969 resultados para at risk students


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In this paper, we provide specific examples of the educational promises and problems that arise as multiliteracies pedagogical initiatives encounter conventional institutional beliefs and practices in mainstream schooling. This paper documents and characterizes the ways in which two specific digital learning initiatives were played out in two distinctive traditional schooling contexts, as experienced by two different student groups: one comprising an elite mainstream and the other an excluded minority. By learning from the instructive complications that arose out of attempts by innovative and well-meaning educators to provide students with more relevant learning experiences than currently exist in mainstream schooling, this paper contributes fresh perspectives and more nuanced understandings of how diverse learners and their teachers negotiate the opportunities and challenges of the New London Group's vision of a multiliteracies approach to literacy and learning. We conclude by arguing that, where multiliteracies are understood as “garnish” to the “pedagogical roast” of traditional code-based and print-based academic literacies, they will continue to work on the sidelines of mainstream schooling and be seen only as either useful extensions or helpful interventions for high-performing and at-risk students respectively.


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This article has been edited from a transcript of the keynote address to the combined ALEA/MTE National Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, August 2001. In this talk Allan reflects on some of the difficulties facing makers of literacy policy in 'New Times'. His reflections are informed by some important research that is having an impact· on literacy teaching in Australia and he raises various issues, ranging from what he sees as a 'dumbing down' of curriculum, to addressing the needs of'at risk' students, to issues of lifelong education in a rapidly changing world.


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This is a methodologically exemplary trial of a population based (universal) approach to preventing depression in young people. The programme used teachers in a classroom setting to deliver cognitive behavioural problem solving skills to a cohort of students. We have little knowledge about “best practice” to prevent depression in adolescence. Classroom-based universal approaches appear to offer advantages in recruitment rates and lack of stigmatisation over approaches that target specific groups of at risk students. Earlier research on a universal school-based approach to preventing depression in adolescents showed promise, but employed mental health professionals to teach cognitive behavioural coping skills in small groups.1 Using such an approach routinely would be economically unsustainable. Spence’s trial, with teachers as facilitators, therefore represents a “real world” intervention that could be routinely disseminated.


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Making institutional expectations explicit using clear and common language engages commencing students and promotes help-seeking behaviour. When first year students enter university they cross the threshold into an unfamiliar environment (Devlin, Kift, Nelson, Smith & McKay, 2012). Universities endeavour to provide appropriate learning support services and resources; however research suggests that there is limited up take of these services, particularly in high risk students (Nelson-Field & Goodman, 2005). The Successful Student Skills Checklist is a tool which will be trialled during the 2013 Orientation period at the QUT Caboolture campus. The new tool is a response to the university’s commitment to provide “an environment where [students] are supported to take responsibility for their own learning, and to embrace an active role in succeeding to their full potential” (QUT, 2012, 6.2.1). This paper will outline the design of the support tool implemented during Orientation, as well as discuss the anticipated outcomes of the trial.


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As researchers interested in the pursuit of high quality/high equity literacy learning outcomes, we focus on the learning experiences of five early years French students, with a special regard for those who are already considered as being at-risk of educational failure. We narrow the empirical focus to a single lesson on a mechanical concept of print, that is matching lower and upper case alphabet letters. In doing so, we examine a deeply philosophical question: Which pedagogical practices dis/enable what sorts of early years students as literacy learners? We extend Cazden’s (2006) notion of ‘weaving’ knowledge across dimensions of knowing to describe how the case study teacher ‘weaves’ visible and invisible pedagogies over the four movements of a lesson. The findings reveal different pedagogical framings (Bernstein, 1996) have potentially different cognitive and social effects that constitute different kinds of literacy knowledge and oppressive subject positions for at-risk students (Young, 1990).


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O presente estudo aborda a problemática dos alunos de risco no 2° Ciclo da E.B. 2,3 Ana de Castro Osório, no ano letivo 2004/2005. Na dimensão teórica são referenciadas algumas questões de Organização Escolar (escola reflexiva, autonomia de escola, gestores intermédios e supervisão escolar, o papel do Diretor de Turma, o Projeto Curricular de Escola, algumas linhas orientadoras da política educativa portuguesa, no período em que decorre a elaboração desta investigação) e abordados alguns aspetos gerais dos pré-adolescentes, diversos conceitos de risco, a ação de diversas entidades com competência na área da infância e juventude, o papel da família e a relação desta com a escola. Foi utilizada a metodologia do “Estudo Caso”, no decurso da qual foram analisados documentos internos da escola e elaborados instrumentos de recolha de dados (questionários aplicados aos Alunos e aos seus Diretores de Turma). No tratamento das informações de natureza quantitativa, utilizou-se o programa informático Excel, enquanto nas questões abertas procedeu-se à análise de conteúdo. Em síntese, concluiu-se que: a) um terço dos alunos que frequentava o 2° Ciclo do Ensino Básico, foi sinalizado como “aluno de risco”. Cerca de 75% era do 5° Ano de Escolaridade. Os fatores de risco que mais se destacam são: assiduidade irregular, desmotivação/desinteresse/apatia, défice de atenção e concentração, indisciplina e retenções sucessivas no seu percurso escolar. A família é pouco participativa. b) a resposta curricular dá-se essencialmente dentro da sala de aula; c) a resposta organizacional assenta essencialmente nalgumas medidas previstas nos documentos legislativos. Na última parte do trabalho deixamos expressas as conclusões do estudo mais pormenorizadas, bem como algumas recomendações/sugestões que eventualmente, poderão orientar posteriores investigações. /ABSTRACT - The risk students on a 2nd Cycle of classroom of the E.B. 2, 3 Ana de Castro Osório, during academic year of 2004/2005: A Case study The present study attempts to assess risk students on a 2nd Cycle (Sth and 6th grades) classroom of the “E.B. 2, 3 Ana de Castro Osório” Public School during the academic year of 2004/2005. On a theoretical scale, are assessed some questions about the Classroom Organization (reflexive school, school autonomy, intermediate directors and school supervision, the role of the Class Tutor, the School Curricular Project, some guidelines about the Portuguese education policy during the period when this study took place), and was also assessed some general aspects of preadolescents, risk concepts, and actions taken by various organizations specialized in the areas of childhood and youth, the role of the family and the interrelation between the family and the school. It was used a “Case Study” methodology during which was assessed school documents of this particularly school, and data collecting instruments (Student-applied and Class Tutor-applied questionnaires). On dealing with quantitative data, it was used the Excel application, while for the open questions was assessed by its contents. In brief, it was concluded that: a) a third of students that attended the 2nd Cycle Basic Education schools revealed to be “risk students”. Around 75% of them were 5th grade students. Among the most important risk factors are: irregular attendance, unmotivated/aloofness /apathy, lack of attention and concentration, indiscipline and successive retentions during their education pathway. The family is scarcely participative. b) The curricular response is normally given within the classroom; c) the organizational response lies mostly on some measures included in government documents. On the last part of the paper, we focus on more detailed conclusions, as well as give recommendations/suggestions which may eventually be of guidance to future studies.


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La relation élève-enseignant (REE) est reconnue comme étant optimale lorsqu’elle est fortement chaleureuse et faiblement conflictuelle. Sur le plan empirique, plusieurs évidences montrent que la qualité de la REE est liée significativement à divers indicateurs de la réussite scolaire. De façon générale, celles-ci affirment que plus un élève entretient une relation optimale avec son enseignant, plus ses résultats scolaires sont élevés, plus il adopte des comportements prosociaux, et plus il présente des affects et des comportements positifs envers l’école. Des études précisent également que l’influence de la qualité de la REE est particulièrement importante chez les élèves à risque. Si les effets positifs d’une REE optimale sont bien connus, les facteurs favorisant son émergence sont quant à eux moins bien compris. En fait, bien que certains attributs personnels de l’élève ou de l’enseignant aient été identifiés comme participant significativement à la qualité de la REE, peu d’études ont investigué l’importance des facteurs psychologiques et contextuels dans l’explication de ce phénomène. Souhaitant pallier cette lacune, la présente étude poursuit trois objectifs qui sont: 1) d’examiner les liens entre les stresseurs, le soutien social, la santé psychologique au travail (SPT) et la qualité de la REE; 2) de vérifier l’effet médiateur de la SPT dans la relation entre les stresseurs, le soutien social et la qualité de la REE, et; 3) d’examiner les différences quant aux liens répertoriés auprès d’élèves réguliers et à risque. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, 231 enseignants québécois de niveau préscolaire et primaire ont été investigués. Les résultats des analyses montrent que les comportements perturbateurs des élèves en classe prédisent positivement le conflit entre l’enseignant et les élèves à risque. Ils montrent également que le soutien des parents et le soutien du supérieur prédisent respectivement la présence de REE chaleureuses chez les élèves réguliers et à risque. La SPT de l’enseignant prédit quant à elle positivement la présence de REE chaleureuses et négativement la présence de REE conflictuelles. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent aussi que le soutien social affecte indirectement la présence de REE chaleureuses par le biais de la SPT de l’enseignant.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Le phénomène du décrochage scolaire est encore très présent dans notre société, particulièrement chez les garçons. Notre mémoire s’intéresse à la question et vise à mieux comprendre la dynamique motivationnelle d’un échantillon (N=11) d’élèves masculins considéré comme étant « à risque » de décrochage au 3e cycle d’une école primaire de Montréal. De plus, notre expérimentation vise spécifiquement à décrire l’influence de l’utilisation d’une activité pédagogique dite « motivante » : le jeu éducatif numérique « Math en Jeu » sur la dynamique motivationnelle à apprendre en mathématiques. Il s’agit d’une étude de cas avec une approche mixte de collecte de données. Nos résultats révèlent quatre profils de dynamique motivationnelle chez les élèves de notre échantillon : 1) les élèves en difficulté en mathématiques, 2) les élèves démotivés et 3) les élèves démotivés et en difficulté en mathématiques, puis, 4) des cas plus complexes. Notre analyse montre que « Math en Jeu » suscite un grand intérêt chez tous les élèves de notre échantillon. L’influence du jeu sur la dynamique motivationnelle semble toutefois mieux convenir aux élèves avec des dynamiques motivationnelles de type « démotivé » ou « démotivé et en difficulté en mathématiques » et dans une certaine mesure, certains élèves catégorisés comme étant des « cas complexes ». Nos résultats indiquent que le jeu pourrait notamment avoir une certaine influence sur le sentiment de compétence à réussir de l’élève. Toutefois, pour être en mesure de mieux décrire et analyser ces influences, il serait préférable de mener des recherches sur une plus longue durée, dans un contexte naturel de classe et sur un échantillon d’élèves plus grand.


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I look for classroom peer effects for psychoactive substance consumption among Colombian high school students and attempt to identify channels that rationalize for these effects. To do so, I use data for Colombian schools from 2011. I identify peer effects using household consumption behavior to instrument average classroom consumption. I find that an increase of 10% in the proportion of classroom users of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine increases the probability of students to use alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine in 3.14%, 4.29%, and 2.38% respectively. I find no significant effect on cigarette smoking for the full sample but after exploring heterogeneous effects I find suggestive evidence that the effect is positive in some grades. I find some evidence that indicate that peer effects on alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine consumption operate through risk perception and easiness of access to psychoactive substances, meaning that the increase of likelihood of consumption could be explained because it is easier to access to drugs for students that interact with consumers or because a decrease in the risk students perceive of consuming these substances. Finally, through the use of a SUR and a 3SLS estimator I find strong correlations between smoking cigarettes and consuming cannabis (55 %), and cocaine (60 %).


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Traditionally, school efficiency has been measured as a function of educational production. In the last two decades, however, studies in the economics of education have indicated that more is required to improve school efficiency: researchers must explore how significant changes in school organization affect the performance of at-risk students. In this paper we introduce Henry Levin’s adoption of the X-efficiency approach to education and we describe the efficient and cost-effective characteristics of one Learning Communities Project School that significantly improved its student outcomes and enrollment numbers and reduced its absenteeism rate to zero. The organizational change that facilitated these improvements defined specific issues to address. Students’ school success became the focus of the school project, which also offered specific incentives, selected teachers, involved parents and community members in decisions, and used the most efficient technologies and methods. This case analysis reveals new two elements—family training and community involvement—that were not explicit parts of Levin’s adaptation. The case of the Antonio Machado Public School should attract the attention of both social scientists and policy makers


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This paper takes up the theme 'The school as a centre in the community' in light of a research project conducted in a remote community in South Australia in 2001. This project set out to explore with Aboriginal parents, Aboriginal students, teachers and representatives of the various agencies operating in the area how groups within the community understood the issues of early exiting Aboriginal students.


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There is recognition that the first-year of university study is a critical phase in the preparation, motivation and retention of science, mathematics,  engineering and technology (SMET) students. First-year provides the foundation/generic skills upon which students will base their undergraduate studies and professional practice; first-year is where many poorly prepared/at risk students will drop out and contribute to the poor student retention rate observed in the SMET disciplines; and first-year is when students may lose the motivation to pursue their chosen career direction if they find the studies at the commencement of their undergraduate program appear to bear no relationship to their intended career. In 2003, the Learning Resources Advisory Group of the Deakin University School of Engineering and Technology was requested to undertake a review of first-year units in the School’s programs. The information contained in anonymous unit evaluation questionnaires from the years 2000-2002 was used as the basis for analysing student perceptions of first-year units. In unit evaluations, students reported a wide range of issues that impacted negatively on their perception of the content and conduct of first-year units. It was noted that units service taught by other Schools form a significant element of the first-year of all of the Engineering and Technology undergraduate programs – typically 25 to 50 percent of the content. The significant influence of these units on the perceptions of the first-year of the School’s commencing students means that the School should exercise some control over the content and delivery of these units.


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In this his study the accuracy was investigated of collective pedagogical activities, based on phonological judgments by matching figures and figures to spoken words, to identify students at risk for reading and/or attention disorders. Forty-five second graders (mean age of 7 years, 29 males) were divided into two groups, a control group, without reading difficulties (n=32), and an at-risk group, with reading difficulties (n=13). The low-achievement on these collective activities, defined by scores more than 1.65 SD below the mean of the control group, presented good sensitivity (true positives) and specificity (true negatives) in the early identification of at risk students.