Experimental Analysis of Froude Number Effect on Air Entrainment in the Hydraulic Jump

Autoria(s): Gualtieri, Carlo; Chanson, Hubert

Cushman-Roisin, B.




A hydraulic jump is characterized by strong energy dissipation and mixing, large-scale turbulence, air entrainment, waves and spray. Despite recent pertinent studies, the interaction between air bubbles diffusion and momentum transfer is not completely understood. The objective of this paper is to present experimental results from new measurements performed in rectangular horizontal flume with partially-developed inflow conditions. The vertical distributions of void fraction and air bubbles count rate were recorded for inflow Froude number Fr1 in the range from 5.2 to 14.3. Rapid detrainment process was observed near the jump toe, whereas the structure of the air diffusion layer was clearly observed over longer distances. These new data were compared with previous data generally collected at lower Froude numbers. The comparison demonstrated that, at a fixed distance from the jump toe, the maximum void fraction Cmax increases with the increasing Fr1. The vertical locations of the maximum void fraction and bubble count rate were consistent with previous studies. Finally, an empirical correlation between the upper boundary of the air diffusion layer and the distance from the impingement point was provided.








Palavras-Chave #Environmental Hydraulics #Hydraulic Jump #Physical Modeling #Air Entrainment #Water Resources #Froude Number Effect #Oceanography #Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences #Mechanics #Environmental Sciences #Air Diffusion Layer #Developing Flow Region #Plunging Jets #Bubble Entrainment #Water #240000 Physical Sciences #240500 Classical Physics #240502 Fluid Physics #290000 Engineering and Technology #290800 Civil Engineering #290802 Water and Sanitary Engineering #291800 Interdisciplinary Engineering #291803 Turbulent Flows #291802 Heat and Mass Transfer Operations #260000 Earth Sciences #310000 Architecture, Urban Environment and Building #300000 Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences #300100 Soil and Water Sciences #770400 Coastal and Estuarine Environment #C1

Journal Article