998 resultados para Polycrystalline materials


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Fatigue life in metals is predicted utilizing regression analysis of large sets of experimental data, thus representing the material’s macroscopic response. Furthermore, a high variability in the short crack growth (SCG) rate has been observed in polycrystalline materials, in which the evolution and distributionof local plasticity is strongly influenced by the microstructure features. The present work serves to (a) identify the relationship between the crack driving force based on the local microstructure in the proximity of the crack-tip and (b) defines the correlation between scatter observed in the SCG rates to variability in the microstructure. A crystal plasticity model based on the fast Fourier transform formulation of the elasto-viscoplastic problem (CP-EVP-FFT) is used, since the ability to account for the both elastic and plastic regime is critical in fatigue. Fatigue is governed by slip irreversibility, resulting in crack growth, which starts to occur during local elasto-plastic transition. To investigate the effects of microstructure variability on the SCG rate, sets of different microstructure realizations are constructed, in which cracks of different length are introduced to mimic quasi-static SCG in engineering alloys. From these results, the behavior of the characteristic variables of different length scale are analyzed: (i) Von Mises stress fields (ii) resolved shear stress/strain in the pertinent slip systems, and (iii) slip accumulation/irreversibilities. Through fatigue indicator parameters (FIP), scatter within the SCG rates is related to variability in the microstructural features; the results demonstrate that this relationship between microstructure variability and uncertainty in fatigue behavior is critical for accurate fatigue life prediction.


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Grain size is one of the most important microstructural characteristics determining the mechanical properties and therefore the service performance of polycrystalline materials. Heterogeneous nucleation involves the addition or in situ formation of potent nuclei in the system to promote nucleation events, leading to a fine grain structure. This paper reports experimental results using graphite and SiC as potential grain refining agents to form in situ nuclei for Mg in Mg-Al alloys, and demonstrates the key role of Al4C3 in grain refilling this important alloy system. This insight will contribute to the design and development of the most cost effective, eco-friendly grain refining agents for Mg-Al alloys. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to Prof. Siegfried Schmauder and Prof. Erdogan Madenci for the useful discussions that occurred throughout the realization of this study and acknowledge the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) for the financial support. A special thanks go to the anonymous reviewers, whose time and contribution have been highly appreciated. Results were obtained using the EPSRC funded ARCHIE-WeSt High Performance Computer (www.archie-west.ac.uk). EPSRC grant no. EP/K000586/1.


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Cuando un haz policromático de neutrones pasa a través de un material, los neutrones de distintas longitudes de onda son atenuados en formas muy diferentes. Como resultado, el espectro de energía del haz de neutrones cambia cuando una muestra es colocada frente el haz. Un análisis detallado del cociente de intensidad entre los haces de transmitido e incidente puede proporcionar una gran cantidad de información acerca de la estructura cristalina y microestructura de la muestra, definidas a través de la sección eficaz total del material. Para neutrones térmicos y sub-térmicos, el ordenamiento y movimiento de los átomos a escala microscópica define en forma precisa la dependencia de esta magnitud con la energía del neutrón incidente. Así, la variación con la energía de la sección eficaz total de los sólidos debido a la estructura de los átomos para distancias entre 0,1 y 100 Å se encuentra bien establecida, y es explotada en el estudio de estructuras cristalinas y de los movimientos vibracionales y rotacionales. Como contrapartida, el efecto de la estructura mesoscópica de los materiales, esto es para dimensiones entre 0,1 y 100 µm, sobre la sección eficaz total ha sido mucho menos estudiado, a pesar de provocar cambios profundos en esta magnitud. En esta Tesis estudiamos y formalizamos la dependencia de la sección eficaz total con características microestructurales tales como la porosidad, y la distribución de tamaños y orientaciones de los granos que componen los materiales, y desarrollamos modelos teóricos a partir de las características microestructurales de muestras de interés nuclear con diferente microestructura. Estos modelos permiten describir la contribuci ón de la componente elástica coherente de la seción eficaz total sobre los espectros de transmisión de neutrones e introducen parámetros como la cantidad de cristales que conforman el material, su estructura cristalina, parámetros de red, mosaicidad, estructura de poros u orientación preferencial de granos, para describir la sección total de materiales monocristalinos o policristalinos. En todos los casos, los modelos desarrollados fueron implementados en una biblioteca basada en el lenguaje computacional MATLAB y fueron comparados con secciones eficaces totales obtenidas en experimentos de transmisión de neutrones realizados en el Departamento de Física de Neutrones del Centro Atómico Bariloche y en ISIS Facility, Reino Unido. Los novedosos modelos microestructurales propuestos describen fielmente los experimentos desarrollados sobre muestras con distinta microestructura, lo que permite el empleo de los mismos en un código de refinamiento sobre los datos experimentales. Aquí, desarrollamos herramientas computacionales que ajustan por cuadrados mínimos no lineales los modelos paramétricos representativos de cada microestructura, sobre la sección eficaz total o la transmisión experimental, para determinar parámetros microestructurales de la muestra a partir de experimentos de transmisión de neutrones con resolución en longitud de onda. Los resultados son de particular relevancia para la interpretación y el análisis cuantitativo de las imágenes realizadas por la técnica de radiografía neutrónica con resolución en energía, que ha recibido un gran impulso en años recientes.


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Cuando un haz policromático de neutrones pasa a través de un material, los neutrones de distintas longitudes de onda son atenuados en formas muy diferentes. Como resultado, el espectro de energía del haz de neutrones cambia cuando una muestra es colocada frente el haz. Un análisis detallado del cociente de intensidad entre los haces de transmitido e incidente puede proporcionar una gran cantidad de información acerca de la estructura cristalina y microestructura de la muestra, definidas a través de la sección eficaz total del material. Para neutrones térmicos y sub-térmicos, el ordenamiento y movimiento de los átomos a escala microscópica define en forma precisa la dependencia de esta magnitud con la energía del neutrón incidente. Así, la variación con la energía de la sección eficaz total de los sólidos debido a la estructura de los átomos para distancias entre 0,1 y 100 Å se encuentra bien establecida, y es explotada en el estudio de estructuras cristalinas y de los movimientos vibracionales y rotacionales. Como contrapartida, el efecto de la estructura mesoscópica de los materiales, esto es para dimensiones entre 0,1 y 100 µm, sobre la sección eficaz total ha sido mucho menos estudiado, a pesar de provocar cambios profundos en esta magnitud. En esta Tesis estudiamos y formalizamos la dependencia de la sección eficaz total con características microestructurales tales como la porosidad, y la distribución de tamaños y orientaciones de los granos que componen los materiales, y desarrollamos modelos teóricos a partir de las características microestructurales de muestras de interés nuclear con diferente microestructura. Estos modelos permiten describir la contribuci ón de la componente elástica coherente de la seción eficaz total sobre los espectros de transmisión de neutrones e introducen parámetros como la cantidad de cristales que conforman el material, su estructura cristalina, parámetros de red, mosaicidad, estructura de poros u orientación preferencial de granos, para describir la sección total de materiales monocristalinos o policristalinos. En todos los casos, los modelos desarrollados fueron implementados en una biblioteca basada en el lenguaje computacional MATLAB y fueron comparados con secciones eficaces totales obtenidas en experimentos de transmisión de neutrones realizados en el Departamento de Física de Neutrones del Centro Atómico Bariloche y en ISIS Facility, Reino Unido. Los novedosos modelos microestructurales propuestos describen fielmente los experimentos desarrollados sobre muestras con distinta microestructura, lo que permite el empleo de los mismos en un código de refinamiento sobre los datos experimentales. Aquí, desarrollamos herramientas computacionales que ajustan por cuadrados mínimos no lineales los modelos paramétricos representativos de cada microestructura, sobre la sección eficaz total o la transmisión experimental, para determinar parámetros microestructurales de la muestra a partir de experimentos de transmisión de neutrones con resolución en longitud de onda. Los resultados son de particular relevancia para la interpretación y el análisis cuantitativo de las imágenes realizadas por la técnica de radiografía neutrónica con resolución en energía, que ha recibido un gran impulso en años recientes.


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A review of the current data on the cell density of normal adult human endothelial cells was carried out in order to establish some common parameters appearing in the different considered populations. From the analysis of cell growth patterns, it is inferred that the cell aging rate is similar for each of the different considered populations. Also, the morphology, the cell distribution and the tendency to hexagonallity are studied. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that this phenomenon is analogous with cell behavior in other structures such as dry foams and grains in polycrystalline materials. Therefore, its driving force may be controlled by the surface tension and the mobility of the boundaries.


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The sharp increase in microwave power loss (the reverse of what has previously been reported) at the transition temperature in high-Tc superconducting systems such as YBaCu oxide (polycrystalline bulk and thin films obtained by the laser ablation technique) and BiPbSrCaCu oxide is reported. The differences between DC resistivity ( rho ) and the microwave power loss (related to microwave surface resistance) are analysed from the data obtained by a simultaneous measurement set-up. The influence of various parameters, such as preparation conditions, thickness and aging of the sample and the probing frequency (6-18 GHz), on the variation of microwave power loss with temperature is outlined.


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Tensile and fatigue properties of as-rolled and annealed polycrystalline Cu foils with different thicknesses at the micrometer scale were investigated. Uniaxial tensile testing results showed that with decreasing foil thickness the uniform elongation decreases for both as-rolled and annealed foils, whereas the yield strength and ultimate tensile strength increase for as-rolled foils, but decrease for the annealed foils. For both the as-rolled or annealed foils, bending fatigue resistance decreases with decreasing the foil thickness. Deformation and fatigue damage behaviour of the free-standing foils were characterised as a function of foil thickness. In addition, the fatigue strength of various small-scale Cu foils was compared to understand they physical mechanisms of size effects on mechanical properties of the metallic material at micrometer scales.


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High conductive graphene films can be grown on metal foils by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). We here analyzed the use of ethanol, an economic precursor, which results also safer than commonly-used methane. A comprehensive range of process parameters were explored in order to obtain graphene films with optimal characteristics in view of their use in optoelectronics and photovoltaics. Commercially-available and electro-polished copper foils were used as substrates. By finely tuning the CVD conditions, we obtained few-layer (2-4) graphene films with good conductivity (-500 Ohm/sq) and optical transmittance around 92-94% at 550 nm on unpolished copper foils. The growth on electro-polished copper provides instead predominantly mono-layer films with lower conductivity (>1000 Ohm/sq) and with a transmittance of 97.4% at 550 nm. As for the device properties, graphene with optimal properties as transparent conductive film were produced by CVD on standard copper with specific process conditions.


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The intensity of the EPR signal with g = 5.985 arising from a ferric ion â oxygen vacancy defect pair (Fe3+ â VO) in PbTiO3, varies with the extent of PbO nonstoichiometry at constant Fe3+ content due to an increased oxygen vacancy concentration. In PZT solid solutions, the signal intensity decreases with an increase in Zr. A lower intensity is also noticed for Fe3+ â VO signals in PbZrO3. This behaviour is explained on the basis of PbO nonstoichiometry arising from independent Pb- and O-vacancies as well as the randomly distributed crystallographic shear (CS) plane defects. The contribution to PbO nonstoichiometry from CS planes is larger in high zirconium compositions of PZT.


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A model is described for grain boundary recombination in polycrystalline semiconductors. This model enables the evaluation of minority carrier lifetime in these materials. Es vvird ein Modell fur die Korngrenzenrekombination in polykristallinen Halbleitern beschrieben. Das Modell ermoglicht die Bestimmung der Minoritiitsladungstragerlebensdauer in diesen Materialien.


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Polycrystalline diamond coatings have been grown on unpolished side of Si(100) wafers by hot filament chemical vapour deposition process. The morphology of the grown coatings has been varied from cauliflower morphology to faceted morphology by manipulation of the growth temperature from 700 degrees C to 900 degrees C and methane gas concentration from 3% to 1.5%. It is found that the coefficient of friction of the coatings under high vacuum of 133.32 x 10(-7) Pa (10(-7) torr) with nanocrystalline grains can be manipulated to 0.35 to enhance tribological behaviour of bare Si substrates.


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The thermally activated plastic flow of polycrystalline cadmium was investigated by differentialstress creep tests at 86°K and tensile tests in the temperature range 86°–473°K. The activation energy (0.55 eV) at zero effective stress and the activation volume as a function of effective stress were obtained. It is concluded that intersection of glide and forest dislocations becomes rate controlling for low temperature deformation. The approximate stacking-fault width in cadmium is deduced to be “1.5b”.


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Low-temperature plastic flow in copper was investigated by studying its tensile and creep deformation characteristics. The dependence of the flow stress on temperature and strain rate was used to evaluate the thermal activation energy while the activation area was derived from the change-in-stress creep experiments. A value of 0.6 eV was obtained for the total obstacle energy both in electrolytic and commerical copper. The activation areas in copper of three selected purities fell in the range 1200 to 100 b2. A forest intersection mechanism seems to control the temperature dependent part of the flow stress. The increase in the athermal component of the flow stress with impurity content in copper is attributed to a change in the dislocation density. The investigation also revealed that thermal activation of some attractive junctions also takes place during low-temperature creep. The model of attractive junction formation on a stress decrement during creep, yields a value of 45±10 ergs cm-2 for the stacking fault energy in copper.