbidities, especially substance abuse, mood and anxiety disorders. Advances have been made into the aetiology and management of ADHD. Many of these focus on the dopamine and noradrenaline pathways.
This thesis proposes to identify possible similarities and differences between the novels Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (1981), by the Brazilian writer Machado de Assis, and Uno, Nessuno and Centomila (1926), by the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello. The two authors have prominent respective places in Brazilian and Italian literature, and both observed and experienced remarkable changes in their societies Brazil's imperial period, and Italy’s post-risorgimentale period. We will verify how each author composes a piece o literary art in which it is possible to achieve the authors’social and moral conscience. We will also attempt to achieve thefeelings of restlessness, anxiety, fear, doubt, interest, vanity, ambition: in summary, the desire of the characters to exist, which represents man at the end of the nineteenth century and commencement of thetwentieth century. The characters’ features point to fragmented identity, in search of a place in the world, even if he needs to renounce his essence and to adopt a corresponding appearance to all images that society assigns to him in order to achieve such a place. The protagonists, Brás Cubas and Vitangelo Moscarda, will lead us along the paths of consciousness of each, which demarcate the border between essence and appearance. Critics such as Roberto Schwarz, Alfredo Bosi, Leone Castris, among others, will give us the theoretical support necessary for a comparative study between the two authors, whom, like few others, knew how to express, through their characters, the difficult relationship of man with himself and with the universe at large.
This paper introduces the case of a woman with breast cancer who had developed a mixed depressive-anxiety disorder with avoidance behaviors. The patient presented depressive symptoms like listlessness, insomnia, weeping, food disorders and hopelessness though. Also, she exhibited physiological arousal and restlessness feelings. Additionally, the patient had an avoidance patron behavior in relation with all stimulus she believed could hurt her. Based on the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) the intervention planted the following objectives: the patient will learn to accept her illness and the emotional distress that she was experiencing, also, the patient will recover the other areas of her life that she had abandoned. The treatment was developed in 14 sessions. The therapist used these techniques: creative hopelessness, disabling verbal functions, values clarification and loss of control over private events. In the results, it was observed a positive change in the behavior of the patient as well as a decrease in emotional distress that was his reason for initial consultation
El presente texto ofrece algunas reflexiones teóricas y visionesdel autor sobre la relación del hombre de hoy con el fenómeno dela comunicación digital, también conocida como comunicaciónvirtual, a través de Internet, unas reflexiones que aparecen deltrabajo investigativo sobre el modelo convergente del canalde televisión pública Telemedellín, y en las que se explora elpanorama de las relaciones del hombre con el otro, consigomismo y con las cosas, desde la mediación de la computadora.Por otro lado, indaga sobre la composición de las redes socialesy su producto, la comunidad virtual, lugar en el que se producenlos intercambios e interrelaciones humanas. Y finalmente,intenta mostrar el desasosiego del hombre de la época actual,encontrándolo como un ser solitario que lucha por un lugar enel mundo.
Un número considerable de personas mayores padece alguna enfermedad neurodegenerativa que limita sus facultades intelectivas y volitivas, lo que en la práctica suele traducirse en alteraciones de la personalidad con conservación de consciencia, pérdidas de memoria, desorientación, inquietud, confusión o agresividad. Este deterioro progresivo de capacidad que puede afectar a nuestros mayores no sólo los convierte en fácil objetivo de agresiones sino también en potenciales creadores de riesgos y daños a terceros. Es precisamente la responsabilidad que puede derivarse de tales daños la que será analizada en primer lugar en esta sede, exponiendo el estado de la cuestión tanto en el civil como en el common law. Por otro lado, cuando una persona que tiene sus funciones cognitivas mermadas causa un daño a otro, no sólo se debe analizar la responsabilidad civil del propio agente del daño frente al perjudicado, sino también aquélla en que podría incurrir la persona encargada de su cuidado en caso de haberla. Dicha cuestión ocupará la segunda parte del presente trabajo.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta um estudo sobre terminologia legal relacionada ao entendimento de crianças e adolescentes escolarizados, tendo como objetivo analisar de forma crítica, a compreensibilidade de alguns vocábulos, como também a interpretação de terminologias jurídica na visão destes públicos, uma vez que, o Direito por ser um dos ramos da ciência a usar em demasia certos termos, tem dificultado até mesmo aqueles que têm certa familiaridade com a matéria, a ter certa dificuldade em relação à interpretação de fraseologia. Tal inquietação em aprofundar sobre o tema surgiu em virtude da percepção, de acordo com os noticiários, em expor a participação cada vez maior desses atores em contato com o mundo delituoso. Dessa forma, emergiu a inquietação em saber com certa pertinência, como estes percebiam certos vocábulos ou termos legal, usados no cotidiano, não somente pelos profissionais do Direito, como também, por aqueles que têm a incumbência de socializar os acontecimentos com o envolvimento pela população. Esta pesquisa teve como fundamentos metodológicos, as abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas, que oportunizou fazer a análise e o cruzamento das informações identificadas às múltiplas facetas das ações desenvolvidas no que refere à percepção dos detentores do assunto, finalizando com todos os objetivos conclusos, oportunizando, não só aos leitores, como também propiciando elevada contribuição para a ciência.
This paper analyzes the short story "Intruge-se" within the book Tutameia (1967) from the brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa. We shall approach the relation between the main character and a mystery involving a murder he decides to solve. The tale reveals a twofold perspective, that allows, not just bare reading, but a meditation about the human nature. We will tour the tale with thorough look and proposed to find, in the intricacies of writing rosiana, the multiple meanings that involve the actions and choices of the main character and how, through them, the author seeks to represent one of the most pressing questions of humanity. We intend to show how the aesthetic element acts in the formation of the individual, providing in addition to an objective experience of leisure, also a spontaneous learning ability which inexcusably enforces the reader's restlessness and need to reflect. This work is an observation about the story and what makes it what it is. Guimarães Rosa traces this story about subjectivity worlds, worlds that involve a context that triggers the story, which want to refer the reader out of it, which provides a spiral, by nature of its form, the most varied questions about the actions and feelings humans. The experiences with this observation, as well as those arising from variations, resulting in a rich learning, in that it enables and habituate critical eye, doubt and reflection. With that purpose, literature functions as a learning gear, according to what is sustained by Antonio Candido.
This study investigates the motives and the modes of confluence between lyric prose and prose, in the novel, Húmus, of Raul Germano Brandão, portuguese writer from XX century. The higher the sensibility of the man, more he understands that the mystery of poetry is in the essence of what is said and not in certain shapes. In lyric predominates the feeling, the emotion, the subjectivity, the expression of ‘self’, because the lyric matter is, exactly, the subjective world. The modern man is an anguished being, once he watches the fragmentation of his integrity, namely, his identity is being misplaced. However such anguish cannot be expressed by common words, because they cannot translate all the intensity of human pain. The expression of deep restlessness that oppresses the being demands the presence of the lyric. Insofar makes poetry, the romance text unfold itself as space of experimentation, of varied configurations, of multiple resources, that substitutes the unity of enunciator by the plurality of enouncements and assimilates uncountable proper resources of the poetry making, such as metaphors, symbols, images and allegories, turning the frontiers between poetry and prose fluid. After all, truthfully, it is the language of poetry that makes the literature exists.