999 resultados para Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB)


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The 15-residue apolar peptide, Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-(Val-Ala-Leu-Aib)h2a-sO Mebeen crystallized from 2-propanol-water (form I). The crystal parameters for I are as follows:C74H133N15018*2H20s,p ace group P21, a = 9.185 (6) A, b = 47.410 (3) A, c = 10.325 (9) A, @ = 91.47(2)O, 2 = 2, R = 6.3% for 4532 reflections observed >3aQ, resolution 0.94 A. The structure isalmost completely a-helical with eleven 5-1 hydrogen bonds and one 441 hydrogen bond nearthe N-terminus. The structure has been compared with a polymorph (form 11) obtained frommethanol-water (Karle, I. L.; Flippen-Anderson, J. L.; Uma, K.; Sukumar, M.; Balaram, P., J. An.Chem. SOC19. 90,112,9350-9356). The two forms differ in the extent of hydration; form I contains two water molecules in the head-to-tail region of helical columns, while form I1 is more extensively solvated, with the equivalent of 7.5 water molecules. The three-dimensional packing of helices is completely parallel in I and antiparallel in 11.


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The Aib-(D)Ala dipeptide segment has a tendency to form both type-I'/III' and type-I/III beta-turns. The occurrence of prime turns facilitates the formation of beta-hairpin conformations, while type-I/III turns can nucleate helix formation. The octapeptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-(D)Ala-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (1) has been previously shown to form a beta-hairpin in the crystalline state and in solution. The effects of sequence truncation have been examined using the model peptides Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-Phe-NHMe (2, 6), Boc-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-NHMe (3, 7), and Boc-Aib-Xxx-NHMe (4, 8), where Xxx = (D)Ala, Aib. For peptides with central Aib-Aib segments, Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-Phe-NHMe (6), Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7), and Boc-Aib-Aib-NHMe (8) helical conformations have been established by NMR studies in both hydrogen bonding (CD(3)OH) and non-hydrogen bonding (CDCl(3)) solvents. In contrast, the corresponding hexapeptide Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-(D)Ala-Leu-Phe-Val-NHMe (2) favors helical conformations in CDCl(3) and beta-hairpin conformations in CD(3)OH. The beta-turn conformations (type-I'/III) stabilized by intramolecular 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds are observed for the peptide Boc-Aib-(D)Ala-NHMe (4) and Boc-Aib-Aib-NIiMe (8) in crystals. The tetrapeptide Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7) adopts an incipient 3(10)-helical conformation stabilized by three 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds. The peptide Boc-Val-Aib-(D)Ala-Leu-NHMe (3) adopts a novel et-turn conformation, stabilized by three intramolecular hydrogen bonds (two 4 -> 1 and one 5 -> 1). The Aib-L(D)Ala segment adopts a type-I' beta-turn conformation. The observation of an NOE between Val (1) NH <-> HNCH(3) (5) in CD(3)OH suggests, that the solid state conformation is maintained in methanol solutions. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 96: 744-756, 2011.


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The solution conformations of the -hybrid oligopeptides Boc-Aib-4(R)Val]n-OMe (n = 1-8) in organic solvents have been probed by NMR, IR, and CD spectroscopic methods. In the solid state, this peptide series favors C12-helical conformations, which are backbone-expanded analogues of 310 helices in -peptide sequences. NMR studies of the six- (n = 3) and 16-residue (n = 8) peptides reveal that only two NH protons attached the N-terminus residues Aib(1) and 4(R)Val(2) are solvent-exposed. Sequential NiH-Ni+1H NOEs characteristic of local helical conformations are also observed at the residues. IR studies establish that chain extension leads to a large enhancement in the intensities of the hydrogen-bonded NH stretching bands (3343-3280 cm-1), which suggest elongation of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded structures. The development of C12-helical structures upon lengthening of the sequence is supported by the NMR and IR observations. The CD spectra of the ()n peptides reveal a negative maximum at ca. 206 nm and a positive maximum at ca. 192 nm, spectral feature that are distinct from those of 310 helices in -peptides.


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Bending at the valence angle N-C-alpha-C' (tau) is a known control feature for attenuating the stability of the rare intramolecular hydrogen bonded pseudo five-membered ring C-5 structures, the so called 2.0(5) helices, at Aib. The competitive 3(10)-helical structures still predominate over the C5 structures at Aib for most values of tau. However at Aib*, a mimic of Aib where the carbonyl 0 of Aib is replaced with an imidate N (in 5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-oxazine = Oxa), in the peptidomimic Piv-Pro-Aib*-Oxa (1), the C(5)i structure is persistent in both crystals and in solution. Here we show that the i -> i hydrogen bond energy is a more determinant control for the relative stability of the C5 structure and estimate its value to be 18.5 +/- 0.7 kJ/mol at Aib* in 1, through the computational isodesmic reaction approach, using two independent sets of theoretical isodesmic reactions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The structural effects of a representative disallowed conformation of Aib on the 3(10)-helical fold of an octapeptidomimetic are explored. The 1D (H-1, C-13) & 2D NMR, FT-IR and CD data reveal that the octapeptide 1, adopts a 3(10)-helical conformation in solution, as it does in its crystal structure. The C-terminal methyl carboxylate (CO2Me) of 1 was modified into an 1,3-oxazine (Oxa) functional group in the peptidomimetic 2. This modification results in the stabilization of the backbone of the C-terminal Aib (Aib*-Oxa) of 2, in a conformation (phi, =180, 0) that is natively disallowed to Aib. Consequent to the presence of this natively disallowed conformation, the 3(10)-helical fold is not disrupted in the body of the peptidomimetic 2. But the structural distortions that do occur in 2 are primarily in residues in the immediate vicinity of the natively disallowed conformation, rather than in the whole peptide body. Non-native electronic effects resulting from modifications in backbone functional groups can be at the origin of stabilizing residues in natively disallowed conformations. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 104: 21-36, 2015.


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The structural effects of a representative ``disallowed'' conformation of Aib on the 3(10)-helical fold of an octapeptidomimetic are explored. The 1D (H-1, C-13) & 2D NMR, FT-IR and CD data reveal that the octapeptide 1, adopts a 3(10)- helical conformation in solution, as it does in its crystal structure. The C-terminal methyl carboxylate (CO2Me) of 1 was modified into an 1,3-oxazine (Oxa) functional group in the peptidomimetic 2. This modification results in the stabilization of the backbone of the C-terminal Aib (Aib(star)-Oxa) of 2, in a conformation (phi, psi = 180, 0) that is natively disallowed to Aib. Consequent to the presence of this natively disallowed conformation, the 3(10)- helical fold is not disrupted in the body of the peptidomimetic 2. But the structural distortions that do occur in 2 are primarily in residues in the immediate vicinity of the natively disallowed conformation, rather than in the whole peptide body. Non-native electronic effects resulting from modifications in backbone functional groups can be at the origin of stabilizing residues in natively disallowed conformations. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers


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The structural effects of a representative ``disallowed'' conformation of Aib on the 3(10)-helical fold of an octapeptidomimetic are explored. The 1D (H-1, C-13) & 2D NMR, FT-IR and CD data reveal that the octapeptide 1, adopts a 3(10)- helical conformation in solution, as it does in its crystal structure. The C-terminal methyl carboxylate (CO2Me) of 1 was modified into an 1,3-oxazine (Oxa) functional group in the peptidomimetic 2. This modification results in the stabilization of the backbone of the C-terminal Aib (Aib(star)-Oxa) of 2, in a conformation (phi, psi = 180, 0) that is natively disallowed to Aib. Consequent to the presence of this natively disallowed conformation, the 3(10)- helical fold is not disrupted in the body of the peptidomimetic 2. But the structural distortions that do occur in 2 are primarily in residues in the immediate vicinity of the natively disallowed conformation, rather than in the whole peptide body. Non-native electronic effects resulting from modifications in backbone functional groups can be at the origin of stabilizing residues in natively disallowed conformations. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers


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Nonprotein amino acids are being extensively used in the design of synthetic peptides to create new structure mimics. In this study we report the effect of methylene group insertions in a heptapeptide Boc-Ala(1)-Leu(2)-Aib(3)-Xxx(4)-Ala(5)-Leu(6)-Aib(7)-OMe which nicely folds into a mixed 3(10)-/-helical structure when Xxx= Ala. Analogs of this peptide have been made and studied by replacing central Xxx(4) residue with Glycine (-residue), -Alanine (-la), -aminobutyric acid (Gaba), and epsilon-aminocaproic acid (epsilon-Aca). NMR and circular dichroism were used to study the solution structure of these peptides. Crystals of the peptides containing alanine, -la, and Gaba reveal that increasing the number of central methylene (-CH2-) groups introduces local perturbations even as the helical structure is retained. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 104: 720-732, 2015.


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Síntese das contribuições apresentadas no âmbito do estudo promovido pelo Conselho de Altos Estudos, durante ciclo de palestras que contou com a participação de especialistas e diretores de instituições e de empresas vinculadas aos projetos que procuram inserir o Brasil como ator de relevante destaque no cenário internacional de conquista do espaço. Organizado em dois volumes, o estudo visa apurar as razões que levaram à sucessiva postergação das metas e do cronograma previstos no programa Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira, bem como apontar propostas que possam equacionar as dificuldades e limitações do programa espacial no Brasil. Pretende também levar à sociedade brasileira o debate sobre a relevância, os objetivos e a relação entre os custos e os benefícios de se manter um programa de alta intensidade tecnológica, cotejando os investimentos e os riscos envolvidos com os resultados que podem ser alcançados.


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Apresenta dispositivos específicos da Constituição e de leis, decretos e outras normas de interesse social relacionados à educação no Brasil.


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Apresenta, com detalhes, aspectos históricos do constitucionalismo contemporâneo brasileiro. Partindo do período pós-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanças constitucionais, é apresentado um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurídicos utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia política e jurídica. A análise passa pelo processo constituinte de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigência da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.


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Traz as palestras apresentadas durante seminário realizado com o objetivo de apresentar alternativas para alavancar a indústria nacional, organizado pela Comissão de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Indústria e Comércio em conjunto com as Comissões de Ciência e Tecnologia; Comunicação e Informática; Finanças e Tributação e de Trabalho; de Administração e Serviço Público e com a Frente Parlamentar em Defesa da Indústria Nacional, com o apoio da Fundação Milton Campos.


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Objetiva padronizar a apresentação dos textos compilados e disponibilizar os textos atualizados da legislação federal brasileira, de hierarquia superior (leis, decretos, decretos-leis, decretos legislativos, medidas provisórias e outros), além dos textos originais publicados em fontes oficiais.


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Esboça estratégias didáticas para a elaboração de planos de ensino e intervenções pedagógicas na área de Ciência Política. Nosso objetivo específico será o de fornecer instrumentos que auxiliem no planejamento de aulas de história política brasileira para cursos de formação política.