620 resultados para Recruitment, Schools
Síntesis de la creación y evolución del Schools Council, institución inglesa que realiza trabajos de investigación pedagógica que, posteriormente, publica para la mejora de la práctica didáctica. Se analizan los orígenes, fines, organización y funciones, publicaciones, sistema de financiación, método de trabajo y estructura de los proyectos, como modelo ejemplar para la actividad docente, a pesar de las críticas sobre sus métodos y rentabilidad.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED
Resumen de la revista. - El artículo pertenece a una sección monográfica dedicada a la escuela en la sociedad digital
Monográfico con el título: 'Eficacia escolar y equidad'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Traditionally, school efficiency has been measured as a function of educational production. In the last two decades, however, studies in the economics of education have indicated that more is required to improve school efficiency: researchers must explore how significant changes in school organization affect the performance of at-risk students. In this paper we introduce Henry Levin’s adoption of the X-efficiency approach to education and we describe the efficient and cost-effective characteristics of one Learning Communities Project School that significantly improved its student outcomes and enrollment numbers and reduced its absenteeism rate to zero. The organizational change that facilitated these improvements defined specific issues to address. Students’ school success became the focus of the school project, which also offered specific incentives, selected teachers, involved parents and community members in decisions, and used the most efficient technologies and methods. This case analysis reveals new two elements—family training and community involvement—that were not explicit parts of Levin’s adaptation. The case of the Antonio Machado Public School should attract the attention of both social scientists and policy makers
This paper provides curriculum on noise, ears, hearing and deafness for elementary school children.
This paper is a survey and discussion of the teaching methods, objectives, and benefits associated with music programs in oral schools for children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
This paper reviews variables that influence placement of a hearing impaired child into a special education program instead of being mainstreamed into a public school.
This paper reviews mainstreaming of former students of CID, 1965-1975.
This paper documents nine former CID students to evaluate the effectiveness of CID's program of preparation for mainstreaming. NOTE: Access to thesis is restricted. Contact Archives and Rare Books.
This descriptive study aims at determining the most widely used reading instructional practices that are used by teachers of the deaf in oral deaf education schools.