999 resultados para Spin tunneling


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In the recent past conventional Spin Valve (SV) structures are gaining growing interest over Tunneling Magneto-resistance (TMR) because of its preference due to low RA product in hard disc read head sensor applications. Pulsed Laser Deposited (PLD) SV and Pseudo Spin Valve (PSV) samples are grown at room temperature with moderately high MR values using simple FM/NM/FM/AFM structure. Although PLD is not a popular technique to grow metallic SVs because of expected large intermixing of the interfaces, particulate formation, still by suitably adjusting the deposition parameters we could get exchange bias (EB) as well as 2-3% MR of these SVs in the Current In Plane (CIP) geometry. Exchange Bias, which sets in even without applying magnetic field during deposition observed by using SQUID magnetometry as well as by MR measurements. Angular variation of the MR reveals four-fold anisotropy of the hard layer (Co) which becomes two-fold in presence of an adjacent AFM layer.


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We study driven by an external electric field quantum orbital and spin dynamics of electron in a one-dimensional double quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling. Two types of external perturbation are considered: a periodic field at the Zeeman frequency and a single half-period pulse. Spin-orbit coupling leads to a nontrivial evolution in the spin and orbital channels and to a strongly spin-dependent probability density distribution. Both the interdot tunneling and the driven motion contribute into the spin evolution. These results can be important for the design of the spin manipulation schemes in semiconductor nanostructures.


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We present a theoretical study on the electron tunneling through a single barrier created in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and quantum spin Hall (QSH) bar in a HgTe/CdTe quantum well with inverted band structures. For the 2DEG, the transmission shows the Fabry-Perot resonances for the interband tunneling process and is blocked when the incident energy lies in the bulk gap of the barrier region. For the QSH bar, the transmission gap is reduced to the edge gap caused by the finite size effect. Instead, transmission dips appear due to the interference between the edge states and the bound states originated from the bulk states. Such a Fano-like resonance leads to a sharp dip in the transmission which can be observed experimentally.


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We demonstrate that a p-n junction created electrically in HgTe quantum wells with inverted band structure exhibits interesting intraband and interband tunneling processes. We find a perfect intraband transmission for electrons injected perpendicularly to the interface of the p-n junction. The opacity and transparency of electrons through the p-n junction can be tuned by changing the incidence angle, the Fermi energy and the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI). The occurrence of a conductance plateau due to the formation of topological edge states in a quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) p-n junction can be switched on and off by tuning the gate voltage. The spin orientation can be substantially rotated when the samples exhibit a moderately strong RSOI.


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We theoretically investigate the electron transport and spin polarization of two coupled quantum wells with Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. In analogy with the optical dual-channel directional coupler, the resonant tunneling effect is treated by the coupled-mode equations. We demonstrate that spin-up and -down electrons can be completely separated from each other for the system with an appropriate system geometry and a controllable barrier. Our result provides a new approach to construct spin-switching devices without containing any magnetic materials or applying a magnetic field. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2981204]


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We reported the all electronic demonstration of spin injection and detection in the trilayers with hybrid structure of CoFeB/GaAs/(Ga,Mn)As (metal/insulator semiconductor) by probing the magnetoresistance at low temperature from 1.8 to 30 K. Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratios of 3.8%, 4.7%, 2.9%, and 1.4% at 1.8, 10, 20, and 30 K, respectively, were observed. Bias dependence of both the junction resistance and TMR ratio was studied systematically. V-half at which TMR drops to half of its maximum is 6.3 mV, being much smaller compared to that observed in (Ga,Mn)As/ZnSe/Fe and (Ga,Mn)As/AlAs/MnAs hybrid structures, indicating lower Fermi energy of (Ga,Mn)As.


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We investigate theoretically the spin-independent tunneling magnetoresistance effect in a graphene monolayer modulated by two parallel ferromagnets deposited on a dielectric layer. For the parallel magnetization configuration, Klein tunneling can be observed in the transmission spectrum but at specific oblique incident angles. For the antiparallel magnetization configuration, the transmission can be blocked by the magneticelectric barrier provided by the ferromagnets. Such a transmission discrepancy results in a tremendous magnetoresistance ratio and can be tuned by the inclusion of an electric barrier.


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Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) in Ga(0.9)2Mn(0.08)As/Al-O/Co40Fe40B20 trilayer hybrid structure as a function of temperature from 10 to 50 K with magnetic field vertical bar H vertical bar <= 2000 Oe has been studied. TMR ratio of 1.6% at low fields at 10 K was achieved with the applied current of 1 mu A. The behavior of junction resistance was well explained by the tunneling resistance across the barrier. Strong bias dependences of magnetoresistance and junction resistance were presented. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3068418]


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We demonstrate tunnel magnetoresistance junctions based on a trilayer system consisting of an epitaxial NiMnSb, an aluminum oxide, and a CoFe trilayer. The junctions show a tunneling magnetoresistance of Delta R/R of 8.7% at room temperature which increases to 14.7% at 4.2 K. The layers show a clear separate switching and a small ferromagnetic coupling. A uniaxial in-plane anisotropy in the NiMnSb layer leads to different switching characteristics depending on the direction in which the magnetic field is applied, an effect which can be used for sensor applications. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Using the multiband quantum transmitting boundary method (MQTBM), hole resonant tunneling through AlGaAs/GaMnAs junctions is investigated theoretically. Because of band-edge splitting in the DMS layer, the current for holes with different spins are tuned in resonance at different biases. The bound levels of the "light" hole in the quantum well region turned out to be dominant in the tunneling channel for both "heavy" and "light" holes. The resonant tunneling structure can be used as a spin filter for holes for adjusting the Fermi energy and the thickness of the junctions.


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Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) in Ga(0.9)2Mn(0.08)As/Al-O/Co40Fe40B20 trilayer hybrid structure as a function of temperature from 10 to 50 K with magnetic field vertical bar H vertical bar <= 2000 Oe has been studied. TMR ratio of 1.6% at low fields at 10 K was achieved with the applied current of 1 mu A. The behavior of junction resistance was well explained by the tunneling resistance across the barrier. Strong bias dependences of magnetoresistance and junction resistance were presented. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3068418]


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We study electron tunneling through a planar magnetic and electric barrier on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator. For the double barrier structures, we find (i) a directional-dependent tunneling which is sensitive to the magnetic field configuration and the electric gate voltage, (ii) a spin rotation controlled by the magnetic field and the gate voltage, (iii) many Fabry-Perot resonances in the transmission determined by the distance between the two barriers, and (iv) the electrostatic potential can enhance the difference in the transmission between the two magnetization configurations, and consequently lead to a giant magnetoresistance. Points (i), (iii), and (iv) are alike with that in graphene stemming from the same linear-dispersion relations.


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Using the multiband quantum transmitting boundary method (MQTBM), hole resonant tunneling through AlGaAs/GaMnAs junctions is investigated theoretically. Because of band-edge splitting in the DMS layer, the current for holes with different spins are tuned in resonance at different biases. The bound levels of the "light" hole in the quantum well region turned out to be dominant in the tunneling channel for both "heavy" and "light" holes. The resonant tunneling structure can be used as a spin filter for holes for adjusting the Fermi energy and the thickness of the junctions.