271 resultados para Noyau paraventriculaire (PVN)


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Observations from three deep focus earthquakes, of focal depth 600 km, originating in the Fiji Islands region, have permitted to trace the travel-time curves for the longitudinal waves travelling through the earth's core. Of principal importance is the travel-time table for the phase PKP1 which has been given upto 158° and for which the data so far were incomplete. Other important phases observed between 103 and 143° have been illustrated and their travel-time curves drawn.


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Six earthquakes (magnitude 6 to 7) in the Fiji Islands, New Hebrides and Sulawesi, divided in two groups of depth h=100 to 200 km and h= 600 km, were studied through more than a thousand of seismographic observations in 16 months.


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The in vitro incorporation of [3H]uridine into RNA and [3H]leucine into protein in slices of porcine thyroid was studied. Thyrotropin (10-500 mU/ml of medium), when added with [3H]uridine, inhibited incorporation into RNA, but as little as 10 mU of thyrotropin per ml stimulated incorporation of [3H]orotic acid into RNA. Uridine kinase (EC was found to be inhibited in slices incubated with thyrotropin whereas UMP 5′ nucleotidase (EC was not. Preincubation of slices with thyrotropin (5-50 mU/ml) led to enhanced incorporation of subsequently added [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine. When slices were preincubated with long-acting thyroid stimulator-IgG (2.5 or 5 mg per ml of medium) incorporation of [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine was similarly enhanced, with the smaller concentration being more effective. Without preincubation these stimulatory effects were mimicked by 1 mM dibutyryl 3′,5′-AMP and, to a lesser extent, 1 mM 3′,5′-AMP. AMP and ATP also stimulated [3H]uridine incorporation in this system but only after more prolonged periods of incubation than were required for the other nucleotides. RNA polymerase (EC activity measured in isolated thyroid nuclei had two components, one Mg2+-stimulated and the other requ ring Mn2+ and high salt content [0.4 M (NH4)2SO4]. These activities, and particularly the former, were enhanced if thyroid slices were incubated with thyrotropin (5-100 mU/ml of medium), 2.5 mg or 5.0 mg of long-acting thyroid stimulator-IgG per ml, or 1 mM dibutyryl 3′,5′-AMP, before isolatior of the nuclei and measurement of enzyme activities; 1 mM AMP, ADP, or 2′,3′-GMP had no influence. Added directly to the nuclei, thyrotropin, long-acting thyroid stimulator-IgG, and dibutyryl 3′,5′-AMP had no effect on RNA polymerase activities. These data are seen as affording evidence for mediation by 3′,5′-AMP of effects of thyrotropin and long-acting thyroid stimulator on thyroid RNA and protein synthesis, at least in part through an indirect stimulation of nuclear RNA polymerase activities.


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Addition of dibutyryl 3′,5′-cyclic AMP to slices of bovine pituitary stimulated incorporation of [3H]leucine into protein, whether or not actinomycin D was present; therefore the influence of 3′,5′-cyclic AMP on protein synthesis by bovine pituitary polysomes was studied. If the cyclic nucleotide was added to the complete protein-synthesizing system (including pH 5.0 enzyme), stimulation of [3H]leucine incorporation occurred only with pH 5.0 enzyme from rat liver; there was no stimulation when homologous enzyme, i.e., from bovine pituitary, was used. Addition of 3′,5′-cyclic AMP to the polysomes, before addition of pH 5.0 enzyme, resulted in stimulation of protein synthesis with either source of enzyme, but stimulation was facilitated to a greater degree, over the range 0.5-2 mM 3′,5′-cyclic AMP, when rat liver was the source. The stimulation of protein synthesis was prevented by the addition of cycloheximide. With rat liver pH 5.0 enzyme the product of hydrolysis of 3′,5′-cyclic AMP was mainly 5′-AMP whereas with pituitary pH 5.0 enzyme there was also dephosphorylation and deamination resulting in production of hypoxanthine and other bases. However, using either source of pH 5.0 enzyme and the complete protein-synthesizing system (i.e., including an ATP-regenerating mechanism) most of the 3H from hydrolysis of [3H]3′,5′-cyclic AMP was incorporated into ATP. The data are seen as compatible with a stimulation by 3′,5′-cyclic AMP of translation by pituitary polysomes; the significance of the importance of the source of pH 5.0 enzyme used in the system is obscure.


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Esta dissertação apresenta práticas emancipatórias produzidas em comunidades de dificílimo acesso do município de Duque de Caxias (RJ). Ao considerar que essas comunidades são invisibilizadas em função, não apenas da nomenclatura que as qualifica, mas também da distância que possuem do centro do município e das especificidades nos modos de vida de seus moradores, afirmo que essas mesmas comunidades se organizam de maneiras próprias para garantir umpouco de visibilidade, procurando assegurar além da vida digna para as pessoasque nelas vivem, a possibilidade de existirem, de serem contempladas nas políticaspúblicas e de alcançarem o reconhecimento de suas especificidades. Para enunciaressas práticas e promover um debate acerca de sua validação, recorro àscontribuições de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Michel de Certeau, José de SouzaMartins, Nilda Alves, entre outros, que, em seus textos, consideram oquestionamento acerca do paradigma moderno de validação dos conhecimentos.Compreendendo que a experiência social em todo mundo é bem maior do que sepode supor, que o conceito de prática cidadã ultrapassa os limites definidos nacidadania burguesa e que os próprios modos de pesquisar essas experiênciassociais e práticas cidadãs muitas vezes são limitados em razão da valorização evalidação de algumas metodologias, é que consigo fazer emergir exemplos desolidariedade, coletividade e ações democráticas. A identificação dessas ações sóme foi possível a partir da pesquisa nos/dos/com os cotidianos realizada nas escolassituadas no interior dessas comunidades, afinal, como em muitas das vezes a escolaé o único espaçotempo com possibilidade de promover o diálogo entre ascomunidades e o poder instituído, reivindicações e reinvenções cotidianasatravessam esse espaçotempo e trazem para ele funções que ultrapassam asfronteiras do que historicamente se construiu como sendo seu âmbito de ação.


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Esta tese apresenta um exame da lógica da negação ou ambiguidade essencial da consciência, como núcleo metodológico da filosofia de Gaston Bachelard. Seu ponto de partida é a consideração da filosofia do não reformulação do pensamento estruturada sobre a necessidade epistemológica de opor-se ao modo de conhecimento clássico como valorização da negatividade, da crítica e da contradição, novos vetores de progresso dos saberes estético e científico. O jogo de oposições assume nesta abordagem o papel de estímulo que impulsiona a expansão da consciência, ao ressaltar a lógica das contradições que, em tal modo, revela simultaneamente como fundamento da investigação bachelardiana a necessidade de abertura e valorização da imaginação criadora, em sua aptidão ao vislumbre de novas estratégias do saber. O primeiro capítulo aborda a atuação deste dinamismo de polaridades e ambivalências como estratégia de demonstração e crescimento do saber epistemológico de Bachelard; o segundo, realiza um percurso análogo no campo da poética, estudando imaginação e devaneio como fulcros de infinitas e fecundas contradições. O terceiro capítulo explora as possibilidades desta lógica das oposições, que põe em relevo a complementaridade entre ciência e arte, e possibilita a compreensão da obra bachelardiana como unidade essencial.


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O objetivo dessa pesquisa é a análise das práticas de leitura realizadas no processo de aquisição da língua escrita, considerando as denominadas práticas de alfabetização realizadas no 1 segmento do Ensino Fundamental I às práticas de letramento no Ensino Fundamenta lI. Especificamente, será analisado o desempenho dos estudantes da E. M. Sobral Pinto, situada em Jacarepaguá, Zona Oeste, do Município do Rio de Janeiro. Esta escola é matriz naquela região, recebendo estudantes que terminaram o Ensino Fundamental I 1 ao 5 ano de escolaridade. Para fins do objetivo proposto, realiza-se uma análise triangulada, cujos vértices são os seguintes: a) análise da prova de leitura bimestral aplicada pelo SME semestralmente. b) análise das respostas docentes ao questionário aplicado cujo objetivo é discutir sobre os conceitos de leituras, alfabetização e letramento, cerne da pesquisa. c) Os dados referentes às planilhas de resultados das provas bimestrais referentes ao 1 e 4 bimestres de 2013, concernentes a cerca de 300 alunos E. M. Sobral Pinto, do 6 ano de escolaridade. A análise reforça os resultados exarados pela SME que revelam maioria absoluta de estudos com rendimento regular e/ou insuficiente em leitura, contrapondo-se a ínfimo percentual de estudantes com rendimento muito bom ou proficiente em leitura. As razões para os resultados estão centradas em uma abordagem de língua que se distancia das teorias linguísticas em perspectiva sociointeracionista


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A possibilidade de uma intervenção psicanalítica na clínica do cuidar, bem como a escuta de adolescentes cujo sofrimento causado pela doença crônica exige a hospitalização, são as duas questões centrais desta dissertação. Nossa pesquisa tem início na análise da estrutura da clínica psicanalítica que é sustentada na Enfermaria do Núcleo de Estudos da Saúde do Adolescente/NESA/UERJ. Faz-se um percurso pela teoria lacaniana da fase do espelho, como base da identificação especular, para que, em seguida, se possa verificar de que modo o mandamento do amor ao próximo está presente no ato de cuidar. Com Freud, coloca-se em primeiro plano a questão libidinal relativa ao processo da doença física. Destaca-se também o conceito freudiano de inibição que fundamenta a explicação das modalidades de retração da libido. O debate psicanalítico sobre a influência do inconsciente e as alterações que ele provoca no quadro da doença orgânica traz uma contribuição à clínica médica. A ausência de investimento libidinal afetivo nas figuras parentais, na clínica com adolescentes cujo corpo está adoecido, é o ponto em que este trabalho se conclui, demonstrando que para alguns adolescentes esta é a principal razão de seu óbito


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To explore the neural mechanisms underlying conditioned immunomodulation, this study employed the classical taste aversion (CTA) behavioral paradigm to establish the conditioned humoral and cellular immunosuppression (CIS) in Wistar rats, by paring saccharin (CS) with intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of an immunosuppressive drug cyclophophamide (UCS). C-fos immunohistochemistry method was used to observe the changes of the neuronal activities in the rat brain during the acquisition, expression and extinction of the conditioned immunosuppression (CIS). The followings are the main results: 1. Five days after one trial of CS-UCS paring, reexposure to CS alone significantly decreased the level of the anti-ovalbumin (OVA) IgG in the peripheral serum. Two trials of CS-UCS paring and three reexposures to CS not only resulted in further suppression of the primary immune response, but also reduced the numbers of peripheral lymphocytes and white blood cells. This finding indicates that CS can induce suppression of the immune function, and the magnitude of the effects is dependent on the intensity of training. 2. On day 5 following two trials of CS-UCS pairing, CS suppressed the spleen lymphocytes responsiveness to mitogens ConA, PHA and PWM, and decreased the numbers of peripheral lymphocytes and white blood cells. On day 15, only PHA induced lymphocyte proliferation was suppressed by CS. On day 30, presentation of CS did not have any effect on these immune parameters. These results suggest that the conditioned suppression of the cellular immune function can retain 5-15 days, and extinct after 30 days. 3. CTA was easily induced by one or two CS-UCS parings, and remained robust even after 30 days. These data demonstrate that CIS can be dissociated from CTA, and they may be mediated by different neural mechanisms. 4. Immunohistochemistry assays revealed a broad pattern of c-fos expression throughout the rat brain following the CS-UCS pairing and reexposure to CS, suggesting that many brain regions are involved in CIS. Some brain areas including the solitary tract nucleus (Sol), lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPB) and insular cortex (IC), showed high level c-fos expressions in response to both CS and UCS, suggesting that they may be involved in the transmission and integration of the CS and UCS signals in the brain. There were dense c-FOS positive neurons in the paraverntricular nucleus (PVN) and supraoptic nucleus (SO) of hypothalamus, subfornical organ (SFO) and area postrema (AP) etc. after two trials of CS-UCS paring and after the reexposure to CS 5 days later, but not in the first training and after the extinction of CIS (30 days later). The results reflect that these nuclei may have an important role in CIS expression, and may also response to the immunosuppression of UCS. The conditioned training and reexposure to CS 5 days later induced high level c-fos expression in the cingulate cortex (Cg), central amygdaloid nucleus (Ce), intermediate part of lateral septal nucleus (LSI) and ventrolateral parabrachial nucleus (VLPB) etc. But c-fos induction was not apparent when presenting CS 30 days later. These brain regions are mainly involved in CIS, and may be critical structures in the acquisition and expression of CIS. Some brain regions, including the frontal cortex (Fr), ventral orbital cortex (VO), IC, perirhinal cortex (PRh), LPB and the medial part of solitary nucleus (SolM), showed robust c-FOS expression following the conditioning training and reexposure to CS both on day 5 and day 30, suggesting that they are critically involved in CTA.


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Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a member of the family of neurotrophins and binds to the tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) receptor. Like other neurotrophic factors, BDNF is involved in the development and differentiation of neurons. Recently, studies have suggested important roles for BDNF in the regulation of energy homeostasis. The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is critical for normal energy balance contains high levels of both BDNF and TrkB mRNA. Studies have shown that microinjections of BDNF into the PVN increase energy expenditure, suggesting BDNF plays a role in energy homeostasis through direct actions in this hypothalamic nucleus. We used male Sprague-Dawley rats to perform whole-cell current-clamp experiments from PVN neurons in slice preparation. BDNF was bath applied at a concentration of 2nM and caused depolarizations in 54% of neurons (n = 25; mean change in membrane potential: 8.9 ± 1.2 mV), hyperpolarizations in 23% (n = 11; mean change in membrane potential: -6.7 ± 1.4 mV), while the remaining cells tested were unaffected. Previous studies showing effects of BDNF on γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) mediated neurotransmission in PVN led us to examine if these BDNF-mediated changes in membrane potential were maintained in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX) sodium channel blocker (N = 9; 56% depolarized, 22% hyperpolarized, 22% non-responders) and bicuculline (GABAA antagonist) (N = 12; 42% depolarized, 17% hyperpolarized, 41% non-responders), supporting the conclusion that these effects on membrane potential were postsynaptic. We also evaluated the effects of BDNF on these neurons across varying physiologically relevant extracellular glucose concentrations. At 10 mM 23% (n = 11; mean: -6.7 ± 1.4 mV) of PVN neurons hyperpolarized in response to BDNF treatment, whereas at 0.2 mM glucose, 71% showed hyperpolarizing effects (n = 12; mean: -6.3 ± 2.8 mV). Our findings reveal that BDNF has direct impacts on PVN neurons and that these neurons are capable of integrating multiple sources of metabolically relevant input. Our analysis regarding glucose concentrations and their effects on these neurons’ response to other metabolic signals emphasizes the importance of using physiologically relevant conditions for study of central pathways involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis.


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Opioid peptide neurotransmitters stimulate feeding and are involved in mediating the rewarding aspects of feeding, as well as in energy regulation in the brain. The effects of sucrose diets on opioid peptide gene expression were measured in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the rat. Rats were fed a cornstarch-based diet or a low (16.7%), medium (33.4%), or high (50%) sucrose containing diet for 7 days. Analyses of the ARC and PVN demonstrated that sucrose in the diet had no effect on mRNA levels of opioid peptides. The lack of an opioid response in the ARC and PVN suggests that opioids in the ARC and PVN are involved in energy regulation rather than in mediating hedonic aspects of feeding.


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Résumé : Cet article présente les résultats d'une recherche doctorale portant, entre autres, sur les fondements épistémologiques des enseignants d'histoire et leurs représentations sociales du métier. Le noyau de la représentation sociale de l'histoire et de son enseignement, qui compte trois éléments fondamentaux (la nature du savoir historique, la finalité de l'enseignement de l'histoire et le mode d'apprentissage de l'histoire), est présenté et mis en dialogue avec les discours en didactique de l'histoire. Nous avançons l'idée que, malgré des positions épistémologiques forts éloignées, le dialogue entre spécialistes universitaires de l'enseignement de l'histoire et enseignants d'histoire au secondaire est toujours possible. Pour ce faire, la prise en compte des contenus et de l'argumentation qui soutiennent les représentations sociales des enseignants est nécessaire. De même, ceux-ci doivent s'initier au mode de production des savoirs historiques et à leur appropriation par les élèves.


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Résumé L'accident vasculaire cérébral sensoriel pur est un des syndromes lacunaires, dû à l'occlusion de petits vaisseaux cérébraux, souvent dans le cadre d'une lésion intéressant le noyau ventro-caudal du thalamus. Il produit un hémisyndrome sensitif pur, et parfois un syndrome douloureux se développe à distance de l'événement aigu. Afin d'étudier la récupération fonctionnelle dans le cortex somatosensoriel (SI) après une telle lésion dans le thalamus, un modèle de lésion excitotoxique a été développé dans le système somatosensoriel de la souris adulte, caractérisé par la présence de formations cytoarchitectoniques dans SI appelées "tonneaux". Chacun de ces tonneaux correspond à la représentation corticale d'une vibrisse du museau. L'activité métabolique a été mesurée dans SI à différents intervalles après la lésion, à l'aide de déoxyglucose marqué radioactivement. Dans les deux premiers jours suivant celle-ci, l'activité métabolique diminue de manière importante dans toutes les couches corticales, avec une atteinte plus marquée dans la couche IV, principale projection des axones thalamo-corticaux. Une récupération de l'activité métabolique se produit ensuite, d'autant plus marquée que le délai après la lésion est grand. Cette récupération s'observe dans toutes les couches coticales, les couches I et Vb récupérant plus rapidement que les couches II, III, IV, Va et VI. Cinq semaines après la lésion, l'absence des vibrisses correspondant à la partie déafférentée de SI diminue l'activité métabolique corticale de 32% et démontre l'activation par la périphérie de cette partie de l'écorce, malgré la perte des axones thalamo-corticaux provenant du noyau ventro-caudal. Des expériences de traçage rétrograde ont montré une augmentation des projections intracorticales sur la partie déafférentée de l'écorce, en particulier de longue distance, ainsi que des projections interhémisphériques, mais n'ont pas permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelle projection thalamique, indiquant une origine corticale à la récupération fonctionnelle observée. Abstract To study the degree and time course of the functional recovery in the somatosensory cortex (SI) after an excitotoxic lesion in the adult mouse thalamus, metabolic activity was determined in SI at various times points post lesion. Immediately after the lesion, metabolic activity in the thalamically deafferented part of SI was at its lowest value but increased progressively at subsequent time points. This was seen in all cortical layers, however, layers I and Vb recover more rapidly than layers II, III, IV, Va and VI. Removal of the mystacial whiskers corresponding to the deafferented area, 5 weeks after cortical recovery, produced a subsequent 32% drop in metabolic activity, demonstrating peripheral sensory activation of this part of the cortex. Tracing experiments revealed that the deafferented cortex did not receive a novel thalamic input, but cortico-cortical and contralateral barrel cortex projections to this area were reinforced. We conclude that the cortical functional recovery after a thalamic lesion is, at least partially, due to modified cortico-cortical and callosal projections to the deafferented cortical area.


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Ce ms. renferme la lettre de saint Jérôme au pape Damase, "Beato papae Damaso..." (1-3v), sa préface "Plures fuisse" (4-6r), les tables de concordances évangéliques (6v-14r), les textes des quatre Évangiles accompagnés des préfaces, prologues et sommaires (14v-213v), ainsi que le Capitulare evangeliorum ou liste des péricopes évangéliques (214-231v). En marge des Évangiles, numérotation des chapitres des sommaires à l'encre rouge et indication des concordances évangéliques à l'encre brune. Entre les ff. 61 et 66, 96- 101, 155-160v et 204v-208v (c'est-à-dire dans les passages correspondant à la Passion dans chacun des quatre Evangiles), de petites lettres à l'encre rouge orangé (a, c, m) introduisent les différents protagonistes du discours, le m désignant le Christ, le c Pilate et le a le narrateur. Au f. 155, le m est partiellement développé sous la forme "mans.". Ces indications nous renseignent sur les pratiques de la lecture liturgique, qui s'effectuait à plusieurs voix. Nombreuses corrections marginales ou interlinéaires à l'encre rouge ou noire, mots à corriger parfois surlignés en couleur (cf. "aliquid" f. 76v surligné en violet), mots réécrits par-dessus grattage aux ff. 115v-116 (par le copiste E).Dans le Capitulare evangeliorum, on remarquera, parmi un sanctoral à dominante romaine, la présence de deux saints mérovingiens du Hainaut, saint Ursmer, fêté le 18 avril (f. 226v), et sainte Amalberge, fêtée le 10 juillet (f. 228), ainsi que celle des saints Emerentienne et Macaire l'Egyptien, fêtés le 23 janvier (f. 225v), et des saints martyrs romains Pierre et Marcellin, fêtés le 2 juin (f. 227). Ursmer et Amalberge ont tous deux un lien avec l'abbaye bénédictine Saint-Pierre de Lobbes: le premier en est le véritable fondateur, la seconde y a été ensevelie, mais cela n'implique pas nécessairement que le ms. ait été exécuté à Lobbes, car le culte de ces deux saints jouissait d'une diffusion régionale. Quant aux autres saints, le culte de sainte Emerentienne et de saint Macaire était répandu en particulier dans les diocèses de Cambrai et Reims et celui des martyrs Pierre et Marcellin autour de Valenciennes, Gand et Soissons, où se trouvaient depuis le IXe siècles leurs reliques ; cf. sur le culte d'Amalberge, Pierre et Marcellin: F. Dolbeau, "La bibliothèque de l'abbaye d'Hasnon...", Revue des études augustiniennes 34 (1988), p. 237-246; sur celui d'Ursmer: F. Dolbeau, "La diffusion de la Vita S. Ursmari de Rathier de Vérone", Scribere sanctorum gesta. Recueil d'études d'hagiographie médiévale offert à Guy Philippart, Turnhout, 2005, p. 181-207.Au f. 231v ont été rajoutées diverses maximes et formules pieuses, par deux mains différentes, des XIIe-XIIIe siècles.