990 resultados para Middle schools


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La présente étude vise à examiner dans quelle mesure le sexe ainsi que les caractéristiques comportementales et relationnelles des agresseurs permettent de rendre compte de l’augmentation, sur une période d’un an, du sentiment de solitude chez les victimes de harcèlement par les pairs au secondaire. L’échantillon est composé de 538 élèves de secondaire I et II de la région de Montréal. Au cours de deux années consécutives, le niveau de victimisation des élèves ainsi que l’identité et les caractéristiques des agresseurs (i.e.: sexe, agressivité, popularité et victimisation) ont été évalués à partir de mesures auto-révélées et de procédures de nominations par les pairs. Les résultats démontrent, qu’au-delà de la fréquence à laquelle les élèves sont victimisés, le sexe des agresseurs permet de rendre compte de l’augmentation à travers le temps du sentiment de solitude chez les filles et les garçons. Plus spécifiquement, le nombre d’agresseurs féminins identifiés par les élèves constitue un facteur de risque étroitement lié au développement du sentiment de solitude. Par ailleurs, les caractéristiques des agresseurs ne sont pas associées à l’accroissement du sentiment de solitude à travers le temps. Cependant, le fait de se faire agresser par des élèves qui présentent des difficultés d’ajustement social importantes (i.e. : agressifs et victimisés) est associé de manière concomitante à un moins fort sentiment de solitude. La discussion aborde les processus intra- et interpersonnels permettant d’expliquer pourquoi les sentiments de solitude associés à la victimisation par les pairs sont susceptibles de varier en fonction des caractéristiques des agresseurs.


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Esta pesquisa analisa a experiência de formação em história, na modalidade a distância, de professores-leigos da educação básica dos estados do Ceará, Bahia, Maranhão e Sergipe, contemplados pelo Programa Pró-Licenciatura II, financiado pelo Ministério da Educação, graças ao consórcio firmado entre a Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro e a Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 2006 e 2010. O objeto do estudo foi a aplicabilidade da Lei nº 11.645/08, antes Lei nº 10.639/03, que alterou a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional nº 9.394/96, ao instituir a obrigatoriedade do estudo da história e cultura afro-brasileira e indígena em todos os estabelecimentos de ensino fundamental e de ensino médio, públicos e privados do país. Há uma produção significativa de estudos que relacionam educação e relações etnicorraciais, porém são escassos os trabalhos voltados para a formação inicial e/ou continuada de professores. Quais disciplinas são oferecidas? Como o tema aparece no currículo? Como os licenciandos e professores lidam com a obrigatoriedade da Lei? Como ocorrem a produção e a mobilização dos saberes, assim como as práticas sobre esse tema? E qual o nível de comprometimento com o mesmo foram algumas das questões que nortearam a pesquisa. A resposta para essas questões foram orientadas pelas contribuições de Maurice Tardif sobre os saberes docentes, amparadas em metodologia de estudo de caso que utilizou entrevistas semiestruturadas, questionários, análises das aulas-texto produzidas pelos formadores, do ambiente online da disciplina e dos documentos formais que organizaram o curso e instituíram a citada Lei. A investigação revelou um esforço dos docentes formadores e dos professores-cursistas em se munir de saberes e práticas concernentes aos temas da Lei, por outro lado, alguns fatores impuseram limites à profissionalização, como a modalidade a distância, o desconhecimento sobre o tema e a disponibilidade de tempo dos professores-cursistas.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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This article presents the results of a research that has as its analysis focus the payment by performance, represented in the public educational system of the São Paulo State by the bonus-merit. The bonus, such as other measures implemented in the last decade, is part of neoliberal reforms that were predominant in the public educational system of the State. The article intends to debate the implications of this mechanism for the teaching from a bibliographic review about the topic as well as from the interpretation of data originated from a qualitative empirical investigation based on semi-structured interviews with second cycle teachers of high and middle schools of three regional departments of education. The results revealed an influence of performative and managerial elements in the organizational work of schools and teachers. Moreover, they showed that the payment by performance has not contributed for the improvement of the work conditions and for the career of the teachers, has a very limited impact to change the quality of education and thus represent a teacher accountability mechanism.


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Epidemiological data on the conditions of oral health are essential for professionals in the health care plan, execute and evaluate dental programs. In Brazil, most oral health programs directs its resources to middle schools, leaving the preschool children in a secondary plan. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of dental caries in preschool children from 4-6 years of age from schools of child education (EMEIs) of the city of Araçatuba-SP. The study was conducted on a sample of 275 children of both genders, representative of the population of preschool children in the city of Araçatuba-SP. In order to assess the prevalence and severity of dental caries indices we used the dmft and DMFT indexes, according to the codes and standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).The average dmft of 1.88 was found, comprising 78% of decayed teeth, 21% of restaured teeth and 1% with indicated extraction teeth. Regarding the permanent dentition, the average DMFT was 0.08, consisting of 71% of decayed teeth, 29% restored and 0% of missing teeth. Based on results found, there was a high caries prevalence in deciduous and permanent teeth, demonstrating the need for more dental care to the group studied.


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Conclusions: Black individuals had greater prevalence of long face pattern, followed by Brown, White and Yellow individuals. The prevalence of long face pattern was 14.06% in which 13.39% and 0.68% belonged to moderate and severe subtypes, respectively.


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El propósito de este estudio es explorar el estado actual de desarrollo de las actividades experimentales en la asignatura de Física en escuelas de Enseñanza Media de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba ya que constituye un aspecto medular en la construcción del conocimiento científico. Para la recogida de la información se utilizaron dos instrumentos: una encuesta y una entrevista que fueron aplicadas a 268 alumnos y 18 profesores de cinco escuelas con entornos socioculturales diferentes. Los datos obtenidos de las encuestas de ambos sujetos están referidos a: la existencia o no de infraestructura de laboratorio en las escuelas, las características de sus participaciones en los laboratorios y la frecuencia de realización de los mismos. Complementan esta información sus opiniones expresadas en las respuestas a las entrevistas, donde se destaca el papel que atribuyen a los experimentos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los resultados indican un incremento en la motivación y en la asimilación de los contenidos por parte de los alumnos que participaron en las demostraciones experimentales en las escuelas con infraestructura de laboratorio. Se manifiestan también limitaciones en el orden material con énfasis en las escuelas más alejadas del centro de la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba y de preparación de los profesores para una eficiente utilización del instrumental que poseen en función de la docencia.


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Lo scopo di questa ricerca è la ricostruzione dei Lungarni di Pisa nel Tardo Medioevo (XIV-XV secolo); lo studio intende sottolineare le trasformazioni urbanistiche che hanno cambiato il volto di Pisa nel corso del tempo e ricordare che l’area fluviale ebbe un ruolo di primo piano come baricentro commerciale ed economico della città, vocazione che si è in gran parte persa con l’età moderna e contemporanea. La metodologia seguita, affinata e perfezionata durante la partecipazione al progetto Nu.M.E. (Nuovo Museo Elettronico della Città di Bologna), si basa sull’analisi e il confronto di fonti eterogenee ma complementari, che includono precedenti studi di storia dell’urbanistica, un corpus di documentazione di epoca medievale (provvedimenti amministrativi come gli Statuti del Comune di Pisa, ma anche descrizioni di cronisti e viaggiatori), fonti iconografiche, tra cui vedute e mappe cinquecentesche o successive, e fonti materiali, come le persistenze medievali ancora osservabili all’interno degli edifici ed i reperti rinvenuti durante alcune campagne di scavo archeologiche. Il modello 3D non è concepito come statico e “chiuso”, ma è liberamente esplorabile all’interno di un engine tridimensionale; tale prodotto può essere destinato a livelli di utenza diversi, che includono sia studiosi e specialisti interessati a conoscere un maggior numero di informazioni e ad approfondire la ricerca, sia semplici cittadini appassionati di storia o utenti più giovani, come studenti di scuole medie superiori e inferiori.


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Consultation is promoted throughout school psychology literature as a best practice in service delivery. This method has numerous benefits including being able to work with more students at one time, providing practitioners with preventative rather than strictly reactive strategies, and helping school professionals meet state and federal education mandates and initiatives. Despite the benefits of consultation, teachers are sometimes resistant to this process.This research studies variables hypothesized to lead to resistance (Gonzalez, Nelson, Gutkin, & Shwery, 2004) and attempts to distinguish differences between school level (elementary, middle and high school) with respect to the role played by these variables and to determine if the model used to identify students for special education services has an influence on resistance factors. Twenty-sixteachers in elementary and middle schools responded to a demographicquestionnaire and a survey developed by Gonzalez, et al. (2004). This survey measures eight variables related to resistance to consultation. No high school teachers responded to the request to participate. Results of analysis of variance indicated a significant difference in the teaching efficacy subscale with elementary teachers reporting more efficacy in teaching than middle school teachers. Results also indicate a significant difference in classroom managementefficacy with teachers who work in schools that identify students according to a Response to Intervention model reporting higher classroom management efficacy than teachers who work in schools that identify students according to a combined method of refer-test-place/RtI combination model. Implications, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.


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Objective. To examine associations between parental monitoring and adolescent alcohol/drug use. ^ Methods. 981 7th grade students from 10 inner-city middle schools were surveyed at the 3 month follow-up of an HIV, STD, and pregnancy prevention program. Data from 549 control subjects were used for analyses. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine associations between five parental monitoring variables and substance use, coded as: low risk [never drank alcohol or used drugs (0)], moderate risk [drank alcohol, no drug use (1)], and high risk [both drank alcohol and used drugs or just used drugs (2)]. ^ Results. Participants were 58.3% female, 39.6% African American, 43.8% Hispanic, mean age 13.3 years. Lifetime alcohol use was 47.9%. Lifetime drug use was 14.9%. Adjusted for gender, age, race, and family structure, each individual parental monitoring variable (perceived parental monitoring, less permissive parental monitoring, greater supervision (public places), greater supervision (teen clubs), and less time spent with older teens) was significant and protective for the moderate and high risk groups. When all 5 variables were entered into a single model, only perceived parental monitoring was significantly associated (OR=0.40, 95% CI 0.29-0.55) for the moderate risk group. For the high risk group, 3 variables were significantly protective (perceived parental monitoring OR=0.28, CI 0.18-0.42, less time spent with older teens OR=0.75, CI 0.60-0.93, and greater supervision (public places) OR=0.79, CI 0.64-0.99). ^ Conclusion. The association between parental monitoring and substance abuse is complex and varied for different risk levels. Implications for intervention development are addressed. ^


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Screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is an integral component of an effective tuberculosis control strategy, but one that is often relegated to the lowest priority. In a state with higher than national average rates of tuberculosis, due consideration should be given to LTBI screening. Recent large scale contact investigations in the middle school of Del Rio, Texas, raised questions about the status of school screening for LTBI. An evidence based approach was used to evaluate school screening in high risk areas of Texas. A review of the literature revealed that the current recommendations for LTBI screening in children is based on administration of a risk factor questionnaire that should be based on the four main risk factors for LTBI in children that have been identified. Six representative areas in Texas were identified for evaluation of the occurrence of contact investigations in schools for the period of 2006 to 2009 and any use of school screening programs. Of the five reporting areas that responded, only one utilized a school screening program; this reporting area had the lowest percentage of contact investigations occurring in schools. Contact investigations were most common in middle schools and least common in elementary schools. In metropolitan areas, colleges represented up to 42.9% of contact investigations. The number of contact investigations has increased from 2006 to 2008. This report represents a small sample, and further research into the frequency, distribution and risk for contact investigations in schools and the efficacy of screening programs should be done. ^


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Uruguay has some of the strictest tobacco-control laws in Latin America. Despite this, youth smoking rates in Uruguay are amongst the highest in South America. Thus, it is important to identify strategies to prevent youth smoking in Uruguay. The current qualitative research study sought to identify intrapersonal and socioenvironmental factors that are associated with smoking among middle school youth in Uruguay. It also sought to develop potential prevention strategies and media messages that would resonate with youth for a social media campaign. The study was grounded in social cognitive theory and the theory of reasoned action/planned behavior, among other behavioral science theories; anthropological perspectives were also considered. To achieve these goals, 29 group and individual structured interviews were conducted in two private middle schools catering to lower and higher SES youth in Montevideo, Uruguay during the summer of 2012. One hundred and three study participants, including students, parents, and teachers, were interviewed. The structured interviews were recorded, transcribed, translated, back translated, coded and analyzed. The study findings show that positive attitudes towards smoking (i.e. to be seen, to increase status, to ensure women's equality, to looking old, and to service as a rite of passage), delinquent behavior (i.e. transgression/deviant behavior), social norms that support smoking (i.e. peer pressure and modeling, group membership/sense of belonging, parental modeling, and family support), easy access and availability to tobacco (i.e. retails stores) were factors associated with youth smoking. Potential protective factors may include parental support, negative attitudes towards smoking, sports/music, and smoke-free environments. Because study participants are accustomed to government-sponsored strong countermarketing graphic imaging, study participants selected even stronger images and messages as the preferred way to receive tobacco prevention messages. Something Real ("Algo Real") was a theme that resonated with the participants and chosen as the name for the proposed campaign. This campaign was designed as a multiple component intervention that included mass, school base, and family based strategies to prevent tobacco use. Some intervention materials specific to these intervention components were developed to target relevant intrapersonal and socioenvironmental factors identified above. These materials will be tested in future pilot studies and larger scale evaluation with this population, outside the scope of this dissertation. ^


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El presente artículo corresponde a una primera etapa del proyecto de investigación denominado: "Investigación evaluativa sobre estrategias de orientación vocacional ocupacional integral para contribuir a revertir la inequidad psicosocial" , que se está llevando a cabo en la actualidad. Se hará una síntesis de las primeras estrategias metodológicas, que incluyen la modalidad de investigación-acción. En esta primera etapa, se analizan los primeros resultados de: a) Los talleres de Información Orientada, y b) La escala de afrontamiento para adolescentes. Cada una de estas intervenciones, que apuntan a diferentes objetivos, van brindando insumos para un primer nivel de análisis. Dicha intervención permite conocer qué recursos les brinda la institución escuela a estos jóvenes para la elección de un proyecto educativo, laboral, personal y social. Se comprueba la importancia de: tener un espacio de información y reflexión compartida; analizar las distorsiones en la información; y profundizar los interrogantes que produce todo cambio. Asimismo, comprobar cómo pueden afrontar dichos jóvenes, pertenecientes a escuelas medias denominadas "vulnerables", diversas situaciones de la vida diaria. En este trabajo, se realiza un análisis comparativo con otra institución educativa de prestigio en la región, cuya población se encuentra en una mejor situación socioeconómica


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El presente artículo corresponde a una primera etapa del proyecto de investigación denominado: "Investigación evaluativa sobre estrategias de orientación vocacional ocupacional integral para contribuir a revertir la inequidad psicosocial" , que se está llevando a cabo en la actualidad. Se hará una síntesis de las primeras estrategias metodológicas, que incluyen la modalidad de investigación-acción. En esta primera etapa, se analizan los primeros resultados de: a) Los talleres de Información Orientada, y b) La escala de afrontamiento para adolescentes. Cada una de estas intervenciones, que apuntan a diferentes objetivos, van brindando insumos para un primer nivel de análisis. Dicha intervención permite conocer qué recursos les brinda la institución escuela a estos jóvenes para la elección de un proyecto educativo, laboral, personal y social. Se comprueba la importancia de: tener un espacio de información y reflexión compartida; analizar las distorsiones en la información; y profundizar los interrogantes que produce todo cambio. Asimismo, comprobar cómo pueden afrontar dichos jóvenes, pertenecientes a escuelas medias denominadas "vulnerables", diversas situaciones de la vida diaria. En este trabajo, se realiza un análisis comparativo con otra institución educativa de prestigio en la región, cuya población se encuentra en una mejor situación socioeconómica