44 resultados para CHEILITIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT


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Titanium dental implants have been common practice in the dental office, which can increases the number of allergic reactions to this material. Objectives: to alert dental surgeons and specialists of this possible phenomenon through a literature review. Material and methods: an electronic search at PubMed was performed with the keywords “dental implants”, “titanium”, and “allergy” from January 1990 to May 2013. Only articles published in the English language were included. Letters to editor were excluded. Results: from the 22 initially retrieved articles, only 7 were included, being 4 clinical case reports and 3 experimental studies. For clinical cases, the reactions included edema, erythema, exfoliative cheilitis, and eczema. Regarding experimental studies, skin rash and dermatitis were reported. A patch test was not used in two clinical reports. Only one study used histological analysis to attest the lack of allergic reactions. Conclusion: within the limits of the available literature, allergic reactions to titanium dental implants are extremely rare and seem to be related to the female gender. More controlled clinical studies are necessary to elucidate this question.


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Objetivo: Este ensaio clínico-histológico teve por meta avaliar a resposta terapêutica de dois protocolos de reconhecida baixa morbidade em passagem única. Métodos: Pacientes com queilite actínica crônica multicêntrica (n=40) comprovada pela microscopia foram randomicamente submetidos a dois protocolos de laser de CO2 pulsátil através de modelo comparativo bilateral (protocolo de pulsos de 350 mJ, 3,5 W, amplitude de 0,1s versus protocolo de pulsos de 250 mJ, 5 W, amplitude de 0,05s). Realizou-se em 26 pacientes análise comparativa dos níveis de atipia epitelial de espécimes de biópsia entre o status quo e o período pós-operatório de ambos os protocolos e entre si. Foram avaliados outros fenômenos do espectro da doença. Resultados: Houve presença clínica pós-operatória de lesões em 10% dos pacientes para cada protocolo e uma significante redução dos níveis de atipia epitelial (p<0,001), por vezes completa. Conclusão: Não houve diferença de resultados entre os protocolos estudados (p> 0,05).


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Los inmunomoduladores tópicos han demostrado utilidad en las enfermedades orales inflamatorias resistentes a corticoesteroides tópicos, en enfermedades sistémicas con mucosa oral primeramente comprometida y en lesiones severas que involucren la mucosa oral. La queilitis actínica es una lesión potencialmente maligna, con riesgo de progresar a Carcinoma espinocelular, por ello es necesario su tratamiento temprano.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Epithelial changes observed in actinic cheilitis (AC) and squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip (LLSCC) are mainly caused by chronic exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV) and are studied using different immunohistochemical markers trying to evaluate the process of carcinogenesis. The objective of this study was to comparatively evaluate the expression of Ki-67 proteins and IMP-3 in AC and LLSCC to contribute with additional information on carcinogenesis in lower lip. A total of 33 cases of AC and 33 cases of LLSCC were studied, analyzed the clinical and pathological features and immunostaining of Ki-67 and IMP-3. Immunohistochemical analysis of Ki-67 was made through the determination of the proliferation index (PI) and subsequent classification of the cases according to the scores: 0 (0% positive cells) +1 (≤30%) + 2 (> 30% and ≤60%) and +3 (> 60%). For statistical tests cases were classified as unmarked (score 0), low expression (score +1) and high expression (scores +2 and +3). For the expression of IMP-3, the percentage of immunostained epithelial cells was established, and assigned scores: 0 (corresponding to 0%), +1 (up to 30% of positive cells); +2 (From 30% to 60% of immunostained cells) and +3 (over 60% of positive cells). Statistical tests chi-square test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon were used. The significance level was 5%. Most AC chaos was male (78.8%) with mean age of 50 years and cases of LLSCC also were male (69.89%) with an average of 62 years. The Ki-67 was expressed in all cases of AC and in cases of LLSCC, predominantly in the two injuries the score 2, corresponding to 81.8% of cases in ACs and 54.5% in the CELI. The expression of IMP-3 in ACs occurred in 72.7% of cases, predominantly in 36.3% of LLSCC cases score 1. Already in the IMP-3 was expressed in 60.6% of cases, especially in 27.3% of the score of the cases 3. These results allow us to conclude that the expression of IMP3 and proliferative activity are early events in carcinogenesis independently lower lip state of change.


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Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant disorder which affects the lip vermilion and results from chronic exposure to sunlight. Currently, it is not possible to predict which cases of AC may progress to squamous cell carcinoma, and therefore, some biomolecular markers have been researched. Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is an enzyme associated with inflammatory response which is overexpressed in oral cancer; however, little is known about the role of this protein in actinic cheilitis. About the treatment of this lesion, currently available therapeutic modalities to AC may cause cytotoxic effects and deleterious results to patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of COX-2 in AC of different risks of malignant transformation and analyse, through clinical follow-up, the efficacy of diclofenac sodium 3% gel in the treatment of this condition. Epithelial immunoexpression of COX-2 was analysed semi-quantitatively in 90 cases of AC classified as low risk (n = 55) and high risk (n = 35) of malignant transformation, in which the scores were assigned: (0) 0 to 5% of positive cells - Negative; (1) 6 to 30% of positive cells - Low expression; (2) 31 to 100% of positive cells - High expression. The chi-square test of Pearson was conducted to verify possible associations between immunoexpression of COX-2 and histologic grade of actinic cheilitis. The weighted kappa coefficient denoted a good interobserver agreement (0.677). Nineteen patients diagnosed with AC were instructed to perform topical application of the gel three times a day for a period of 90 days. In each biweekly visit, a follow-up record was accomplished through digital photographs and after treatment was completed, two researchers analysed all the images to assess clinical aspects of the lip. Furthermore, tolerability to the drug and patient satisfaction after treatment were evaluated. COX-2 was overexpressed in 74.4% of AC cases. Both low and high-risk groups revealed predominance of score 3, followed by scores 2 and 1. There was no significant association (p = 0.315) between COX-2 expression and histological grading. Among the total number of participants of this clinical study, ten showed total remission of all clinical features of the lesion and three had partial improvement of these characteristics. One participant presented worsening of the clinical condition. In five cases, the treatment was discontinued due to development of mild adverse effects at the site of gel application. Regarding analysis of satisfaction and tolerability to the drug, most patients were fully satisfied with the therapy (n = 11) and reported that the drug was not irritating to the lips (n = 9). Our study demonstrates that high expression of COX-2 is common in AC; however, this protein was not associated with malignant transformation risk of the analysed cases. Topical application of diclofenac sodium 3% gel provided a convenient and well tolerated approach in most cases, and may be a promising alternative for the treatment of actinic cheilitis.


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Silveira , E. J. D. et al. Lesões orais com potencial de malignização: análise clínica e morfológica de 205 casos. J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab., v. 45, n. 3, p. 233-238, jun 2009. ISBN 1676-2444.


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Silveira , E. J. D. et al. Lesões orais com potencial de malignização: análise clínica e morfológica de 205 casos. J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab., v. 45, n. 3, p. 233-238, jun 2009. ISBN 1676-2444.


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Existe uma grande quantidade de fármacos que provocam reacções adversas na mucosa oral. Os efeitos que causam são variados, nomeadamente angioedema, língua pilosa nigra, bruxismo, síndrome da boca ardente, candidose, queilite, xerostomia, eritema multiforme, hiperplasia gengival, glossite, halitose, hiperpigmentação das mucosas, hipersalivação, reações liquenóides, lupóides, penfigóides e tipo pênfigo, osteonecrose, tumefação das glandulas salivares, alterações do paladar, ulcerações, mucosite e lesões potencialmente malignas, entre outras. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se criar uma base de dados que facilite a pesquisa dos diferentes efeitos adversos e relação com a terapêutica prescrita ao paciente, de modo a auxiliar a vida ao Médico Dentista no contexto da prestação de serviços aos seus Utentes.


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Os distúrbios alimentares traduzem-se em comportamentos, quer pela falta, quer pelo excesso da ingestão de alimentos, sendo a anorexia nervosa e a bulimia as que mais frequentemente se verificam na população. O crescente aumento destes distúrbios, nomeadamente a obsessão pelos corpos magros, está relacionada com o impacto que os media têm na sociedade, uma vez que a magreza é vista como mecanismo de atracção sexual e de integração social. O diagnóstico das desordens alimentares não é fácil de ser efectuado, dado que os sinais são muitas vezes omitidos/ocultados pelos indivíduos. Os médicos dentistas podem ter um papel importante na sua detecção, dadas as manifestações precoces das alterações alimentares na cavidade oral. Há diversos sintomas comuns aos dois distúrbios alimentares como a erosão dentária, a hipersensibilidade dentinária, a hipertrofia das glândulas salivares e consequente hipossalivação, a cárie dentária, a doença periodontal, as mucosites, a candidíase oral e a queilite angular. Resultante do vómito induzido, há o aporte de ácido proveniente do conteúdo gástrico que induz alterações estruturais do esmalte e dentina, facilitando o processo de desgaste erosivo. Os fenómenos erosivos são uma das manifestações orais mais evidentes dos distúrbios alimentares. O conhecimento dos sinais, sintomas e da forma de evolução da erosão dentária, é imprescindível, e acaba por diferenciar a atuação profissional que possibilita um diagnóstico eficaz e o tratamento correto. A elaboração desta dissertação tem como objectivo reforçar a informação sobre estes fenómenos para que possam ser mais eficazmente prevenidos, diagnosticados e controlados/tratados. Para tal efectuou-se uma pesquisa na B-On, Medline/PubMed, sciELO, RCAAP e em livros, de informação válida sobre o tema. Interpôs-se limitação temporal e usaram-se as seguintes palavras-chave na seleção de artigos: “Dental erosion”, “Erosive wear”, “Anorexia”, “Bulimia”, “Eating disorders”.