925 resultados para customer value assessment
The objective of this master’s thesis was twofold: first to examine the concept of customer value and its drivers and second to identify information use practices. The first part of the study represents explorative research that was carried out by examining a case company’s customer satisfaction data that was used to identify sales and technical customer service related value drivers on a detailed attribute level. This was followed by an examination of whether these attributes had been commented on in a positive or a negative light and what were the reasons why the case company had received higher or lower ratings than its competitor. As a result a classification of different sales and technical customer service related attributes was created. The results indicated that the case company has performed well, but that the results varied on the company’s business segment level. The case company’s staff, service and the benefits from a long-lasting relationship came up in a positive light whereas attitude, flexibility and reaction time came up in a negative light. The reasons for a higher or lower score in comparison to competitor varied. The results indicated that a customer’s satisfaction with the company’s performance did not always mean that the company was outperforming the competition. The second part of the study focused on customer satisfaction information use from the viewpoints of information access, dissemination and reaction. The study was conducted by running an internal survey among the case company’s staff. The results showed that information use practices varied across the company and some units or teams had taken a more proactive approach to the information use than others.
Increasing pressures to reduce costs, inprove productivity, and lower the environmental impact are forcing suppliers to present evidences of the monetary and societal value they create for the customers and society around. The extant academic literature on the practical activities related to topic is still sparse and this study addresses the gap by developing sustainable customer value proposition for Valmet’s recycled fibre line solution for the Chinese market. The research is based on literature review and single case study method. Theoretically the study is connected to the emerging literature of customer value and life cycle engineering, and to the research of sustainable development in the field of marketing. For exloiting empirical evidences, in-depth supplier interviews and customer survey were conducted. The results suggest that selling of recycled fibre line solution requires tangible and credible evidence of the value and utility which is delivered for the customer. In addition to the economic benefits also societal benefits should be included in the value proposition that are the focus of attention in China. Still, the role of discovered benefits may be contradictory until they are communicated to appropriate decision makers. Managerially the study contributes to the customer value management and quantification knowledge and practices in Valmet’s organization.
Pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia asiakasarvoa ja sitä, miten asiakasarvoa voidaan käyttää hyväksi uusasiakashankinnassa. Tällä hetkellä kirjallisuudessa on pinnalla muutos tuotekeskeisyydestä asiakaskeskeiseen näkökulmaan, joka tunnistaa asiakasarvon tärkeyden bisnes suhteissa. Tämä tutkimus osallistuu kyseiseen keskusteluun muodostamalla tavan mitata asiakasarvoa, ja peilaamalla saavutettuja tuloksia uusasiakashankinta prosessiin. Empiirinen tutkimus on toteutettu kahdessa osassa: kvalitatiivisessa sekä kvantitatiivisessa. Ensimmäisessä osassa haastateltiin kahdeksaa potentiaalista asiakasta, minkä jälkeen saadut tulokset vietiin suurempaan skaalaan toteuttamalla kysely suurelle joukolle potentiaalisia asiakkaita. Lopulliset tulokset osoittavat, että asiakasarvon käyttäminen hyväksi uusasiakashankinnassa on erittäin tehokas ja käyttökelpoinen metodi. Asiakasarvoon perustuvat asiakassegmentit mahdollistavat oikeiden arvojen kommunikoinnin oikeille segmenteille. Se antaa yritykselle myös mahdollisuuden valita houkuttelevimmat asiakasryhmät ja vahvistaa asiakaskantaansa.
The goal of the thesis was to gain understanding of organizational buying behavior and its effect from the selling perspective and to generate base for verifying customer value propositions for Actiw Oy. The first objective was to discover the current buying decision criteria of current customers to understand the buying motives which had led to the investment initially. Second objective was to understand how the buying decision criteria and customer experiences can be turned into customer value propositions. Research was done with 16 customer interviews, which were focused on obtaining the information on the buying center and the value of the solution. Thesis goes through the main theories of OBB and the theory behind customer value management. Based on customer interviews, the currently used customer value propositions were tested and categorized into points-of-parities and points-ofdifferences. The interviews confirmed customer behavior in new task and modified rebuy situations and also gave confirmation to the internally done customer value propositions. Main finding of the study was, that as the value propositions are possible to present more specifically to each new case instead of using all benefits at the same time.
The purpose of this study is to analyze supplier’s value creation ability in project business in order to enhance customer’s business. In addition, the aim is to identify the role of business relationships in value creation and analyze the applicability of key account management in project business. The study considers value from the customer’s point of view. The concepts of value and value creation are widely discussed in marketing literature. Theory emphasizes the importance of value creation and business relationships in business markets. The empirical part of the study is conducted as a case study research. The empirical evidence is collected by interviewing one supplier organization and their three customer organizations. These companies operate in Finnish and global industrial markets. Data is collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The study identifies several customer value drivers influencing on the value creation, which can be divided into product, service and relationship elements. One of the recognized value drivers is customer-supplier relationship. The findings show that a closer relationship enhances value creation possibilities and the key account management program allows effective managing of business relationships. As managerial implications, suppliers should seek to create continuous and conversational relationships with the key account customers.
The goal of this thesis is to look for and point out problems and bottlenecks related to value chains and networks in initiation and implementation of intelligent packaging. The research is based on interviews in different case companies and is qualitative by nature. The interview results are examined through a framework built upon relevant theory, with the aim to present a useful recommendation for a supplier company for advancing intelligent packaging business. The perspective that is attained through the research questions demonstrates the potential customer companies’ views of possibilities and problems. The key results suggest that intellectual property of relevant products is in an important position from the customers’ perspective. If the supplier does not own a product technology, a sufficiently large company can consider working as an integrator in a network where smaller companies make use of a compiled offering from other smaller actors. The foundation for these networks and company relationships is value creation, which has to be based on profound customer knowledge and research. The framework that is created for this study builds upon earlier research to provide a model that better serves intelligent packaging implementation and includes the notion of importance of value proposition and continuous value co-creation.
Recent research in relationships marketing and sales and sales management emphasizes companies’ ability to create customer value as a core of all business-to-business relationships. The role of individual salespeople in business relation-ships is commonly acknowledged, but has been largely neglected in extant literature. This study offers especially more detailed perspective on salespeople’s roles and tasks in business-to-business value-based sales process. It focuses especially on Software-as-a-Service business environment. The objective of the study is to find out how salespeople can create value in Software-as-a-Service value-based sales process. It determines value-based sales process, salespeople’s roles and tasks in it, and combines value assessment in to process. The results indicate that salespeople have to adapt different selling roles and tasks in Software-as-a-Service value-based sales process to be able to support the customer’s value-in-use experience. The process itself is highly complex, consisting of multiple facets and selling behaviors, and involves relevant actors from both parties of relationship. The study concludes with a discussion of possibilities that provide interesting aspects for future research.
The purpose of this study was to analyze emotions related to a child’s critical illness from the perspective of the family and discuss the link those emotions might form with value creation. High quality service is of paramount importance in hospital care, especially when a child is diagnosed with critical illness. Through the analysis of patient family emotions and their triggers, the study was aiming to deepen the understanding of value creation for customer. Therefore, the research sought to find answers to the following three sub-questions: 1. What are the emotions experienced? 2. What triggers them? 3. How are the emotions linked to amelioration or aggravation of value for patient and family? The theoretical background of this research is built on two core concepts: emotions and value creation. As both concepts are wide and multifaceted, the research concentrates on viewing emotions from the applicable cognitive angle, identifying and categorizing emotions in a general level. Value creation is studied from the service perspective, discussing the possible relations between emotions and value creation. Moreover, the suitability of views regarding customer value co-creation to health care encounters is analyzed. Qualitative approach was selected as the most appropriate methodology for conducting the empirical research. The empirical data was collected from public blogs, for which a total of 18 blogs were reviewed. Five blogs were selected for the analysis, which had the intent of identifying the emotions experienced by patient families and deepening the knowledge of their role in value creation during health care service encounters. The empirical study of this research discovered a wide range of positive and negative emotions, which denotes that a severe life situation does not prevent the feeling of positive emotions. Furthermore, by combining the empirical findings to the theoretical background, this study concludes that recognizing and treating the patient family as a partner and value creator is essential. The high quality technical aspect of care is vital, but it is not the sole attribute for service quality, as the interpersonal communication plays a large role in the customer’s overall assessment of the health care performance. The patients and their families largely evaluate the service encounter based on their perceptions, thus emotions play a significant role. Depending on the service experience, value maybe created or destructed. Hence, this study posits emotion at the core of the service encounter, indicating towards the importance of active assessment of customer perceptions and the recognition of the emotional states
Dissertation to obtain PhD in Industrial Engineering
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This dissertation studies the technical quality assessment of a printing paper. The theoretical framework basis on the customer value hierarchy concept and the product integrity concept. The experimental part of the research was divided into two phases: Interviews of the publishers and the printers and the testing of the technical quality of selected consumer magazines and a set of selected white paper samples. The revenue coming from the advertising and the revenue coming from the copy sales arethe most important factors of efficiency of the publisher. They form the highest level in the customer value hierarchy of the publisher. A printed product is profiled according to the target group and product segment. There is no absolute level of good printed quality. It can be studied only in context of the requirements set on the printed product. Publishers quality expectations are basic elements of external product integrity. The most important elements of efficiency of the printer can be summarised to reaching high production efficiency in order toattain good profitability and competitive delivery times. Printers' factors of efficiency base on the customers expectations on the consequences in use situation in the customer value hierarchy. They form the basis of internal productintegrity. The use of purely technical testing to classify printed products according to the customers' expectations proved to be only indicative at its best. The information gathered from the interviews was documented and sorted withthe help of the QFD-technique. The technical quality of two different coated paper grades were assessed based on the customer expectations and based on the best achievable quality. When customer requirements are used for the basis of assessing the technical quality of printing papers the order from best to worst is different than when comparing the papers just based on the best achievable quality.
Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan teollisuuden avainasiakkaan tarpeiden kartoitusta yhden case-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Diplomityön tavoitteena on systemaattisesti kartoittaa avainasiakkaan palvelutarpeet ja luoda menetelmät niiden tyydyttämiseksi. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tarkastellaan tiedon synnyn, jalostamisen ja välittämisen merkitystä asiakaspalvelun ja asiakastarvekartoituksen näkökannalta. Tutkimuksen perusteella tunnistetaan modernin asiakaspalvelun ja avainasiakkaan tarvekartoituksen vaatimukset, merkitys sekä olennaiset menetelmät. Diplomityön empiirisessä osassa toteutetaan avainasiakkaan ja niihin vaikuttavien sidosryhmien kartoitus, haastattelut tarvetiedon löytämiseksi sekä luodaan menetelmät ja rakennetaan dynaaminen palvelumalli tarpeiden tyydyttämiseksi. Empiiriset tulokset osoittavat, että avainasiakkaan tarpeita ei tunneta riittävän laajasti ja että systemaattisilla tarvekartoitusmenetelmillä voidaan identifioida ne, sekä ohjata palvelutyön menetelmien suunnittelua ja vyöryttää tarpeita edelleen arvoketjussa ratkaistavaksi. Tulosten perusteella suositellaan liiketoimintaprosessien uudistamista ja dynaamisen palvelumallin käyttöönottoa konsernissa.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten kehittää yrityksen nykyistä e-palvelujärjestelmää, Internet -teknologiaan perustuvaa sähköisiä kommunikaatio- ja tiedonjakojärjestelmää, yrityksen business-to-business asiakkuuksien johtamisessa. Tavoitteena oli myös luoda ehdotukset uusista e-palvelusopimusmalleista. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa pyrittiin kehittämään aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, tietokirjallisuuteen ja asiantuntijoihin perustuva viitekehysmalli. Empiirisessä osassa tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin pyrittiin haastattelemalla yrityksen asiakkaita ja henkilöstöä, sekä tarkastelemalla asiakaskontaktien nykyistä tilaa ja kehittymistä. Näiden tietojen perusteella selvitettiin e-palvelun käyttäjien tarpeita, profiilia ja valmiuksia palvelun käyttöön sekä palvelun nykyistä houkuttelevuutta. Tutkimuksen teoriaosan lähdeaineistona käytettiin kirjallisuutta, artikkeleita ja tilastoja asiakashallinnasta sekä e-palveluiden, erityisesti Internet ja verkkopalveluiden markkinoinnista, nykytilasta sekä palveluiden kehittämisestä. Lisäksi tutkittiin kirjallisuutta arvoverkostoanalyysistä, asiakkaan arvosta, informaatioteknologiasta, palvelun laadusta ja asiakastyytyväisyydestä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa perustuu yrityksen henkilöstöltä sekä asiakkailta haastatteluissa kerättyihin tietoihin, yrityksen ennalta keräämiin materiaaleihin sekä Taloustutkimuksen keräämiin tietoihin. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin case -menetelmää, joka oli yhdistelmä sekä kvalitatiivista että kvantitatiivista tutkimusta. Casen tarkoituksena oli testata mallin paikkansapitävyyttä ja käyttökelpoisuutta, sekä selvittää onko olemassa vielä muita tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat asiakkaan saamaan arvoon. Kvalitatiivinen aineisto perustuu teemahaastattelumenetelmää soveltaen haastateltuihin asiakkaisiin ja yrityksen työntekijöihin. Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus perustuu Taloustutkimuksen tutkimukseen ja yrityksen asiakaskontakteista kerättyyn tietoon. Haastatteluiden perusteella e-palvelut nähtiin hyödyllisinä ja tulevaisuudessa erittäin tärkeinä. E-palvelut nähdään yhtenä tärkeänä kanavana, perinteisten kanavien rinnalla, tehostaa business-to-business -asiakkuuksien johtamista. Tutkimuksen antamien tulosten mukaan asiakkaiden palveluun liittyvän tieto-, taito-, tarpeellisuus- ja kiinnostavuustasojen vaihtelevaisuus osoittaa selvän tarpeen eritasoisille e-palvelupaketti ratkaisuille. Tuloksista muodostettu ratkaisuehdotus käsittää neljän eri e-palvelupaketin rakentamisen asiakkaiden eri tarpeita mukaillen.
Perceived patient value is often not aligned with the emerging expenses for health care services. In other words, the costs are often supposed as rising faster than the actual value for the patients. This fact is causing major concerns to governments, health plans, and individuals. Attempts to solve the problem have habitually been on the operational effectiveness side: increasing patient volume, minimizing costs, rationing, or closing hospitals, usually resulting in a zero-sum game. Only few approaches come from the strategic positioning side and "competition" among hospitals is still perceived rather as a danger than as a chance to create a positive-sum game and stimulate patient value. In their 2006 book, "Redefining Health Care", the renowned Harvard strategy professor Michael E. Porter and hospital management expert Professor Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg approach the challenge from the positive-sum perspective: they propose to form Integrated Practice Units (IPUs) and manage hospitals in a modern, patient value oriented way. They argue that creating value-based competition on results should have the same effect on the health care sector like transparency and competition turned other industries with out-dated management models (like recently the inert telecommunication industry) into highly competitive and customer value creating businesses. The objective of this paper is to elaborate Care Delivery Value Chains for Integrated Practice Units in ophthalmic clinics and gather a first feedback from Swiss hospital managers, ophthalmologists, and patients, if such an approach could be a realistic way to improve health care management. First, Porter's definition of competitiveness (distinction between operational effectiveness and strategic positioning) is explained. Then, the Care Delivery Value Chain is introduced as a key element for understanding value-based management, followed by three practice examples for ophthalmic clinics. Finally, recommendations are given how the Care Delivery Value Chain can be managed efficiently and how the obstacles of becoming a patient-oriented organization can be overcome. The conclusion is that increased transparency and value-based competition on results has the potential to change the mindset of hospital managers-which will align patient value with the emerging health care expenses. Early adapters of this management approach will gain a competitive advantage. [Author, p. 6]