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A hydraulic jump is characterized by strong energy dissipation and mixing, large-scale turbulence, air entrainment, waves and spray. Despite recent pertinent studies, the interaction between air bubbles diffusion and momentum transfer is not completely understood. The objective of this paper is to present experimental results from new measurements performed in rectangular horizontal flume with partially-developed inflow conditions. The vertical distributions of void fraction and air bubbles count rate were recorded for inflow Froude number Fr1 in the range from 5.2 to 14.3. Rapid detrainment process was observed near the jump toe, whereas the structure of the air diffusion layer was clearly observed over longer distances. These new data were compared with previous data generally collected at lower Froude numbers. The comparison demonstrated that, at a fixed distance from the jump toe, the maximum void fraction Cmax increases with the increasing Fr1. The vertical locations of the maximum void fraction and bubble count rate were consistent with previous studies. Finally, an empirical correlation between the upper boundary of the air diffusion layer and the distance from the impingement point was provided.
In high-velocity open channel flows, free-surface aeration is commonly observed. The effects of surface waves on the air-water flow properties are tested herein. The study simulates the air-water flow past a fixed-location phase-detection probe by introducing random fluctuations of the flow depth. The present model yields results that are close to experimental observations in terms of void fraction, bubble count rate and bubble/droplet chord size distributions. The results show that the surface waves have relatively little impact on the void fraction profiles, but that the bubble count rate profiles and the distributions of bubble and chord sizes are affected by the presence of surface waves.
For centuries, hydraulic engineers were at the forefront of science. The last forty years marked a change of perception in our society with a focus on environmental sustainability and management, particularly in developed countries. Herein, the writer illustrates his strong belief that the future of hydraulic engineering lies upon a combination of innovative engineering, research excellence and higher education of quality. This drive continues a long tradition established by eminent scholars like Arthur Thomas IPPEN, John Fisher KENNEDY and Hunter ROUSE.
Skimming flows on stepped spillways are characterised by a significant rate of turbulent dissipation on the chute. Herein an advanced signal processing of traditional conductivity probe signals is developed to provide further details on the turbulent time and length scales. The technique is applied to a 22° stepped chute operating with flow Reynolds numbers between 3.8 and 7.1 E+5. The new correlation analyses yielded a characterisation of large eddies advecting the bubbles. The turbulent length scales were related to the characteristic depth Y90. Some self-similar relationships were observed systematically at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. These included the distributions of void fraction, bubble count rate, interfacial velocity and turbulence level, and turbulence time and length scales. The self-similarity results were significant because they provided a picture general enough to be used to characterise the air-water flow field in prototype spillways.
In an open channel, the transition from super- to sub-critical flow is a flow singularity (the hydraulic jump) characterised by a sharp rise in free-surface elevation, strong turbulence and air entrainment in the roller. A key feature of the hydraulic jump flow is the strong free-surface aeration and air-water flow turbulence. In the present study, similar experiments were conducted with identical inflow Froude numbers Fr1 using a geometric scaling ratio of 2:1. The results of the Froude-similar experiments showed some drastic scale effects in the smaller hydraulic jumps in terms of void fraction, bubble count rate and bubble chord time distributions. Void fraction distributions implied comparatively greater detrainment at low Reynolds numbers yielding some lesser aeration of the jump roller. The dimensionless bubble count rates were significantly lower in the smaller channel, especially in the mixing layer. The bubble chord time distributions were quantitatively close in both channels, and they were not scaled according to a Froude similitude. Simply the hydraulic jump remains a fascinating two-phase flow motion that is still poorly understood.
We investigate the utility of nonclassical states of simple harmonic oscillators, particularly a superposition of coherent states, for sensitive force detection. We find that like squeezed states, a superposition of coherent states allows displacement measurements at the Heisenberg limit. Entangling many superpositions of coherent states offers a significant advantage over a single-mode superposition state with the same mean photon number.
The synthetic organic compound λ(BETS)2FeCl4 undergoes successive transitions from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a metal and then to a superconductor as a magnetic field is increased. We use a Hubbard-Kondo model to clarify the role of the Fe3+ magnetic ions in these phase transition. In the high-field regime, the magnetic field acting on the electron spins is compensated by the exchange field He due to the magnetic ions. This suggests that the field-induced superconducting state is the same as the zero-field superconducting state which occurs under pressure or when the Fe3+ ions are replaced by non-magnetic Ga3+ ions. We show how Hc can be extracted from the observed splitting of the Shybnikov-de Haas frequencies. Furthermore, we use this method of extracting He to predict the field range for field-induced superconductivity in other materials. We also show that at high fields the spin fluctuations of the localized spins are not important.
We show that quantum feedback control can be used as a quantum-error-correction process for errors induced by a weak continuous measurement. In particular, when the error model is restricted to one, perfectly measured, error channel per physical qubit, quantum feedback can act to perfectly protect a stabilizer codespace. Using the stabilizer formalism we derive an explicit scheme, involving feedback and an additional constant Hamiltonian, to protect an (n-1)-qubit logical state encoded in n physical qubits. This works for both Poisson (jump) and white-noise (diffusion) measurement processes. Universal quantum computation is also possible in this scheme. As an example, we show that detected-spontaneous emission error correction with a driving Hamiltonian can greatly reduce the amount of redundancy required to protect a state from that which has been previously postulated [e.g., Alber , Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4402 (2001)].
We report a simple one pot process for the preparation of lead sulfide (PbS) nanocrystals in the conjugated polymer poly (2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene) (MEH-PPV), and we demonstrate electronic coupling between the two components.
We outline a scheme to accomplish measurements of a solid state double well system (DWS) with both one and two electrons in nonlocalized bases. We show that, for a single particle, measuring the local charge distribution at the midpoint of a DWS using a SET as a sensitive electrometer amounts to performing a projective measurement in the parity (symmetric/antisymmetric) eigenbasis. For two-electrons in a DWS, a similar configuration of SET results in close-to-projective measurement in the singlet/triplet basis. We analyze the sensitivity of the scheme to asymmetry in the SET position for some experimentally relevant parameter, and show that it is experimentally realizable.
We generalize a proposal for detecting single-phonon transitions in a single nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) to include the intrinsic anharmonicity of each mechanical oscillator. In this scheme two NEMS oscillators are coupled via a term quadratic in the amplitude of oscillation for each oscillator. One NEMS oscillator is driven and strongly damped and becomes a transducer for phonon number in the other measured oscillator. We derive the conditions for this measurement scheme to be quantum limited and find a condition on the size of the anharmonicity. We also derive the relation between the phase diffusion back-action noise due to number measurement and the localization time for the measured system to enter a phonon-number eigenstate. We relate both these time scales to the strength of the measured signal, which is an induced current proportional to the position of the read-out oscillator.
In this work, we describe the process of teleportation between Alice in an inertial frame, and Rob who is in uniform acceleration with respect to Alice. The fidelity of the teleportation is reduced due to Davies-Unruh radiation in Rob's frame. In so far as teleportation is a measure of entanglement, our results suggest that quantum entanglement is degraded in non-inertial frames. We discuss this reduction in fidelity for both bosonic and fermionic resources.
In the title compound, C13H14N2O7, steric crowding around the aromatic ring results in significant out-of-plane twisting of the nitro, methoxy, acetoxy and 2-nitropropenyl functional groups. These distortions are explained by comparison with less congested substituted benzene analogues.
The 4-carboxyphenyl-appended macrocyclic ligand trans-6,13-dimethyl-6-((4-carboxybenzyl)amino)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6-amine (HL10) has been synthesised and complexed with Co-III. The mononuclear complexes [Co(HL10)(CN)](2+) and [CoL10(OH)](+) have been prepared and the crystal structures of their perchlorate salts are presented, where the ligand is bound in a pentadentate mode in each case while the 4-carboxybenzyl-substituted pendent amine remains free from the metal. The cyano-bridged dinuclear complex [CoL10-mu-NC-Fe(CN)(5)](2-) was also prepared and chemisorbed on titania-coated ITO conducting glass. The adsorbed complex is electrochemically active and cyclic voltammetry of the modified ITO working electrode in both water and MeCN solution was undertaken with simultaneous optical spectroscopy. This experiment demonstrates that reversible electrochemical oxidation of the Fe-II centre is coupled with rapid changes in the optical absorbance of the film.
We present a controlled stress microviscometer with applications to complex fluids. It generates and measures microscopic fluid velocity fields, based on dual beam optical tweezers. This allows an investigation of bulk viscous properties and local inhomogeneities at the probe particle surface. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated in water. In a complex fluid model (hyaluronic acid), we observe a strong deviation of the flow field from classical behavior. Knowledge of the deviation together with an optical torque measurement is used to determine the bulk viscosity. Furthermore, we model the observed deviation and derive microscopic parameters.