970 resultados para Party system


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A typical characteristic of the ongoing practice of democracy in Singapore has been described by some scholars as 'illiberal democracy'. Noting that Singapore 's brand of democracy operates within a 'dominant, one-party system', other scholars cushioned such a democratic practice by their reference to 'semi-democracy', 'controlled democracy, 'guided democracy, and 'communitarian democracy'. However, despite the demonstration that there are many restrictions in the type of democracy that exists in Singapore, the benefits are numerous. Singapore is the only country in the world to have transformed itself from a developing country to a developed country in less than only forty years. But its slower move towards a culture ofparticipation must move as quickly as globalization does if it is to remain in relevant and legitimate democracy. If the younger generation understands that they should have the right to a voice before the government acknowledges it, the transition could be more tumultuous than necessary.


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This Master's thesis examines two opposite nationalistic discourses on the revolution of Zanzibar. Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), the party in power since the 1964 revolution defends its revolutionary and "African" heritage in the current multi-party system. New nationalists, including among others the main opposition party Civic United Front (CUF), question both the 1964 revolution and the post-revolution period and blame CCM for empty promises, corruption and ethnic discrimination. This study analyzes the role of a significant historical event in the creation of nationalistic ideology and national identity. The 1964 revolution forms the nucleus of various debates related to the history of Zanzibar: slavery, colonialism, racial discrimination and political violence. Representations of these Social constructivist principles form the basis of this study, and central concepts in the theoretical framework are nationalism, national identity, ethnicity and race. I use critical discourse analysis as my research method, lean on the work by Teun A. van Dijk and Norman Fairclough as the most significant researchers in this field. I examine particularly the ways in which linguistic methods, such as stereotypes and metaphors are used to form in- and out-groups ("us" vs. "others"). My material, both in Swahili and English, was collected mainly in Tanzania in the fall of 2007 and from online sources in the spring of 2009. It includes publications by the Zanzibari government between the years of 1964-2000 (12), official speeches for the Revolution Day or the Union Day (12), articles from Tanzanian newspapers from the 1990s until the year of 2009 (15), memoirs and political pamphlets (10), blog posts and opinion pieces from four different websites (8), and interviews or personal communication in Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam and Uppsala (8). Nationalistic rhetoric often creates enemy images by using binary good-bad oppositions. Both discourses in this study build identities on the basis of "otherness" and exclusion, with the intent of emphasizing the particularity of the own group and excluding "evilness" outside the own reference group. These opposite views on the 1964 revolution as the main axis of the history of Zanzibar build different portraits of the nation and Zanzibari-ness (Uzanzibari). CCM still relies on the pre-revolutionary enemy images of Arabs as selfish rulers and cruel slave traders. For CCM, Zanzibar is primarily an "African" nation and a part of Tanzania which is threatened by "Arabs", the outsiders. In contrast, the new nationalists stress the long history of Zanzibar as multi-racial, cosmopolitan and formerly independent country which has its own, separate culture and identity from mainland Tanzanians. Heshima, honour/respect, one of the basic values of Swahili culture, occupies a central role in both discourses: the main party emphasizes that the revolution returned "heshima" to the Zanzibari Africans after centuries of humiliation, whereas the new nationalists claim that ever since the revolution all "non-Africans" have been humiliated and lost their "heshima". According to the new nationalists, true Zanzibari values which include tolerance and harmony between different "races" were lost when the "foreign" revolutionaries arrived from the mainland. Consequently, they see the 1964 revolution as Tanganyikan colonialism which began with the help of Western countries, and maintain that this "colonialism" still continues in the violent multi-party elections.


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Constitutional politics in Russia, a conceptual history study of the constitutional rhetoric in the 20th century In April 2006 the Russian Constitution had its 100th anniversary. Following its late start, five constitutions have been adopted. The great number of constitutions is partly explained in my work by the fact that Russia s political system has changed many times, from one state system to another. From a monarchical state power, it changed first, with the October revolution, into the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, and after that, in 1924, into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In 1991, the Russian Federation was established. The great number of constitutions can also be explained by the fact that in a one-party system, constitutional concepts became one of the most important instruments for introducing political programmes. When the political unity of the state was not only restricted by the Constitution, but also by the party ideology, the political debates concerning constitutional concepts were the key discussions for all the reformative pursuits of Soviet politics. It can be said that, in the Soviet Union, almost all political discourses dealt with constitutional concepts. In the context of restricted unity, the constitutional concepts were the most important tools to argue and create a basis for a new presentation and new political programmes. Thus, the basic feature of the Soviet political discourses has been a continuous competition regarding the constitutional concepts. By defining the constitutional concepts, a new, the political elites wanted especially to redefine, their own way, the traditional meanings of the October 1917 Revolution, and to differentiate them from those of the preceding period of power. From a methodological point of view, I argue that the Russian constitutional concepts make a conceptual historical approach very suitable, and change the focus on history. This approach studies history in contemporary contexts which follow after each other, and whose texts are the main research target. The picture of history is created through the interpretation of the original sources of contemporary contexts. Focusing on the dynamic and traditional characteristic of Russian constitutional concepts, I refer to a certain kind of value and the task of these concepts to justify and define the political and societal unity in every situation. This is done by combining the pursued future orientation of constitutional unity with the new acts of preservation of the traditional principles of the revolution. The different time layers of the constitutional concepts, the past, the present and the future, are the key aspects of storytelling in justifying the continuity and redefining the constitutional unity for the sake of reform. These aspects of constitutional concepts, in addition to all the other functions, have been the main elements of the argumentative structure of acting against opponents.


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Resumen: Este artículo analiza la formación del sistema de partidos políticos chileno desde la teoría de clivajes o fisuras sociales. Esta teoría, ampliamente desarrollada en las ciencias sociales europeas, adoptó especial relevancia en el caso chileno y logró consenso sobre ciertos clivajes generativos del sistema de partidos –religioso y social–. Sin embargo, durante la década pasada, surgió la discusión sobre la existencia de otro clivaje: el autoritario, y si fue o no generativo de la actual configuración partidaria. En este contexto teórico, el presente trabajo se focaliza en dos objetivos: primero, presentar la configuración actual del sistema de partidos chileno y sus coaliciones, en base a los clivajes generativos que le dan forma, argumentando, especialmente, la retraducción actual del clivaje religioso –no hegemónico–, en el seno de la actual coalición política de gobierno, la Concertación; y segundo, en base a un enfoque cualitativo, pretende caracterizar empíricamente la retraducción de esta oposición clerical/anticlerical.


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Resumen: Las pautas que regulan la competencia por el acceso al poder son aspectos centrales para abordar el funcionamiento del sistema político democrático, las cuales se multiplican en un sistema federal o multinivel. Tras la apertura democrática el sistema político argentino redefinió su funcionamiento frente a la mayor autoridad de las provincias en materia de implementación de políticas públicas, recursos fiscales e independencia electoral respecto de la esfera nacional. La territorialización de la política (o desnacionalización) en parte explica los cambios sufridos por el bipartidismo nacional (PJ-UCR), el surgimiento de nuevos partidos políticos y la construcción de nuevas identidades políticas. Hasta el 2011, Río Negro fue de los pocos distritos con partido predominante diferente al partido predominante a nivel nacional, y el único que gobernó la Unión Cívica Radical de forma ininterrumpida desde 1983. El presente trabajo busca explorar el funcionamiento del sistema político rionegrino en el contexto de desnacionalización a partir de los siguientes interrogantes. ¿Cuán congruente o incongruente es el sistema de partido rionegrino al nacional? ¿Qué niveles registra la competencia partidaria en ambos sistemas? ¿Qué efectos tuvieron las reformas electorales sobre el funcionamiento del sistema de partidos subnacional en Río Negro? Dando respuesta a estas preguntas, este artículo busca aportar al estudio de la interaccion del sistema de partidos nacional y un sistema de partidos subnacional, en el marco de los sistemas políticos federales o multinivel


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Nesta dissertação abordamos a relação entre o protestantismo e a política no Brasil levando em conta, o contexto histórico-político da formação do sistema partidário brasileiro, a representação evangélica na política e o comportamento eleitoral evangélico no que se refere às eleições para presidente. Argumentamos que tal fenômeno se explica por algumas especificidades relativas ao sistema político partidário e eleitoral brasileiro, para além de peculiaridades que concernem ao campo religioso evangélico, tais quais o seu crescimento demográfico ou o posicionamento de suas lideranças, sobretudo se colocado o caso brasileiro em perspectiva comparada, conforme o investimos em relação ao rígido modelo chileno de representação política. Por conseguinte, abordamos o comportamento do eleitorado evangélico durante as últimas eleições presidenciais, a fim de compreendermos os efeitos do sistema partidário sobre estas escolhas, bem como os fatores passíveis de destacar esta parcela do eleitorado do conjunto dos votantes brasileiros, como a identidade evangélica do candidato à presidência ou ainda a presença de temáticas morais religiosas relevantes para este segmento do eleitorado brasileiro.


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O trabalho investiga como as diversas estruturas federais resolvem os problemas de ação coletiva inerentes aos processos de negociação para a produção de políticas públicas intertemporais. Com tal propósito, tomam-se as relações intergovernamentais como objeto de análise. As hipóteses centrais da tese defendem que os níveis de conflitividade latente na Pólis estão relacionados com: 1) os graus de insulamento burocrático no processo de construção da Pólis Nacional; 2) as características de seu federalismo fiscal e; 3) a estrutura de seu sistema partidário. A racionalização do sistema federativo será maior quando o sistema partidário, horizontalmente, for capaz de solucionar os problemas de ação coletiva que surgem ao longo do tempo. As hipóteses são comprovadas através do estudo de caso do Brasil e da Argentina. Especificamente, apoia-se na narrativa histórica dos processos de formação de ambos os federalismos e na análise de dados empíricos dos processos de discussão e implementação da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal no ano 2000, no Brasil, e dos Pactos Fiscais nos anos de 1992 e 1993, na Argentina


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We present a new way of extracting policy positions from political texts that treats texts not as discourses to be understood and interpreted but rather, as data in the form of words. We compare this approach to previous methods of text analysis and use it to replicate published estimates of the policy positions of political parties in Britain and Ireland, on both economic and social policy dimensions. We “export” the method to a non-English-language environment, analyzing the policy positions of German parties, including the PDS as it entered the former West German party system. Finally, we extend its application beyond the analysis of party manifestos, to the estimation of political positions from legislative speeches. Our “language-blind” word scoring technique successfully replicates published policy estimates without the substantial costs of time and labor that these require. Furthermore, unlike in any previous method for extracting policy positions from political texts, we provide uncertainty measures for our estimates, allowing analysts to make informed judgments of the extent to which differences between two estimated policy positions can be viewed as significant or merely as products of measurement error.


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The literature has difficulty explaining why the number of parties in majoritarian electoral systems often exceeds the two-party predictions associated with Duverger’s Law. To understand why this is the case, I examine several party systems in Western Europe before the adoption of proportional representation. Drawing from the social cleavage approach, I argue that the emergence of multiparty systems was because of the development of the class cleavage, which provided a base of voters sizeable enough to support third parties. However, in countries where the class cleavage became the largest cleavage, the class divide displaced other cleavages and the number of parties began to converge on two. The results show that the effect of the class cleavage was nonlinear, producing the greatest party system fragmentation in countries where class cleavages were present – but not dominant – and smaller in countries where class cleavages were either dominant or non-existent.


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At its core, Duverger’s Law—holding that the number of viable parties in first-past-the-post systems should not exceed two—applies primarily at the district level. While the number of parties nationally may exceed two, district-level party system fragmentation should not. Given that a growing body of research shows that district-level party system fragmentation can indeed exceed two in first-past-the-post systems, I explore whether the major alternative explanation for party system fragmentation—the social cleavage approach—can explain such violations of Duverger’s Law. Testing this argument in several West European elections prior to the adoption of proportional representation, I find evidence favouring a social cleavage explanation: with the expansion of the class cleavage, the average district-level party system eventually came to violate the two-party predictions associated with Duverger’s Law. This suggests that sufficient social cleavage diversity may produce multiparty systems in other first-past-the-post systems.


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Recent studies show the effects of electoral systems and ethnic cleavages on the number of parties in emerging democracies differ from those effects observed in more established democracies. Building on recent arguments maintaining the quality of democracy improves with experience, we argue the reason for the differences in the findings between established and emerging democracies is that the effects of these variables on the number of parties differ according to a country’s experience with elections. To test this argument, we analyse party system fragmentation in 89 established and emerging democracies and the conditioning effects experience with elections have on the effects of district magnitude, ethnic cleavages, and variables relating to the presidential party system. The results show the effects of institutional and social cleavage variables differ substantially between emerging and established democracies, but these effects begin to approximate those seen in more established democracies with additional experience with elections.


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El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo el Estado del arte acerca de la discusión teórica de la repercusión de la unión monetaria en el principio de soberanía nacional, específicamente el caso de Gran Bretaña, ya que éste es el único país que expresa abiertamente su incertidumbre referente a algún tipo de amenaza a su soberanía. Se pretende precisar si existen criterios concluyentes, o por el contrario determinar si no hay claridad con respecto al futuro de Gran Bretaña como miembro de la unión monetaria.A partir de lo anterior, se plantean como sus propósitos particulares construir un marco conceptual acerca de la soberanía. Este estado del arte se inicia con citas de los principales autores de finales de siglo XVII y XVIII y finaliza con las posiciones conceptuales aportadas por los teóricos modernos motivados por el nacimiento de la Unión Europea como un nuevo orden político. Entre las que se citan: modelo centrico o intergubernamentalista, modelo de gobernabilidad multi-nivel, modelo neo-funcionalista y modelo federalista. Igualmente, el trabajo, busca desarrollar un marco conceptual sobre Unión Monetaria y su evolución hasta el logro de una unión fiscal europea en el periodo de 1950-2010, establecer las relaciones teóricas entre Soberanía del Estado y Unión Monetaria y por último realizar un análisis histórico hermenéutico de la Unión Europea y el caso del Reino Unido de acuerdo a las relaciones evidenciadas en los apartados teóricos entre soberanía del Estado y Unión Monetaria.


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Este artículo analiza los cambios recientes en la competencia partidista en México, haciendo énfasis en la elección de julio de 2006 a través de la cual se elige presidente de la República y miembros del Congreso. Dicha elección muestra la transición de elecciones competitivas, concentradas en el binomio autoritarismodemocracia, a elecciones temáticas, de asuntos o issues, centradas en las propuestas de política pública de los candidatos a la presidencia y en las que los ciudadanos, asociaciones civiles y organizaciones no gubernamentales, entre otras, juegan un papel activo. Con ese fin en el artículo se expone primero un breve recuento de los ejes medulares de la actual competencia partidista como la última reforma electoral realizada para mover al sistema electoral hacia elecciones justas, libres y transparentes, los desafíos del sistema de partidos y elementos contextuales socioeconómicos y políticos relevantes. Se analiza en segundo término la evolución de la competitividad y los cambios en la estructura de la competencia, lo cual permite entender el tránsito a elecciones temáticas centradas en las propuestas de política pública de los candidatos. En tercer lugar se presentan las principales propuestas de los candidatos en áreas prioritarias y su evaluación. Finalmente se hace una reflexión de conjunto sobre el significado de esta elección, el contexto que domina la actual contienda por la presidencia y la incertidumbre y competitividad que la caracterizan.-----This paper analyses recent changes in Mexican political parties’ competition for national presidency, with an emphasis on July’s 2006 Congressional and Presidential elections. The latter revealed a transition from an old competitive ballot race focused on the antithetic duet authoritarianism-democracy, to what could be called topical elections, focused on issues concerning presidential candidates’ public policy proposals in which citizens, civil associations, and nongovernmental organizations, among other groups, play an active role. With this purpose in mind, the paper starts with a brief exposition of the parties’ core contentions, including debates such as that around the last election reform aiming at pushing the ballot system towards fairer and more transparent elections, the challenges ahead for the party system, and other relevant contextual, political and socio-economic issues. Secondly, the evolution of the new terms of the competition and its structural changes are examined, in order to better understand our main concern here, i.e., the transition to a topical election contest focused on candidates’ public policy proposals. Thirdly, the candidates’ main proposals in crucial priority areas are presented and assessed. Finally, a global reflection is made on the meaning of these elections, on the context that has prevailed alongside, and on the uncertainty and competitiveness that have characterized them. 


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 Este texto plantea una reflexión sobre el estado actual de la democracia en México. Para ello se basa en una lectura crítica de las interpretaciones de la transición mexicana. Estas últimas subrayan el carácter sui generis e incompleto de dicha transición, cuya conclusión no ha significado una discontinuidad clara entre la etapa autoritaria y la de consolidación democrática. Nuestro planteamiento consiste en mostrar que los límites actuales de la democracia mexicana, en parte identificables como problemas de consolidación, dejan dudas sobre la llegada de la democracia a México. Lo ilustramos en torno a la pluralización aparente del sistema de partidos, a la cual los actores y estructuras autoritarias han sabido adaptarse, y en torno a la débil consolidación del Estado de derecho y las instituciones, amenazadas por la ascensión vertiginosa del crimen organizado. La combinación de las recomposiciones autoritarias y de esas nuevas amenazas no se reduce a meras herencias autoritarias, en un contexto supuestamente democrático, ni tampoco admite la hipótesis de una transición inconclusa. Implica más bien una huida hacia delante, la cual oscila entre la democracia y su negación, así como entre las herencias del pasado y un cambio mal asimilado, obligando a revisar el modelo de análisis de las transiciones a la democracia, parcialmente pertinente, pero demasiado lineal y reductor.-----This paper proposes a reflection on the current status of democracy in Mexico. For this purpose, it has been based on an analytical reading of interpretations to the Mexican transition. They highlight the sui generis and unfinished nature of such transition, whose completion has not entailed a clear discontinuity between the authoritarian phase and the democratic consolidation phase. Our approach consists in showing that the current limitations of Mexican democracy, which are in part identifiable as consolidation issues, leave doubts about the arrival of democracy to Mexico. This is illustrated around the supposed plurality of the party system, to which the actors and power structures have adapted, and around the weak consolidation of the constitutional state and the institutions, threatened by the dramatic escalation of organized crime. The combination of authoritarian recomposition and such new threats is not a mere authoritarian inheritance, in what is a supposed democratic context, nor does it agree with the hypothesis of an unconcluded transition. It rather implies fleeing forwards, which in itself oscillates between democracy and its denial as well as between past legacies and a badly assimilated change, thus forcing us to review the analytical model for transitions to democracy which is relevant in part, but far too linear and minimizing.


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El proceso electoral peruano del 2006 ha legitimado dos formas de hacer política: la política partidarizada que toma como base a los partidos más antiguos del sistema político (los mismos que han logrado reposicionarse luego de la década fujimorista); y la política del outsider antipartidario que toma como base un discurso crítico de la clase política y deja en un segundo plano la construcción de una propuesta orgánica e institucional. La política partidarizada subsiste a pesar de la prédica antipolítica del régimen fujimorista y del sistema partidario que colapsó en los noventa. Del mismo modo, la política del outsider permanece vigente a pesar de las reformas institucionales (Ley de Partidos Políticos) que se implementaron para evitar la fragmentación política y la incursión exitosa de estos nuevos políticos. Se establece así un “régimen de convivencia” luego de un período transicional inconcluso, que implementó tímidamente las reformas institucionales que no consiguieron fortalecer el sistema, y que estuvo signado por una constante inestabilidad política y conflictividad social.-----The 2006 Peruvian election process has legitimized two ways of going about politics: either a ‘partyist’ (or ‘partisan’) approach based on the older and more traditional parties of the political system (the same ones that have managed to reposition themselves after Fujimori’s decade), or the ‘outsider’s’ anti-party (or ‘anti-partisan’) approach which is based on a critical discourse of the extant political class, pushing aside the building-up of an institutional and organic proposal. The former type of politics survives in spite of the fervent anti-politics discourse of Fujimori’s regime and of the conspicuous collapse of the party system in the 1990’s. In much the same way, the outsiders’ politics remains in force in spite of institutional reforms (Ley de Partidos Políticos or “Political Parties Act”) which were implemented to avoid political fragmentation and/or the successful foray into the political arena of these new politicians. Thus, a “coexistence regime” has been established after an unfinished transitional period during which, very timidly, institutional reforms were implemented though they never really strengthened the system, and a regime which was marked by constant political instability and social upheaval.