845 resultados para ISO 14001 certification


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A certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental tem se tornado quase uma obrigação para as Organizações, face ao aumento da conscientização da sociedade para os problemas relacionados ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho busca identificar se a certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental promove a efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental de empresas Brasileiras e se estes sistemas permitem uma relação custo-benefício favorável a estas Organizações. A metodologia, baseada na pesquisa qualitativa, utiliza como instrumentos a aplicação de um questionário com questões fechadas e análise de documentos do Sistema de Gestão Ambiental de Organizações certificadas há mais de dois anos. Os resultados da pesquisa conseguiram demonstrar que, embora ainda existam diversos pontos com potencial de melhoria nos sistemas pesquisados, as Organizações estão conseguindo melhorar seu desempenho ambiental ao longo do tempo e também auferir benefícios econômicos com a operação destes sistemas. Foi observado que o foco principal dos sistemas implementados nas Organizações pesquisadas está concentrado mais no sistema propriamente dito do que na busca de uma efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental, que é o ponto central do objetivo da implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, segundo a norma ABNT NBR ISO 14001 (ABNT, 2004). Algumas das ações tomadas pelas Organizações já demonstram alinhamento com a tendência atual de busca da sustentabilidade, o que representa um potencial positivo para a disseminação da importância destes sistemas como uma das ferramentas a serem utilizadas para se cumprir as diretrizes estabelecidas na Agenda 21.


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Este documento contiene el Diseño de Aplicación de la Norma internacional ISO 26000:2010 Modelo de Gestión de Responsabilidad Social en la Fundación Hospital San Carlos, Bogotá - Colombia, en el que se incluye la herramienta que se diseñó para el desarrollo del estudio con base en los requisitos aplicables de la norma que orientan a un comportamiento socialmente responsable; así como el diagnóstico inicial que se realizó en la organización objeto de estudio desde una perspectiva cualicuantitativa, frente a los lineamientos que la norma presenta como elementos esenciales: Principios y Materias Fundamentales. De igual manera y acorde a la metodología que se definió para el estudio que fue observacional de corte descriptivo cualitativo interpretativo, se muestra la matriz DOFA de la institución según el diagnóstico, con el respectivo análisis e interpretación derivados de los hallazgos evidenciados en el proceso de evaluación; en el cual se identificó que la Fundación Hospital San Carlos cumple con un 47,97% de los requerimientos de responsabilidad social según la norma ISO 26000:2010, con el logro de 71 criterios de los 148 evaluados y aplicables a la organización, observándose especial fragilidad en los componentes Fortalecimiento de la Comunidad, Prácticas Laborales, y Transparencia, con un cumplimiento que estuvo por debajo del 50%. Por otra parte y como propósito fundamental del estudio se presenta el diseño propuesto para la aplicación de la norma ISO 26000:2010 en la IPS Fundación Hospital San Carlos, en el cual se registran estrategias y mecanismos que los autores sugieren y recomiendan se deben trabajar para que la implementación de este modelo internacional de Responsabilidad Social, se haga de una manera pragmática y sencilla, que lo conviertan además en un diseño de aplicación de la norma que pueda ser referenciado por organizaciones del sector salud o no, interesadas en trabajar en responsabilidad social empresarial. Para la estructura del diseño de aplicación de la norma y conforme el estudio realizado, se plantean 7 pasos que deben seguir las organizaciones de manera sistemática, metódica y ordenada: comprender la responsabilidad social; reconocer su Responsabilidad Social; levantar una matriz DOFA con base en un diagnóstico institucional; planificar; estructurar y definir de la Responsabilidad Social dentro de la organización; sensibilizar, divulgar y capacitar los estándares de la Norma ISO 26000:2010; documentar el Modelo de Responsabilidad Social; Implementar el modelo de Responsabilidad Social; y monitorear el modelo mediante un mecanismo que integre un sistema de auditoría integral y la revisión de gerencia.


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Debido a la importancia que ha adquirido el tema ambiental dentro de las empresas y en la mente y los hábitos de consumo de los compradores, es importante saber que existe una normatividad la cual sugiere a las compañías cumplir con algunos parámetros


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La implementación de un sistema de gestión medio ambiental, específicamente de la norma ISO 14001 que es por medio de la cual una empresa se certifica comprometiéndose a realizar todas sus actividades en pro del medio ambiente y su preservación


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El Centro de Diagnóstico Automotor Revisar está interesado en adelantar un proceso de internacionalización con el fin de acceder a mercados más grandes y ganar una mayor competitividad. Con el fin de adelantar un proceso de internacionalización es importante que el Centro de Diagnóstico Automotor Revisar garantice, en primera instancia, su perdurabilidad en el entorno nacional. Para esto debe cumplir con lo dispuesto en la norma ISO 17020, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Resolución 3768 de 2013. Esta resolución establece las condiciones que deben cumplir los Centros de Diagnóstico Automotor para su habilitación y funcionamiento. El organismo que certificó al Centro de Diagnóstico Automotor Revisar en la norma ISO 17020 es ONAC. En la última auditoría realizada por ONAC se identificaron las siguientes no conformidades: El Centro de Diagnóstico Automotor Revisar no asegura el cumplimiento de los requisitos de la póliza civil extracontractual y no asegura la programación de las necesidades de capacitación basada en los resultados de las entradas de la revisión gerencial. Estas no conformidades ponen en riesgo la certificación ISO 17020 del Centro de Diagnóstico Automotor Revisar y su perdurabilidad en el entorno nacional. En base a lo anterior se hace pertinente la formulación de una metodología que garantice que las salidas de la revisión gerencial sean efectivas para la programación de las necesidades de capacitación del Centro de Diagnóstico Automotor Revisar. Esta metodología constituye la propuesta de este trabajo para corregir permanentemente la inconformidad detectada en la última auditoria por la ONAC.


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This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It’s also important looking at competitor’s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company.


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The decision to adopt environmental management system (EMS) and to develop effective implementation strategies has engrossed managers at all levels and in all types of organisations in recent years. Some organisations have claimed that environmental issues have been determining their  bottom-line and business performance in the market place. This paper is first part in the series focussing on the reasons for EMS implementation and the benefits and impediments associated with the process. Measures  commonly practised by organisations to overcome/address the  impediments are also presented in this paper. The findings of this paper are based on a questionnaire survey mailed to Australasian organisations on their experiences with ISO 14001 implementation and certification.


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The last decade of the 20th century witnessed rapid growth in the adoption of various environmental management systems (EMS) within organisations. Environmental consultants and auditors play an intricate role in the  interpretation, implementation and certification of an EMS. This paper presents the experiences of eight leading auditors with respect to the adoption of EMS/ISO 14001 by Australian organisations. The benefits and issues relating to the auditing process are discussed.


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This paper summarises the findings of the qualitative part of a large study aimed at exploring the extent of involvement of organisational stakeholders (employees and suppliers) during the environmental management system (EMS) adoption process. Interviews with nine senior/middle managers from Australian manufacturing and service organisations revealed the growing awareness of the impact of their products and processes on the ecological and social environments. Moreover, implementation of an EMS or waste management system (WMS) is accepted as a learning curve by both the organisation and its stakeholders, including its employees. Organisations at the same time are also contemplating the need for certifying their existing EMS against international standards such as ISO 14001 based on the cost-benefits resulting from the certification.


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Implementation and certification of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) is a reality for many businesses. Communication with an organisation’s stakeholders is a required element of any EMS. In the last five years companies have steadily moved towards integrating their different management systems, such as quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety, in an attempt to reduce their costs and increase efficiency. Legislation requires extensive reporting in each of these areas, so compliance is another important driver. During this period, communication by digital technology, or electronic communication, has gained prominence and acceptance amongst all groups of people including businesses primarily as a means to disseminate crucial EMS information to geographically diverse employees in a cost effective and instantaneous manner. Some perspectives have emerged to suggest that change processes in organisations may be hindered or helped in various ways through the application of digital technology in EMS. There are, however, gaps in the literature that document the impact and effectiveness of electronic communication amongst EMS stakeholders. In this paper we will discuss employees as one of the major stakeholders and whether the move to electronic communication has been assisting or hindering transformations in awareness and understanding of issues amongst employees. We highlight opportunities and challenges presented by an increased use of electronic communication in light of the environmental and climate change debates, which underpin EMS.


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As pressões de mercado, os programas de abertura financeira, a desregulamentação da atividade produtiva e a diminuição de barreiras protecionistas afetam significativamente a competitividade da indústria nacional. Outras mudanças, não apenas econômicas, mas sociais, políticas e tecnológicas, também pressionam as organizações a adotar novas estratégias empresariais e deixam claro que modelos de gestão tradicionais já não são mais suficientes para enfrentar estes novos desafios. Na busca de diferenciais competitivos, as empresas têm adotado sistemas de gestão da qualidade, de gestão ambiental e de gestão da saúde e segurança do trabalhador. Como forma de evidenciar a terceiros sua preocupação simultânea com estas três disciplinas, as empresas têm buscado a certificação integrada destes sistemas por meio das normas ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OHSAS 18001. Surgem, assim, os Sistemas de Gestão Integrados (SGIs), objetos de pesquisa deste estudo. O recorte é setorial, sendo que o setor de construção foi escolhido devido a características como singularidade de seus produtos, alto impacto ambiental e alto índice de acidentes de trabalho. Com o objetivo de investigar como os SGIs foram implementados no setor de construção, foram escolhidos três casos de empresas sabidamente adotantes deste modelo de gestão. Foram analisadas as motivações, o processo de implementação e certificação do sistema, os fatores críticos de sucesso, as dificuldades encontradas e os benefícios colhidos com a adoção de SGIs. A pesquisa confirmou estudos anteriores que demonstram que a motivação, dependendo do contexto em que as empresas se inserem, pode ser por necessidade de maior competitividade, de legitimação, ou ainda, por responsabilidade ambiental de sua liderança. Os fatores críticos de sucesso são, dentre outros, comprometimento da alta administração, comunicação eficiente com as partes interessadas, disponibilidade de recursos e maturidade das equipes. As dificuldades encontradas foram a valorização excessiva de resultados econômico-financeiros, a complexidade do modelo adotado, a utilização burocrática do sistema, a falta de maturidade e preparo dos profissionais, o porte dos projetos, o perfil de competências dos profissionais e variados tipos de resistências. A adoção do SGI nas empresas estudadas esteve condicionada a situações do cenário econômico, do alto índice de terceirização verificado no setor e às dificuldades com a qualificação da mão-de-obra. Não obstante as dificuldades e os condicionantes, o SGI trouxe vários benefícios para as organizações e, um dado relevante, é que ele pode desencadear reações positivas ao longo da cadeia de valor, uma vez que as empresas adotantes de SGI passam a ser mais exigentes em relação a seus fornecedores.


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The aim of this present research is to investigate about aplication of the supply chain management in Civil Construction, through perception of brasilian building companies directors. Research purpose includes potential benefits and main dificults analysis in supply chain management, beyond to identify decision criterions for suppliers and sales chain (commission agent and real state agency) choice and reduction, to facilility management in companies. The methodology used in this work considers the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type Likert being constituted of variables that compose the aspects of evaluation and of behaviors, beyond questions to identify the market profile of the respondents. For analysis statistics is used the descriptive, clusters and variance, ANOVA, analysis last two to verify the connections between variables. The results show more perception as for long terms contracts with suppliers for purchase of materials and services being decisive for companies nowadays (40%) than as for exclusive contracts with commission agents (30%). There is a positive appraisal about viability of hipotetic situations showed, but more caution as for disposition to apply them too. Another results aim for biggers dificults in management of chain links formed by commission agents and real state agencies, than chain links formed by anothers suppliers of materials and services. The companies for study were chosen among to those with ISO 9000 certificate until november 2001, considering that these companies have the best management systems, probably


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The study aims identify the existence of quality culture in Brazilian automotive dealerships with ISO 9001, motivated by this research problem: exist a quality culture in this dealerships, which facilitates the adoption of quality practices supported by ISO 9001? For referencing, the theoretical review was written in five themes: organizational culture, quality culture, total quality management, ISO 9001 quality management system and the Brazilian automobile industry. As regards the methodological aspects, the research has an applied nature, with a quantitative approach, being exploratory in their objectives, and bibliographic, documental and survey as technical procedures. The organizations participating in the study were all Brazilian automotive dealerships certified with ISO 9001. The research intended cover all the 80 active dealers with ISO 9001 certification identified by the Brazilian Committee for Quality (ABNT CB-25). The survey recorded participation of 32 companies (response rate 40%). The questionnaire was sent to seller managers, formatted into five sections: 1) introductory message 2) manager profile, 3) reasons for implementation and benefits generated by ISO 4) adoption levels of quality practices and 5) diagnosis of organizational culture. The questions contained in sections 2 and 3 were structured in multiple choice, and in the remaining sections were structured in Likert 5-point scale. The statistical method used (data analysis), was the descriptive statistics, for data representation in frequency percentage (FP) and standard level (SL). The results showed that the interviewed dealerships have an organizational culture with very high levels of prevalence in "outcome orientation" and "attention to detail" cultural dimensions. In addition, about the other two dimensions considered conducive to quality (innovation and teamwork/respect for people), both observed high prevalence. Based on the present results, concluded that the organizational culture of Brazilian dealerships with ISO 9001 are quality oriented, being conducive to adoption of quality practices supported by TQM Systems. However, it is important to mention that the quality culture identified is not sufficiently developed to adopt quality practices at optimal levels, which sets up an unfavorable scenario to deals with highly rigorous customer


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The implantation of environmental management systens (SGA) in companies is the first step to the company conquers the environmental certification and consequently the benefits of a sustainable production of products, services and activities can bring. However, in the way as they are proposals in bibliographies the implantation of the SGAs, does not identify the definition of the operational stages of implementation of the same ones, generating doubts on the real environmental and administrative performance that they can come to generate for the organization. In this direction, the present research brings a proposal of operational systematics for implantation of SGA in companies, detailing each stage of implantation, considering its particularitities. For in such a way, a revision of norm NBR ISO 14001:2004 was made, looking for to identify to the interpretation imperfections gifts in the normative system. Moreover, other methods of SGA implantation had been searched gifts in the bibliography, searching proposals that detailed the operational aspects of the implantation of the system. In the same way, the accomplishment of a period of training supervised in the first semester of 2007 made possible the practical experience of the functioning of a system of environmental management, beyond the contact with professionals of the area and the acquisition of documents that had helped in the development of the research. The result was the attainment of a detailed procedure more, defining the operational systematic of SGA implantation, beyond the generation of a flowchart, describing as to develop each stage. This detailing certainly will facilitate the implantation of a SGA in companies interested in improving its environmental performance.