958 resultados para Autobiography as Topic
This paper examines a range of theoretical issues and the empirical evidence relating to clinical supervision in four mental health professions, namely clinical psychology, occupational therapy, social work, and speech pathology. Despite the widespread acceptance of the value of supervision among practitioners and the large quantity of literature on the topic, there is very little empirical evidence in this area. It is not clear whether supervision actually produces a change in clinician behaviour, nor whether it produces benefits in terms of client outcomes. To date, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate which styles of supervision are most beneficial for particular types of staff, in terms of their level of experience or learning style. The data suggest that directive forms of supervision, rather than unstructured approaches, are preferred by relatively inexperienced practitioners, and that experienced clinicians also value direct supervision methods when learning new skills or dealing with complex or crisis situations. The available evidence suggests that supervisors typically receive little training in supervision methods. However, to date, we have little information to guide us as to the most effective ways of training supervisors. While acknowledging the urgent need for research, the paper concludes that supervision is likely to form a valuable component of professional development for mental health professionals.
Polyphenolics are widely distributed in the plant kingdom and are often present in the diet of herbivores. The two major groups of plant polyphenolic compounds other than lignin are condensed and hydrolysable tannins. These compounds can have toxic and/or antinutritional effects on the animal. It is well established that tannins complex with dietary proteins can reduce nitrogen supply to the animal, but the ability of gastrointestinal microorganisms to metabolise these compounds and their effects on microbial populations have received little attention. In this paper, we review recent literature on the topic as well as present research from our laboratories on the effect of condensed tannins on rumen microbial ecology and rumen metabolism. Interactions of tannins with dietary components and endogenous protein in the rumen and post-ruminally, and their impact on the nutrition of the animal are considered. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Leadership is a perennially popular topic in the academic and practitioner literature on management. In particular, the past twenty years have witnessed an explosive growth of interest in what has been termed 'transformational leadership' (henceforth, TL). The theory is closely linked to the growth in what has been defined as corporate culturism - an emphasis on the importance of cohereat cultures, as a means of securing competitive advantage. This article outlines the central components of TL theory, and subjects the concept to a critical analysis. In particular, similarities are identified between the components concerned and the characteristics of leadership practice in organizations generally defined as cults. This connection has been previously unremarked in the literature. These similarities are comprehensively reviewed. Trends towards what can be defined as corporate cultism in modem management practice are also discussed. We conclude that TL models are overly concerned with the achievement of corporate cohesion to the detriment of internal dissent Such dissent is a vital ingredient of effective decision-making. It is suggested that more inclusive and participatory models of the leadership process are required.
This study reexamined the association between speech rate and memory span in children from kindergarten to sixth grade (N = 152) in order to potentially account for the inconsistencies within the published literature on this topic. Some of the inconsistencies in past research may reflect the different methods adopted in assessing speech rate. In particular, repeating word triples may itself involve memory demands, contaminating the correlation between speech rate and memory span in younger children. Analyses using composite speech rate and memory span measures showed that speech rate for word triples shared variance with memory span that was independent of speech rate for single words. Moreover, speech rate for word triples was largely redundant with age in explaining additional variation in memory span once the effects of speech rate for single words were controlled. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science.
Thc oen itninteureasc ttioo nb eo fa pcreangtmraal tiiscs uaen di ns ymnotadcetlisc ocfo nsestnrtaeinnctse processing. It is well established that object relatives (1) are harder to process than subject relatives (2). Passivization, other things being equal, increases sentence complexity. However, one of the functions of the passive construction is to promote an NP into the role of subject so that it can be more easily bound to the head NP in a higher clause. Thus, (3) is predicted to be marginally preferred over (1). Passiviazation in this instance may be seen as a way of avoiding the object relative construction. 1. The pipe that the traveller smoked annoyed the passengers. 2. The traveller that smoked the pipe annoyed the passengers. 3.The pipe that was smoked by the traveller annoyed the 4.The traveller that the pipe was smoked by annoyed the 5.The traveller that the lady was assaulted by annoyed the In (4) we have relativization of an NP which has been demoted by passivization to the status of a by-phrase. Such relative clauses may only be obtained under quite restrictive pragmatic conditions. Many languages do not permit relativization of a constituent as low as a by-phrase on the NP accessibility hierarchy (Comrie, 1984). The factors which determine the acceptability of demoted NP relatives like (4-5) reflect the ease with which the NP promoted to subject position can be taken as a discourse topic. We explored the acceptability of sentences such as (1-5) using pair-wise judgements of samddifferent meaning, accompanied by ratings of easeof understanding. Results are discussed with reference to Gibsons DLT model of linguistic complexity and sentence processing (Gibson, 2000)
Background: Increasingly there is a call from clinicians and researchers for measures that document the impact of aphasia on a person's everyday communication. Do existing assessments of communication disability adequately sample communication activities relevant to our clients? Communication skills and networks change with age. A need exists to determine the everyday communication activities of older people and in particular those with aphasia. Aims: The primary aim of this study was to describe and compare the everyday communication activities of older people with aphasia and healthy older people who are living in the community. A secondary aim was to investigate the content validity of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS, 1997) for older Australians. Methods & Procedures: Naturalistic observation was the method of choice for detailing the everyday communication of 15 older people with chronic aphasia following stroke and a matched group of 15 healthy older people who were living in the community. Researchers, in the role of participant observer, took field notes for 8 hours, over three occasions within a week. A total of 240 hours of observation have been coded in terms of communication activity, topic, communication partners, and place of communication. A brief 5-day diary served to check the representativeness of the observational data. After each hour of observation, the researcher checked which ASHA FACS items had been observed. Outcomes & Results: Naturalistic observation provided a rich, rigorous, and systematic methodology for detailing the dynamics and complexities of authentic communication. The most common communication activities for both groups were conversations at home and in social groups. Real-life communication was revealed to serve the dual purposes of transaction and interaction. Results indicate that older people with aphasia engage in similar communication activities to healthy older people although differences were evident in the frequency of communication and in specific activities such as story telling, writing, commenting, and acknowledging. ASHA FACS items were generally relevant to older Australians living in the community. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that communication activity is multifaceted in terms of the type of communication and contextual factors. The observational data describe the effects of aphasia on a person's everyday communication activity and reveal the impact of aphasia on the social functions of communication including sharing information, maintaining and establishing relationships, and telling one's story. Functional communication assessment requires a greater focus on the interactional and uniquely interpersonal aspects of social communication.
We address the question of whether there are laws in ecology. Although there has been a great deal of recent interest in this topic, much of the relevant debate has been conducted under some common misconceptions about what laws of nature are. Once these misconceptions are cleared up, the case for ecology having laws is much stronger. Indeed, we suggest that the case for laws in ecology is no better or worse than the case for laws in physics.
Commonplace incivility is a topic of longstanding interest within social theory, perhaps best exemplified by Goffman's studies of the interaction order. Nevertheless we know very little about its distribution and expression in everyday life. Current empirical work is dominated by criminological agendas. These tend to focus on more serious and illegal activities rather than minor deviant acts that are simply inconsiderate or rude. The paper reports findings from a focus group study conducted in Melbourne, Australia that set out to benchmark everyday incivilities. The results suggest that perpetrators of incivility have a surprisingly broad social distribution as does the range of locales that might be characterised as 'high risk'. Turning to the work of Putnam and Wolfe, we call for a research focus on low-level incivilities as key symptoms of the state of civic virtue and the strength of moral ties within civil society. Drawing on Virilio, Bauman and Durkheim, it is suggested that the experience of incivility is underpinned by the growth of freedom and movement in contemporary urban settings, and has ambivalent implications that not only invoke boundary maintenance and retreatism, but also offer the possibility for boundary expansion and tolerance of difference.
By examining Japanese fictional novels, this article will discuss how anaphoric devices (noun phrases (NPs), third person pronouns (TPPs), and zero anaphors) are selected and arranged in a given discourse. The traditional view of anaphora considers the co-referential relationship between anaphoric devices to be syntagmatic; that is, a pronoun, for example, refers back to its antecedent. It also declares the hierarchical order of information values between anaphoric devices; NPs are semantically the most informative, indicating an episode boundary, and pronouns less informative. Furthermore, zero anaphora is the most referentially transparent, showing the most accessibility of a topic. However, real text shows the contrary. NPs occur frequently while there is no apparent discourse boundary, and the same episode is continuous. This is because zero anaphors and TPPs (if they occur) break down readily due to the nature of a forthcoming sentence and the NP is reinstated, in order to continue the same topic in a given discourse. Therefore, the article opposes the traditional view of anaphora. Based on the concept of text processing, using ‘mental representations’, this article will determine certain occurrence patterns of the three anaphoric devices.
O trabalho pretende desenvolver uma reflex??o sobre a profissionaliza????o dos cargos de dire????o na administra????o p??blica e sua evolu????o ao longo das ??ltimas d??cadas nos pa??ses desenvolvidos, tendo como eixo condutor a institucionaliza????o dos cargos de dirigentes p??blicos nos sistemas pol??tico-administrativos contempor??neos. Inicia-se definindo a expans??o e o desenvolvimento do gerenciamento nos sistemas p??blicos, descrevendo, de forma breve e comparada, sua evolu????o mais recente em alguns pa??ses da OCDE. Em seguida, s??o apontados os tra??os b??sicos de um modelo de exerc??cio das fun????es de dire????o na administra????o p??blica. A seguir, trata-se do tema central mencionado. Primeiramente, o texto define os elementos que configuram um marco institucional para as fun????es de dire????o no setor p??blico. Depois, aborda o conte??do, o alcance e o ??mbito das reformas necess??rias para a constru????o desse marco. Por ??ltimo, analisa as vari??veis que podem influenciar a elabora????o das reformas, expondo os principais desafios e dificuldades tra??ados pelos empenhos de reforma.
O presente trabalho representa uma tentativa de avaliar se o Conselho Nacional de Juventude da Secretaria Geral da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica pode ser entendido como uma rede de pol??ticas p??blicas, conforme a vis??o de Bonafont (2004). Para realizar essa avalia????o optou-se, inicialmente, pela abordagem da an??lise de redes de pol??ticas p??blicas qualitativa e por alguns itens avaliativos. Assim, foram realizadas entrevistas, al??m de pesquisas documentais em livros, boletins informativos, documentos oficiais, s??tios eletr??nicos e outras fontes de informa????es que auxiliaram a montar o hist??rico do Conselho, mapear as suas caracter??sticas, a estrutura, a forma de atua????o e a rela????o entre seus atores. O estudo mostra que, apesar do aumento de capital social trazido pela cria????o de um espa??o p??blico de discuss??o de pol??ticas p??blicas de juventude, o Conselho ainda n??o pode ser considerado uma rede de pol??ticas p??blicas. Identificou-se, principalmente, falta de consenso sobre o tema, aus??ncia de elabora????o de diretrizes sobre as pol??ticas p??blicas de juventude, bem como a inexist??ncia de um conceito ??nico de juventude compartilhado entre seus integrantes. Entretanto, vislumbram-se possibilidades concretas de surgimento de tal estrutura caso alguns requisitos, discutidos no artigo, estejam presentes em futuras realiza????es desse ??rg??o.
A an??lise da literatura brasileira sobre educa????o a dist??ncia ?? ainda limitada no que diz respeito a estudos que investiguem o fen??meno da evas??o, em especial, em contextos de escolas de governo. Este artigo procura identificar e analisar os fatores que contribuem para a evas??o de participantes nos cursos de educa????o continuada a dist??ncia em uma organiza????o governamental respons??vel pela capacita????o dos servidores da administra????o p??blica federal. A ??nfase das investiga????es encontra-se nas vari??veis referentes ??s dificuldades pessoais, profissionais e tecnol??gicas, ??s peculiaridades do curso e caracter??sticas da clientela, contrastadas com as vari??veis demogr??ficas referentes ?? evas??o em cursos a dist??ncia mediados por tecnologias da informa????o e da comunica????o. O trabalho ?? embasado em metodologia quantitativa, por meio de pesquisa descritiva de campo junto aos participantes, valendo-se do uso de question??rio eletr??nico. Procura contribuir para investiga????es sobre o tema, em especial no que se refere aos servidores p??blicos.
Este estudo tem dois objetivos: revisar criticamente a produ????o cient??fica nacional sobre o tema ???compet??ncias no trabalho e nas organiza????es???; e apresentar o conceito e discutir sua utiliza????o no setor p??blico. Para tanto foram analisados relatos de pesquisa emp??rica e ensaios nacionais e estrangeiros ??? em peri??dicos de psicologia e administra????o. Foram discutidos: enfoques te??ricos, instrumentos de coleta de dados, procedimentos de an??lise, entre outros aspectos. Na an??lise da produ????o nacional, constatou-se que, em sua maioria, as pesquisas: descrevem compet??ncias ocupacionais ou profissionais; possuem desenho survey; apresentam pluralidade quanto ?? natureza da pesquisa e utiliza????o de m??todos e t??cnicas para coleta e an??lise de dados; e s??o realizadas principalmente no setor terci??rio da economia. Verificou-se, ainda, a converg??ncia do conceito de compet??ncia, diante da complexidade e fragmenta????o te??rica previamente constatadas na literatura. Entretanto, mesmo em evid??ncia, a produ????o cient??fica brasileira sobre o tema ?? recente e ainda h?? uma lacuna sobre a discuss??o do construto e sua aplica????o no setor p??blico, em especial no caso brasileiro, quando se trata da administra????o p??blica federal, direta, aut??rquica e fundacional.
Analisa o curso de Pedagogia pela perspectiva das/os alunas/os concluintes, tomando a produção de subjetividades como eixo central. Potencializa os discursos pelas narrativas das/os alunas/os, a forma como se constituíram como professoras/es e pedagogas/os no decorrer do curso, fazendo as correlações com as normatizações curriculares e as dimensões vivenciadas por elas/es. Toma o currículo como um conjunto de elementos discursivos, normativos, de conversas, de compartilhamento de experiências, e potencializa-o através dos encontros, de uma formação para o outro, das lacunas prescritivas, formando assim uma complexa produção de subjetividades, sempre coletiva, que se esforça para abandonar os clichês dos significados e as molaridades da prescrição curricular. Tem como principais intercessores teóricos ao problematizar as produções subjetivas no que tange ao currículo, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari e Janete Magalhães Carvalho. Utiliza a cartografia como acompanhamento de processos em que não há uma coleta de dados, mas uma produção desses, pautada no recurso metodológico das narrativas – formas de conversações em que há o principal recurso na produção dos dados. Assim, o processo tornou-se intenso e delicado, mas muito feliz, por ter priorizado as muitas formas de vivenciar esse currículo, sem uma individualização dos sujeitos, mas sempre a partir da perspectiva de uma subjetividade a-centrada, sem rostidade.
Esta dissertação foi construída em interface com a tradição oral milenar da filosofia budista, respeitando um estilo tradicional dos ensinamentos em sua transmissão oral. Por meio da perspectiva de uma "filosofia prática", constitui-se uma metodologia onde as questões se desdobram em reflexões e ideias encadeadas, o que permite contemplar um tema de vários ângulos, tendo por fio norteador os ensinamentos budistas da linhagem Sakya, que orientam uma postura ética para a vida cotidiana. Abordam-se as "orientações para o viver" contidas nos ensinamentos com ênfase no domínio da mente, da motivação e da intenção da ação humana. Para a realização desse exercício ético, que transforma o campo da educação – processo de ensino e de aprendizagem – e o da produção de conhecimento – constituição de saberes sobre si e sobre o mundo –, a prática da meditação se coloca como delineadora de novos contornos para o pensar, o sentir e o agir, o que se evidencia por meio do ensinamento clássico “ Libertando-se dos Quatro Apegos”, referência central para este trabalho. Nesta perspectiva, a meditação é abordada como campo da experiência, como um método com o qual podemos viver a “não separatividade de sujeito-corpo-mente”. A importância da meditação para um processo de criação de experiências constitutivas de um estar desperto. Este despertar se faz por meio de práticas onde “nós somos a experiência da mente”, “nós somos a mente em si”, e a prática da meditação nos propicia essa experiência. A experiência de "estar presente em cada momento" pode nos levar ao domínio de nós mesmos, ao reconhecimento do outro como ser humano que também somos, e ao desenvolvimento da compaixão por todos os seres. Por meio desse processo podemos reconhecer o estado Búdico, ou melhor, o estado de Budeidade que todos temos em potencial. Budha é uma potência em nós, potência de desenvolvermos compaixão equânime para com todos os seres E podemos fazer isso reconhecendo dois aspectos importantes: os quatro apegos que nos aprisionam e a maneira de nos libertarmos deles para trilhar o caminho desperto.