983 resultados para Vector fields.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper some aspects on chaotic behavior and minimality in planar piecewise smooth vector fields theory are treated. The occurrence of non-deterministic chaos is observed and the concept of orientable minimality is introduced. Some relations between minimality and orientable minimality are also investigated and the existence of new kinds of non-trivial minimal sets in chaotic systems is observed. The approach is geometrical and involves the ordinary techniques of non-smooth systems.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work deals with global solvability of a class of complex vector fields of the form L = partial derivative/partial derivative t + (a(x, t)+ ib(x, t))partial derivative/partial derivative x, where a and b are real-valued C-infinity functions, defined on the cylinder Omega = R x S-1. Relatively compact (Sussmann) orbits are allowed. The connection with Malgrange's notion of L-convexity for supports is investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
This work deals with the solvability near the characteristic set Sigma = {0} x S-1 of operators of the form L = partial derivative/partial derivative t+(x(n) a(x)+ ix(m) b(x))partial derivative/partial derivative x, b not equivalent to 0 and a(0) not equal 0, defined on Omega(epsilon) = (-epsilon, epsilon) x S-1, epsilon > 0, where a and b are real-valued smooth functions in (-epsilon, epsilon) and m >= 2n. It is shown that given f belonging to a subspace of finite codimension of C-infinity (Omega(epsilon)) there is a solution u is an element of L-infinity of the equation Lu = f in a neighborhood of Sigma; moreover, the L-infinity regularity is sharp.
We consider a class of involutive systems of n smooth vector fields on the n + 1 dimensional torus. We obtain a complete characterization for the global solvability of this class in terms of Liouville forms and of the connectedness of all sublevel and superlevel sets of the primitive of a certain 1-form in the minimal covering space.
Let N = {y > 0} and S = {y < 0} be the semi-planes of R-2 having as common boundary the line D = {y = 0}. Let X and Y be polynomial vector fields defined in N and S, respectively, leading to a discontinuous piecewise polynomial vector field Z = (X, Y). This work pursues the stability and the transition analysis of solutions of Z between N and S, started by Filippov (1988) and Kozlova (1984) and reformulated by Sotomayor-Teixeira (1995) in terms of the regularization method. This method consists in analyzing a one parameter family of continuous vector fields Z(epsilon), defined by averaging X and Y. This family approaches Z when the parameter goes to zero. The results of Sotomayor-Teixeira and Sotomayor-Machado (2002) providing conditions on (X, Y) for the regularized vector fields to be structurally stable on planar compact connected regions are extended to discontinuous piecewise polynomial vector fields on R-2. Pertinent genericity results for vector fields satisfying the above stability conditions are also extended to the present case. A procedure for the study of discontinuous piecewise vector fields at infinity through a compactification is proposed here.
We present a "boundary version" for theorems about minimality of volume and energy functionals on a spherical domain of an odd-dimensional Euclidean sphere.
In questo lavoro ci si propone di studiare la quantizzazione del campo vettoriale, massivo e non massivo, in uno spazio-tempo di Rindler, considerando in particolare i gauge di Feynman e assiale. Le equazioni del moto vengono risolte esplicitamente in entrambi i casi; sotto opportune condizioni, è stato inoltre possibile trovare una base completa e ortonormale di soluzioni delle equazioni di campo in termini di modi normali di Fulling. Si è poi analizzata la quantizzazione dei campi vettoriali espressi in questa base.
Complementary to automatic extraction processes, Virtual Reality technologies provide an adequate framework to integrate human perception in the exploration of large data sets. In such multisensory system, thanks to intuitive interactions, a user can take advantage of all his perceptual abilities in the exploration task. In this context the haptic perception, coupled to visual rendering, has been investigated for the last two decades, with significant achievements. In this paper, we present a survey related to exploitation of the haptic feedback in exploration of large data sets. For each haptic technique introduced, we describe its principles and its effectiveness.
We prove that in quadratic perturbations of generic Hamiltonian vector fields with two saddle points and one center there can appear at most two limit cycles. This bound is exact.
Includes bibliographies.
We show how certain N-dimensional dynamical systems are able to exploit the full instability capabilities of their fixed points to do Hopf bifurcations and how such a behavior produces complex time evolutions based on the nonlinear combination of the oscillation modes that emerged from these bifurcations. For really different oscillation frequencies, the evolutions describe robust wave form structures, usually periodic, in which selfsimilarity with respect to both the time scale and system dimension is clearly appreciated. For closer frequencies, the evolution signals usually appear irregular but are still based on the repetition of complex wave form structures. The study is developed by considering vector fields with a scalar-valued nonlinear function of a single variable that is a linear combination of the N dynamical variables. In this case, the linear stability analysis can be used to design N-dimensional systems in which the fixed points of a saddle-node pair experience up to N21 Hopf bifurcations with preselected oscillation frequencies. The secondary processes occurring in the phase region where the variety of limit cycles appear may be rather complex and difficult to characterize, but they produce the nonlinear mixing of oscillation modes with relatively generic features