161 resultados para distributors
This thesis examined the level of food safety compliance with government regulations and investigated routes of microbiological contaminations in raw finfish within Vietnamese domestic seafood distribution chains. Findings from direct observation, microbiological analysis and employee surveys were synthesized to identify the main factors affecting food safety and hygiene practices of fish distributors. The studies produced clear recommendations for food safety management in the domestic distribution chains. The findings may contribute to national efforts to decrease the risks of fish-borne illness for consumers in Vietnam.
"The Australian Consumer Law came into operation on 1 January 2011 as a single national law. It replaced 17 different pieces of Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation relating to consumer protection. Its introduction meant that for the first time, consumers throughout Australia had the same rights and remedies and correspondingly, businesses had the same obligations and responsibilities towards consumers without the barrier of confusing and expensive local variations in the law. Australian Consumer Law: Commentary and Materials contains up-to-date material on the Australian Consumer Law, and in particular the fifth edition incorporates: a revised treatment of unconscionability, taking account of the changes to Part 2-2 of the ACL that became effective in 2012; other State and Federal provisions relating to unfair terms and cases such as Kakavas v Crown Melbourne, ACCC v Lux Distributors, Director of Consumer Affairs v Scully and PT Ltd v Spuds Surf; a comprehensive treatment of the impact of Google v ACCC, Forrest v ASIC and ACCC v TPG – the trilogy of decisions that provide the most recent insights into the High Court’s thinking on aspects of the prohibitions of misleading conduct in the ACL and the Corporations Act 2001; numerous decisions of note; and the possible impact of the Harper Review."--publisher website
As a first step to better targeting the activities of a project for improving management of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentialis, (WFT) in field grown vegetable crops, we surveyed growers, consultants and other agribusiness personnel in two regions of Queensland. Using face-to-face interviews, we collected data on key pests and measures used to manage them, the importance of WFT and associated viral diseases, sources of pest management information and additional skills and knowledge needed by growers and industry. Responses were similar in the two regions. While capsicum growers in one northern Queensland district had suffered serious losses from WFT damage in 2002, in general the pest was not seen as a major problem. In cucurbit crops, the silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci biotype B) was considered the most difficult insect pest to manage. Pest control tactics were largely based on pesticides although many respondents mentioned non-chemical methods such as good farm hygiene practices, control of weed hosts and regular crop monitoring, particularly when prompted. Respondents wanted to know more about pest identification, biology and damage, spray application and the best use of insecticides. Natural enemies were mentioned infrequently. Keeping up to date with available pesticide options, availability of new chemicals and options for a district-wide approach to managing pests emerged as key issues. Growers identified agricultural distributors, consultants, Queensland Department of Primary Industries staff, other growers and their own experience as important sources of information. Field days, workshops and seminars did not rank highly. Busy vegetable growers wanted these activities to be short and relevant, and preferred to be contacted by post and facsimile rather than email. In response to these results, we are focusing on three core, interrelated project extension strategies: (i) short workshops, seminars and farm walks to provide opportunities for discussion, training and information sharing with growers and their agribusiness advisors; (ii) communication via newsletters and information leaflets; (iii) support for commercialisation of services.
The goal of my research was to describe how adult students perceive professional knowledge and know-how, and how these diffuse among a group of students during a continuing education program. The goal was also to research the meaning of shared working life experience in improving the professional know-how of the students. My research is positioned in the field of supporting environments for adult learning with an emphasis on interaction between students in social networks. The participants of my research were 31 adult students taking part in continuing education program at the time of my study. I gathered the research data using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative network enquiry led me to do 9 theme interviews. I analyzed the data using a network analyzing program and a content analyzing method. I examined the whole community of students, the home groups of four students and the main actors who were central for the community. The analysis focused on the distribution network of professional knowledge and know-how, the distribution network of social support and the network of reciprocal interaction. Professional knowledge and know-how that diffuse between adult students in continuing education, is mostly hands-on tips and occupational experience. The factors that promote the distribution of professional experience and know-how are structural ones and factors that emphasize co-operation relationships. The structural factors are participation in adult education and in home groups and also organizational arrangements of learning. The factors that emphasize co-operation relationships are encouragement and doing learning assignments together. The central distributors of professional know-how are adult students who have long working life experience. The meaning of the diffusion of professional experience and know-how for improving professional know-how of a single adult student is in developing his professional identity and adding his social capital. In the social interaction networks, which I studied, more relations exist inside the home groups than between them, which is congruent with earlier researches. My research can be utilized by using its research methods and emphasizing its results in adult education planning and guidance.
Quality and safety evaluation of agricultural products has become an increasingly important consideration in market/commercial viability and systems for such evaluations are now demanded by customers, including distributors and retailers. Unfortunately, most horticultural products struggle with delivering adequate and consistent quality to the consumer. Removing inconsistencies and providing what the consumer expects is a key factor for retaining and expanding both domestic and international markets. Most commercial quality classification systems for fruit and vegetables are based on external features of the product, for example: shape, colour, size, weight and blemishes. However, the external appearance of most fruit is generally not an accurate guide to the internal or eating quality of the fruit. Internal quality of fruit is currently subjectively judged on attributes such as volatiles, firmness, and appearance. Destructive subjective measures such as internal flesh colour, or objective measures such as extraction of juice to measure sweetness (oBrix) or assessment of dry matter (DM) content are also used, although obviously not for every fruit – just a sample to represent the whole consignment. For avocado fruit, external colour is not a maturity characteristic, and its smell is too weak and appears later in its maturity stage (Gaete-Garreton et al., 2005). Since maturity is a major component of avocado quality and palatability, it is important to harvest mature fruit, so as to ensure that fruit will ripen properly and have acceptable eating quality. Currently, commercial avocado maturity estimation is based on destructive assessment of the %DM, and sometimes percent oil, both of which are highly correlated with maturity (Clark et al., 2003; Mizrach & Flitsanov, 1999). Avocados Australia Limited (AAL (2008)) recommend a minimum maturity standard for its growers of 23 %DM (greater than 10% oil content) for the ‘Hass’ cultivar, although consumer studies indicate a preference for at least 25 %DM (Harker et al., 2007).
The thesis explores the discourse of two global news agencies, the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, which together with the French AFP are generally regarded as the world s leading news distributors. A glance at the guidelines given by AP and Reuters to their journalists shows that these two news agencies make a lot of effort to strive for objectivity the well-known journalistic ideal, which, however, is an almost indefinable concept. In journalism textbooks definitions of objectivity often contain various components: detachment, nonpartisanship, facticity, balance, etc. AP and Reuters, too, in their guidelines, present several other ideals besides objectivity , viz., reliability, accuracy, balance, freedom from bias, precise sourcing, reporting the truth, and so on. Other central concepts connected to objectivity are neutrality and impartiality. However, objectivity is, undoubtedly, the term that is most often mentioned when the ethics of journalism is discussed, acting as a kind of umbrella term for several related journalistic ideals. It can even encompass the other concept that is relevant for this study, that of factuality. These two intertwined concepts are extremely complex; paradoxically, it is easier to show evidence of the lack of objectivity or factuality than of their existence. I argue that when journalists conform to the deep-rooted conventions of objective news reporting, facts may be blurred, and the language becomes vague and ambiguous. As global distributors of news, AP and Reuters have had an influential role in creating and reinforcing conventions of (at least English-language) news writing. These conventions can be seen to work at various levels of news reporting: the ideological (e.g., defining what is regarded as newsworthy, or who is responsible), structural (e.g., the well-known inverted pyramid model), and stylistic (e.g., presupposing that in hard news reports, the journalist s voice should be backgrounded). On the basis of my case studies, I have found four central conventions to be worthy of closer examination: the conventional structure of news reports, the importance of newsworthiness, the tactics of impersonalisation which tends to blur news actors responsibility, and the routines of presenting emotions. My linguistic analyses draw mainly on M.A.K. Halliday s Systemic Functional Grammar, on notions of transitivity, ergativity, nominalisation and grammatical metaphor. The Appraisal framework, too, has provided useful tools for my analyses. The thesis includes six case studies dealing with the following topics: metaphors in political reporting, terrorism discourse, terrorism fears, emotions more generally, unnamed sources as rhetorical constructs, and responsibility in the convention of attribution.
Research on corporate responsibility has traditionally focused on the responsibilities of companies within their corporate boundaries only. Yet this view is challenged today as more and more companies face the situation in which the environmental and social performance of their suppliers, distributors, industry or other associated partners impacts on their sales performance and brand equity. Simultaneously, policy-makers have taken up the discussion on corporate responsibility from the perspective of globalisation, in particular of global supply chains. The category of selecting and evaluating suppliers has also entered the field of environmental reporting. Companies thus need to tackle their responsibility in collaboration with different partners. The aim of the thesis is to further the understanding of collaboration and corporate environmental responsibility beyond corporate boundaries. Drawing on the fields of supply chain management and industrial ecology, the thesis sets out to investigate inter-firm collaboration on three different levels, between the company and its stakeholders, in the supply chain, and in the demand network of a company. The thesis is comprised of four papers: Paper A discusses the use of different research approaches in logistics and supply chain management. Paper B introduces the study on collaboration and corporate environmental responsibility from a focal company perspective, looking at the collaboration of companies with their stakeholders, and the salience of these stakeholders. Paper C widens this perspective to an analysis on the supply chain level. The focus here is not only beyond corporate boundaries, but also beyond direct supplier and customer interfaces in the supply chain. Paper D then extends the analysis to the demand network level, taking into account the input-output, competitive and regulatory environments, in which a company operates. The results of the study broaden the view of corporate responsibility. By applying this broader view, different types of inter-firm collaboration can be highlighted. Results also show how environmental demand is extended in the supply chain regardless of the industry background of the company.
[ES] La apuesta de la distribución por la extensión de su marca a las categorías de productos duraderos, como electrodomésticos y productos electrónicos para el hogar, ha demostrado ser acertada, a pesar de las críticas en contra de esta estrategia. Posiblemente, la mayor familiaridad del consumidor con las marcas del distribuidor, el cambio de actitud favorable hacia éstas, la disponibilidad de la tecnología, y por qué no, la crisis económica internacional que afecta a las economías domésticas, pueden ser factores explicativos de este éxito.
Seventy percent of the world's catch of fish and fishery products is consumed as food. Fish and shellfish products represent 15.6 percent of animal protein supply and 5.6 percent of total protein supply on a worldwide basis. Developing countries account for almost 50 percent of global fish exports. Seafood-borne disease or illness outbreaks affect consumers both physically and financially, and create regulatory problems for both importing and exporting countries. Seafood safety as a commodity cannot be purchased in the marketplace and government intervenes to regulate the safety and quality of seafood. Theoretical issues and data limitations create problems in estimating what consumers will pay for seafood safety and quality. The costs and benefits of seafood safety must be considered at all levels, including the fishers, fish farmers, input suppliers to fishing, processing and trade, seafood processors, seafood distributors, consumers and government. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) programmes are being implemented on a worldwide basis for seafood. Studies have been completed to estimate the cost of HACCP in various shrimp, fish and shellfish plants in the United States, and are underway for some seafood plants in the United Kingdom, Canada and Africa. Major developments within the last two decades have created a set of complex trading situations for seafood. Current events indicate that seafood safety and quality can be used as non-tariff barriers to free trade. Research priorities necessary to estimate the economic value and impacts of achieving safer seafood are outlined at the consumer, seafood production and processing, trade and government levels. An extensive list of references on the economics of seafood safety and quality is presented. (PDF contains 56 pages; captured from html.)
This study was conducted to identify a functioning fingerlings production and delivery system for a sustainable aquaculture development. Data were collected from 234 respondents randomly sampled from a population of 600 fish farmers. Results indicated that farmer-to-farmer was the major source of fingerlings production and distribution system. Although this source accessed disadvantaged groups like the rural based, resource poor, less educated and women, it lacked knowledge on how to produce good quality fingerlings. These results suggest that a decentralized and privatized fingerlings production and delivery system should be promoted. For this system to operate effectively the aquaculture department should first identify potential zones for aquaculture growth and profit motivated fingerlings producers and distributors. Furthermore, the institutional mechanism through which farmer-to-farmer will operate should be identified and strengthened through short and long term training programmes. The government should support the system by providing guidelines for good quality fingerlings management; maintain brood stock parents and technical training in Bangladesh.
Español:Este TFG pretende exponer de un modo sencillo el mercado eléctrico español. Se trata de un tema de elevada complejidad y gran extensión. Con el fin de alcanzar una idea clara, hemos decidido centrarnos en los puntos de mayor relevancia. En las secciones siguientes abordamos cuestiones relativas al mercado mayorista (pool) y minorista español así como la incipiente reforma eléctrica llevada a cabo por el Gobierno. Después de una breve Introducción, la sección 2 enumera una serie de términos que se utilizan con frecuencia en esta área. La sección 3 proporciona algunos antecedentes sobre el sector eléctrico. La sección 4 se refiere al mercado mayorista, en el cual se realiza la compra-venta diaria de electricidad. En él participan los productores, los distribuidores y los comercializadores de electricidad, así como los consumidores cualificados de energía eléctrica. Dentro de éste nos encontramos el mercado a plazo (o forward), el mercado diario (o spot) y el mercado a corto plazo (o de ajuste). La sección 5 trata del mercado minorista, su diseño y composición. Aquí, las empresas encargadas de comercializar energía (que compran en el mercado mayorista a las empresas generadoras) se la venden a los consumidores finales. En la sección 6 se aborda la Reforma Eléctrica, aclarando los cambios sufridos desde su implantación. Los hechos más llamativos a este respecto son: la eliminación de las subastas CESUR y el cambio de la Tarifa de Último Recurso (TUR) a un Precio Voluntario para el Pequeño Consumidor (PVPC). Por último, hay una sección final con las principales conclusiones.
[ES]En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se trata el tema de la internacionalización en el sector vitivinícola, expresando brevemente la importancia del sector agroalimentario, del cual es parte el área analizada. Será analizado mediante casos prácticos, se estudiarán dos de las bodegas más importantes de España, establecidas en dos comunidades autónomas que son productoras y distribuidoras de vino históricamente; Bodegas Eguren-Ugarte, afincada en el País Vasco y una de las marcas más conocidas a nivel nacional; Bodegas Torres, afincada en la Cataluña y una de las marcas más conocidas tanto a nivel nacional como mundial. Mediante la realización de entrevistas a responsables de comercio exterior busco por una parte afianzar mis aptitudes en cuanto a la relación con grandes empresarios, intentando conocer mejor como trabajan e intentando mejorar el cara a cara con personas influyentes. Por otro lado, pretendo identificar las características diferenciales del proceso de internacionalización del sector vitivinícola, para conocer mejor el sector y la manera en la que las empresas bodegueras realizan su expansión internacional. En tercer lugar, y debido a que el sector vitivinícola crece y se moderniza a grandes velocidades, conocer las nuevas vías de comercialización de producto. Por último, y en menor grado, debido a la falta de información, trato de valorarla participación de los entes públicos (estatales, autonómicos o europeos) dentro del proceso de internacionalización y si esta participación es influyente.
A lo largo de este trabajo se realiza un profundo análisis de cómo está estructurado el sector de la distribución comercial y la evolución de las relaciones entre fabricantes y distribuidores en los últimos años, haciendo especial hincapié en las nuevas formas de colaboración surgidas a raíz de la existencia de un problema como es la pérdida de poder de negociación de los fabricantes o productores ante los distribuidores. Partiendo de estas nuevas formas de colaboración, ahondamos en el caso Hermeneus, un nuevo tipo de intermediario, que ayudándose de las últimas tecnologías de comunicación, permite poner en contacto a los fabricantes y productores con el consumidor final directamente, sin influir en los precios y márgenes que el primero crea oportunos.
Esta dissertação tem como objeto o estudo da relação estabelecida entre a indústria farmacêutica e a assistência farmacêutica no âmbito do SUS. O objetivo é avaliar como estão sendo feitas as compras de medicamentos para os programas de assistência farmacêutica básica para hipertensão, diabetes e asma e rinite. A captura de dados foi realizada nas Secretarias de Saúde do estado e do município do Rio de Janeiro. Realizou-se comparação dos preços unitários dos medicamentos adquiridos no estado, no município do Rio de Janeiro e no Banco de Preços em Saúde (BPS), no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2006. Em alguns momentos foram utilizados dados da Revista ABCFARMA, sobre preços unitários do mercado varejista. A pesquisa tornou possível registrar que o Estado do Rio de Janeiro compra medicamentos a um preço unitário mais alto do que aqueles praticados pela prefeitura e pelo Banco de Preços em Saúde. A hipótese apresentada é que o preço unitário mais alto se deve às inúmeras compras emergenciais realizadas, que estimulam os fornecedores a compensar o risco com preços maiores. Como a maioria dos fornecedores é distribuidora de medicamentos, elas estariam onerando os preços unitários, pois tiveram problemas no passado com o cumprimento da dívida pelo estado. Segundo autoridades estaduais da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde, esta situação indesejável está sendo superada através de uma nova forma de aquisição de medicamentos. A prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, por outro lado, tem realizado as compras de medicamentos por licitações na modalidade concorrência. Esta forma possibilitou a aquisição de medicamentos a preços inferiores aos outros entes pesquisados. A maioria dos fornecedores da prefeitura é a própria indústria de medicamentos, o que, em princípio, torna o preço mais baixo. Conclui-se, então: que o Estado do Rio de Janeiro passou por crises de desabastecimento ou abastecimento irregular dos programa de assistência farmacêutica básica, o que contribuiu para a elevação dos preços praticados; e que a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro tem conseguido comprar medicamentos em condições mais favoráveis que o governo de estado.
In the eastern United States as well as in many countries where most shellfish originate in public beds, shellfishermen, local communities, distributors, and consumers have been dependent on wild stocks for shellfish supplies. Abundance of shellfish is usually much lower than the carrying capacity of the beds and can fluctuate widely among seasons. Thus shellfisheries are built upon a relatively weak foundation: Uncertin supplies, abundance of which is governed by several natural factors.