441 resultados para Wishes


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Alors qu’elle se trouve au Mont Parnasse, la narratrice du Chemin de Long Estude de Christine de Pizan affirme reconnaître l’endroit pour l’avoir déjà lu chez Dante. Cette mention surprend considérant la quasi absence de la Comédie dans la littérature française de la fin du Moyen Âge, et si la tradition critique a eu tendance à y voir la revendication d’un projet mimétique, où le poème de Christine de Pizan serait une tentative d’imitation de la Comédie, les nombreux échos dantesques de l’oeuvre témoignent à l’inverse d’un important travail d’appropriation, en mettant systématiquement l’accent sur l’acquisition du savoir et l’inscription dans une filiation intellectuelle. Plus qu’une recension, le présent mémoire aspire à faire le point sur les présences de la Comédie dans le Chemin de Long Estude de même qu’à inscrire ces dernières dans un réseau. Cela amène non seulement à considérer l’oeuvre de Christine de Pizan dans sa totalité, mais aussi en regard des considérations littéraires de l’époque. Dans le premier cas, les renvois à Dante permettent de réfléchir au projet général de l’oeuvre, alors que le poème italien, plus que de représenter un idéal à reproduire, participe à une conquête de l’ordre par le savoir, aux côtés de la Consolation de Philosophie de Boèce et du Chemin de Long Estude lui-même. Dans le second cas, le fait de fonder le travail d’écriture sur la lecture préalable d’un auteur italien témoigne de la bibliophilie du siècle et de l’importance de la lecture, mais aussi de l’émergence timide de nouvelles autorités vernaculaires.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo


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Résumé : La Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie ainsi que la mise en place du régime des directives médicales anticipées sont le résultat d’une profonde transformation sociétale, guidée par l’importance grandissante du respect de l’autonomie décisionnelle des personnes et à leur droit à l’autodétermination. Au regard de ce contexte, cet essai décrit en première partie l’état du droit actuel en matière de volontés exprimées de manière anticipée, il analyse les enjeux qui s’y rapportent tout en soulevant les pistes de réflexion déjà amorcées en droit québécois. Il existe effectivement de nombreux outils qui permettent à un individu d’exprimer ses volontés en prévision de son inaptitude, mais les directives médicales anticipées se distinguent d’une façon bien précise : elles possèdent un caractère contraignant qui reconnaît la primauté des volontés relatives aux soins. Or, parallèlement à cela, le régime des directives médicales anticipées impose des limites à ce droit. Dans ce contexte d’essor du droit à l’autonomie, cet essai étudie, en seconde partie, les limites inhérentes au régime des directives médicales anticipées puis propose une analyse critique des défis liés à l’opérationnalisation clinique de ces directives.


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Esta pesquisa, intitulada CRIATIVIDADE PARA QUÊ? CONVERSAS, PROCESSOS E PRODUÇÕES NA FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES, investiga a criatividade na formação de professores. Sua fundamentação teórica baseia-se, principalmente, na atividade criadora de Fayga Ostrower e é contextualizada nas relações existentes entre imaginação e criatividade, propostas por Vigostky. A investigação intentou compreender as concepções de criatividade de um grupo de estudantes de licenciatura da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. Os objetivos específicos consistiram em investigar as condições inibidoras e estimuladoras da criatividade no ensino; identificar as necessidades, desejos e possibilidades dos estudantes de licenciatura em relação ao ensino atual; e discutir as evidências e as características do professor criativo. A produção de dados foi realizada a partir da execução de um projeto de extensão, no qual os participantes realizaram atividades com temáticas relacionadas ao tema de pesquisa, tais como a conceituação de criatividade; inibidores e potencializadores da criatividade; a escola criativa e o professor criativo. Os dados foram produzidos por meio de questionários, diários, áudio e criação de objetos tridimensionais, confeccionados com tecido e outros materiais. O projeto de extensão foi realizado em duas ocasiões com públicos distintos. A primeira versão foi realizada em 2013, com nove alunos de diversos cursos de licenciatura. A segunda ocorreu em 2014, com acadêmicos do curso de Artes Visuais - Licenciatura. A análise de dados foi inspirada na Análise Textual Discursiva - ATD, de Moraes e Galiazzi, e os resultados foram apresentados a partir de histórias ficcionais, contadas por professores, personagens fictícios. Os personagens foram compostos por aspectos relacionados à criatividade, apresentados e discutidos pelos grupos durante o desenvolvimento do projeto, e as histórias identificam características que inibem ou potencializam a criatividade no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Entre os aspectos apontados como inibidores do processo criativo estão o excesso de atividades ao qual estão submetidos os professores e alunos na universidade; o uso de vocabulário prolixo pelo professor; a repressão do sistema educacional, representada pela imposição de regras e pelo excesso de atividades que impedem os alunos de utilizarem a livre expressão. Como elementos que estimulam a criatividade, foram identificados o desejo pelo novo ou desconhecido; a contextualização dos conteúdos, relacionando-os ao cotidiano dos alunos; aulas realizadas em ambientes externos à sala de aula, entre outros. Os aspectos indicados pelos sujeitos da pesquisa como sendo criativos não são surpreendentes ou inovadores. Poucos professores universitários foram lembrados pelos alunos como sendo criativos, e muitas foram as críticas em relação à universidade e aos métodos de ensino utilizados pelos professores que, segundo os sujeitos, inibem o processo criativo. Embora a criatividade seja considerada vital ao homem, constata-se que, no ambiente universitário, há muitas barreiras, dificultando e inibindo o processo criativo dos futuros professores.


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O presente estudo aborda a temática da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais. Essa abordagem ocorre a partir do estudo de caso da Ilha da Torotama, Rio Grande/RS. É reconhecido que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem uma intensa transformação a partir da lógica moderna do capital, no caso do município de Rio Grande, percebe-se o quanto os discursos em torno do Polo Naval, paralelamente com a crise da pesca artesanal, impulsionam o êxodo das comunidades pesqueiras que constituem a região, levando o pescador ao abandono do trabalho, bem como a uma drástica ruptura frente as formas de vida no espaço tradicional de pesca. A partir desse panorama cabe questionar os sentidos que a escolarização assume nesses espaços, portanto: Quais as contradições e possibilidades da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais? Além disso, é necessário questionar: É possível (re)pensar as formas de contemplar os anseios desses povos tradicionais? Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender e problematizar as contradições e possibilidades em torno da escolarização em um contexto do Campo, constituído por povos tradicionais. Para o enfrentamento da problemática, assume-se uma postura dialética a partir de Gadotti (2012) e Severino (2001); esse embasamento epistemológico sustenta o olhar e a escuta da pesquisadora frente aos processos presentes no estudo. Com efeito, por meio da utilização da História Oral na perspectiva assumida por Thompson (1992), encontra-se para maior organização do processo de construção dos dados, a História Oral Temática (MEIHY e HOLANDA, 2010) e (MEIHY, 1996). Nesse horizonte, realizam-se entrevistas com três educadores e quatro educandos do Projeto Educação para Pescadores, o qual ocorre enquanto um processo de escolarização na Ilha da Torotama. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de pensar a escola nas comunidades tradicionais a partir do horizonte da Educação do Campo. Essa compreensão ocorre a partir dos desafios encontrados com relação a escolarização das referidas comunidades; haja vista que o Estado não assume de forma efetiva a educação básica nesses contextos, tampouco aborda a possibilidade de retorno dos sujeitos que tiveram a escolarização negligenciada. A omissão do poder público frente as demandas da comunidade, junto as formas de incentivo e beneficiamento da pequena burguesia industrial pesqueira, por exemplo, são indicativos de que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem em seu contexto uma forte contradição, pois, muito embora o Estado tenha enquanto obrigação resguardar tais povos, as demandas do mercado prevalecem na dinâmica evidenciada. Assim, assumir as lutas lançadas pela 8 perspectiva da Educação do Campo, é uma pertinente possibilidade de ruptura com o sentido que a escola vem apresentando nesses espaços: a escola é vista como uma forma de saída da comunidade e do trabalho da pesca. Portanto, acredita-se que ao assumir o horizonte da Educação do Campo, o trabalho desses sujeitos pertencentes as comunidades tradicionais possa ser problematizado, fomentando a construção crítica frente aos desafios impostos pela lógica opressora.


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In recent years genetic algorithms have emerged as a useful tool for the heuristic solution of complex discrete optimisation problems. In particular there has been considerable interest in their use in tackling problems arising in the areas of scheduling and timetabling. However, the classical genetic algorithm paradigm is not well equipped to handle constraints and successful implementations usually require some sort of modification to enable the search to exploit problem specific knowledge in order to overcome this shortcoming. This paper is concerned with the development of a family of genetic algorithms for the solution of a nurse rostering problem at a major UK hospital. The hospital is made up of wards of up to 30 nurses. Each ward has its own group of nurses whose shifts have to be scheduled on a weekly basis. In addition to fulfilling the minimum demand for staff over three daily shifts, nurses’ wishes and qualifications have to be taken into account. The schedules must also be seen to be fair, in that unpopular shifts have to be spread evenly amongst all nurses, and other restrictions, such as team nursing and special conditions for senior staff, have to be satisfied. The basis of the family of genetic algorithms is a classical genetic algorithm consisting of n-point crossover, single-bit mutation and a rank-based selection. The solution space consists of all schedules in which each nurse works the required number of shifts, but the remaining constraints, both hard and soft, are relaxed and penalised in the fitness function. The talk will start with a detailed description of the problem and the initial implementation and will go on to highlight the shortcomings of such an approach, in terms of the key element of balancing feasibility, i.e. covering the demand and work regulations, and quality, as measured by the nurses’ preferences. A series of experiments involving parameter adaptation, niching, intelligent weights, delta coding, local hill climbing, migration and special selection rules will then be outlined and it will be shown how a series of these enhancements were able to eradicate these difficulties. Results based on several months’ real data will be used to measure the impact of each modification, and to show that the final algorithm is able to compete with a tabu search approach currently employed at the hospital. The talk will conclude with some observations as to the overall quality of this approach to this and similar problems.


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The development of language is a critical component of early childhood, enabling children to communicate their wishes and desires, share thoughts, and build meaning through linguistic interactions with others. A wealth of research has highlighted the importance of children’s early home experiences in fostering language development. This literature emphasizes the importance of a stimulating and supportive home environment in which children are engaged in literacy activities such as reading, telling stories, or singing songs with their parents. This study examined the association between low-income Latino immigrant mothers’ and fathers’ home literacy activities and their children’s receptive and expressive language skills. It also examined the moderating influence of maternal (i.e., reading quality and language quality) and child (engagement during reading, interest in literacy activities) characteristics on this association. This study included observational mother-child reading interactions, child expressive and receptive language assessments, and mother- and father-reported survey data. Controlling for parental education, multiple regression analyses revealed a positive association between home literacy activities and children’s receptive and expressive language skills. The findings also revealed that mothers’ reading quality and children’s engagement during reading (for expressive language skills only) moderated this association. Findings from this study will help inform new interventions, programs, and policies that build on Latino families’ strengths.


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New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers


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Ergonomics is intrinsically connected to political debates about the good society, about how we should live. This article follows the ideas of Colin Ward by setting the practices of ergonomics and design along a spectrum between more libertarian approaches and more authoritarian. Within Anglo-American ergonomics, more authoritarian approaches tend to prevail, often against the wishes of designers who have had to fight with their employers for best possible design outcomes. The article draws on debates about the design and manufacturing of schoolchildren's furniture. Ergonomics would benefit from embracing these issues to stimulate a broader discourse amongst its practitioners about how to be open to new disciplines, particularly those in the social sciences.


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Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are highly promising materials for molecular engineering of electronic and spintronics devices thanks to their surface functionalization properties. In this direction, alkylphosphonic acids have been used to functionalize the most common ferromagnetic electrode in organic spintronics: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). However, a study on the influence of SAMs grafting on LSMO electronic and magnetic properties is still missing. In this letter, we probe the influence of alkylphosphonic acids-based SAMs on the electronic and magnetic properties of the LSMO surface using different spectroscopies. We observe by X-ray photoemission and X-ray absorption that the grafting of the molecules on the LSMO surface induces a reduction of the Mn oxidation state. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements also show that the LSMO work function can be modified by surface dipoles opening the door to both tune the charge and spin injection efficiencies in organic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes.


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Traditionally, quantitative models that have studied households׳ portfolio choices have focused exclusively on the different risk properties of alternative financial assets. We introduce differences in liquidity across assets in the standard life-cycle model of portfolio choice. More precisely, in our model, stocks are subject to transaction costs, as considered in recent macroliterature. We show that when these costs are calibrated to match the observed infrequency of households׳ trading, the model is able to generate patterns of portfolio stock allocation over age and wealth that are constant or moderately increasing, thus more in line with the existing empirical evidence.


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O Museu do Território, descentralizado e polinucleado, sediado no Museu Maria da Fontinha, compreende 50 núcleos, de diversificados patrimónios: geológico (Geoparque de Arouca), arqueológico (castros, dólmens ou orcas) religioso (mosteiros, igrejas e ermidas), histórico, gastronómico, paisagístico, artístico, musical e do "saber fazer". Pretende-se a preservação de identidades, memórias, patrimónios, tangíveis e intangíveis, garantindo a auto-estima das populações abrangidas, buscando sempre um desenvolvimento, um ambiente e um turismo sustentáveis, para acréscimo da melhoria económica e social. Respeitar-se-ão sempre os princípios da museologia. O presente trabalho/dissertação descreve com algum pormenor a transformação da Casa-Museu Maria da Fontinha, com 26 anos de existência, em Museu Maria da Fontinha. O Museu abrange territórios de 28 freguesias dos Municípios de Arouca, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul e Vila Nova de Paiva. ABSTRACT: The Museum of the Territory, decentralized and polynucleated, based in the Museum of Maria da Fontinha, includes 50 centres of diverse heritages: geological (Geoparque of Arouca), archaeological (castors, dolmens or orcas), religious (monasteries, churches and hermitages), history, food, landscape, artistic, musical and know-how. It wishes the protection of identities, memories and tangible and intangible heritages, and thus ensuring the self-esteem of the populations concerned, proceeding with the development, the environment and the sustainable tourism, to achieve better economic and social improvement, always respecting the museology principles. The principales of museology will always be respected. The present work thesis describes in detail the transformation of Casa­Museu Maria da Fontinha, with its 26 years of existence, into Museu Maria da Fontinha. The Museum covers areas of 28 parishes of the Arouca, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul and Vila Nova de Paiva Municipalities.


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Interest in Mg foams is increasing due to their potential use as biomaterials. Fabrication methods determine to a great extent their structure and, in some cases, may pollute the foam. In this work Mg foams are fabricated by a replica method that uses as skeleton packed spheres of active carbon, a material widely utilized in medicine. After Mg infiltration, carbon particles are eliminated by an oxidizing heat treatment. The latter covers Mg with MgO which improves performance. In particular, oxidation retards degradation of the foam, as the polarization curves of the Mg foam with and without oxide indicate. The sphericity and regularity of C particles allows control of the structure of the produced open-cell foams.


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Les recueils de poésie Autoportraits de Marie Uguay et Nombreux seront nos ennemis de Geneviève Desrosiers appartiennent tous deux au genre de l’intimisme. Celui-ci est principalement caractérisé par une observation rapprochée du quotidien. Mon projet est constitué de deux volets : une recherche sur l’intimisme chez Uguay et Desrosiers, ainsi qu’un projet de création inspiré de leur poésie. Dans le volet recherche de mon mémoire, je me penche sur la logique du seuil et les rapports problématiques à l’altérité dans ces deux recueils. Dans Autoportraits et Nombreux seront nos ennemis, la position en retrait ou sur le seuil du « Je » permet d’observer ce qui l’entoure en conservant une perspective intime confortable où il ne se retrouve pas confronté à l’altérité. Les poèmes de la partie création de mon mémoire témoignent de l’inventivité dont le « Je » fait preuve afin d’échapper à son quotidien et sont empreints d’une perméabilité entre rêve et réalité. Le quotidien statique se présente comme un piège, un enfermement. La tension entre l’ici et l’ailleurs est exprimée dans les textes par une logique de l’attente; celle d’un nouveau départ et de la réalisation du rêve. Par cette pratique, je souhaite jouer avec les dangers de l’intimisme : ceux d’un narcissisme ou d’un sentimentalisme exacerbés.