995 resultados para Applied loads


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In this work, the effect of the indentation load on the results of hardness and fracture toughness, determined by Vickers micro-hardness measurements, of some glasses and glass-ceramics has been investigated. Furthermore, in order to verify the effect of crystallinity on the results, glasses of composition 52.75 wt.% 3CaO center dot P2O5, 30 wt.% SiO2 and 17.25 wt.% MgO were fused at 1600 degrees C for 4 h and annealed at 700 degrees C for 2h, and further heat-treated at 700, 775, 800 and 900 degrees C for 4h. The obtained materials were analyzed by high resolution X-ray diffraction, HRXRD, to determine the crystallization degree in function of the heat-treatment temperature. The hardness of the different specimens was determined by Vickers' micro-hardness measurements under various loads. It has been observed that with increasing crystallization of the materials their hardness increased. Furthermore, it has been possible to verify the so-called indentation size effect (ISE), i.e. hardness decreases as the indentation depth, under higher loads, increases. This effect has been more pronounced in the glass-ceramic samples. Fracture toughness has been determined by the crack length induced by the Vickers indentations and relating them to the applied loads. Glass materials presented a fracture pattern with characteristics of cleavage, forming cracks of the half-penny shaped type, while the glass-ceramic materials exhibited crack bridging effects and Palmqvist type cracks. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of guided ultrasonic waves (GUW) has increased considerably in the fields of non-destructive (NDE) testing and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to perform long range inspections, to probe hidden areas as well as to provide a complete monitoring of the entire waveguide. Guided waves can be fully exploited only once their dispersive properties are known for the given waveguide. In this context, well stated analytical and numerical methods are represented by the Matrix family methods and the Semi Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) methods. However, while the former are limited to simple geometries of finite or infinite extent, the latter can model arbitrary cross-section waveguides of finite domain only. This thesis is aimed at developing three different numerical methods for modelling wave propagation in complex translational invariant systems. First, a classical SAFE formulation for viscoelastic waveguides is extended to account for a three dimensional translational invariant static prestress state. The effect of prestress, residual stress and applied loads on the dispersion properties of the guided waves is shown. Next, a two-and-a-half Boundary Element Method (2.5D BEM) for the dispersion analysis of damped guided waves in waveguides and cavities of arbitrary cross-section is proposed. The attenuation dispersive spectrum due to material damping and geometrical spreading of cavities with arbitrary shape is shown for the first time. Finally, a coupled SAFE-2.5D BEM framework is developed to study the dispersion characteristics of waves in viscoelastic waveguides of arbitrary geometry embedded in infinite solid or liquid media. Dispersion of leaky and non-leaky guided waves in terms of speed and attenuation, as well as the radiated wavefields, can be computed. The results obtained in this thesis can be helpful for the design of both actuation and sensing systems in practical application, as well as to tune experimental setup.


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The evaluation of the knee joint behavior is fundamental in many applications, such as joint modeling, prosthesis and orthosis design. In-vitro tests are important in order to analyse knee behavior when simulating various loading conditions and studying physiology of the joint. A new test rig for in-vitro evaluation of the knee joint behavior is presented in this paper. It represents the evolution of a previously proposed rig, designed to overcome its principal limitations and to improve its performances. The design procedure and the adopted solution in order to satisfy the specifications are presented here. Thanks to its 6-6 Gough-Stewart parallel manipulator loading system, the rig replicates general loading conditions, like daily actions or clinical tests, on the specimen in a wide range of flexion angles. The restraining actions of knee muscles can be simulated when active actions are simulated. The joint motion in response to the applied loads, guided by passive articular structures and muscles, is permitted by the characteristics of the loading system which is force controlled. The new test rig guarantees visibility so that motion can be measured by an optoelectronic system. Furthermore, the control system of the new test rig allows the estimation of the contribution of the principal leg muscles in guaranteeing the equilibrium of the joint by the system for muscle simulation. Accuracy in positioning is guaranteed by the designed tibia and femur fixation systems,which allow unmounting and remounting the specimen in the same pose. The test rig presented in this paper permits the analysis of the behavior of the knee joint and comparative analysis on the same specimen before and after surgery, in a way to assess the goodness of prostheses or surgical treatments.


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The spine is a complex structure that provides motion in three directions: flexion and extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. So far, the investigation of the mechanical and kinematic behavior of the basic unit of the spine, a motion segment, is predominantly a domain of in vitro experiments on spinal loading simulators. Most existing approaches to measure spinal stiffness intraoperatively in an in vivo environment use a distractor. However, these concepts usually assume a planar loading and motion. The objective of our study was to develop and validate an apparatus, that allows to perform intraoperative in vivo measurements to determine both the applied force and the resulting motion in three dimensional space. The proposed setup combines force measurement with an instrumented distractor and motion tracking with an optoelectronic system. As the orientation of the applied force and the three dimensional motion is known, not only force-displacement, but also moment-angle relations could be determined. The validation was performed using three cadaveric lumbar ovine spines. The lateral bending stiffness of two motion segments per specimen was determined with the proposed concept and compared with the stiffness acquired on a spinal loading simulator which was considered to be gold standard. The mean values of the stiffness computed with the proposed concept were within a range of ±15% compared to data obtained with the spinal loading simulator under applied loads of less than 5 Nm.


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Introduction: Intervertebral disc degeneration is associated with loss of nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue and reduced disc height[1]. A number of therapies, including synthetic and natural biomaterials, have been developed to restore full disc function and to minimize the pain and disability caused by this disease. Fibrin-based biomaterials are used as a replacement for NP or as a cell carrier for tissue engineering approaches[2]. While the behavior of such gels is well-characterized from a material point of view, little is known about their contribution to intervertebral disc (IVD) restoration under dynamic loads. The aim of the present study is the evaluation of a hyaluronic acid fibrin-based hydrogel (ProCore) used to repair an in vitro model of disc degeneration under dynamic loading. Methods: In vitro model of disc degeneration was induced in intact coccygeal bovine IVD by papain digestion of the NP as previously described[3]. In order to characterize fibrin hydrogels, four experimental groups were considered: 1) intact IVD (control), 2) IVD injected with PBS, 3) injection of hydrogels in degenerative IVD and 4) injection of hydrogels in combination with human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in degenerative IVD. All of the groups were subjected to dynamic loading protocols consisting of 0.2MPa static compression superimposed with ±2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h per day and maintained for 7 days. Additionally, one group consisted of degenerative IVD injected with hydrogel and subjected to static compression. Disc heights were monitored after the duration of the loading and compared to the initial disc height. The macrostructure of the formed tissue and the cellular distribution was evaluated by histological means. Results: After one week of loading, the degenerative IVD filled with hydrogel in combination with MSC (dynamic load), hydrogels (dynamic load) and hydrogels (static load) showed a reduction in height by 30%, 15% and 20%, respectively, as compared to their initial disc height. Histological sections showed that the HA-fibrin gel fully occupied the nucleotomized region of the disc and that fibrin was effective in filling the discontinuities of the cavity region. Furthermore, the cells were homogenously distributed along the fibrin hydrogels after 7 days of loading. Discussion: In this study, we showed that fibrin hydrogels showed a good integration within the papain-induced model of disc degeneration and can withstand the applied loads. Fibrin hydrogels can contribute to disc restoration by possibly maintaining adequate stiffness of the tissue and thus preventing disorganization of the surrounding IVD. References: 1. Jarman, J.P., Arpinar, V.E., Baruah, D., Klein, A.P., Maiman, D.J., and Tugan Muftuler, L. (2014). Intervertebral disc height loss demonstrates the threshold of major pathological changes during degeneration. Eur Spine J . 2. Colombini, A., Ceriani, C., Banfi, G., Brayda-Bruno, M., and Moretti, M. (2014). Fibrin in intervertebral disc tissue engineering. Tissue Eng Part B Rev . 3. Chan, S.C., Bürki, A., Bonél, H.M., Benneker, L.M., and Gantenbein-Ritter, B. (2013). Papain-induced in vitro disc degeneration model for the study of injectable nucleus pulposus therapy. Spine J 13, 273-283. Acknowledgement We thank the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF #310030_153411 for funding.


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En esta investigación se ha estudiado el efecto de la variación de la temperatura en la deflexión de firmes flexibles. En primer lugar se han recopilado los criterios existentes de ajuste de la deflexión por efecto de la temperatura. Posteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio empírico mediante la auscultación de las deflexiones en cinco tramos de carretera con firme flexible y con diferentes espesores de mezclas bituminosas (entre 10 y 30 cm). Las medidas se han efectuado en dos campañas (verano e invierno), tratando de abarcar un amplio rango de temperaturas. En cada campaña, se han llevado a cabo distintas auscultaciones a diferentes temperaturas. Las medidas de cada campaña se han realizado el mismo día. Se han obtenido los coeficientes empíricos de ajuste por temperatura para cada tramo analizado. Además, se ha realizado un estudio teórico mediante la elaboración de diferentes modelos (multicapa elástico lineal, multicapa visco-elástico lineal y elementos finitos) que reproducen la respuesta estructural de los firmes flexibles auscultados. La caracterización mecánica de las mezclas bituminosas se ha realizado mediante ensayos de módulo complejo en laboratorio, a diferentes temperaturas y frecuencias, sobre testigos extraídos en las carreteras estudiadas. Se han calculado los coeficientes teóricos de ajuste por temperatura para cada modelo elaborado y tramo analizado. Finalmente, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo entre los distintos coeficientes de ajuste (existentes, empíricos y teóricos), que ha puesto de manifiesto que, en todos los casos analizados, los coeficientes obtenidos en el modelo de elementos finitos son los que más se aproximan a los coeficientes empíricos (valor de referencia para los tramos analizados). El modelo desarrollado de elementos finitos permite reproducir el comportamiento visco-elástico de las mezclas bituminosas y el carácter dinámico de las cargas aplicadas. Se han utilizado elementos tipo tetraedro isoparamétrico lineal (C3D8R) para el firme y la parte superior del cimiento, mientras que para la parte inferior se han empleado elementos infinitos (CIN3D8). In this research the effect produced by the temperature change on flexible pavements deflection is analysed. First, the existing criteria of deflection adjustment by temperature were collected. Additionally, an empirical analysis was carried out, consisting on deflection tests in five flexible-pavement road sections with different asphalt mix thickness (from 10 to 30 cm). The measures were taken in two seasons (summer and winter) in an effort to register a wide range of temperatures. Different surveys were carried out at different temperatures in each season. The tests of each season were done at the same day. The empirical temperature adjustment factors for every analysed section were obtained. A theoretical study was carried out by developing different models (linear elastic multilayer, linear visco-elastic multilayer and finite elements) that reproduce the structural response of the tested flexible pavements. The mechanical characterization of the asphalt mixes was achieved through laboratory complex-modulus tests at different temperatures and frequencies, using pavement cores from the surveyed roads. The theoretical temperature adjustment factors for each model developed and each section analysed were calculated. Finally, a comparative study among the different adjustment factors (existing, empirical and theoretical) was carried out. It has shown that, in all analysed cases, the factors obtained with the finite elements model are the closest to the empirical factors (reference value for the analysed sections). The finite elements model developed makes it possible to reproduce the visco-elastic behavior of the asphalt mixes and the dynamic nature of the applied loads. Linear isoparametric tetrahedral elements (C3D8R) have been used for the pavement and the subgrade, while infinite elements (CIN3D8) have been used for the foundations.


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This thesis presents the design, fabrication and testing of novel grating based Optical Fibre Sensor (OFS) systems being interrogated using “off the shelf” interrogation systems, with the eventual development of marketable commercial systems at the forefront of the research. Both in the industrial weighing and aerospace industries, there has been a drive to investigate the feasibility of using optical fibre sensors being deployed where traditionally their electrical or mechanical counterparts would traditionally have been. Already, in the industrial weighing industry, commercial operators are deploying OFS-based Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) systems. Likewise, in the aerospace industry, OFS have been deployed to monitor such parameters as load history, impact detection, structural damage, overload detection, centre of gravity and the determination of blade shape. Based on the intrinsic properties of fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and Long Period Fibre Gratings (LPFGs), a number of novel OFS-based systems have been realised. Experimental work has shown that in the case of static industrial weighing, FBGs can be integrated with current commercial products and used to detect applied loads. The work has also shown that embedding FBGs in e-glass, to form a sensing patch, can result in said patches being bonded to rail track, forming the basis of an FBG-based WIM system. The results obtained have been sufficiently encouraging to the industrial partner that this work will be progressed beyond the scope of the work presented in this thesis. Likewise, and to the best of the author’s knowledge, a novel Bragg grating based systems for aircraft fuel parameter sensing has been presented. FBG-based pressure sensors have been shown to demonstrate good sensitivity, linearity and repeatability, whilst LPFG-based systems have demonstrated a far greater sensitivity when compared to FBGs, as well the advantage of being potentially able to detect causes of fuel adulteration based on their sensitivity to refractive index (RI). In the case of the LPFG-based system, considerable work remains to be done on the mechanical strengthening to improve its survivability in a live aircraft fuel tank environment. The FBG system has already been developed to an aerospace compliant prototype and is due to be tested at the fuel testing facility based at Airbus, Filton, UK. It is envisaged by the author that in both application areas, continued research in this area will lead to the eventual development of marketable commercial products.


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Two zinc-based alloys of high aluminium content, Super Cosmal alloy containing 60% Al, 6% Si, 1% Cu, 0.3% Mn and HAZCA alloy containing 60% Al, 8% Si, 2% Cu, 0.06% Mg were produced by sand casting. Foundry characteristics in particular, fluidity, mode of solidification and feeding ability were examined. Metallographic analysis of structures was carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy and their mechanical properties were determined using standard techniques. Dry wear characteristics were determined using a pin-on-disc test, and boundary-lubricated wear was studied using full bearing tests. Results from casting experiments were evaluated and compared with the behaviour of a standard ZA-27 alloy and those from tribological tests with both ZA-27 alloy and a leaded tin-bronze (SAE660) under the same testing conditions. The presence of silicon was beneficial, reducing the temperature range of solidification, improving feeding efficiency and reducing gravity segregation of phases. Use of chills and melt degassing was found necessary to achieve soundness and enhanced mechanical properties. Dry wear tests were performed against a steel counterface for sliding speeds of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2 m/s and for a range of loads up to 15 kgf. The high aluminium alloys showed wear rates as low as those of ZA-27 at speeds of 0.25 and 0.5 m/s for the whole range of applied loads. ZA-27 performed better at higher speeds. The build up of a surface film on the wearing surface of the test pins was found to be responsible for the mild type of wear of the zinc based alloys. The constitution of the surface film was determined as a complex mixture of aluminium, zinc and iron oxides and metallic elements derived from both sliding materials. For full bearing tests, bushes were machined from sand cast bars and were tested against a steel shaft in the presence of a light spindle oil as the lubricant. Results showed that all zinc based alloys run-in more rapidly than bronze, and that wear in Super Cosmal and HAZCA alloys after prolonged running were similar to those in ZA-27 bearings and significantly smaller than those of the bronze.


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The dynamical evolution of dislocations in plastically deformed metals is controlled by both deterministic factors arising out of applied loads and stochastic effects appearing due to fluctuations of internal stress. Such type of stochastic dislocation processes and the associated spatially inhomogeneous modes lead to randomness in the observed deformation structure. Previous studies have analyzed the role of randomness in such textural evolution but none of these models have considered the impact of a finite decay time (all previous models assumed instantaneous relaxation which is "unphysical") of the stochastic perturbations in the overall dynamics of the system. The present article bridges this knowledge gap by introducing a colored noise in the form of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise in the analysis of a class of linear and nonlinear Wiener and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes that these structural dislocation dynamics could be mapped on to. Based on an analysis of the relevant Fokker-Planck model, our results show that linear Wiener processes remain unaffected by the second time scale in the problem but all nonlinear processes, both Wiener type and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type, scale as a function of the noise decay time τ. The results are expected to ramify existing experimental observations and inspire new numerical and laboratory tests to gain further insight into the competition between deterministic and random effects in modeling plastically deformed samples.


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Analytical and computational models of the intervertebral disc (IVD) are commonly employed to enhance understanding of the biomechanics of the human spine and spinal motion segments. The accuracy of these models in predicting physiological behaviour of the spine is intrinsically reliant on the accuracy of the material constitutive representations employed to represent the spinal tissues. There is a paucity of detailed mechanical data describing the material response of the reinforced­ground matrix in the anulus fibrosus of the IVD. In the present study, the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ was defined as the matrix with the collagen fibres embedded but not actively bearing axial load, thus incorporating the contribution of the fibre-fibre and fibre-matrix interactions. To determine mechanical parameters for the anulus ground matrix, mechanical tests were carried out on specimens of ovine anulus, under unconfined uniaxial compression, simple shear and biaxial compression. Test specimens of ovine anulus fibrosus were obtained with an adjacent layer of vertebral bone/cartilage on the superior and inferior specimen surface. Specimen geometry was such that there were no continuous collagen fibres coupling the two endplates. Samples were subdivided according to disc region - anterior, lateral and posterior - to determine the regional inhomogeneity in the anulus mechanical response. Specimens were loaded at a strain rate sufficient to avoid fluid outflow from the tissue and typical stress-strain responses under the initial load application and under repeated loading were determined for each of the three loading types. The response of the anulus tissue to the initial and repeated load cycles was significantly different for all load types, except biaxial compression in the anterior anulus. Since the maximum applied strain exceeded the damage strain for the tissue, experimental results for repeated loading reflected the mechanical ability of the tissue to carry load, subsequent to the initiation of damage. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide experimental data describing the response of the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ to biaxial compression. Additionally, it is novel in defining a study objective to determine the regionally inhomogeneous response of the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ under an extensive range of loading conditions suitable for mechanical characterisation of the tissue. The results presented facilitate the development of more detailed and comprehensive constitutive descriptions for the large strain nonlinear elastic or hyperelastic response of the anulus ground matrix.


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This paper presents the outcome of investigations and studies of the vibratioon characteristics and response of low frequency structural systems for a composite concrete steel floor plate and a reverse profiled cable tensioned foot bridge. These highly dynamic and slender structure are the engineering response to planning, aesthetic and environmental influences, but are prone to excessive and complex vibration. A number of design codes and practice guides provided information to engineers for vibration mitigation However, they are limited to very simple load function applied to a few uncoupled translational modes of excitation. Motivated by the need to address the knowledge gaps in this area, the investigations described in this paper focused on synchronous multi-modal and coupled excitation of the floor plate and footbridge with considerations for torsinal effects. The results showed the potential for adverse dynamic response from multi-modal and coupled excitation influenced by patterned loading, structure geometry, stiffness distribution, directional effects, forcing functions based on activity frequency and duration of foot contact, and modal participation. It was also shown that higher harmonics of the load frequency can excite higher modes in the composite floor structure. Such responsive behaviour is prevalent mainly in slender and lightweight construction and not in stiffer and heavier structural systems. The analytical techniques and methods used in these investigations can supplement the current limited code and best practice provisions for mitigating the impact of human induced vibrations in slender structural systems.


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In the finite element modelling of steel frames, external loads usually act along the members rather than at the nodes only. Conventionally, when a member is subjected to these transverse loads, they are converted to nodal forces which act at the ends of the elements into which the member is discretised by either lumping or consistent nodal load approaches. For a contemporary geometrically non-linear analysis in which the axial force in the member is large, accurate solutions are achieved by discretising the member into many elements, which can produce unfavourable consequences on the efficacy of the method for analysing large steel frames. Herein, a numerical technique to include the transverse loading in the non-linear stiffness formulation for a single element is proposed, and which is able to predict the structural responses of steel frames involving the effects of first-order member loads as well as the second-order coupling effect between the transverse load and the axial force in the member. This allows for a minimal discretisation of a frame for second-order analysis. For those conventional analyses which do include transverse member loading, prescribed stiffness matrices must be used for the plethora of specific loading patterns encountered. This paper shows, however, that the principle of superposition can be applied to the equilibrium condition, so that the form of the stiffness matrix remains unchanged with only the magnitude of the loading being needed to be changed in the stiffness formulation. This novelty allows for a very useful generalised stiffness formulation for a single higher-order element with arbitrary transverse loading patterns to be formulated. The results are verified using analytical stability function studies, as well as with numerical results reported by independent researchers on several simple structural frames.


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Electrification of vehicular systems has gained increased momentum in recent years with particular attention to constant power loads (CPLs). Since a CPL potentially threatens system stability, stability analysis of hybrid electric vehicle with CPLs becomes necessary. A new power buffer configuration with battery is introduced to mitigate the effect of instability caused by CPLs. Model predictive control (MPC) is applied to regulate the power buffer to decouple source and load dynamics. Moreover, MPC provides an optimal tradeoff between modification of load impedance, variation of dc-link voltage and battery current ripples. This is particularly important during transients or starting of system faults, since battery response is not very fast. Optimal tradeoff becomes even more significant when considering low-cost power buffer without battery. This paper analyzes system models for both voltage swell and voltage dip faults. Furthermore, a dual mode MPC algorithm is implemented in real time offering improved stability. A comprehensive set of experimental results is included to verify the efficacy of the proposed power buffer.


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In current bridge management systems (BMSs), load and speed restrictions are applied on unhealthy bridges to keep the structure safe and serviceable for as long as possible. But the question is, whether applying these restrictions will always decrease the internal forces in critical components of the bridge and enhance the safety of the unhealthy bridges. To find the answer, this paper for the first time in literature, looks into the design aspects through studying the changes in demand by capacity ratios of the critical components of a bridge under the train loads. For this purpose, a structural model of a simply supported bridge, whose dynamic behaviour is similar to a group of real railway bridges, is developed. Demand by capacity ratios of the critical components of the bridge are calculated, to identify their sensitivity to increase of speed and magnitude of live load. The outcomes of this study are very significant as they show that, on the contrary to what is expected, by applying restriction on speed, the demand by capacity ratio of components may increase and make the bridge unsafe for carrying live load. Suggestions are made to solve the problem.