993 resultados para Product Placement


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Background: To align with the new trend of using social media in the marketing mix, product placement has been adapted to social media platforms as one strategy to create attention. Especially on Instagram, product placements have gained popularity among companies. While scholars have focused on measuring the effectiveness of the strategy, suggesting that credibility is one component necessary for success, a gap in the research is illuminated when focusing on what makes a product placement on Instagram credible. Previous studies regarding credibility and its relation to traditional media have concluded that there are some factors essential in consumers’ credibility evaluation process. Since social media differs from traditional media, there was a need to investigate the applicability of credibility to the social media platform Instagram. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine key factors of product placement on Instagram that influence credibility. Method: To meet the purpose of this thesis a study with a mixed method research design was conducted. The qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews with the intention to discover how consumers evaluate credibility. The scales and items developed from the findings of the qualitative study were tested using a questionnaire to identify which factors that have the most influence on consumers’ credibility assessment. Conclusions: The overall findings indicate that consumers evaluate credibility based upon source, message and receiver characteristics. The empirical evidence suggests that the Expertise of influencer, Professionalism of picture, Trustworthiness of influencer, Connection to influencer and Causes of irritation are the factors that have the most influence on consumers’ credibility assessment of product placement on Instagram. The findings further implies that it is not only the factor itself that influence, credibility can additionally be transferred from one factor to another.


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Despite the size and growth of the computer and video gaming industry – as well as the increasing use of the medium for the placement of advertising and product placement – researchers have neglected this area. By drawing on existing literature and research in similar and related areas of film product placement, sponsorship and interactivity, the authors present a conceptual overview and identify areas for research.


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Immersive environments are part of a recent media innovation that allow users to become so involved within a computer-based simulated environment that they feel part of that virtual world (Grigorovici, 2003). A specific example is Second Life, which is an internet-based, three-dimensional immersive virtual world in which users create an online representation of themselves (an avatar) to play games and interact socially with thousands of people simultaneously. This study focuses on Second Life as an example of an immersive environment, as it is the largest adult freeform virtual world, home to 12 million avatars (IOWA State University, 2008). Already in Second Life there are more than 100 real-life brands from a range of industries, including automotive, professional services, and consumer goods and travel, among others (KZero, 2007; New Business Horizons, 2009). Compared to traditional advertising media, this interactive media can immerse users in the environment. As a result of this interactivity, users can become more involved with a virtual environment, resulting in prolonged usage over weeks, months and even years. Also, it can facilitate presence. Despite these developments, little is known about the effectiveness of marketing messages in a virtual world context. Marketers are incorporating products into Second Life using a strategy of online product placement. This study, therefore, explores the perceived effectiveness of online product placement in Second Life in terms of effects on product/brand recall, purchase intentions and trial. This research examines the association between individuals’ involvement with Second Life and online product placement effectiveness, as well as the relationship between individuals’ Second Life involvement and the effectiveness of online product placement. In addition, it investigates the association of immersion and product placement involvement. It also examines the impact of product placement involvement on online product placement effectiveness and the role of presence in affecting this relationship. An exploratory study was conducted for this research using semi-structured in-depth interviews face-to-face, email-based and in-world. The sample comprised 24 active Second Life users. Results indicate that product placement effectiveness is not directly associated with Second Life involvement, but rather effectiveness is impacted through the effect of Second Life involvement on product placement involvement. A positive relationship was found between individuals’ product placement involvement and online product placement effectiveness. Findings also indicate that online product placement effectiveness is not directly associated with immersion. Rather, it appears that effectiveness is impacted through the effect of immersion on product placement involvement. Moreover, higher levels of presence appear to have a positive impact on the relationship between product placement involvement and product placement effectiveness. Finally, a model was developed from this qualitative study for future testing. In terms of theoretical contributions, this study provides a new model for testing the effectiveness of product placement within immersive environments. From a methodological perspective, in-world interviews as a new research method were undertaken. In terms of a practical contribution, findings identified useful information for marketers and advertising agencies that aim to promote their products in immersive virtual environments like Second Life.


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This study explores the effects of use-simulated and peripheral placements in video games on attitude to the brand. Results indicate that placements do not lead to enhanced brand attitude, even when controlling for involvement and skill. It appears this is due to constraints on brand information processing in a game context.


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This chapter provides an indepth examination of the history of product placement in the James Bond film series, specifically focusing on the emergence of technology and gadgetry in the series and the impact this had on the number and types of products that were placed in the films.


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Elämme brändien ympäröiminä. Brändit ovat useasti osana mediasisältöjä kuten elokuvia, televisioohjelmia, videopelejä tai aikakauslehtiä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tutkii tuotesijoittelua (engl. product placement) osana digitalisoituvaa mediakulttuuria. Tuotesijoittelu on markkinointiviestintään luettava mainonnan muoto, jossa jokin tuote, brändätty palvelu tai logo esiintyy mainostarkoituksessa osana julkaisua, esitystä tai kulttuurintuotetta. Tuotesijoittelu on melko vähän tutkittu aihepiiri. Aihe on kuitenkin ajankohtainen mm. mediakulttuurin digitalisoitumisesta johtuvan kuluttajien mediakulutuskäyttäytymisen muutosten ja EU:n audiovisuaalisia mediapalveluja koskevan direktiivimuutoksen (AVMSdirektiivi) takia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tuotesijoittelun toimijoita, toimijoiden intressi-ja kausaalisuhteita sekä toimintamekanismeja. Lähtökohtana on näkemys, jossa tuotesijoittelun keskeiset toimijat ovat tuottaja, mainostaja ja yleisö. Tutkielman alussa perehdytään tuotesijoittelun ilmiöön ja muotoihin sekä tehdään lyhyt katsaus länsimaiseen audiovisuaaliseen mediahistoriaan niiltä osin kuin se on pääpiirteissään vaikuttanut tuotesijoittelun kehitykseen. Sen jälkeen perehdytään tuotesijoittelua koskevaan lainsäädäntöön kansallisella ja EU-tasolla sekä tutustutaan tuotesijoittelun valvontaan Suomessa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen pohja perustuu pääosin kauppa-, viestintä-ja elokuvatieteiden poikkitieteellisille, tuotesijoittelun aihepiiriä koskevalle kirjallisuudelle ja lehtikirjoittelulle. Tutkimuksen tueksi kerätty empiirinen aineisto koostuu seitsemästä suomalaisen media-alan asiantuntijan haastattelusta. Tutkimusmenetelminä ovat teemahaastatteluiden laadulliseen lähilukuun perustuva analyysi ja teemoittelu. Tukea tulkinnoille haetaan populaarikulttuurin tuotesijoittelun toteutuksista elokuvien ja aikakauslehden parista. Tutkimuksen lopussa esitetään malli, joka kuvaa tutkimuksesta esiinnousseita seikkoja tuotesijoittelutoiminnasta, sen toimijoista, mekanismeista, syistä ja reunaehdoista. Mallissa annetaan myös tuotesijoittelun toimintasuositus mainostajatahoja varten. Tutkimus osoittaa, että tuotesijoittelun tärkeimmät toimijat ovat ennakko-oletusten mukaisesti tuottaja, mainostaja ja yleisö. Näiden lisäksi voidaan tutkimuksen perusteella hahmottaa kaksi muuta toimijatahoa. Ensimmäinen näistä on tuottajan kanssa usein yhteistyötä tekevä esittäjä- tai levittäjätaho, joka on taloudellisesti ja juridisesti kytköksissä tuotantoihin, joissa se on mukana. Toinen toimijataho on usein mainostajapuolen kanssa yhteistyötä tekevät brändi- tai viestintäkonsultit, jotka opastavat tuotesijoittelutoiminnassa suhteessa mediakulttuuriin, auttavat näkyvyysneuvotteluissa ja konsultoivat mainostajaa parasta tuotesijoittelun ratkaisua varten. Tutkimus osoittaa lisäksi, että tuotesijoittelun syyt ja motiivit ovat monisyiset ja toimijakohtaiset. Tuottajan ja esittäjän syyt liittyvät yleisöjen miellyttämisen kautta lisääntyneeseen liikevaihtoon sekä tuotesijoittelun kautta parantuvaan mediatuotannon kannattavuuteen. Mainostajan ja brändikonsulttien tuotesijoittelutoiminnan syyt liittyvät brändin hallintaan, myynnin kasvattamiseen ja kuluttajiin vaikuttamiseen. Tuotesijoittelutoiminnan voidaan katsoa olevan muutoksessa; toteutukset ovat yhä enemmän strategisesti harkittuja, kokonaisvaltaisia markkinointiprosesseja, joiden tavoitteena on vaikuttaa katsojiin. Tästä syystä voidaan puhua tuotesijoittelun syventyneen osin mediasisältöjen brändi-integraatioksi.


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La entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con Estados Unidos representa para los empresarios colombianos la oportunidad de acceder al mercado más importante del mundo en una posición privilegiada, bajo la cual resulta más sencilla la colocación de productos en este pais para aquellas compañías con vocación exportadora. Sin embargo, la alta competencia y desarrollo de este mercado hace necesario que las empresas cuenten con información apropiada que les permita enfocar sus esfuerzos en productos, segmentos de mercado o Estados específicos donde puedan alcanzar la sostenibilidad y perdurabilidad en el tiempo, así como el desarrollo de nuevas posibilidades comerciales. Para tal fin, realizamos este trabajo de investigación con el cual se busca generar una herramienta informática que contenga información respecto al flujo comercial de Colombia hacia cada uno de los 50 estados de EE.UU., detallando en cada caso las oportunidades comerciales identificadas por partidas arancelarias; y que servirá de apoyo para aquellos empresarios colombianos que buscan beneficiarse de la nueva coyuntura comercial que ofrece el acuerdo bilateral.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la eficacia del condicionamiento clásico (CC) y el efecto de mera exposición (ME), en condiciones supraliminales (2000 milisegundos –ms-), sobre la formación de preferencias hacia marcas publicitarias. Se realizó un experimento con diseño intrasujeto, donde se manipuló la variable tratamiento afectivo representada por los dos procedimientos a comparar y se midió la variable dependiente –preferencia hacia las marcas- a través de una tarea de elección forzosa y un diferencial semántico. En el experimento participaron 70 hombres, estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad del Rosario con edades entre 18 y 22 años. El CC se realizó a través de un procedimiento simultáneo y en ambas condiciones la variable independiente se expuso el estímulo 8 veces con una duración de 2000 ms. Los resultados mostraron que los dos procedimientos generaron preferencias en los sujetos, pero no diferencias significativas entre la efectividad de los procedimientos.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La telenovela, un producto típico de América Latina, está presente notablemente en la cultura hispana en los Estados Unidos. El éxito de audiencia de las telenovelas en canales hispanos en los Estados Unidos también refleja las inversiones en la publicidad televisiva en estos productos, y algunas acciones se están produciendo de una manera nunca antes experimentada. En este contexto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las nuevas posibilidades de promoción y el consumo de las tramas de las telenovelas en América Latina, a través principalmente de los datos de fuentes bibliográficas directas e indirectas.


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Advertising investment and audience figures indicate that television continues to lead as a mass advertising medium. However, its effectiveness is questioned due to problems such as zapping, saturation and audience fragmentation. This has favoured the development of non-conventional advertising formats. This study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical development. This investigation analyzes the recall generated by four non-conventional advertising formats in a real environment: short programme (branded content), television sponsorship, internal and external telepromotion versus the more conventional spot. The methodology employed has integrated secondary data with primary data from computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) were performed ad-hoc on a sample of 2000 individuals, aged 16 to 65, representative of the total television audience. Our findings show that non-conventional advertising formats are more effective at a cognitive level, as they generate higher levels of both unaided and aided recall, in all analyzed formats when compared to the spot.


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Overview Learn how to get the most from your placements with the aid of this user-friendly text. Making the Most of Field Placement offers a practice-based approach to teaching and learning during placement experiences. Written for both students and their supervisors, it follows the various stages of a placement from planning through to evaluation. The core practice issues and ideas that it discusses can be used for a wide range of fields including social work, welfare work, disability work, youth work, community work and other human services. Readers can follow through the chapters as a guide as the placement progresses or select specific chapters and exercises to enhance specific stages of the placement. Numerous examples, checklists and exercises provide practical ideas that help students and supervisors to positively engage with each stage of the field placement process.


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Immediate loading of dental implants shortens the treatment time and makes it possible to give the patient an esthetic appearance throughout the treatment period. Placement of dental implants requires precise planning that accounts for anatomic limitations and restorative goals. Diagnosis can be made with the assistance of computerized tomographic scanning, but transfer of planning to the surgical field is limited. Recently, novel CAD/CAM techniques such as stereolithographic rapid prototyping have been developed to build surgical guides in an attempt to improve precision of implant placement. The aim of this case report was to show a modified surgical template used throughout implant placement as an alternative to a conventional surgical guide.