919 resultados para 54301-021


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La fauna acompañante en la pesca de arrastre de la merluza, varía en su composición especiológica, distribución batimétrica, latitudinal y estacional de acuerdo a las condiciones de medio marino. Para el invierno de 1996, se analiza la ocurrencia de la fauna marina de aguas tropicales y templadas, entre Punta Capones y el Puerto de Chimbote durante el Crucero de Evaluación de la Merluza BIC SNP-1 9607-08, empleando una red de fondo tipo Granton 400/127. Se capturaron 69 especies: 56 peces, 4 crustáceos, 5 moluscos, un equinodermo, un cnidario y un cordado. La mayor riqueza íctica se encontró al norte del paralelo 6°S. La captura total en el área estudiada fue de 20.021,43 kg de peces (99%) y 211,24 kg (1%) de invertebrados. La merluza Merluccius gayi peruanus, destaca por su abundancia y frecuencia, se capturaron 18.501,52 kg (91,4% del volumen total). Entre los elasmobranquios, destaca la "raya águila" Myliobatis chilensis y dentro de los teleósteos (peces óseos), los Pisciformes con 19 spp., siendo la familia Sciaenidae la mejor representada con 7 especies.


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El crucero "Localización, Concentración y Distribución de los Langostinos Rojos de Profundidad", se desarrolló entre el 18 de julio y el 06 de agosto de 1996, utilizando una red de arrastre tipo Gran ton, modelo 400/130. Se exploró el área comprendida entre Puerto Pizarro y Huarmey a profundidades entre 254 y 1 021 m. A partir de la información obtenida en el rastreo acústico, realizado en el área citada y del conocimiento de la existencia de dos biocenosis en la zona arquibentónica, una al norte y la otra al sur del Banco de Máncora, se determinó realizar el estudio sistemático y bioecológico del recurso objetivo, en el área comprendida entre 03°24' a 04°05'S y 81"00' a 81"25'W. • En esta área de evaluación, la captura estuvo constituida por peces (86,92%), crustáceos (8,04 %), moluscos (2,78%), equinodermos (1,20%), onidarios (1 ,00%), poríferos (0,03%), anélidos (0,03%), briozoarios (0,00 1%) y sipuncúlidos (0,004 %). Se registraron 38 especies de crustáceos, de los cuales 7 constituyeron los denominados langostinos de profundidad: ifeterocarpus vicarius, Haliporoides" diomedeae, Nematocarcinus agassizii, Heterocarpus hostilis, Psathyrocaris fragilis, Plesionika trispinus y Pasiphaea magna. Los más importantes langostinos rojos de profundidad se presentaron desde los 08° 18.20' S hasta los 03"32.11' S, principalmente al sur del Banco de Máncora, a profundidades entre 382 y 1 021 m. La densidad media (t/mn2) del total de langostinos rojos de profundidad, para el área de evaluación estuvo comprendida entre 0,0017 y 0,420 t/mn 2• Se determinó una profundización de los langostinos rojos fuera de su área habitual, asociado a un desplaza­miento de la mínima de oxígeno hacia mayores profundidades. Esto determinó poca disponibilidad de los principales langostinos rojos de profundidad. Se destaca la mayor frecuencia de la "gamba" Haliporoides diomedeae entre 0,2 a 1,6 ml/l de oxígeno disuelto, con sus mayores densidades entre 0,8 a 1,6 ml/l. El "camarón naylon" Heterocarpus vicarius, mostró las mayores concentraciones a menores tenores de oxígeno (0, 17 a 0,25 ml/1). Se establecieron relaciones biométricas de las principales especies de langostinos rojos de profundidad.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of the current study was to assess whether widely used nutritional parameters are correlated with the nutritional risk score (NRS-2002) to identify postoperative morbidity and to evaluate the role of nutritionists in nutritional assessment. METHODS: A randomized trial on preoperative nutritional interventions (NCT00512213) provided the study cohort of 152 patients at nutritional risk (NRS-2002 ≥3) with a comprehensive phenotyping including diverse nutritional parameters (n=17), elaborated by nutritional specialists, and potential demographic and surgical (n=5) confounders. Risk factors for overall, severe (Dindo-Clavien 3-5) and infectious complications were identified by univariate analysis; parameters with P<0.20 were then entered in a multiple logistic regression model. RESULTS: Final analysis included 140 patients with complete datasets. Of these, 61 patients (43.6%) were overweight, and 72 patients (51.4%) experienced at least one complication of any degree of severity. Univariate analysis identified a correlation between few (≤3) active co-morbidities (OR=4.94; 95% CI: 1.47-16.56, p=0.01) and overall complications. Patients screened as being malnourished by nutritional specialists presented less overall complications compared to the not malnourished (OR=0.47; 95% CI: 0.22-0.97, p=0.043). Severe postoperative complications occurred more often in patients with low lean body mass (OR=1.06; 95% CI: 1-1.12, p=0.028). Few (≤3) active co-morbidities (OR=8.8; 95% CI: 1.12-68.99, p=0.008) were related with postoperative infections. Patients screened as being malnourished by nutritional specialists presented less infectious complications (OR=0.28; 95% CI: 0.1-0.78), p=0.014) as compared to the not malnourished. Multivariate analysis identified few co-morbidities (OR=6.33; 95% CI: 1.75-22.84, p=0.005), low weight loss (OR=1.08; 95% CI: 1.02-1.14, p=0.006) and low hemoglobin concentration (OR=2.84; 95% CI: 1.22-6.59, p=0.021) as independent risk factors for overall postoperative complications. Compliance with nutritional supplements (OR=0.37; 95% CI: 0.14-0.97, p=0.041) and supplementation of malnourished patients as assessed by nutritional specialists (OR=0.24; 95% CI: 0.08-0.69, p=0.009) were independently associated with decreased infectious complications. CONCLUSIONS: Nutritional support based upon NRS-2002 screening might result in overnutrition, with potentially deleterious clinical consequences. We emphasize the importance of detailed assessment of the nutritional status by a dedicated specialist before deciding on early nutritional intervention for patients with an initial NRS-2002 score of ≥3.


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Servicios registrales


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La Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá inscribió el acta No. AA-021 de la asamblea de accionistas de la SOCIEDAD DE TELECOMUNICACIONES, INGENIERÍA MERCADEO TELEVISIÓN POR CABLE Y SERVICIOS SAS, en la cual se hizo nombramiento de gerente general, gerente ejecutivo y presidente de la asamblea de accionistas.


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Cytokines have been shown to cause a reduction in nerve conduction when examined using animal models. Such effects, if shown in humans, could result in detrimental effects to physical function during periods heightened systemic cytokine concentrations. The study investigated the acute effects of cytokines on nerve conduction velocity (NCV) and functional measures. Measures were taken under both basal and elevated cytokine concentrations to determine any corresponding changes to NCV. A significant positive correlation was found between the cytokine IL-6 and NCV at 2 hours post-exercise (r=0.606, p=0.048). A significant negative correlation was found between IL-1ra and NCV at 24 hours post-exercise (r=-0.652, p=0.021). A significant positive correlation was also found between IL-1ra and endurance at 1 hour post-exercise (r=0.643, p=0.033). As such, it would seem that IL-6 may potentially act to enhance nerve function while other cytokines such as IL-1ra may have negative effects and reduce NCV.


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Imaging studies have shown reduced frontal lobe resources following total sleep deprivation (TSD). The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in the frontal region plays a role in performance monitoring and cognitive control; both error detection and response inhibition are impaired following sleep loss. Event-related potentials (ERPs) are an electrophysiological tool used to index the brain's response to stimuli and information processing. In the Flanker task, the error-related negativity (ERN) and error positivity (Pe) ERPs are elicited after erroneous button presses. In a Go/NoGo task, NoGo-N2 and NoGo-P3 ERPs are elicited during high conflict stimulus processing. Research investigating the impact of sleep loss on ERPs during performance monitoring is equivocal, possibly due to task differences, sample size differences and varying degrees of sleep loss. Based on the effects of sleep loss on frontal function and prior research, it was expected that the sleep deprivation group would have lower accuracy, slower reaction time and impaired remediation on performance monitoring tasks, along with attenuated and delayed stimulus- and response-locked ERPs. In the current study, 49 young adults (24 male) were screened to be healthy good sleepers and then randomly assigned to a sleep deprived (n = 24) or rested control (n = 25) group. Participants slept in the laboratory on a baseline night, followed by a second night of sleep or wake. Flanker and Go/NoGo tasks were administered in a battery at 1O:30am (i.e., 27 hours awake for the sleep deprivation group) to measure performance monitoring. On the Flanker task, the sleep deprivation group was significantly slower than controls (p's <.05), but groups did not differ on accuracy. No group differences were observed in post-error slowing, but a trend was observed for less remedial accuracy in the sleep deprived group compared to controls (p = .09), suggesting impairment in the ability to take remedial action following TSD. Delayed P300s were observed in the sleep deprived group on congruent and incongruent Flanker trials combined (p = .001). On the Go/NoGo task, the hit rate (i.e., Go accuracy) was significantly lower in the sleep deprived group compared to controls (p <.001), but no differences were found on false alarm rates (i.e., NoGo Accuracy). For the sleep deprived group, the Go-P3 was significantly smaller (p = .045) and there was a trend for a smaller NoGo-N2 compared to controls (p = .08). The ERN amplitude was reduced in the TSD group compared to controls in both the Flanker and Go/NoGo tasks. Error rate was significantly correlated with the amplitude of response-locked ERNs in control (r = -.55, p=.005) and sleep deprived groups (r = -.46, p = .021); error rate was also correlated with Pe amplitude in controls (r = .46, p=.022) and a trend was found in the sleep deprived participants (r = .39, p =. 052). An exploratory analysis showed significantly larger Pe mean amplitudes (p = .025) in the sleep deprived group compared to controls for participants who made more than 40+ errors on the Flanker task. Altered stimulus processing as indexed by delayed P3 latency during the Flanker task and smaller amplitude Go-P3s during the Go/NoGo task indicate impairment in stimulus evaluation and / or context updating during frontal lobe tasks. ERN and NoGoN2 reductions in the sleep deprived group confirm impairments in the monitoring system. These data add to a body of evidence showing that the frontal brain region is particularly vulnerable to sleep loss. Understanding the neural basis of these deficits in performance monitoring abilities is particularly important for our increasingly sleep deprived society and for safety and productivity in situations like driving and sustained operations.


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INTRODUCTION. La guérison rapide des sites donneurs des greffes cutanées favorise la survie des victimes de brûlures graves (>50 % de superficie brûlée). La mortalité élevée de ces patients est attribuable au fait que la superficie des brûlures excède celle de la peau saine. Des cultures épithéliales autologues (CEA) sont des feuillets de kératinocytes produits en culture à partir de la peau du patient. Cette étude a évalué l’effet des CEA sur l'épithélialisation des sites donneurs chez les grands brûlés. MÉTHODES. Tous les patients recevant des CEA ont été prospectivement inclus. Les plaies des sites donneurs ont été recouvertes de CEA, sauf pour une région contrôle randomisée de 7 x 7 cm. Des biopsies faites sur la greffe de peau ont permis de contrôler la profondeur des plaies sur les sites donneurs. Il y avait deux types de contrôles, avec gaze non adhérente trempée dans le milieu de culture ou dans le salin. L’épithélialisation était quantifiée globalement (% d’épithélialisation par photographie) et histologiquement (par biopsie au poinçon) à simple insu. La guérison des zones de contrôle et CEA était comparée par analyse de variance et par le test de Student. RÉSULTATS. Entre 2008 et 2009, 6 patients furent recrutés avec un total de 11 sites donneurs. Ces patients avaient en moyenne 43.5 ans, 56 % de superficie brûlée, 45% de brûlure pleine épaisseur, 66% avaient une brûlure d’inhalation, 75 jours de séjour. Il n’y a aucune corrélation entre le pourcentage d’épithélialisation et l’épaisseur du prélèvement des greffes (Pearson 0.19). Le score photographique est significativement influencé par le traitement (CEA vs Contrôle; p = 0,039) et par le jour postopératoire (p < 0,001). Le temps moyen pour atteindre un score photographique de guérison pour les zones contrôles fut de 10.2 jours contre 8.6 jours pour le CEA (p = 0,021). A l’évaluation histologique, les sites donneurs traités par le milieu de culture ont évolué aussi favorablement que ceux traités par des feuillets de CEA. CONCLUSION. L’utilisation de CEA sur les sites donneurs semble accélérer leur épithélialisation chez les victimes de brûlures graves. Cet effet est probablement le résultat d’une stimulation de la réépithélialisation innée de la plaie, plutôt que par une adhérence des feuillets de kératinocytes cultivés à la surface de la plaie.


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OBJECTIF: Évaluer si la prééclampsie (PE) récidivante présente un taux de prématurité (< 37 semaines de gestation) plus élevé qu'une première PE. Les critères de jugement secondaires étaient le retard de croissance intra-utérin (RCIU) et la morbidité maternelle. MÉTHODES: Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective de cohorte conduite sur 383 femmes avec un diagnostic de prééclampsie et ayant accouché au CHU Sainte-Justine à Montréal (Canada) entre 2001 et 2011. Parmi elles, 128 ont développé une récidive de PE à la grossesse successive. RÉSULTATS: Chez les femmes récidivantes (n = 128), les taux de prématurité et de RCIU étaient similaires dans les 2 épisodes de PE, bien que plus atteintes d'hypertension chronique (p = 0.001) et de diabète gestationnel (p = 0.021) dans leur seconde PE. Comparativement aux femmes non récidivantes (n = 255), les récidivantes (n = 128) présentaient, à leur première PE, un profil clinique caractérisé par un taux élevé de PE sévère (p < 0.001), éclampsie et critères adverses (p = 0.007). Le risque relatif de récidive de PE chez une femme avec ce profil clinique à sa première PE a été évalué à 1, 60 (95%IC: 1, 17 – 2, 18). CONCLUSION: La récidive de PE est associée à des taux similairement élevés de prématurité et de RCIU comparativement à la première PE. Les femmes qui à leur première PE ont un profil clinique défini par prééclampsie sévère, éclampsie ou présence de critères adverses sont plus à risque de récidive de PE à la grossesse subséquente. Mots clés: prééclampsie, récidive, issues périnatales, prématurité


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Addition of exogenous peptide sequences on viral capsids is a powerful approach to study the process of viral infection or to retarget viruses toward defined cell types. Until recently, it was not possible to manipulate the genome of mammalian reovirus and this was an obstacle to the addition of exogenous sequence tags onto the capsid of a replicating virus. This obstacle has now been overcome by the advent of the plasmid-based reverse genetics system. In the present study, reverse genetics was used to introduce different exogenous peptides, up to 40 amino acids long, at the carboxyl-terminal end of the σ1 outer capsid protein. The tagged viruses obtained were infectious, produce plaques of similar size, and could be easily propagated at hight titers. However, attempts to introduce a 750 nucleotides-long sequence failed, even when it was added after the stop codon, suggesting a possible size limitation at the nucleic acid level.


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In the molecule of the title compound, C20H16N6, the central C—C bond lies on a crystallographic inversion centre. The quinoxalidine ring is nearly planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.021 (2) A ˚ from the mean plane. The crystal structure is stabilized by intermolecular C—H....N interactions, leading to the formation of a layer-like structure, which extends along the a axis


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The effect of residual cations in rare earth metal modified faujasite–Y zeolite has been monitored using magic angle spinning NMR spectral analysis and catalytic activity studies. The second metal ions being used are Na+, K+ and Mg+. From a comparison of the spectra of different samples, it is concluded that potassium and magnesium exchange causes a greater downfield shift in the 29Si NMR peaks. Also, lanthanum exchanged samples show migration behavior from large cages to small cages, which causes the redistribution of second counter cations. It is also observed that Mg2+ causes the most effective migration of lanthanum ions due to its greater charge. The prepared systems were effectively employed for the alkylation of benzene with 1-octene in the vapor phase. From the deactivation studies it is observed that the as-exchanged zeolites possess better stability towards reaction condition over the pure HFAU zeolite.


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Manual sobre el modelo constructivista aplicado al aprendizaje de las ciencias y en el que se aborda el tema central de las percepciones o conocimientos previos de los alumnos, además de profundizar en la evolución del aprendizaje cuando se utilizan en el aula propuestas de enseñanza que favorecen el reconocimiento de las ideas propias. El manual recoge propuestas específicas de didáctica de las ciencias experimentales: los módulos de aprendizaje de la nutrición humana, de alimentación, salud y consumo, herencia biológica y evolución y ondas, sonido y luz.


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The question of how shape is represented is of central interest to understanding visual processing in cortex. While tuning properties of the cells in early part of the ventral visual stream, thought to be responsible for object recognition in the primate, are comparatively well understood, several different theories have been proposed regarding tuning in higher visual areas, such as V4. We used the model of object recognition in cortex presented by Riesenhuber and Poggio (1999), where more complex shape tuning in higher layers is the result of combining afferent inputs tuned to simpler features, and compared the tuning properties of model units in intermediate layers to those of V4 neurons from the literature. In particular, we investigated the issue of shape representation in visual area V1 and V4 using oriented bars and various types of gratings (polar, hyperbolic, and Cartesian), as used in several physiology experiments. Our computational model was able to reproduce several physiological findings, such as the broadening distribution of the orientation bandwidths and the emergence of a bias toward non-Cartesian stimuli. Interestingly, the simulation results suggest that some V4 neurons receive input from afferents with spatially separated receptive fields, leading to experimentally testable predictions. However, the simulations also show that the stimulus set of Cartesian and non-Cartesian gratings is not sufficiently complex to probe shape tuning in higher areas, necessitating the use of more complex stimulus sets.