970 resultados para Ciencia-Historia
From the twentieth century is witnessing a gradual increase in the debates and issues related to the degradation of nature, making the twenty-first century begins under the aegis of speeches linked to this concept as one of the axes of the concerns of humanity. There are several movements that are related to the degrading way of contemporary society and how we are called upon daily to save and defend nature, from the consumption of sustainable products through environmentally friendly lifestyles. While this may appear to be explicit that the current form of metabolic interaction man / nature in the current historical period of capitalism converges in a bleak scenario, however, there is an ideological and peacemaker convergence between productively and the systematic appeal to the consumption. Given these assumptions could be palpable the question that in the course of human history would be ideological conceptions of nature? Being a true statement what is the conflict present in the ideological struggle over nature with regard to the genesis of modern geography? Would it be overt or covert? These questions lead us to the present study, whose goal is to bring some notes about the ideological conceptions of the nature in human history, culminating in the possible influences upon the institutionalization of Modern Geography
Esta entrega forma parte de tres trabajos; los otros dos desarrollan la parte conceptual y an??lisis de casos, respectivamente
Resumen tomado parcialmente de la publicaci??n
La incorporación de la historia, filosofía y sociología de la ciencia, o de las ciencias, a los currícula de ciencias es una propuesta recurrente, generalmente bien vista por el profesorado, y la que al parecer muchos estarían dispuestos a poner en práctica. Sin embargo, la realidad es que tal incorporación además de ser escasa, cuando lo es, no suele comprender la asignatura en toda su extensión, sino algún contenido específico, cuando no figura como mera anécdota en el margen de los libros de texto.
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