955 resultados para Development-oil companies
The present study investigated the management of social, environmental and economic sustainability practices employed by 72 oil companies in Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil associated to Joint Business Network for Enhancing the Competitive Ability of Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Gas and Oil Industry in Rio Grande do Norte (REDEPETRO-RN). Thus, our investigation aimed to determine the extent to which sustainability practices of companies associated to REDEPETRO-RN are developed through their own efforts or influenced by the Triple Helix interorganizational arrangement (governamental organizations, education and research institutions, and industries). The research instrument used was a questionnaire in order to map and characterize the sustainability practices. The research subjects were business owners and managers. The data collected supported the descriptive, correspondence and correlation analyzes. Were identified a greater emphasis of the companies surveyed in developing sustainability practices and greater economic influence of business organizations in the construction of sustainability status. It was concluded with confirmation of thesis of the REDEPETRO-RN arrangement exhibits the characteristics and functioning of a common Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement, not those of a triple helix interorganizational arrangement, given that the influences exerted for the development of social, environmental and economical sustainability on the part of teaching and research institutions, and government and business organizations do not interact with one another sufficiently to create a virtuous circle of cooperation among the associated companies. By contrast, the Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement plays an important role in strengthening the competitiveness of companies affiliated to REDEPETRO-RN, by combining different competencies in an attempt at supporting the adoption of sustainability practices, a role reinforced by the scope of PETROBRAS, which, due to its economic importance, has considerable weight in the managerial decisions of associated companies
The present study investigated the management of social, environmental and economic sustainability practices employed by 72 oil companies in Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil associated to Joint Business Network for Enhancing the Competitive Ability of Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Gas and Oil Industry in Rio Grande do Norte (REDEPETRO-RN). Thus, our investigation aimed to determine the extent to which sustainability practices of companies associated to REDEPETRO-RN are developed through their own efforts or influenced by the Triple Helix interorganizational arrangement (governamental organizations, education and research institutions, and industries). The research instrument used was a questionnaire in order to map and characterize the sustainability practices. The research subjects were business owners and managers. The data collected supported the descriptive, correspondence and correlation analyzes. Were identified a greater emphasis of the companies surveyed in developing sustainability practices and greater economic influence of business organizations in the construction of sustainability status. It was concluded with confirmation of thesis of the REDEPETRO-RN arrangement exhibits the characteristics and functioning of a common Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement, not those of a triple helix interorganizational arrangement, given that the influences exerted for the development of social, environmental and economical sustainability on the part of teaching and research institutions, and government and business organizations do not interact with one another sufficiently to create a virtuous circle of cooperation among the associated companies. By contrast, the Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement plays an important role in strengthening the competitiveness of companies affiliated to REDEPETRO-RN, by combining different competencies in an attempt at supporting the adoption of sustainability practices, a role reinforced by the scope of PETROBRAS, which, due to its economic importance, has considerable weight in the managerial decisions of associated companies
In Brazil and around the world, oil companies are looking for, and expected development of new technologies and processes that can increase the oil recovery factor in mature reservoirs, in a simple and inexpensive way. So, the latest research has developed a new process called Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) which was classified as a gas injection IOR. The process, which is undergoing pilot testing in the field, is being extensively studied through physical scale models and core-floods laboratory, due to high oil recoveries in relation to other gas injection IOR. This process consists of injecting gas at the top of a reservoir through horizontal or vertical injector wells and displacing the oil, taking advantage of natural gravity segregation of fluids, to a horizontal producer well placed at the bottom of the reservoir. To study this process it was modeled a homogeneous reservoir and a model of multi-component fluid with characteristics similar to light oil Brazilian fields through a compositional simulator, to optimize the operational parameters. The model of the process was simulated in GEM (CMG, 2009.10). The operational parameters studied were the gas injection rate, the type of gas injection, the location of the injector and production well. We also studied the presence of water drive in the process. The results showed that the maximum vertical spacing between the two wells, caused the maximum recovery of oil in GAGD. Also, it was found that the largest flow injection, it obtained the largest recovery factors. This parameter controls the speed of the front of the gas injected and determined if the gravitational force dominates or not the process in the recovery of oil. Natural gas had better performance than CO2 and that the presence of aquifer in the reservoir was less influential in the process. In economic analysis found that by injecting natural gas is obtained more economically beneficial than CO2
When it comes to oil and gas in Brazil is almost certain that we are referring to activities in deep waters off the coast of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, the main field of action of PETROBRAS and a small number of multinational oil companies . Since the Law 9.478/97 allows, by means of concessions, that other companies other than Petrobras, to explore and produce oil and gas domestically. Soon it moved, then the private companies that want small and medium-sized businesses to invest in such activities, forming a segment of independent producers, as occurs in other countries. In this context, this work aims at making an economic feasibility study, is currently analyzing how this thread and focus on the factors that contribute to its development as well as those that constitute barriers. To this end, we conducted a survey examining some mature fields that are in production in order to capture cost information in the phases of project, operation and abandonment. The work also presents an analysis of the results obtained in the survey, identifying the costs higher. With the results obtained through the study used economic engineering tools such as NPV and IRR, using a variety of design scenarios, to study the economic viability of these fields. In scenario 4 was set a production of 4.0 m³ / d of oil, which is an expected average production for several of these fields, whose minimum value of a barrel of oil, to enable this field, was $ 55.00, this value well below what was being practiced in the market today.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Para qualquer empresa o seu maior objetivo passa pela produção de lucro e, atualmente, esse aspeto está diretamente relacionado com a sua capacidade de manter uma gestão que incorpore a responsabilidade social, ambiental e económica, em prol de um desenvolvimento global mais sustentável. As grandes empresas já iniciaram e continuam este processo de mudança, desenvolvendo medidas e estratégias neste sentido. Porém, apesar de representarem o grosso do tecido empresarial, as Pequenas e Médias Empresas só agora começam a dar os primeiros passos em direção a uma gestão mais ponderada ambiental e energeticamente. Com este trabalho pretende-se reunir informação relativa às Pequenas e Médias Empresas portuguesas de forma a compreender quais as principais áreas de atuação, as medidas que poderão ser implementadas e, consolidar o ponto de situação deste sector acerca dos vários temas ao nível do meio ambiente e da energia. Para tal, foram realizados levantamentos energéticos e aplicado um questionário acerca dos comportamentos e práticas ambientais. Verificou-se que apesar da grande maioria das empresas analisadas já terem ponderado a importância e as vantagens da eficiência energética, ainda são poucas as organizações que têm implementados planos, estratégias ou instrumentos para melhoria do seu desempenho ambiental e energético.
Res-Systemica, Volume N°5, Numéro Spécial
This paper draws upon a detailed longitudinal survey of households living on agricultural plots in the northern three provinces of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the principal region of colonization by migrants in Ecuador since the 1970s. Following the discovery of petroleum in 1967 near what has subsequently come to be the provincial capital and largest Amazonian city of Lago Agrio, oil companies built roads to lay pipelines to extract and pump oil across the Andes for export. As a result, for the past 30 years over half of both Ecuador's export earnings and government revenues have come from petroleum extracted from this region. But the roads also facilitated massive spontaneous in-migration of families from origin areas in the Ecuadorian Sierra, characterized by minifundia and rural poverty. This paper is about those migrants and their effects on the Amazonian landscape. We discuss the data collection methodology and summarize key results on settler characteristics and changes in population, land use, land ownership, technology, labor allocation, and living conditions, as well as the relationships between changes in population and changes in land use over time. The population in the study region has been growing rapidly due to both natural population growth (high fertility) and in-migration. This has led to a dramatic process of subdivision and fragmentation of plots in the 1990's, which contrasts with the consolidation of plots that has occurred in most of the mature frontier areas of the Brazilian Amazon. This fragmentation has led to important changes in land tenure and land use, deforestation, cattle raising, labor allocation, and settler welfare.
In a competitive world, the way a firm establishes its organizational arrangements may determine the enhancement of its core competences and the possibility of reaching new markets. Firms that find their skills to be applicable in just one type of market encounter constraints in expanding their markets, and through alliances may find a competitive form of value capture. Hybrid forms of organization appear primarily as an alternative to capturing value and managing joint assets when the market and hierarchy modes do not present any yields for the firm's competitiveness. As a result, this form may present other challenging issues, such as the allocation of rights and principal-agent problems. The biofuel market has presented a strong pattern of changes over the last 10 years. New intra-firm arrangements have appeared as a path to participate or survive among global competition. Given the need for capital to achieve better results, there has been a consistent movement of mergers and acquisitions in the Biofuel sector, especially since the 2008 financial crisis. In 2011 there were five major groups in Brazil with a grinding capacity of more than 15 million tons per year: Raízen (joint venture formed by Cosan and Shell), Louis Dreyfus, Tereos Petrobras, ETH, and Bunge. Major oil companies have implemented the strategy of diversification as a hedge against the rising cost of oil. Using the alliance of Cosan and Shell in the Brazilian biofuel market as a case study, this paper analyses the governance mode and challenging issues raised by strategic alliances when firms aim to reach new markets through the sharing of core competences with local firms. The article is based on documentary research and interviews with Cosan's Investor Relations staff, and examines the main questions involving hybrid forms through the lens of the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), Agency Theory, Resource Based View (RBV), and dynamic capabilities theoretical approaches. One focal point is knowledge "appropriability" and the specific assets originated by the joint venture. Once the alliance is formed, it is expected that competences will be shared and new capabilities will expand the limits of the firm. In the case studied, Cosan and Shell shared a number of strategic assets related to their competences. Raízen was formed with economizing incentives, as well to continue marshalling internal resources to enhance the company's presence in the world energy sector. Therefore, some challenges might be related to the control and monitoring agents' behavior, considering the two-part organism formed by distinctive organizational culture, tacit knowledge, and long-term incentives. The case study analyzed illustrates the hybrid arrangement as a middle form for organizing the transaction: neither in the market nor in the hierarchy mode, but rather a more flexible commitment agreement with a strategic central authority. The corporate governance devices are also a challenge, since the alignment between the parent companies in the joint ventures is far more complex. These characteristics have led to an organism with bilateral dependence, offering favorable conditions for developing dynamic capabilities. However, these conditions might rely on the partners' long-term interest in the joint venture.
Mon travail met en évidence la restructuration de l'industrie énergétique russe sous les deux mandats Poutine (2000-2008) via le rôle prédominant de l'État dans une perspective historique. Une nouvelle élite politique russe (les Silovikis) issue des structures de force de l'Etat favorise le nationalisme économique axé sur le rétablissement de l'autorité du gouvernement central au sein de l'industrie énergétique nationale au détriment des pouvoirs régionaux, des sociétés privées étrangères et des oligarques indépendants. Dans cette perspective, on peut citer "l'affaire Youkos" en 2003 caractérisée par l'arrestation de l'oligarque Mikhaïl Khodorkhovsky; les tentatives silovikiennes de reprendre l'ascendant sur les compagnies pétrolières régionales Tatneft et Bachneft gérées par les gouvernements tatar et bachkir, la pression fiscale envers les majors pétrolières étrangères à l'instar du conflit russo- britannique relatif à la joint-venture TNK-BP. Quant à la politique énergétique étrangère russe, elle est inspirée par line vision réaliste mercantile; le gouvernement silovikien vise à défendre l'intérêt national, le prestige et la puissance de la Russie via ses "champions" énergétiques Rosneft et Gazprom utilisés comme levier politique, notamment à l'égard des pays de la CEI considéré par Moscou comme sa sphère d'influence historique. Dans cette perspective, nous pouvons mentionner l'interruption des approvisionnements pétroliers et gaziers russes à l'Ukraine, aux Etats baltes ou encore à la Géorgie; la concurrence entre les majors russes et étrangères en Asie centrale / Caucase pour les champs pétrolifères et les tracés de pipelines (nouveau «Grand Jeu»); la diversification des marchés russes à l'exportation à travers la promotion de nouveaux pipelines partant des champs pétrolifères sibériens vers la Chine et l'océan Pacifique.¦My work highlights the restructuration of the Russian energy industry under the 2 Putin madates (2000-2008) by the predominant role of the state in a historical perspective. A new Russian politic elite (Siloviki) from state structure forces promotes the economic nationalism focused on the reestablishment of the central governmental authority in the national energy industry against regional powers, private foreign companies and independent oligarchs. In this perspective, we can mention the "Yukos Affair" in 2003 with the arrest of the oligarch Mikhail Khodorkhovsky; the silovikian attempts to take over the regional oil companies Tatneft and Bachneft handled by the Tatar and Bashkir governments; the fiscal silovikian pressure against foreign companies such as the Russo-Britannic joint- venture TNK-BP. As for the Russian energy Foreign policy, it is inspired by a mercantile realism vision; the silovikian government aims to defend the national interest, the prestige and the power of Russia through its energy companies Rosneft and Gazprom as a political leverage especially toward the CEI Countries considered by Moscow as it historical sphere of influence. In this perspective, we can mention the interruption of Russian oil&gas supply toward Ukraine, Baltic states or Georgia; the competition between Russian and foreign companies in Central Asia/Caucasus for oil and gas fields and pipeline routes (new "Great Game"); the diversification of Russian export markets through the promotion ο new pipelines from Siberian oil&gas fields to China and the Pacific Ocean.
The aim of the current study is to consider the need of capital and labour in Finnish basic industry within the next thirty years. The connection between capital and labour need of basic industry in the 1980's and 1990's is reviewed by using financial statements. A model of the relationship between investments and rate is built and the future need of labour in basic industry is outlined. The model about the profitability of work reducing investments when the rate varies describes the past development in companies. In Finland automation and advanced production technology have made it possible to replace work with capital in a large scale. In basic industry the need for capital can be forecasted to grow quicker than the need for labour. Economies of scale in the use of labour can be attained, because in the future one consolidated company will employ less people than two individual firms before.
Laadun ja sen kehittämisen sisältö on ollut jatkuvassa muutostilassa. Laatuajattelu on laajentunut käsittämään yhä suuremman osan organisaatioiden toiminnasta. Laadun kehittämisessä on jatkuvasti otettu käyttöön uusi kehittämiskeinoja. Laaja-alaisesti organisaation toimintaan kytkeytyvistä keinoista tunnetuimpia ovat erilaiset laadunhallintajärjestelmät ja itsearviointi eri kriteeristöjen avulla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteina olivat: a) etsiä motiiveja, minkä vuoksi yritykset ovat alkaneet kehittää laatuaan, b) tutkia total quality management (TQM) -ajattelun soveltamisen syvällisyyden vaikutuksia, c) selvittää laadunkehittämistyön ajallisen keston vaikutuksia, ja d) saada kokonaiskuva keskeisimpien laadun kehittämiskeinojen toteutuksesta ja menestyksellisyydestä. Työn teoriaosassa paneuduttiin laatu-käsitteeseen yritystoiminnassa, laatu- ja TQM-ajattelun sisältöön sekä laadun kehittämisen johtamiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin keskeisimpiä laadun kehittämisen keinoja, joita olivat mm. ihmisten toiminta, laadunhallintajärjestelmät, itsearvioinnit, toimintaprosessien kehittäminen, asiakas- ja toimittajayhteistyö. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa tutkittiinem. laadun kehittämiseen liittyviä asioita suomalaisissa yrityksissä. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla yritysten laadun kehittämisestä vastaavia henkilöitä 24 yrityksessä. Tulosten esittämisessä hyödynnettiin tilastollisia tutkimusmenetelmiä kvalitatiivisten menetelmien ohella. Tässä aineistossa asiakasvaatimukset ja oma kehityshalu nousivat yleisimmiksi tärkeimmistä laadun kehittämisen aloitusmotiiveista. Mikään tärkeimmistä aloitusmotiiveista ei ollutkuitenkaan johtanut selkeästi ylivoimaisimpaan menestymiseen myöhemmin. TQM-ajattelun laaja-alainen soveltaminen johti laadun kehittämisen kannalta positiiviseen suuntaan. Pisimpään laatuaan kehittäneet yritykset olivat suuria ja kansainvälisesti suuntautuneita. Pelkkä kehitystyön ajallinen kesto näkyi vain vähän kehittämisen eri osa-alueilla. Laadun kehittämistyön menetyksellisyyden kannalta positiivia asioita olivat: henkilöstön aktiivisuus, itsearviointien hyödyntäminen, toimintaprosessien kuvaaminen ja kehittäminen, sekä asiakas- ja toimittajayhteistyö. Laadun kehittämiseen kannattaa ottaa aktiivisesti mukaankoko organisaation henkilöstö. Itsearviointien käytöllä on mahdollista kehittääorganisaatiota laaja-alaisesti. Niin asiakkaat kuin toimittajat kannattaa ottaaaktiivisesti mukaan kehittämistoimintaan. Se on kaikkien osapuolien yhteinen etu.
Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan kehittyminen on muuttanut työn luonnetta monella tavalla ja työelämän jatkuva muutos ja joustavuuteen pyrkiminen edellyttävät uusien tietojen ja taitojen hankkimista. Verkko-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja verkko-oppiminen näyttävät tarjoavat uusia ulottuvuuksia henkilöstökoulutukseen. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on tutkia voidaanko digitaalisella osaamisen kehittämisellä tukea yrityksen henkilöstökoulutusta ja henkilöstöä opiskelussa ja oppimisessa? Osaaminen on strateginen kysymys ja sen kehittämisessä pyritään yrityksissä aiempaa pitkäjänteisempään ja kokonaisvaltaisempaan toimintatapaan. Digitaalinen osaamisen kehittäminen oikein toteutettuna näyttää vahvistavan henkilöstön osaamistasoa. Tekniset apuvälineet eivät ehkä koskaan tule korvaamaan kokemusta ja työssä oppimista, silti ne näyttävät helpottavat tiedonkulkua ja ovat apuna osaamisen kehittämisessä. Kuvitelma verkko-opintojen helppoudesta, täysin ajasta ja paikasta riippumattomana, sekä itsenäisestä opiskelusta on harhaa. Verkkokoulutuksen suurena haasteena on sen soveltaminen järkevällä tavalla organisaation toimintakulttuuriin ja toimintatapoihin. Ajanoloon verkko-opiskelu saattaa muuttua osaksi työtä, mutta asenteiden muokkaamisessa on vielä paljon tekemistä. Yritysten johdon tulee näyttää tietä ja toimia esimerkkinä uusien toimintatapojen käyttöönotossa.
Open Innovation is a relatively new concept which involves a change of paradigm in the R+D+i processes of companies whose aim is to create new technologies or new processes. If to this change, we add the need for innovation in the new green and sustainability economy, and we set out to create a collaborative platform with a learning space where this can happen, we will be facing an overwhelming challenge which requires the application of intelligent programming technologies and languages at the service of education.The aim of the Green IDI (Green Open Innovation) ¿ Economic development and job creation vector in SMEs, based on the environment and sustainability project is to create a platform where companies and individual researchers can perform open innovation processes in the field of sustainability and the environment.The Green IDI (Green Open Innovation) project is funded under the program INNPACTO by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and is being developed through a consortium formed by the following institutions: GRUPO ICA; COMPARTIA; GRUPO INTERCOM; CETAQUA and the Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial (IIIA) from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Also the consortium include FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA BARCELONA DIGITAL; PIMEC and UNIVERSITAT OBERTA DE CATALUNYA (UOC).Sustainability and positive action for the environment are considered the principle vector of economic development for companies. As Nicolás Scoli says (2007) ¿in short, preventing unnecessary consumption and the efficient consumption of resources means producing greater wealth with less. Both effects lead to reduced pollution linked to production and consumption¿.The Spanish Sustainable Development Strategy (EEDS) plan defends consumption and sustainable production linked to social and economic development by adhering to the commitment not to endanger ecosystems and abolishing the idea that economic growth is directly proportional to the deterioration of the environment.Uniting the Open Innovation and New Green Economy concepts leads to the "Green Open Innovation¿ Platform creation project.This article analyses the concept of open innovation and defines the importance of the new green and sustainable economy. Lastly, it proposes the creation of eLab. The eLab is defined as an Open Green Innovation Platform personal and collaborative education space which is fed by the interactions of users and which enables innovation processes based on new green economy concepts to be carried out.The creation of a personal learning environment such as eLab on the Green Open Innovation Platform meets the need to offer a collaborative space where platform users can improve their skills regarding the environment and sustainability based on collaborative synergies through Information and Communication Technologies.
The objective of this Master’s thesis is to examine working capital management in the automotive industry in years 2006-2008. The study is conducted by the analysis of financial statements. The sample consists of 65 companies that represent different stages in the value chain of automotive industry beginning from raw material suppliers and ending to car dealers. Working capital management is studied by the cash conversion cycle (CCC). The results show that the average CCC of the value chain is 67 days. Car manufacturers had the longest CCC, 106 days, whereas the CCC of oil companies was the shortest, 22 days. The findings suggest that the cycle time of working capital usually follows the cycle time of inventories, since the changes in cycle times of accounts receivable and payable compensate each other. Improvements in working capital management could be achieved by sharing more accurate information in the chain for example about inventory levels and order points of customer. It could also be discussed within the automotive industry, if the long credit periods, which tie up working capital, are really needed. New technologies enable faster payments, which would reduce the cash conversion cycles, improve the profitability of companies, and increase the competitiveness of the value chain. Working capital should not be reduced at the expense of value chain partners, because nowadays the competition is rather between the value chains than between the companies. Similar research design is applied earlier to study working capital management in the value chain of pulp and paper industry. Even if the industries and the structures of the chains differ from each other, results were surprisingly similar. In future research, working capital management in other industries’ value chains could still be studied and compared to previous studies. ICT industry, for example, could be an interesting object.