970 resultados para Zeros of Polynomials


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we provide the proof of a practical point-wise characterization of the set RP defined by the closure set of the real projections of the zeros of an exponential polynomial P(z) = Σn j=1 cjewjz with real frequencies wj linearly independent over the rationals. As a consequence, we give a complete description of the set RP and prove its invariance with respect to the moduli of the c′ js, which allows us to determine exactly the gaps of RP and the extremes of the critical interval of P(z) by solving inequations with positive real numbers. Finally, we analyse the converse of this result of invariance.


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The number of zeros in (- 1, 1) of the Jacobi function of second kind Q(n)((alpha, beta)) (x), alpha, beta > - 1, i.e. The second solution of the differential equation(1 - x(2))y (x) + (beta - alpha - (alpha + beta + 2)x)y' (x) + n(n + alpha + beta + 1)y(x) = 0,is determined for every n is an element of N and for all values of the parameters alpha > - 1 and beta > - 1. It turns out that this number depends essentially on alpha and beta as well as on the specific normalization of the function Q(n)((alpha, beta)) (x). Interlacing properties of the zeros are also obtained. As a consequence of the main result, we determine the number of zeros of Laguerre's and Hermite's functions of second kind. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the zeros of polynomials generated by a certain three term recurrence relation. The main objective is to find bounds, in terms of the coefficients of the recurrence relation, for the regions where the zeros are located. In most part, the zeros are explored through an Eigenvalue representation associated with a corresponding Hessenberg rnatrix. Applications to Szego polynomials, para-orthogonal polynomials and polynomials with non-zero complex coefficients are considered. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We carry out a numerical and analytic analysis of the Yang-Lee zeros of the ID Blume-Capel model with periodic boundary conditions and its generalization on Feynman diagrams for which we include sums over all connected and nonconnected rings for a given number of spins. In both cases, for a specific range of the parameters, the zeros originally on the unit circle are shown to depart from it as we increase the temperature beyond some limit. The curve of zeros can bifurcate- and become two disjoint arcs as in the 2D case. We also show that in the thermodynamic limit the zeros of both Blume-Capel models on the static (connected ring) and on the dynamical (Feynman diagrams) lattice tend to overlap. In the special case of the 1D Ising model on Feynman diagrams we can prove for arbitrary number of spins that the Yang-Lee zeros must be on the unit circle. The proof is based on a property of the zeros of Legendre polynomials.


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This paper proves that the real projection of each simple zero of any partial sum of the Riemann zeta function ζn(s):=∑nk=11ks,n>2 , is an accumulation point of the set {Res : ζ n (s) = 0}.


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In this paper, we introduce a formula for the exact number of zeros of every partial sum of the Riemann zeta function inside infinitely many rectangles of the critical strips where they are situated.


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A planar polynomial differential system has a finite number of limit cycles. However, finding the upper bound of the number of limit cycles is an open problem for the general nonlinear dynamical systems. In this paper, we investigated a class of Liénard systems of the form x'=y, y'=f(x)+y g(x) with deg f=5 and deg g=4. We proved that the related elliptic integrals of the Liénard systems have at most three zeros including multiple zeros, which implies that the number of limit cycles bifurcated from the periodic orbits of the unperturbed system is less than or equal to 3.


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A global recursive bisection algorithm is described for computing the complex zeros of a polynomial. It has complexityO(n 3 p) wheren is the degree of the polynomial andp the bit precision requirement. Ifn processors are available, it can be realized in parallel with complexityO(n 2 p); also it can be implemented using exact arithmetic. A combined Wilf-Hansen algorithm is suggested for reduction in complexity.


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A new approach to evaluating all multiple complex roots of analytical function f(z) confined to the specified rectangular domain of complex plane has been developed and implemented in Fortran code. Generally f (z), despite being holomorphic function, does not have a closed analytical form thereby inhibiting explicit evaluation of its derivatives. The latter constraint poses a major challenge to implementation of the robust numerical algorithm. This work is at the instrumental level and provides an enabling tool for solving a broad class of eigenvalue problems and polynomial approximations.


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As stated in Aitchison (1986), a proper study of relative variation in a compositional data set should be based on logratios, and dealing with logratios excludes dealing with zeros. Nevertheless, it is clear that zero observations might be present in real data sets, either because the corresponding part is completely absent –essential zeros– or because it is below detection limit –rounded zeros. Because the second kind of zeros is usually understood as “a trace too small to measure”, it seems reasonable to replace them by a suitable small value, and this has been the traditional approach. As stated, e.g. by Tauber (1999) and by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000), the principal problem in compositional data analysis is related to rounded zeros. One should be careful to use a replacement strategy that does not seriously distort the general structure of the data. In particular, the covariance structure of the involved parts –and thus the metric properties– should be preserved, as otherwise further analysis on subpopulations could be misleading. Following this point of view, a non-parametric imputation method is introduced in Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000). This method is analyzed in depth by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003) where it is shown that the theoretical drawbacks of the additive zero replacement method proposed in Aitchison (1986) can be overcome using a new multiplicative approach on the non-zero parts of a composition. The new approach has reasonable properties from a compositional point of view. In particular, it is “natural” in the sense that it recovers the “true” composition if replacement values are identical to the missing values, and it is coherent with the basic operations on the simplex. This coherence implies that the covariance structure of subcompositions with no zeros is preserved. As a generalization of the multiplicative replacement, in the same paper a substitution method for missing values on compositional data sets is introduced


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The zeros of Dirichlet L-functions for various moduli and characters are being computed with very high accuracy on a cluster of workstations at Deakin University. This collection is growing to include more zeros (other moduli and characters).