945 resultados para Sports mega-events


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This paper explores the political reaction to Lord McConnell’s appeal for a political ‘truce’ in the form of a temporary halt to campaigning by all political parties and organisations involved in the debate regarding the Scottish independence referendum during the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games (BBC, 2014; McConnell, 2014). Urging both sides of the debate to cease campaigning for the two-week period of the Glasgow 2014 games, the current Labour peer and past First Minister of the Scottish Parliament cited concerns that there are “genuine concerns that the Games, and the image of Scotland, could be damaged by attempts by either side – for and against – to use the Games to promote their cause, or to use the venues for campaigning” (McConnell, 2014). Drawing upon the principles of both a critical discourse and a narrative analysis methodological approach, this paper will scrutinise the nature of the political reactions to McConnell’s proposal from a variety of perspectives on both sides of the independence referendum debate. In particular, the emphasis in the responses from both sides of the debate regarding the apolitical nature of the 2014 Games will be critiqued, drawing upon the arguments of past analyses of sporting mega-events which highlight the potential for political exploitation of such events by the host nations (e.g. Horne, 2007; Grix, 2012; Houlihan and Giulianotti, 2012; Roche, 2006). Furthermore, the findings of academic research on the political implications of hosting the Commonwealth Games will be considered (e.g. Majumdar and Mehta, 2010; Van Der Westhuizen, 2004; Macintosh and Greenhorn, 1992; Majumdar, 2011; Lockstone and Baum, 2010; Macfarlane and Herd, 1986), highlighting a number of precedents which demonstrate the numerous challenges faced in any attempts to the keep the 2014 Games free from political influence.


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Depuis les années 2000, nous observons de plus en plus de pays en développement (PED) hôtes de mégaévénements. En accueillant un mégaévénement en leur sol, les PED espèrent améliorer leur cadre urbain et attirer des investissements étrangers. Ceci étant dit, les retards en termes d’infrastructures et d’équipements que connaissent ces pays et les stricts cadres normatifs imposés par des organismes internationaux comme la FIFA, nous amènent à questionner la possibilité d’intégrer les aménagements mégaévénementiels, à leur contexte local. En ce sens, le processus de planification, dans lequel les cadres normatifs externes et locaux sont négociés, peut être vu comme un moment charnière ayant une incidence sur le potentiel de reconversion. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons entamé une réflexion à ce sujet en examinant le processus de planification d’un aménagement mégaévénementiel, le Green Point Urban Park (GPUP) à Cape Town, et son incidence sur son potentiel de reconversion. Plus précisément, nous allons, en premier lieu, décrire le processus de planification du site, nous allons par la suite évaluer son potentiel de reconversion, puis nous allons faire ressortir des liens entre le processus de planification et le potentiel de reconversion des aménagements mégaévénementiels. En somme, notre travail met en évidence une relation entre, d’une part, la prépondérance du cadre normatif imposé par l’organisme international et la dynamique du système d’acteurs au moment de la planification du GPUP et, d’autre part, la difficile reconversion de ce dernier après la Coupe du monde de 2010.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les représentations qui ont circulé sur Internet avant et durant le mouvement historique et inattendu de révolte sociale au Brésil, pendant la Coupe des confédérations de 2013. La vague de manifestations a provoqué un débat passionné sur Internet à propos des méga-événements, mais des études sur ce phénomène récent sont encore absents de la littérature. La présente recherche est un effort de combler cette lacune en examinant le cas de la ville de Rio de Janeiro, qui accueillera la finale de la Coupe du monde de soccer de 2014 et sera la ville hôte des Jeux olympiques de 2016. Le but du travail est de comprendre quelles sont les représentations qui émergent des nouvelles en réseau au sujet des transformations et des conflits urbains dans le cadre des méga-événements. À partir d'une analyse logico-naturelle des documents publiés entre 2009 et 2013 sur des sites Web avec quatre profils communicationnels distincts, la recherche met en évidence dans quelle mesure les représentations sociales reproduisent (1) la stratégie de branding urbain de la part du gouvernement et (2) les stratégies de résistance civile de la part des populations affectées par les transformations urbaines. Du point de vue théorique et méthodologique, l'étude mobilise la notion de journalisme liquide, inspiré des travaux du sociologue Zygmunt Bauman, qui s’est concentré sur les conséquences culturelles, économiques et politiques de la mondialisation. Les résultats de l'analyse documentaire ont permis d'exposer les représentations sociales construites autour de trois thématiques centrales : les favelas, les expulsions forcées dans la ville de Rio de Janeiro et les manifestations de juin 2013. En plus d'une discussion théorique critique à propos des résultats, l'étude les confronte avec la littérature scientifique repérée dans la recension des écrits.


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Cette étude a eu l’objectif d’analyser et d’identifier les différentes visions de la revitalisation du Parc Municipal Américo Renné Giannetti, à Belo Horizonte (Brésil), dans le contexte de transformations spatiales de la ville pour la Coupe du monde arrivée en 2014. Pour le développement de cette recherche, on a utilisé des démarches distinctes. La première a consisté à faire un abordage sur les projets de restructurations urbaines pour les évènements internationaux qui en transformant certains espaces (comme les parcs urbains et certaines aires historiques) tentent à dynamiser l’entrepreneuriat urbain en transformant ces espaces, les villes et les pays hôtes en « produits » consommés par un public très spécifique. Les autres étapes ont consisté à démontrer le rôle social du Parc Municipal ainsi qu’à présenter les observations de terrain et les entrevues avec les différents acteurs engagés dans la revitalisation du parc central de Belo Horizonte. L’analyse des différentes visions du projet nous a conduits à conclure que la revitalisation du parc pour la Coupe du monde a eu des enjeux politiques, touristiques, en répondant aussi les intérêts du secteur privé. Dans ce contexte les répercutions sociales sont inévitables vu qu’en répondant le besoin de certains citoyens, la transformation de l’espace entraine des exclusions et réaffirme la ségrégation dans le milieu.


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The Andaman-Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal lies in a zone where the Indian plate subducts beneath the Burmese microplate, and therefore forms a belt of frequent earthquakes. Few efforts, not withstanding the available historical and instrumental data were not effectively used before the Mw 9.3 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake to draw any inference on the spatial and temporal distribution of large subduction zone earthquakes in this region. An attempt to constrain the active crustal deformation of the Andaman-Nicobar arc in the background of the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman megathrust earthquake is made here, thereby presenting a unique data set representing the pre-seismic convergence and co-seismic displacement.Understanding the mechanisms of the subduction zone earthquakes is both challenging sCientifically and important for assessing the related earthquake hazards. In many subduction zones, thrust earthquakes may have characteristic patterns in space and time. However, the mechanism of mega events still remains largely unresolved.Large subduction zone earthquakes are usually associated with high amplitude co-seismic deformation above the plate boundary megathrust and the elastic relaxation of the fore-arc. These are expressed as vertical changes in land level with the up-dip part of the rupture surface uplifted and the areas above the down-dip edge subsided. One of the most characteristic pattern associated with the inter-seismic era is that the deformation is in an opposite sense that of co-seismic period.This work was started in 2002 to understand the tectonic deformation along the Andaman-Nicobar arc using seismological, geological and geodetic data. The occurrence of the 2004 megathrust earthquake gave a new dimension to this study, by providing an opportunity to examine the co-seismic deformation associated with the greatest earthquake to have occurred since the advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) and broadband seismometry. The major objectives of this study are to assess the pre-seismic stress regimes, to determine the pre-seismic convergence rate, to analyze and interpret the pattern of co-seismic displacement and slip on various segments and to look out for any possible recurrence interval for megathrust event occurrence for Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This thesis is arranged in six chapters with further subdivisions dealing all the above aspects.


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O presente trabalho visa ilustrar a importância de se analisar os impactos de um megaevento esportivo, como a Copa do Mundo, no turismo do destino sede. A escolha do tema se dá pelo fato de iniciativas como essas terem se tornadas estratégicas nos últimos anos e muito disputadas por governos em todo o mundo. O motivo da escolha do tema se dá especialmente pelo fato do Brasil sediar, em curto espaço de tempo, dois dos principais megaeventos esportivos internacionais: a Copa do Mundo, em 2014, e os Jogos Olímpicos, em 2016. O trabalho, composto por 8 capítulos procura, com base no referencial teórico, identificar os principais impactos dos megaeventos no segmento de turismo do destino sede. Para se atingir este objetivo, utilizou-se o modelo de avaliação proposto por Allen et al (2003), cientista internacional referencia nessa área de estudo. Dentre os possíveis impactos positivos engloba-se a promoção do destino e incremento do turismo, o aumento do tempo de permanência do turista, a lucratividade para o setor, o aumento da renda de impostos, a oportunidade de negócios, investimento em infra-estrutura no destino, a atividade comercial e a geração de empregos pela realização do evento. Por outro lado, dentre os impactos negativos, destacam-se a resistência da comunidade ao turismo, a perda de autenticidade e danos à reputação do destino, exploração, preços inflacionados, custos de oportunidade, má gestão financeira, perda financeira, dentre outros. O método de pesquisa, baseado em Yin (2005), foi o estudo de caso baseado nos dois eventos mais recentes de Copa do Mundo: Alemanha (2006) e África do Sul (2010). O estudo teve um viés qualitativo e os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram diferenciados em cada uma das etapas da pesquisa, englobando pesquisa a dados primários e secundários, consulta à relatórios oficiais e principalmente a consulta a artigos acadêmicos de renomados autores internacionais especialistas em eventos. Foram também consultadas pesquisas de renomadas instituições, tais como Organização Mundial do Turismo OMT (2006), Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV, 2009), FIPE (2005), EMBRATUR e Ministério do Turismo (MTUR), entre outras. Os resultados demonstram que os megaeventos geram oportunidades para o destino sede - de curto, médio e longo prazo - para os diferentes segmentos, em especial para o turismo de eventos e esportivo, seja no âmbito nacional ou internacional. Também observa-se a importância das ações de melhoria não serem pontuais, para que justifiquem o próprio legado do evento em pauta. Por outro lado, verifica-se a importância de se realizar ações que visem mitigar os impactos negativos inerentes a megaeventos, a fim de não se comprometer o turismo do destino ou pais sede, sua reputação, seus cofres públicos e sua comunidade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This study aims to discuss the role of the professional of public relations and the marketing tools in organizing events. Taking as parameter the concepts of events, marketing and public relations and highlighting the contributions on strategic planning, the communication process and the relationship with stakeholders as key elements on this management, it is intended to form arguments to demonstrate that the work of a skilled professional is essential for the empowerment of the events not only as a communication tool, but as well as a relationship tool. The methodology utilized is based on literary data and on the exemplification of this process, with the analysis of three mega events. As a result, we leave a reflection about the importance of professionally events management, in addition to excellent communication and expansion of economic resources, since it defends the idea that management needs to generate lasting relationships across all the stakeholders' chain


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En la presente entrevista se puede apreciar como Lino Castellani Filho aborda diversas cuestiones ligadas íntimamente con las Políticas Públicas y su desarrollo en la sociedad. Al mismo tiempo, da cuenta del rol de la Educación Física en relación a éstas, y cómo debería ser la formación de profesionales en el área. Asimismo, realiza un análisis del impacto de los megaeventos que tendrán lugar en Brasil en los próximos años. Y, por último, esboza algunas nociones sobre las prácticas corporale


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En la presente entrevista se puede apreciar como Lino Castellani Filho aborda diversas cuestiones ligadas íntimamente con las Políticas Públicas y su desarrollo en la sociedad. Al mismo tiempo, da cuenta del rol de la Educación Física en relación a éstas, y cómo debería ser la formación de profesionales en el área. Asimismo, realiza un análisis del impacto de los megaeventos que tendrán lugar en Brasil en los próximos años. Y, por último, esboza algunas nociones sobre las prácticas corporale


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Due to their informality, the favelas of Rio de Janeiro are in a precarious position. Though the informal neighborhoods have long served as sites of affordable housing for Rio’s poorest residents, changes within in the city related to public security, mega-events, real estate speculation, and urban revitalization jeopardize their permanence. As one possible solution, this study, conducted for the client Catalytic Communities, investigated collective titling in favelas modeled after quilombos, territories recognized and titled by Brazilian federal law as patrimonies of black cultural traditions.


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Residents tend to have high expectations regarding the benefits of hosting a mega- event, in particular the creation of new infrastructure, growth in GDP and employ- ment, image enhancement and the spin-offs of attracting tourists and fostering sustainable growth of the cultural supply (Jeong and Faulkner 1996; Deccio and Baloglu 2002; Gursoy and Kendall 2006; Getz 2008; Langen and Garcia 2009; Ritchie et al. 2009; Gursoy et al. 2011; Palonen 2011). Nevertheless, they normally recognise that some costs will be incurred (Kim and Petrick 2005; Kim et al. 2006; Ritchie et al. 2009; Gursoy et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013). So, it was not surprising that the nomination of Guimaraes, a small city in the northwest of Portugal, as one of the two European Capitals of Culture in 2012 (2012 ECOC), had raised great expectations in the local community vis- a-vis its socio-economic and cultural benefits. Our research was designed to examine the Guimar~aes residents’ perceptions of the impacts of hosting the 2012 ECOC, approached at two different times: before and after the event, to try and capture the evolution of the residents’ assessment of its impacts. From the empirical literature, we know that residents’ perceived impacts tend to change as time goes by (Kim et al. 2006; Ritchie et al. 2009; Gursoy et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013). The data were gathered via two surveys applied to Guimaraes residents, one in 2011, before the event, and the other afterwards, in 2013. The Guimaraes residents’ assessment was thought to be essential to get an accurate appraisal of the impact of the mega-event as they were a main part of the hosting process. 2012 ECOC impacts were mainly felt by local people who, in most cases, will go on feeling them in the short and long term. The research was thought to be socially pertinent as the opinions collected through the surveys can help to prevent repeating mistakes when similar mega- events are organised in the future, and to increase the positive impacts derived from hosting them. When we talk about the social pertinence of the empirical results, we want to stress that the expertise acquired can be useful to any host city or country.


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The recent staging of Glasgow 2014 drew universal praise as the ‘Best Games Ever’. Yet the substantial undertaking of hosting the Commonwealth Games (CWG) was sold to the nation as more than just eleven days of sporting spectacle and cultural entertainment. Indeed, the primary strategic justification offered by policymakers and city leaders was the delivery of a bundle of positive and enduring benefits, so-called ‘legacy’. This ubiquitous and amorphous concept has evolved over time to become the central focus of contemporary hosting bids, reflecting a general public policy shift towards using major sporting mega events as a catalyst to generate benefits across economic, environmental and social dimensions, on a scale intended to be truly transformative. At the same time, the academy has drawn attention to the absence of evidence in support of the prevailing legacy rhetoric and raised a number of sociological concerns, not least the socially unequitable distribution of purported benefits. This study investigated how young people living in the core hosting zone related to, and were impacted upon, by the CWG and its associated developments and activities with reference to their socio-spatial horizons, the primary outcome of interest. An ‘ideal world’ Logic Model hypothesised that four mechanisms, identified from official legacy documents and social theories, would alter young people’s subjective readings of the world by virtue of broadening their social networks, extending their spatial boundaries and altering their mind sets. A qualitative methodology facilitated the gathering of situated and contextualised accounts of young people’s attitudes, perceptions, beliefs and behaviours relating to Glasgow 2014. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted before and after the Games with 26 young people, aged 14-16 years, at two schools in the East End. This approach was instrumental in privileging the interests of people ‘on the ground’ over those of city-wide and national stakeholders. The findings showed that young people perceived the dominant legacy benefit to be an improved reputation and image for Glasgow and the East End. Primary beneficiaries were identified by them as those with vested business interests e.g. retailers, restaurateurs, and hoteliers, as well as national and local government, with low expectations of personal dividends or ‘trickle down’ benefits. Support for Glasgow 2014 did not necessarily translate into individual engagement with the various cultural and sporting activities leading up to the CWG, including the event itself. The study found that young people who engaged most were those who had the ability to ‘read’ the opportunities available to them and who had the social, cultural and economic capital necessary to grasp them, with the corollary that those who might have gained most were the least likely to have engaged with the CWG. Doubts articulated by research participants about the social sustainability of Glasgow 2014 underscored inherent tensions between the short-lived thrill of the spectacle and the anticipated longevity of its impacts. The headline message is that hosting sporting mega events might not be an effective means of delivering social change. Aspirant host cities should consider more socially equitable alternatives to sporting mega events prior to bidding; and future host cities should endeavour to engage more purposefully with more young people over longer time frames.