942 resultados para Web 3.0,business model,imprenditorialità,blockchain,token economy,smart contract
The dissertation addresses the still not solved challenges concerned with the source-based digital 3D reconstruction, visualisation and documentation in the domain of archaeology, art and architecture history. The emerging BIM methodology and the exchange data format IFC are changing the way of collaboration, visualisation and documentation in the planning, construction and facility management process. The introduction and development of the Semantic Web (Web 3.0), spreading the idea of structured, formalised and linked data, offers semantically enriched human- and machine-readable data. In contrast to civil engineering and cultural heritage, academic object-oriented disciplines, like archaeology, art and architecture history, are acting as outside spectators. Since the 1990s, it has been argued that a 3D model is not likely to be considered a scientific reconstruction unless it is grounded on accurate documentation and visualisation. However, these standards are still missing and the validation of the outcomes is not fulfilled. Meanwhile, the digital research data remain ephemeral and continue to fill the growing digital cemeteries. This study focuses, therefore, on the evaluation of the source-based digital 3D reconstructions and, especially, on uncertainty assessment in the case of hypothetical reconstructions of destroyed or never built artefacts according to scientific principles, making the models shareable and reusable by a potentially wide audience. The work initially focuses on terminology and on the definition of a workflow especially related to the classification and visualisation of uncertainty. The workflow is then applied to specific cases of 3D models uploaded to the DFG repository of the AI Mainz. In this way, the available methods of documenting, visualising and communicating uncertainty are analysed. In the end, this process will lead to a validation or a correction of the workflow and the initial assumptions, but also (dealing with different hypotheses) to a better definition of the levels of uncertainty.
Investigação e educação: novas literacias e metodologias. Redes sociais e semânticas: Introdução; Web 2.0; Sociedade da investigação e Web 3.0; Aprendizagem descentralizada das literacias; O cidadão-investigador e o cidadão-aprendente; A vida social enquanto aprendizagem da investigação e investigação da aprendizagem; Escrita comum e autores leigos; As novas configurações do saber na Web 3.0 para o ensino e a pesquisa; Conclusão: literacia e metodologias 2.0 (sociais) e/ou literacias e metodologias 3.0 (sociais-semânticas)? Exemplos de sites sociais-semânticos.
Metodologia da pesquisa em Hibrimédia: Método 1: Pesquisa e aprendizagem sociais-semânticas; Web 2.0 e Web 3.0 no museu; Pedagogia e investigação em Hibrimédia; Metodologia GeoNeoLógica; Método GeoNeoLógico 1 - Questionário Interactivo Multitoque; Método GeoNeoLógico 2 -o Jogo das Tricotomias; Método GeoNeoLógico 3 - Novela GeoNeoLógica; Interface; Enredo; A novela de Híbrido-personagens sociais; Redes sociais pré-digitais, digitais e semântico-lógicas; Sociologia Crítica Semântico-Lógica.
The objective of this Bachelor's Thesis is to find out the role of social media in the B-to-B marketing environment of the information technology industry and to discover how IT-firms utilize social media as a part of their customer reference marketing. To reach the objectives the concepts of customer reference marketing and social media are determined. Customer reference marketing can be characterized as one of the most practically relevant but academically relatively overlooked ways in which a company can leverage its customers and delivered solutions and use them as references in its marketing activities. We will cover which external and internal functions customer references have, that contribute to the growth and performance of B-to-B firms. We also address the three mechanisms of customer reference marketing which are 'status transfer', 'validation through testimonials' and 'demonstration of experience and prior performance'. The concept of social media stands for social interaction and creation of user-based content which exclusively occurs through Internet. The social media are excellent tools for networking because of the fast and easy access, easy interaction and vast amount of multimedia attributes. The allocation of social media is determined. The case company helps clarify the specific characteristics of social media usage as part of customer-reference-marketing activities. For IT-firms the best channels to utilize social media in their customer reference marketing activities are publishing and distribution services of content and networking services.
Resource for Info2009 Coursework 2 - Group: InfoS
Reference List for Info2009 Coursework 2 Group: InfoS
Resumen tomado del autor
InfoS poster for Info2009 Coursework 2
Info2009 CW2 Collection for Individual Commentary
Collection of group resource, group poster and reference list for INFO2009 coursework 2
This contains files from the resource: Semantic Web Explained by Group 13: Web Club 7 Further instructions in readme.txt
A short video explaining how the next generation of the internet will differ from the web as we currently know it and how these changes will affect a user. The possible problems with the transition are also covered.
Web 3.0 - Future Technology Awareness By Team "Time Management": Alejandro Saucedo - Video & Flyer Stephen Griffith - Website James Crickmere - Research Jack Kanani - Dictionary In this era you cannot afford being tech-illiterate as it is literally everywhere! This is why we did thorough research on the future of technology - Web 3.0! You can find all our resources at http://web3.hackasoton.com
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