859 resultados para Relações públicas internacionais


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Levando em linha de conta que a imagem pública das Relações Públicas é frequentemente vaga entre organizações, público em geral e por vezes até entre profissionais de comunicação, este trabalho procura enquadrar e delimitar com precisão um campo científico para atividade das Relações Públicas, tendo em consideração os novos instrumentos de que dispõe e as novas realidades que enfrenta, nomeadamente a sociedade globalizada e a crescente perceção de fusão com outras disciplinas da Comunicação e Marketing. Para isso procura-se fazer, numa primeira fase, uma contextualização teórica específica desta disciplina da comunicação, com destaque para a história, modelos, distinção para com o Marketing, Publicidade e a Propaganda e para o conjunto de funções concretas que desempenha nas organizações. Seguidamente abordam-se os instrumentos tradicionais das Relações Públicas como a Imprensa, a Televisão, a Rádio e o contacto direto com o público, para finalmente se apresentar um conjunto de novos instrumentos como a Internet, as Redes Sociais, os Aparelhos Móveis e os Videojogos. Ao longo do trabalho é nossa preocupação apresentar exemplos práticos para demonstrar como deve ser a ação das Relações Públicas em cada circunstância. O objetivo final é, assim, apresentar um documento com fundamentos teóricos sólidos que crie uma visão global para esta atividade neste princípio de século ao mesmo tempo que se aponta um conjunto de novos caminhos que se tornaram incontornáveis e que obrigam as Relações Públicas a reinventar-se a cada dia que passa, sem no entanto renunciar ao seu propósito inicial e de sempre que é estabelecer e manter um bom relacionamento entre as organizações e os seus públicos.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS


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Incluye Bibliografía


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This study presents an analysis of International Tourism, one of the most growing economic activities in the world. To realize promotion in this area, countries use diverse strategies, among them the touristic marketing. It consists on an instrument used to attract foreign tourists and build the image of the country as a touristic destination, transforming it into a global emergent leader. Due to the big sports events which will happen in Brazil, the World Cup and the Olympic Games, respectively, it is expected a growth on touristic activities. This is an opportunity to promote the country and build its image, the reason why the Federal Government made Plano Aquarela 2020, formed by a strategic plan which aims the international promotion of the country through a marketing program focused on the international tourist. What this image is and how to promote it are issues that the public relations professionals are capable to solve, with their abilities to develop instruments and their important actions to build a good touristic destination image of the country. This study aims to analyze the collaboration of public relations to improve the country's image from the actions developed by Plano Aquarela 2020. For this, a literature search was performed to expose the concepts of communication involved, the analysis of the plan and their actions, use the interview as an exploratory study to clarify information and stimulate new ideas


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This work has as objective understand the role of chief public relations professional in the design of strategies for an organization considering the theories of semiotics, particularly the concepts of Firstness, secondness and Thirdness defended and presented by Charles Sanders Peirce, and business administration. We will give attention to the process that the public relations of an organization sets the detection of a problem / opportunity until the moment that takes science for all individuals and is resolved / utilized in an organization. Then to better illustrate the concepts presented, it has been a case study of the performance of a public relations professional in an organization, and its importance in her career


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For the last few decades the relationship between companies and their market has been changing, driven by economic and political changes, new social demand, and by the technologic evolution. This new setting, combined with the creation of laws and regulatory agencies, increased the complexity of the relationship between companies and their customers, creating the need for strategies capable of handling the contemporary market's relationship. This context creates the need for new actions to deal with post-sale costume care to create customer loyalty and evaluate its overall satisfaction, in addition to treating possible complaints about their products and services. Along with the new customer's requirements in a dynamic communicational scenario, this paper addresses public relations' role in managing customer's complaints in light of crisis management. Based on the concepts of public relations, the approach of crisis and complaints management processes is constructed based on literature review and analysis of Wet'n Wild São Paulo's claims management. Therefore, the method used was document and content analysis based on documents provided by the company in order to evaluate their actions based on the concepts covered


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This monograph deals with the participation of public relations professionals as a subject acting role in organizational communication in the face of new communication and informational technologies that have emerged in recent years and characterize the digital era. The present study begins with the cultural, economic and social changes that were triggered by the new communicational reality e how these changes affected the ways of acting and thinking of society. In this context, we look at how modern organizations are adapting to this new demand and how the public relations may participate in the development and management of communications strategies to relate to the new publics arising through the consolidation of digital media


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The ease and convenience provided by the Internet allow for the communication between the organization and its stakeholders to become rapid and effective. This fact can be good both for the organization and for the public. Keeping this in sight, the Internet as a public relations tool for communication between the organization and its stakeholders is the theme discussed throughout this study. Through bibliographic and exploratory research, this paper aims at pointing at effective tools afforded by the Internet that can be used by Public Relations. These tools can promote the relationship between organizations and its publics inserted on the Internet. In this way, the organization can influence publics in its favor. The present work investigates what strategies the Internet can contribute significantly to the field of Communication despite the fact that it is not able to completely replace traditional media


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The work consisted in analyzing how public relations can contribute to the development and application of the concept of employer branding. It also aims to bring contributions to the understanding of how the areas of communication, marketing and human resources, curriculum studied in Public Relations, can assist the professional performance. Based on data collected in the management of the partnership between AIESEC of Brazil and Votorantim, based on the information acquired through observation and participation in AIESEC, it was possible to reflect on how and why the PR professional is able to work in the development of positioning a company as good employer brand


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This study has the objective of presenting a new suggestion to the public relations professional into the Brazilian fashion business, seeing that, besides promising and little explored, presents social-economic conditions that allow the profession actuation. For this, it has been deeply analyzed the social character of fashion history e its development parallel to the society historical and economic transformations, basing, then, the study of fashion history in Brazil. To understand contemporaneity and the relations which interlace on it, there were used two analyzes about nowadays social order, liquid pos-modernity, from Bauman; and the hypermodernity, from Lipovetsky. In this context, it‟s approached new ways of relating with marks and with products which, since their consumption, are prepared to posterior discard. In the accelerated scenario of marks and consumption, the human relations, more liquids and tenuous, create the urgent possibility of action from on communication professional, who knows to identify the consumers desires and foresee their needs, rendering the tenuous laces stronger and the relationships more solid. This is when the profession of public relations presents itself as a new proposal to create experiences and to tight the loose laces on the consumption era