48 resultados para luonnontilaisen kaltainen korpi


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Lakes serve as sites for terrestrially fixed carbon to be remineralized and transferred back to the atmosphere. Their role in regional carbon cycling is especially important in the Boreal Zone, where lakes can cover up to 20% of the land area. Boreal lakes are often characterized by the presence of a brown water colour, which implies high levels of dissolved organic carbon from the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem, but the load of inorganic carbon from the catchment is largely unknown. Organic carbon is transformed to methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in biological processes that result in lake water gas concentrations that increase above atmospheric equilibrium, thus making boreal lakes as sources of these important greenhouse gases. However, flux estimates are often based on sporadic sampling and modelling and actual flux measurements are scarce. Thus, the detailed temporal flux dynamics of greenhouse gases are still largely unknown. ----- One aim here was to reveal the natural dynamics of CH4 and CO2 concentrations and fluxes in a small boreal lake. The other aim was to test the applicability of a measuring technique for CO2 flux, i.e. the eddy covariance (EC) technique, and a computational method for estimation of primary production and community respiration, both commonly used in terrestrial research, in this lake. Continuous surface water CO2 concentration measurements, also needed in free-water applications to estimate primary production and community respiration, were used over two open water periods in a study of CO2 concentration dynamics. Traditional methods were also used to measure gas concentration and fluxes. The study lake, Valkea-Kotinen, is a small, humic, headwater lake within an old-growth forest catchment with no local anthropogenic disturbance and thus possible changes in gas dynamics reflect the natural variability in lake ecosystems. CH4 accumulated under the ice and in the hypolimnion during summer stratification. The surface water CH4 concentration was always above atmospheric equilibrium and thus the lake was a continuous source of CH4 to the atmosphere. However, the annual CH4 fluxes were small, i.e. 0.11 mol m-2 yr-1, and the timing of fluxes differed from that of other published estimates. The highest fluxes are usually measured in spring after ice melt but in Lake Valkea-Kotinen CH4 was effectively oxidised in spring and highest effluxes occurred in autumn after summer stratification period. CO2 also accumulated under the ice and the hypolimnetic CO2 concentration increased steadily during stratification period. The surface water CO2 concentration was highest in spring and in autumn, whereas during the stable stratification it was sometimes under atmospheric equilibrium. It showed diel, daily and seasonal variation; the diel cycle was clearly driven by light and thus reflected the metabolism of the lacustrine ecosystem. However, the diel cycle was sometimes blurred by injection of hypolimnetic water rich in CO2 and the surface water CO2 concentration was thus controlled by stratification dynamics. The highest CO2 fluxes were measured in spring, autumn and during those hypolimnetic injections causing bursts of CO2 comparable with the spring and autumn fluxes. The annual fluxes averaged 77 (±11 SD) g C m-2 yr-1. In estimating the importance of the lake in recycling terrestrial carbon, the flux was normalized to the catchment area and this normalized flux was compared with net ecosystem production estimates of -50 to 200 g C m-2 yr-1 from unmanaged forests in corresponding temperature and precipitation regimes in the literature. Within this range the flux of Lake Valkea-Kotinen yielded from the increase in source of the surrounding forest by 20% to decrease in sink by 5%. The free water approach gave primary production and community respiration estimates of 5- and 16-fold, respectively, compared with traditional bottle incubations during a 5-day testing period in autumn. The results are in parallel with findings in the literature. Both methods adopted from the terrestrial community also proved useful in lake studies. A large percentage of the EC data was rejected, due to the unfulfilled prerequisites of the method. However, the amount of data accepted remained large compared with what would be feasible with traditional methods. Use of the EC method revealed underestimation of the widely used gas exchange model and suggests simultaneous measurements of actual turbulence at the water surface with comparison of the different gas flux methods to revise the parameterization of the gas transfer velocity used in the models.


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Forest certification has been put forward as a means to improve the sustainability of forest management in the tropical countries, where traditional environmental regulation has been inefficient in controlling forest degradation and deforestation. In these countries, the role of communities as managers of the forest resources is rapidly increasing. However, only a fraction of tropical community forests have been certified and little is known about the impacts of certification in these systems. Two areas in Honduras where community-managed forest operations had received FSC certifications were studied. Río Cangrejal represents an area with a longer history of use, whereas Copén is a more recent forest operation. Ecological sustainability was assessed through comparing timber tree regeneration and floristic composition between certified, conventionally managed and natural forests. Data on woody vegetation and environmental conditions was collected within logging gaps and natural treefall gaps. The regeneration success of shade-tolerant timber tree species was lower in certified than in conventionally managed forests in Río Cangrejal. Furthermore, the floristic composition was more natural-like in the conventionally managed than the certified forests. However, the environmental conditions indicated reduced logging disturbance in the certified forests. Data from Copén demonstrated that the regeneration success of light-demanding timber species was higher in the certified than the unlogged forests. In spite of this, the most valuable timber species Swietenia macrophylla was not regenerating successfully in the certified forests, due to rapid gap closure. The results indicate that pre-certification loggings and forest fragmentation may have a stronger impact on forest regeneration than current, certified management practices. The focus in community forests under low-intensive logging should be directed toward landscape connectivity and the restoration of degraded timber species, instead of reducing mechanical logging damage. Such actions are dependent on better recognition of resource rights, and improving the status of small Southern producers in the markets of certified wood products.


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Sydämen vajaatoiminta on erilaisista sydän- ja verisuonisairauksista aiheutuva monimuotoinen oireyhtymä, johon sairastuneiden ja kuolleiden potilaiden määrä on yhä suuri. Sen patofysiologiaan voi kuulua muun muassa sympaattisen hermoston ja reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni–järjestelmän aktiivisuutta, huonosti supistuva vasen kammio, sydämen uudelleenmuokkautumista, muutoksia [Ca2+]i:n säätelyssä, kardiomyosyyttien apoptoosia sekä systeeminen tulehdustila. Johonkin osaan sairauden patofysiologiasta eivät nykyiset lääkehoidot riittävästi vaikuta. Klassiset inotroopit lisäävät sydämen supistusvireyttä kasvattamalla solunsisäistä Ca2+-pitoisuutta, mutta ne lisäävät rytmihäiriöriskiä, sydämen hapenkulutusta sekä heikentävät ennustetta. Levosimendaani, kalsiumherkistäjä, lisää sydämen supistusvoimaa [Ca2+]i:ta kohottamatta herkistämällä sydänlihaksen kalsiumin vaikutuksille. Lisäksi levosimendaani avaa sarkolemmaalisia ja mitokondriaalisia K+-kanavia, jotka välittävät vasodilataatiota ja kardioprotektiota. Suurilla annoksilla levosimendaani on selektiivinen PDE3-estäjä. Levosimendaania suositellaan äkillisesti pahentuneen sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoitoon, mutta muitakin lupaavia indikaatioita sille on keksitty. Esimerkiksi kroonisesti annosteltu oraalinen levosimendaani on suojannut kardiovaskulaarijärjestelmää ja parantanut selviytymistä in vivo. Erikoistyössä selvitettiin kroonisesti annostellun oraalisen levosimendaanin, valsartaanin ja näiden kombinaatioterapian vaikutuksia selviytymiseen, verenpaineeseen sekä sydämen hypertrofioitumiseen Dahlin suolaherkillä (Dahl/Rapp) rotilla. Levosimendaanin suojavaikutus ilmeni vähäisempänä kuolleisuutena, mutta ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä kontrolliryhmään nähden. Kombinaatioterapia suojasi rottia kardiovaskulaarikuolleisuudelta ja vähensi todennäköisesti verenpaineesta riippuvaisesti sydämen hypertofioitumista niin sydän/kehonpaino–suhteen kuin ultraäänitutkimuksenkin perusteella arvioituna paremmin kuin kumpikaan lääke monoterapiana. Lääkekombinaatio alensi additiivisesti hypertensiota kaikissa mittauspisteissä. Sydämen systolista toimintaa levosimendaani kohensi vain vähäisesti. Dahl/Rapp-rotille kehittyikin pääosin hypertension indusoimaa diastolista sydämen vajaatoimintaa kohonneen IVRT-arvon perusteella. Levosimendaani sekä monoterapiana että kombinaatioterapiana valsartaanin kanssa vähensi sydämen diastolista vajaatoimintaa.


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In the thesis I study various quantum coherence phenomena and create some of the foundations for a systematic coherence theory. So far, the approach to quantum coherence in science has been purely phenomenological. In my thesis I try to answer the question what quantum coherence is and how it should be approached within the framework of physics, the metatheory of physics and the terminology related to them. It is worth noticing that quantum coherence is a conserved quantity that can be exactly defined. I propose a way to define quantum coherence mathematically from the density matrix of the system. Degenerate quantum gases, i.e., Bose condensates and ultracold Fermi systems, form a good laboratory to study coherence, since their entropy is small and coherence is large, and thus they possess strong coherence phenomena. Concerning coherence phenomena in degenerate quantum gases, I concentrate in my thesis mainly on collective association from atoms to molecules, Rabi oscillations and decoherence. It appears that collective association and oscillations do not depend on the spin-statistics of particles. Moreover, I study the logical features of decoherence in closed systems via a simple spin-model. I argue that decoherence is a valid concept also in systems with a possibility to experience recoherence, i.e., Poincaré recurrences. Metatheoretically this is a remarkable result, since it justifies quantum cosmology: to study the whole universe (i.e., physical reality) purely quantum physically is meaningful and valid science, in which decoherence explains why the quantum physical universe appears to cosmologists and other scientists very classical-like. The study of the logical structure of closed systems also reveals that complex enough closed (physical) systems obey a principle that is similar to Gödel's incompleteness theorem of logic. According to the theorem it is impossible to describe completely a closed system within the system, and the inside and outside descriptions of the system can be remarkably different. Via understanding this feature it may be possible to comprehend coarse-graining better and to define uniquely the mutual entanglement of quantum systems.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tutkin aikapankkijärjestelmässä tapahtuvaa palveluiden vaihtoa vertaamalla sitä lahjanvaihtoon. Tutkielmassa kuvaan kuinka Kumpulan Vaihtopiirinä toimintansa aloittaneen Stadin Aikapankin aktiiviset jäsenet kokevat toiminnan, kun se on laajennut oman asuinalueen ulkopuolelle. Aikapankin voi mieltää uudenlaiseksi vapaaehtoistyön muodoksi. Aikapankin jäsenet tuottavat toisilleen palveluita ja mittaavat näihin käytettyä aikaa aikapisteillä, jotka toimivat vaihdon välineenä. Aikapankissa kaikkien työ arvotetaan saman arvoiseksi. Tutkielman pääaineistona on kymmenen käyttäjän avohaastattelut. Näitä täydennetään vaihtotilastolla ja osallistuvan havainnoinnin menetelmällä. Tutkimusta varten on kerätty tausta-aineistoa kahdella sähköpostihaastattelulla kahdelta Ruotsissa ja Englannissa toimivien aikapankkien työntekijältä. Merkittävin tutkimusongelma liittyy aikapankin tasa-arvoisen työnarvottamiseen. Kysyn miten ja millä ehdoin aikapankin kaltainen sosiaalinen innovaatio toimii? Lisäksi kysyn, mitä ehtojen täyttymisestä seuraa? Lähestyn kysymystä Emil Durkheimin modernisaatioteoriaan ja Marcel Maussin lahjanvaihtoa käsittelevään teoreettiseen ajatteluun nojaten. Teoreettisessa keskustelussa viitataan myös Karl Polanyin Maussia tukevaan näkemykseen esimodernien vaihtokäytäntöjen ilmenemisestä markkinatalouden rakenteistamassa maailmassa. Lisäksi pohdin tutkielmassani sitä, mitä aikapankissa vaihdettavat aikapisteet tekisivät, mitä oikea raha ei tekisi paremmin. Vastaus on se, että tutkittavani eivät saisi rahalla sitä, mitä he tavoittelevat – yhteisöä. Tutkielman lopussa keskustelen myös sitä, mikä on aikapankin luomien epämarkkinataloussuhteiden taloudellinen konteksti. Kontekstiin liittyen voidaan todeta, että tutkittavat eivät pakene rahataloutta. He solmivat perinteisen yhteisöllisen siteen (perheen) mukaista (lahjaperustaista) vaihtoa lähellä asuviin ihmisiin. Tutkielmassa päädytään siihen tulokseen, että aikapankin haasteeksi ei muodostu niinkään markkinoille vieras tasapuolinen työn hinnoittelu, vaan sellaisten yhteisöllisten siteiden heikkous, joiden varaan vaihto leviäisi. Tästä syystä aikapankkia perustettaessa ratkaisevaksi muodostuu se, minkä yhteisöllisen siteen varaan vaihtosuhteet muodostuvat. Tästä syystä tutkielmassa tullaan siihen tulokseen, että aikapankkitoiminta olisi hyvä pitää paikallisena. Sosiaalipoliittisesta näkökulmasta katsottuna tutkimusaihe on merkittävä ja tuore. Aihetta tutkittu jo sosiaalipolitiikan alalla, muttei aikaisemmin Suomessa. Aikaisemman muualla tehdyn tutkimuksen tulokset ovat lähestyneet aihetta muun muassa sosiaalisen pääomaan käsitteen avulla. Tutkittavani vaihtavat myös sellaisia palveluita, joita julkinen sektori tuottaa suomessa, kuten lastenhoitoa. Taustoitan tutkimusta aikaisemmalla tutkimuskirjallisuudella ja kuvaan Suomessakin yleistynyttä vertaistuotantokeskustelua. Vertaistuotanto avaa uuden näkökulman palvelutuotantoon 1990-luvulla jalansijaa saaneiden tilaaja-tuottaja–mallien rinnalle. Tutkielman tarkoitus on tuottaa käytännönläheistä tietoa aikapankkitoiminnasta kiinnostuneille yhteisöille ja organisaatioille. Tämän lisäksi tutkimus täydentää aiempien aikapankkeja käsitelleiden tutkimusten tuloksia tarkastelemalla toiminnan ehtoja, ei ainoastaan sen seurauksia.


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Hamiltonian systems in stellar and planetary dynamics are typically near integrable. For example, Solar System planets are almost in two-body orbits, and in simulations of the Galaxy, the orbits of stars seem regular. For such systems, sophisticated numerical methods can be developed through integrable approximations. Following this theme, we discuss three distinct problems. We start by considering numerical integration techniques for planetary systems. Perturbation methods (that utilize the integrability of the two-body motion) are preferred over conventional "blind" integration schemes. We introduce perturbation methods formulated with Cartesian variables. In our numerical comparisons, these are superior to their conventional counterparts, but, by definition, lack the energy-preserving properties of symplectic integrators. However, they are exceptionally well suited for relatively short-term integrations in which moderately high positional accuracy is required. The next exercise falls into the category of stability questions in solar systems. Traditionally, the interest has been on the orbital stability of planets, which have been quantified, e.g., by Liapunov exponents. We offer a complementary aspect by considering the protective effect that massive gas giants, like Jupiter, can offer to Earth-like planets inside the habitable zone of a planetary system. Our method produces a single quantity, called the escape rate, which characterizes the system of giant planets. We obtain some interesting results by computing escape rates for the Solar System. Galaxy modelling is our third and final topic. Because of the sheer number of stars (about 10^11 in Milky Way) galaxies are often modelled as smooth potentials hosting distributions of stars. Unfortunately, only a handful of suitable potentials are integrable (harmonic oscillator, isochrone and Stäckel potential). This severely limits the possibilities of finding an integrable approximation for an observed galaxy. A solution to this problem is torus construction; a method for numerically creating a foliation of invariant phase-space tori corresponding to a given target Hamiltonian. Canonically, the invariant tori are constructed by deforming the tori of some existing integrable toy Hamiltonian. Our contribution is to demonstrate how this can be accomplished by using a Stäckel toy Hamiltonian in ellipsoidal coordinates.


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Citizenship in the everyday of a work community. Immigrants narratives of working life. Through globalisation and the mobility of workforce, citizenship has gained new forms, and the mere legal definition of citizenship no longer gives a comprehensive view of the citizenship of an individual. Also the social, cultural and financial dimensions of it are related to the concept of citizenship. In Finland, full citizenship is promoted, according to the Integration Act and social security system, by the requirement that immigrants should mainly get their livelihood through work. In my study I approach citizenship on four levels: the global, national, work community and private levels. In the study, the global has constituted the largest possible context, which refers to the local affects of global processes. The local and the global come together in the research in that globalisation is realised on the local level, i.e. in small communities such as work communities. The objective of the study is to examine how the citizenship of immigrants who live and work in Finland is constructed in the everyday life of a work community. The most central concept of the study is cultural script, which is based on prevailing forms of knowing, and which are constructed in different ways in different times and cultures. Conflicts of scripts in the working life and difficulties in understanding and applying them are in the centre of the study. In the study, the working life experiences of immigrants are approached through narrative research. The research material consists of the working life narratives of nine immigrants who live and work in Finland permanently. Each interviewee has been interviewed 2 4 times so the research material consists of 26 interviews. The material has been analysed from the points of view of perception, feeling and action. Deborah Tannen s and William Labov s as well as Matti Hyvärinen s method of expectancy analysis to locate cultural scripts has been utilised to organise the research material. In addition, David Herman s concepts of participatory roles and event types formed in narratives have been used in the analysis of the material. The basis in the analysis is that the world, events and experiences do not define the available processes; they are always culturally and individually anchored choices of the speaker and narrator. The most important results of the study are related to the gap between globalisation and everyday life. The discussion about the future need for workforce due to the changing population structure as well as about the benefits for national economy brought by internationalisation has continued in Finland for years. However, the working life narratives of the immigrants interviewed for the study show that an average citizen and member of a work community does not immediately encounter the macro level benefits in, for example, the mobility of workforce. In most of the working life narratives there was a point in speaking and saying, in which the immigrant worker either dares to speak or falls silent. Sometimes the courage to speak was related to language skills but more to the courage to be seen and to be part of a Finnish work community. Other workers that either speak their colleague with an immigrant background into a part of their work community or marginalise the colleague with their silence have an important role in a Finnish work community. In several working life narratives, the script of the Finnish working life and work community, the way to work, was opened to the immigrant and the so-called script exchange did not take place. The study shows that working life experiences and inclusion and exclusion built on the working life have an important role in the construction of active citizenship. The detailed analysis of the working life experience narratives gives new, relevant research data about citizenship as inclusion.


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The use of buffer areas in forested catchments has been actively researched during the last 15 years; but until now, the research has mainly concentrated on the reduction of sediment and phosphorus loads, instead of nitrogen (N). The aim of this thesis was to examine the use of wetland buffer areas to reduce the nitrogen transport in forested catchments and to investigate the environmental impacts involved in their use. Besides the retention capacity, particular attention was paid to the main factors contributing to the N retention, the potential for increased N2O emissions after large N loading, the effects of peatland restoration for use as buffer areas on CH4 emissions, as well as the vegetation composition dynamics induced by the use of peatlands as buffer areas. To study the capacity of buffer areas to reduce N transport in forested catchments, we first used large artificial loadings of N, and then studied the capacity of buffer areas to reduce ammonium (NH4-N) export originating from ditch network maintenance areas in forested catchments. The potential for increased N2O emissions were studied using the closed chamber technique and a large artificial N loading at five buffer areas. Sampling for CH4 emissions and methane-cycling microbial populations were done on three restored buffer areas and on three buffers constructed on natural peatlands. Vegetation composition dynamics was studied at three buffer areas between 1996 and 2009. Wetland buffer areas were efficient in retaining inorganic N from inflow. The key factors contributing to the retention were the size and the length of the buffer, the hydrological loading and the rate of nutrient loading. Our results show that although the N2O emissions may increase temporarily to very high levels after a large N loading into the buffer area, the buffer areas in forested catchments should be viewed as insignificant sources of N2O. CH4 fluxes were substantially higher from buffers constructed on natural peatlands than from the restored buffer areas, probably because of the slow recovery of methanogens after restoration. The use of peatlands as buffer areas was followed by clear changes in plant species composition and the largest changes occurred in the upstream parts of the buffer areas and the wet lawn-level surfaces, where the contact between the vegetation and the through-flow waters was closer than for the downstream parts and dry hummock sites. The changes in the plant species composition may be an undesired phenomenon especially in the case of the mires representing endangered mire site types, and therefore the construction of new buffer areas should be primarily directed into drained peatland areas.


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There is abundant empirical evidence on the negative relationship between welfare effort and poverty. However, poverty indicators traditionally used have been representative of the monetary approach, excluding its multidimensional reality from the analysis. Using three regression techniques for the period 1990-2010 and controlling for demographic and cyclical factors, this paper examines the relationship between social spending per capita —as the indicator of welfare effort— and poverty in up to 21 countries of the region. The proportion of the population with an income below its national basic basket of goods and services (PM1) and the proportion of population with an income below 50% of the median income per capita (PM2) were the two poverty indicators considered from the monetarist approach to measure poverty. From the capability approach the proportion of the population with food inadequacy (PC1) and the proportion of the population without access to improved water sources or sanitation facilities (PC2) were used. The fi ndings confi rm that social spending is actually useful to explain changes in poverty (PM1, PC1 and PC2), as there is a high negative and signifi cant correlation between the variables before and after controlling for demographic and cyclical factors. In two regression techniques, social spending per capita did not show a negative relationship with the PM2. Countries with greater welfare effort for the period 1990-2010 were not necessarily those with the lowest level of poverty. Ultimately social spending per capita was more useful to explain changes in poverty from the capability approach.


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Sociology of everyday life aided by participant observation indicates that in the lifeworld, sociologists of today can be classified into a fivefold typology (from the highest to the lowest): 1. Pegasuses (such as Bordieu, Foucault and Habermas) 2. Pegasus-groomers 3. Tree-huggers 4. Stump-sitters 5. Moles. The paper analyses the styles of life, letters, and work of these different types as well as their impact on the progress of sociology.


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The controversy of growth: a debate between economists and sociologists about the Swedish public sector Has the ‘Swedish model’ forced Sweden into stagnating economic growth? And has this caused Sweden to lag behind other comparable OECD-countries from the 1970s and onwards, i.e. since Sweden chose a welfare path different from many other countries? This has been the subject of a more than twenty year long controversy between Walter Korpi, professor of sociology and social policy, and leading Swedish mainstream economists. In a series of articles, especially during the years of economic crisis in the 1990s, Walter Korpi claimed that other reasons than the Swedish model has to be taken into account when comparing welfare states and their impact on economic growth, while the economists have persistently maintained the opposite view. These disputes over statistics and methodology have developed into what is here referred to as a science based controversy. This article analyzes the controversy between sociology and economy in accordance with controversy theory. In this way we can consider both the underlying social as well as political aspects of the debate, which leads to the conclusion that not every aspect of a science-based controversy is a byproduct of science itself.


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The controversy of growth: a debate between economists and sociologists about the Swedish public sector Has the ‘Swedish model’ forced Sweden into stagnating economic growth? And has this caused Sweden to lag behind other comparable OECD-countries from the 1970s and onwards, i.e. since Sweden chose a welfare path different from many other countries? This has been the subject of a more than twenty year long controversy between Walter Korpi, professor of sociology and social policy, and leading Swedish mainstream economists. In a series of articles, especially during the years of economic crisis in the 1990s, Walter Korpi claimed that other reasons than the Swedish model has to be taken into account when comparing welfare states and their impact on economic growth, while the economists have persistently maintained the opposite view. These disputes over statistics and methodology have developed into what is here referred to as a science based controversy. This article analyzes the controversy between sociology and economy in accordance with controversy theory. In this way we can consider both the underlying social as well as political aspects of the debate, which leads to the conclusion that not every aspect of a science-based controversy is a byproduct of science itself.


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γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors mediate fast inhibitory synaptic transmission and have been implicated in responses to sedative/hypnotic agents (including neuroactive steroids), anxiety, and learning and memory. Using gene targeting technology, we generated a strain of mice deficient in the δ subunit of the GABA type A receptors. In vivo testing of various behavioral responses revealed a strikingly selective attenuation of responses to neuroactive steroids, but not to other modulatory drugs. Electrophysiological recordings from hippocampal slices revealed a significantly faster miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current decay time in null mice, with no change in miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current amplitude or frequency. Learning and memory assessed with fear conditioning were normal. These results begin to illuminate the novel contributions of the δ subunit to GABA pharmacology and sedative/hypnotic responses and behavior and provide insights into the physiology of neurosteroids.


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The innate immune system recognizes microbial features leading to the activation of the adaptive immune system. The role of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) is to recognize microbial DNA. In addition to immune cells, TLR9 is widely expressed in breast cancer in addition to other cancers. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, affecting approximately one in eight in industrialized countries. In the clinical setting, breast cancer is divided into three clinical subtypes with type-specific treatments. These subtypes are estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, HER2-positive and triple-negative (TNBC) breast cancer. TNBC is the most aggressive subtype that can be further divided into several subtypes. TNBC tumors lack ER, progesterone receptor and HER2 receptor. Therefore, the current clinically used targeted therapies are not suitable for TNBC treatment as TNBC is a collection of diseases rather than one entity. Some TNBC patients are cured with standard chemotherapy, while others rapidly die due to the disease. There are no clinically used iomarkers which would help in predicting which patients respond to chemotherapy. During this thesis project, we discovered a novel good-prognosis TNBC subtype. These tumors have high TLR9 expression levels. Our findings suggest that TLR9 screening in TNBC patient populations might help to identify the patients that are at the highest risk regarding a relapse. To gain better understanding on the role of TLR9 in TNBC, we developed an animal model which mimicks this disease. We discovered that suppression of TLR9 expression in TNBC cells increases their invasive properties in hypoxia. In line with the clinical findings, TNBC cells with low TLR9 expression also formed more aggressive tumors in vivo. TLR9 expression did not, however, affect TNBC tumor responses to doxorubicin. Our results suggest that tumor TLR9 expression may affect chemotherapyrelated immune responses, however, this requires further investigation. Our other findings revealed that DNA released by chemotherapy-killed cells induces TLR9-mediated invasion in living cancer cells. Normally, extracellular self-DNA is degraded by enzymes, but during massive cell death, for example during chemotherapy, the degradation machinery may be exhausted and self-DNA is taken up into living cells activating TLR9. We also discovered that the malaria drug chloroquine, an inhibitor of autophagy and TLR9 signalling does not inhibit TNBC growth in vivo, independently of the TLR9 status. Finally, we found that ERα as well as the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone regulate TLR9 expression and activity in breast cancer cells in vitro. As a conclusion, we suggest that TLR9 is a potential biomarker in TNBC. ------- Sisäsyntyisen immuniteetin tehtävä on tunnistaa mikrobien molekyylirakenteita, mikä saa aikaan adaptiivisen immuunijärjestelmän aktivoitumisen. Tollin kaltainen reseptori 9 (TLR9) on dna:ta tunnistava sisäsyntyisen immuniteetin reseptori, jota ilmennetään myös useissa syövissä, kuten rintasyövässä. Rintasyöpä on naisten yleisin syöpä, johon joka kahdeksas nainen sairastuu elämänsä aikana. Kliinisesti rintasyöpä jaotellaan kolmeen alatyyppiin, joista kolmoisnegatiivinen rintasyöpä on aggressiivisin. Tämän tyypin syövät eivät ilmennä hormonireseptoreja (estrogeeni- ja progesteronireseptori) tai HER2-reseptoria. Tästä johtuen kolmoisnegatiivisten potilaiden hoitoon ei voida käyttää rintasyövän nykyisten hoitosuositusten mukaisia täsmähoitoja. Kolmoisnegatiivinen rintasyöpä ei kuitenkaan ole yksi sairaus, koska molekyylitasolla sen on osoitettu koostuvan lukuisista, biologialtaan erilaisista syöpämuodoista. Tällä hetkellä kliinisessä käytössä ei ole biomarkkeria, jonka avulla kolmoisnegatiivisen rintasyövän alatyypit voisi erottaa toisistaan. Löysimme uuden kolmoisnegatiivisen syövän alatyypin, joka ilmentää vain vähän TLR9-proteiinia. Tällä alatyypillä on erittäin huono ennuste ja tulostemme perusteella TRL9-tason selvittäminen voisi seuloa huonoennusteiset syövät kolmoisnegatiivisten syöpien joukosta. Kehitimme eläinmallin, jolla voidaan tutkia matalan ja korkean TLR9-tason vaikutuksia kolmoisnegatiivisten kasvainten hoitovasteeseen. Toinen löytömme oli, että kemoterapialla tapettujen syöpäsolujen dna saa aikaan elävien syöpäsolujen TLR9-välitteistä invaasiota. Normaalisti entsyymit hajoittavat yksilön oman solunulkoisen dna:n. Erikoistilanteissa, kuten syöpähoitojen yhteydessä, jolloin solukuolema on massiivista, elimistön oma koneisto ei ehdi tuhoamaan solunulkoista dna:ta ja sitä voi kertyä eläviin soluihin, joissa se aktivoi TLR9:n. Kolmanneksi havaitsimme, että malarialääke klorokiini, joka estää TLR9:n toimintaa ja jolla on syövänvastaisia vaikutuksia soluviljelyolosuhteissa, ei estänyt TLR9-positiivisten tai TLR9-negatiivisten kasvainten kasvua käyttämässämme eläinmallissa. Neljänneksi soluviljelykokeittemme tulokset osoittivat, että sukupuolihormonit estrogeeni ja testosteroni sekä estrogeenireseptori osallistuvat TLR9:n ilmentymisen ja aktiivisuuden säätelyyn. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että TLR9 potentiaalinen biomarkkeri kolmoisnegatiivisessa rintasyövässä.