944 resultados para Thermally activated
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Titanium alloys are favorable implant materials for orthopedic applications, due to their desirable properties such as good corrosion resistance, low elasticity modulus, and excellent biocornpatibility. The research on titanium alloys is concentrated in the beta type, as the Ti-20Mo alloys and the addition of interstitial elements in these metals cause changes in their mechanical properties. The mechanical spectroscopy measurements have been frequently used in order to verify the behavior of these interstitials atoms in metallic alloys. This paper presents the study of oxygen diffusion in Ti-20Mo alloys using mechanical spectroscopy measurements. A thermally activated relaxation structure was observed in the sample after oxygen doping. It was associated with the interstitial diffusion of oxygen atoms in a solid solution in the alloy. The diffusion coefficient for the oxygen diffusion in the alloy was obtained by the frequency dependence of the peak temperature and by using a simple mathematical treatment of the relaxation structure and the Arrhenius law.
Three studies were performed using tailings kaolin for the synthesis of zeolite A. The first synthesis of zeolite A was performed using a kaolin waste generated from the beneficiation of kaolin for paper production process was studied. The kaolin waste was thermally activated at a temperature range of 550-800°C. For comparison was performed a synthesis pattern of Zeolite A(procedure IZA). The prepared materials were characterized by 27Al MAS NMR, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with microprobe rays. The pre-tramento proved to be the most appropriate and suitable temperatures are between 600 and 700°C. Observed the formation of zeolite A in all materials, reaching 52% crystallinity, and the presence of phase sodalite and amorphous material. The second study was the use of a highly reactive metakaolin originating from the Jari region in the synthesis of zeolite A by a new method of hydrothermal synthesis. The zeolite is obtained pure and highly crystalline employing the Jari kaolin calcined at 600 ° C for 2h when the transformation to metakaolin occurs. Get to zeolite phase A at 4pm. The best crystallization time was of 24 h afforded a crystallinity of 67.9%. The third study was the evaluation of the NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time on the synthesis of zeolite NaA from a sample of kaolin waste, named Kaolin Coverage. The experiments were performed using statistical design (axial points) and rejoinder the center point. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning microscopic analysis and chemical analysis using an EPMA microprobe. The results showed that a relationship exists between the amount of NaOH added and the crystallization time. The experiment performed using the lowest ratio NaOH / metakaolin (0.5) and shorter (4 h) produced an amorphous material. The increase ratio of NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time leads to formation of a more crystalline NaA phase, but the presence of phase with sodalite as impurities
The temperature dependence of photoinduced birefringence was investigated for mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from the homopolymer poly[4'-[[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]ethyl-amino]-2-chloro-4-nitroazobenzene] (HPDR13) and cadmium stearate (Cdst) and from the copolymer 4-[N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)]amino-2'-chloro-4'-nitroazobenzene (MMA-DR13) and CdSt. Birefringence was achieved by impinging a linearly polarized light on the LB films. The maximum birefringence achieved decreased with temperature as thermal relaxation of the chromophores was facilitated. The buildup curves for birefringence were fitted with biexponential functions representing distinctly different mechanisms with time constants. The first, fast process is thermally activated and may be represented by an Arrhenius process. The decay of birefringence after switching off the laser source was described by a Kohlraush-Williams-Watts (KWW) function, consistent with a distribution of relaxation times for the polymer system. Activation energies were obtained from Arrhenius plots of the rate constant of the exponential functions and KWW function, which showed that the buildup of birefringence was very similar for the two polymer systems. The decay, however, was slower for the LB film from MMA-DR13/CdSt. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
A theoretical model on the basis of the free-volume concept is presented explaining the temperature dependence of photoinduced birefringence in polystyrene films that contain Disperse Red-1. Birefringence increases with temperature up to 180 K as the free volume for isomerization increases, and then decreases as thermally activated processes dominate. The fast process of birefringence decay has a time constant that increases with temperature at low temperatures, due to the change kin photoisomerization.
Electrical characterization of SnO2 : Sb ultrathin films obtained by controlled thickness deposition
A representative study is reported on the electrical properties of SnO2: Sb. ultrathin films (thickness of 40-70 nm) produced by a deposition method based on aqueous colloidal suspensions of 3-5 nm crystalline oxides. The results revealed the films' electrical behavior in a range of 10-300 K, showing a strong dependence on dopant incorporation, with minimum resistivity values in 10 mol % of Sb content. All the samples displayed semiconductor behavior, but the transport mechanism showed a strong dependence on thickness, making it difficult to fit it to well-known models. In thicker films, the mechanism proved to be an intermediary system, with thermally activated and hopping features. Electron hopping was estimated in the range of 0.4-1.9 nm, i.e., in the same order as the particle size. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Anelastic spectroscopy has been performed on a sample of superconducting oxide SmBa2Cu3O7-delta (SBCO) using a torsion pendulum operating with frequency around 10 Hz. A thermally activated relaxation peak is observed near 500 K with the activation enthalpy of 1.55 +/- 0.03 eV and the pre-exponential factor of approximately 10(-15) s, which is attributed to the mobility of non-stoichiometric oxygen by jumps in positions O1 and O5 of the lattice. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Er-doped SnO2 thin films, obtained by sol-gel-dip-coating technique, were submitted to excitation with the 4th harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser (266 nm), at low temperature, and a conductivity decay is observed when the illumination is removed. This decay is modeled by considering a thermally activated cross section of an Er-related trapping center. Besides, grain boundary scattering is considered as dominant for electronic mobility. X-ray diffraction data show a characteristic profile of nanoscopic crystallite material (grain average size approximate to 5 nm) in agreement with this model. Temperature dependent and concentration dependent decays are measured and the capture barrier is evaluated from the model, yielding 100 meV for SnO2:0.1% Er and 148 meV for SnO2:4% Er.
The kinetics of aggregation of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)-derived silica sols, produced by acid-catalyzed and ultrasound-stimulated hydrolysis, were studied by 'in situ' measurements of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) at the temperatures 40 degreesC, 60 degreesC and 70 degreesC. The results were analyzed in terms of the evolution with time (t) of the SAXS intensity probing the mass fractal characteristics of the system, the average radius of gyration (Rc,) of the clusters and the number of primary particles per cluster. The aggregation process yields mass fractal structures which exhibit a scattering exponent (alpha) practically equal to 2, in the probed length scale range (5.3 nm < 1/q < 0.22 nm), beneath and even far beyond the gel point. This suggests that a is a direct measure of the real mass fractal dimension (D) of the structure. The precursor sol (pH = 2) exhibits I nm mean sized clusters with mass fractal dimension D similar to 1.9. Increasing the pH to 4.5, the cluster mean size and the number of primary particles per cluster increase but the system keeps a more opened structure (D similar to 1.4). In the first aggregation stages, D increases up to similar to2 by incorporating primary particles to the clusters without changing their mean size. From this stage, the aggregation progresses following a thermally activated scaling law well described by R-G similar tot(1/D) in all cases. This is indicative of a diffusion-controlled cluster-cluster aggregation process. The activation energy of the process was found to be 91.7 kJ/mol. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The kinetics of ultrasound-stimulated and HCl-catalyzed hydrolysis of solventless TEOS-water mixtures was studied as a function of temperature ranging from 10 degrees C up to 65 degrees C by means of flux calorimetry measurements. A specially designed device was utilized for this purpose. The exothermic peak arising few minutes after sonication began has been attributed mainly to the hydrolysis reaction. The overall hydrolysis process, which was measured through the irradiation time up to the hydrolysis peak, was found to be thermally activated, with an apparent activation energy Delta E = 36.4 kJ/mol. The alcohol produced at the early hydrolysis due to sonication seems to further enhance the reaction, via a parallel autocatalytic path, which is controlled by a faster pseudo second order rate constant (k'). Our modeling yielded k' = 6.3 x 10(-2) M(-1) min(-1) at 20 degrees C, which is in a reasonable agreement with the literature, and an activation energy Delta E = 40.4 kJ/mol for the specific process of hydrolysis in presence of alcohol.
A thermally activated photoluminescence memory effect, induced by a reversible order-disorder phase transition of the alkyl chains, is reported for highly organized bilayer alkyl/siloxane hybrids (see figure; left at room temperature, right at 120 degrees C). The emission energy is sensitive to the annihilation/formation of the hydrogen-bonded amide-amide array displaying a unique nanoscopic sensitivity (ca. 150 nm).
In order to investigate optically excited electronic transport in Er-doped SnO2, thin films are excited with the fourth harmonic of an Nd:YAG laser (266nm) at low temperature, yielding conductivity decay when the illumination is removed. Inspection of these electrical characteristics aims knowledge for electroluminescent devices operation. Based on a proposed model where trapping defects present thermally activated cross section, the capture barrier is evaluated as 140, 108, 100 and 148 meV for doped SnO2, thin films with 0.0, 0.05, 0. 10 and 4.0 at% of Er, respectively. The undoped film has vacancy levels as dominating, whereas for doped films. there are two distinct trapping centers: Er3+ substitutional at Sn lattice sites and Er3+ located at grain boundary. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mechanical properties of metals with bee structure, such as niobium and their alloys, are changed of a significant way by the introduction of heavy interstitial elements. These interstitial elements (oxygen, for example) present in the metallic matrix occupy octahedral sites and constitute an elastic dipole of tetragonal symmetry and might produce anelastic relaxation. Polycrystalline samples of Nb-0.3 wt.% Ti (Nb-Ti) alloy with oxygen in solid solution were analysed. The anelastic spectroscopy measurements had been made in a torsion pendulum, with frequencies in the Hz range, in a temperature range between 300 and 700 K. The results showed thermally activated relaxation structures were identified four relaxation process attributed to stress-induced ordering of single oxygen, nitrogen and carbon atoms around niobium and stress-induced ordering of single oxygen atoms around titanium atoms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the transport properties of the charge-density-wave system Fe3O2BO3. ac conductivity measurements for different frequencies are presented for temperatures above and below the structural transition. dc conductivity, as a function of temperature and pressure, yields the variation of the transition temperature with external pressure. Below this transition the conductivity is thermally activated in a wide range of temperature and the gap obtained is strongly pressure dependent. The ac conductivity at sufficiently low temperatures below the transition is ascribed to the excitation of local defects associated with domain walls and which are characteristic of the one-dimensional nature of the Fe3O2BO3 system.
We report on electrical relaxation measurements of (1-x)NH4H2PO4-xTiO(2) (x = 0.1) composites by admittance spectroscopy, in the 40-Hz-5-MHz frequency range and at temperatures between 303 and 563 K. Simultaneous thermal and electrical measurements on the composites identify a stable crystalline phase between 373 and 463 K. The real part of the conductivity, sigma', shows a power-law frequency dependence below 523 K, which is well described by Jonscher's expression sigma' = sigma(0)(1 + (omega/omega(p))(n)), where sigma(0) is the dc conductivity, omega(p)/2 pi = f(p) is a characteristic relaxation frequency, and n is a fractional exponent between 0 and 1. Both sigma(0) and f(p) are thermally activated with nearly the same activation energy in the II region, indicating that the dispersive conductivity originates from the migration of protons. However, activation energies decrease from 0.55 to 0.35 eV and n increases toward 1.0, as the concentration of TiO2 nanoparticles increases, thus, enhancing cooperative correlation among moving ions. The highest dc conductivity is obtained for the composite x = 0.05 concentration, with values above room temperature about three orders of magnitude higher than that of crystalline NH4H2PO4 (ADP), reaching values on the order of 0.1 (Omega cm)(-1) above 543 K.