66 resultados para insurgency


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Civilians constitute a large share of casualties in civil wars across the world. They are targeted to create fear and punish allegiance with the enemy. This maximizes collaboration with the perpetrator and strengthens the support network necessary to consolidate control over contested regions. I develop a model of the magnitude and structure of civilian killings in civil wars involving two armed groups who Öght over territorial control. Armies secure compliance through a combination of carrots and sticks. In turn, civilians di§er from each other in their intrinsic preference towards one group. I explore the e§ect of the empowerment of one of the groups in the civilian death toll. There are two e§ects that go in opposite directions. While a direct e§ect makes the powerful group more lethal, there is an indirect e§ect by which the number of civilians who align with that group increases, leaving less enemy supporters to kill. I study the conditions under which there is one dominant e§ect and illustrate the predictions using sub-national longitudinal data for Colombiaís civil war.


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El interés de esta monografía es evaluar la influencia del conflicto armado nepalí sobre las relaciones de Nepal con India y China. Se analiza y se explica como un conflicto armado interno puede influir desde sus causas, desarrollo y desenlace en las relaciones regionales y bilaterales de un país con sus vecinos. El presente texto pretende probar que la guerra civil de Nepal influyo positivamente en sus relaciones con India y China, planteando al país nepalí como un escenario en disputa entre estas dos potencias emergentes. Mediante el Realismo Estructural de Keneth Watlz se evaluaran las lógicas y los patrones de cambio que puedan modificar el sistema conformado por Nepal, China e India, para posteriormente examinar los cambios reales o parciales que sufrieron las relaciones de estos países al termino del conflicto armado.


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A pesar de la normatividad que establece el carácter apolítico de los miembros de las Fuerzas Militares es posible afirmar que los militares en Colombia cuentan con un pensamiento político debido a procesos sociológicos e históricos que datan de mediados del siglo XX. En el caso puntual del proceso de paz actual, iniciado en Agosto del 2012, entre el Estado Colombiano y el grupo guerrillero FARC se concluye que aunque los militares están a favor de la paz existen multiples factores que generan preocupación e incertidumbre al respecto, lo que se explica a partir de los procesos mencionados.


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Este ensaio, baseado em pressupostos da obra de Paulo Freire, propõe-se a discutir a pedagogia latino-americana e a produção de conhecimento numa perspectiva de superação da colonialidade pedagógica. A primeira parte deste estudo se dedica a situar as práticas educativas de caráter emancipatório na América Latina no contexto pedagógico atual, em movimentos sociais e na universidade, buscando identificar algumas de suas principais marcas. Em seguida, detém-se na recuperação de elementos da memória em torno da idéia de colonialidade e a superação da mesma na e com a educação. Por fim, apresentam-se algumas contribuições do tensionamento entre a colonialidade e a insurgência para a pedagogia latino-americana: a) no diálogo horizontal entre conhecimentos em busca de metodologias próprias; b) como território de resistências ou movimento de lugares e tempos diversos; e, c) na busca da latinidade negada ou o aprender nas fronteiras. José Martí, Simón Rodríguez e os zapatistas são algumas referências na busca pela memória pedagógica latino-americana e interlocutores privilegiados na problematização desta pedagogia que se compreende um processo aberto, onde superar a colonialidade a partir das tensões produzidas nas insurgências pedagógicas significa antecipar, ensaiar, as possibilidades emancipadoras, endógenas e autênticas.


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Este artículo expone los vínculos entre las élites charqueñas y rioplatenses desde mediados del siglo XVIII hasta inicios del siglo XIX, con una mirada que incorpora la relación territorial y el vínculo de las culturas políticas que se entretejen en la conformación de ambas élites. El trabajo da cuenta de los vínculos políticos entre el mundo charqueño y el rioplatense, asumiendo ambas realidades como vinculadas e interdependientes, y muestra que dicho vínculo estuvo configurado por narraciones y preocupaciones comunes, el impacto de la crisis imperial de 1808, la resonancia de la insurgencia indígena en los años previos (La Gran Regelión de los Andes y la Rebelión de Túpac Katari) y las experiencias autonomistas del mundo andino: La Plata (Chiquisaca) y La Paz. Se utilizan los aportes de la historia conceptual y la sociología política para analizar esos complejos mundos políticos y de conformación de élites.


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This article analyses the counter-terrorist operations carried out by Captain (later Major General) Orde Wingate in Palestine in 1938, and considers whether these might inform current operations. Wingate's Special Night Squads were formed from British soldiers and Jewish police specifically to counter terrorist and sabotage attacks. Their approach escalated from interdicting terrorist gangs to pre-emptive attacks on suspected terrorist sanctuaries to reprisal attacks after terrorist atrocities. They continued the British practice of using irregular units in counter-insurgency, which was sustained into the postwar era and contributed to the evolution of British Special Forces. Wingate's methods proved effective in pacifying terrorist-infested areas and could be applied again, but only in the face of 'friction' arising from changes in cultural attitudes since the 1930s, and from the political-strategic context of post-2001 counter-insurgent and counter-terrorist operations. In some cases, however, public opinion might not preclude the use of some of Wingate's techniques.


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Classical counterinsurgency theory – written before the 19th century – has generally strongly opposed atrocities, as have theoreticians writing on how to conduct insurgencies. For a variety of reasons – ranging from pragmatic to religious or humanitarian – theoreticians of both groups have particularly argued for the lenient treatment of civilians associated with the enemy camp, although there is a marked pattern of exceptions, for example, where heretics or populations of cities refusing to surrender to besieging armies are concerned. And yet atrocities – defined here as acts of violence against the unarmed (non-combatants, or wounded or imprisoned enemy soldiers), or needlessly painful and/or humiliating treatment of enemy combatants, beyond any action needed to incapacitate or disarm them – occur frequently in small wars. Examples abound where these exhortations have been ignored, both by forces engaged in an insurgency and by forces trying to put down a rebellion. Why have so many atrocities been committed in war if so many arguments have been put forward against them? This is the basic puzzle for which the individual contributions to this special issue are seeking to find tentative answers, drawing on case studies.


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This article considers the threaties and customs governing armed conflict in the context of the long standing insurgency in southeast Turkey. The first part of the article analyzes the existing treaty and customary law concerning the threshold of an armed conflict and concludes that the insurgency in Southeast Turkey existing since 1984 rises to the level of an armed conflict based on criteria identified both in treaty and customary international law. The next consideration is the classification of this conflict and this part concludes that this situation is a non-international armed conflict due to lack of involvement of forces of another country. Finally, this article considers international humanitarian law applicable to this non-international armed conflict and reveals that as a result of the monumental International Committee of the Red Cross customary humanitarian law study, particularly with respect to the law of targeting, that the rules applicable to international and non-international armed conflict have never been closer.


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There are clearly identifiable patterns in the way in which insurgents operate in certain geographic areas and cultures, and in which states deal with them. These have been stressed by writing about national "ways of war", strategic culture, or national styles. Nevertheless, there have been important ruptures and changes in some of these, so that for Britain, for example, three successive phases corresponding to patterns can be identified. For France, two pronounced rivaling traditions coincided over two centuries. Algerians by contrast changed fundamentally in their fighting style with the different political ideologies they were following. Palestinian insurgency against Israel is also marked by change in approach. Russia and China possibly show the longest continuity in their handling of insurgencies.


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In early modern times, warfare in Europe took on many diverse and overlapping forms. Our modern notions of ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ warfare, of ‘major war’ and ‘small war’, have their roots in much greater diversity than such binary notions allow for. While insurgencies go back to time immemorial, they have become conceptually fused with ‘small wars’. This is a term first used to denote special operations, often carried out by military companies formed from special ethnic groups and then recruited into larger armies. In its Spanish form, guerrilla, the term ‘small war’ came to stand for an ideologically-motivated insurgency against the state authorities or occupying forces of another power. There is much overlap between the phenomena of irregular warfare in the sense of special operations alongside regular operations, and irregular warfare of insurgents against the regular forces of a state. This book demonstrates how long the two phenomena were in flux and fed on each other, from the raiding operations of the 16th century to the ‘small wars’ or special operations conducted by special units in the 19th century, which existed alongside and could merge with a popular insurgency. This book is based on a special issue of the journal Small Wars & Insurgencies.


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Transforming the meaning of the term 'guerrilla' which had once meant feud or private warfare, and then irregular war conducted by special forces on behalf of a state or government, the Spanish Guerrilla (part of the Peninsular War) against Napoleon became the model to be emulated by insurgency movements across the world. Even though the term itself continued to be used, even in Spanish, for special operations, in henceforth became imbued with an ideological dimension, which is how it would be used especially in the 20th century.


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In this research, we propose a discussion from that observed in our field of work that women are prostitutes and who self-define understood. We check these women have sex with men by means of work and with women from the relationship of affection. We analyzed the practice of sexual activity as another possible expression of sexuality. There are many studies that deal with issues around the theme of prostitution and homosexuality in regard to various aspects and disciplines. Our proposal for study with these women is a topic that is on the agenda, as today, the theme of prostitution and homosexuality is well discussed within the Humanities in general. These new studies indicate about sexuality in a privileged place discussing values associated with the intimacy of the modern person, but also suggest that permeate discussions elements underlying the identity of women who have sex with women and men, the latter being, sexual activity mediated through the employment relationship by the financial interest, because according to our informants, prostitution is a job. From the reports of our participants / informants your answers fit the various brands that define the social field of possibilities of the sexual practices of individuals, raising questions about the origin and social class, family history, stage of life they are set of gender relations in the universe in which they live. All these elements provide the beacons to the process of shaping of subjectivity, understood as the social and biographical circumstances that define the direction I face this new constitution of the subject, it is defined by many theorists of the humanities, such as post-modern or modernity, and the insurgency that we have with the liberation movements that gays and lesbians were in question and make the politicization of sexuality


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A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar alguns dos principais espaços territoriais especialmente protegidos existentes no Direito brasileiro, a partir da perspectiva socioambiental e eticamente comprometida com os povos da Amazônia, identificando seus limites e suas possibilidades na defesa contra os potenciais impactos produzidos pela introdução da soja transgênica na região. Para isso, analisa-se o processo de inserção histórica da Amazônia no sistema-mundo vigente, sob a forma de um desenvolvimento desigual e combinado, marcado por diversos conflitos, pela violência e pela grilagem de terras. Dentro desse contexto, buscou-se identificar as especificidades da forma como o agronegócio altamente capitalizado da soja se insere na região, a partir do conceito-chave da geopolítica, que, com a introdução da biotecnologia, produz o nascimento da biopolítica. A forma jurídica dos OGM é então analisada enquanto produto desta biopolítica, ensejando uma série de riscos socioambientais ainda não esclarecidos plenamente pela ciência, e que exigem, justamente por isso, a aplicação do princípio da precaução. Tal princípio, não obstante constituir-se como um dos pilares do Direito Ambiental brasileiro, foi inconstitucionalmente afastado do regime jurídico dos transgênicos, provocando polêmicas inclusive no que tange à possibilidade jurídica do cultivo de variedades GM nas proximidades de áreas protegidas. Analisando o atual processo de introdução e expansão da soja transgênica na Amazônia, região configurada por uma enorme sócio-biodiversidade e repleta de espaços territoriais especialmente protegidos, busca-se então conferir uma Interpretação jurídica de caráter socioambiental, portanto coerente com a Constituição Federal de 1988, no que tange ao regime jurídico vigente para o cultivo de transgênicos no entorno de unidades de conservação, terras indígenas e territórios quilombolas, selecionados em virtude do potencial protagonismo dos povos da Amazônia na ação de resistência e de insurgência contra o projeto da Totalidade dominadora, que, ao produzir suas vítimas, produz também a possibilidade histórica da organização destas vítimas e a mobilização política para a construção de um projeto político de libertação.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS