485 resultados para Fock, Emmi


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Diese Arbeit unterstreicht das Potential von Hybridfunktionalen (B3LYP) für die Untersuchung einer großen Bandbreite von Systemen. Durch die Einbeziehung der exakten Hartree-Fock Austauschenergie kann B3LYP für molekulare und kristalline Systeme eingesetzt werden. Zum Beispiel können stark korrelierte Systeme mit B3LYP erfolgreich erforscht werden. Die elektronische Struktur von PAHs wurde mit B3LYP Hybriddichtefunktionalen untersucht. Mit der ∆SCF-Methode wurden Elektronenbindungsenergien bestimmt, welche die mit UPS gewonnenen experimentellen Resultate bestätigen und ergänzen. Symmetrieeigenschaften der molekularen Orbitale wurden analysiert, um eine Zuordnung und Einschätzung der zugehörigen Signalstärke zu ermöglichen. Während σ-artige Orbitale nur schwer durch UPS-Messungen an dünnen Filmen detektiert werden können, bieten Rechnungen eine detaillierte Einsicht in die verborgenen Teile der Spektren.rnWeiterhin wurden π−π-Komplexe untersucht, welche von verschiedenen Donor- und Akzeptor-Molekülen gebildet werden. Die Moleküle basieren auf polyzyklischen, aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Für Ladungstransferkomplexe finden DFT Rechnungen ein Minimum in der Oberfläche der potentiellen Energie. Diese attraktive Wechselwirkung wird durch Coulombanziehung verursacht. Allerdings ist die Coulombanziehung nicht die stärkste Wechselwirkung in Ladungstransferkomplexen. Die Einbeziehung von van der Waals-Korrekturen verbessert den intermolekularen Abstand und die Bindungsenergie.rnEine Verkleinerung der intermolekularen Abstände führt zu einer großen Verschiebung der HOMO- und LUMO-Energie.rnAus der Klasse der kristallinen korrelierten Systeme wurden Rb4O6 und FeSe untersucht. Im Falle von Rb4O6 führen Ladungsordnung und Korrelationen zu einem isolierenden Grundzustand. Das hypothetische druckabhängige Phasendiagramm wurde untersucht. Eine Erhöhung des Drucks führt zu einer vergrößerten Bandlücke. Bei etwa 75 GPa wird die Bandbreite W größer als der Bandabstand U und das System nimmt einen homogen gemischt valenten Zustand mit teilweise besetzten π−π-Orbitalen an. Für Drücke ab 160 GPa wird W sehr viel größer als U und das System wird metallisch.rnIm Fall von FeSe finden wir eine korrelierte und isolierende Phase bei hohen Drücken, während das System bei niedrigen Drücken supraleitendes Verhalten zeigt. Die Berechnungen der Elektronenstruktur mit dem Hybridfunktional B3LYP führt zum korrekten halbleitenden Grundzustand in der NiAs- und MnP-Struktur von FeSe. Die Rolle der Korrelationen, der Stöchiometrie und der Nähe zum Magnetismus wird besprochen. Im Speziellen wird gezeigt, dass die Phase mit NiAs-Struktur starke lokale Korrelationen aufweist, was zu einem halbleitenden Zustand in einem weiten Druckbereich führt.


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This thesis reports on the realization, characterization and analysis of ultracold bosonic and fermionic atoms in three-dimensional optical lattice potentials. Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices can be regarded as ideal model systems to investigate quantum many-body physics. In this work interacting ensembles of bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K atoms are employed to study equilibrium phases and nonequilibrium dynamics. The investigations are enabled by a versatile experimental setup, whose core feature is a blue-detuned optical lattice that is combined with Feshbach resonances and a red-detuned dipole trap to allow for independent control of tunneling, interactions and external confinement. The Fermi-Hubbard model, which plays a central role in the theoretical description of strongly correlated electrons, is experimentally realized by loading interacting fermionic spin mixtures into the optical lattice. Using phase-contrast imaging the in-situ size of the atomic density distribution is measured, which allows to extract the global compressibility of the many-body state as a function of interaction and external confinement. Thereby, metallic and insulating phases are clearly identified. At strongly repulsive interaction, a vanishing compressibility and suppression of doubly occupied lattice sites signal the emergence of a fermionic Mott insulator. In a second series of experiments interaction effects in bosonic lattice quantum gases are analyzed. Typically, interactions between microscopic particles are described as two-body interactions. As such they are also contained in the single-band Bose-Hubbard model. However, our measurements demonstrate the presence of multi-body interactions that effectively emerge via virtual transitions of atoms to higher lattice bands. These findings are enabled by the development of a novel atom optical measurement technique: In quantum phase revival spectroscopy periodic collapse and revival dynamics of the bosonic matter wave field are induced. The frequencies of the dynamics are directly related to the on-site interaction energies of atomic Fock states and can be read out with high precision. The third part of this work deals with mixtures of bosons and fermions in optical lattices, in which the interspecies interactions are accurately controlled by means of a Feshbach resonance. Studies of the equilibrium phases show that the bosonic superfluid to Mott insulator transition is shifted towards lower lattice depths when bosons and fermions interact attractively. This observation is further analyzed by applying quantum phase revival spectroscopy to few-body systems consisting of a single fermion and a coherent bosonic field on individual lattice sites. In addition to the direct measurement of Bose-Fermi interaction energies, Bose-Bose interactions are proven to be modified by the presence of a fermion. This renormalization of bosonic interaction energies can explain the shift of the Mott insulator transition. The experiments of this thesis lay important foundations for future studies of quantum magnetism with fermionic spin mixtures as well as for the realization of complex quantum phases with Bose-Fermi mixtures. They furthermore point towards physics that reaches beyond the single-band Hubbard model.


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Relativistic effects need to be considered in quantum-chemical calculations on systems including heavy elements or when aiming at high accuracy for molecules containing only lighter elements. In the latter case, consideration of relativistic effects via perturbation theory is an attractive option. Among the available techniques, Direct Perturbation Theory (DPT) in its lowest order (DPT2) has become a standard tool for the calculation of relativistic corrections to energies and properties.In this work, the DPT treatment is extended to the next order (DPT4). It is demonstrated that the DPT4 correction can be obtained as a second derivative of the energy with respect to the relativistic perturbation parameter. Accordingly, differentiation of a suitable Lagrangian, thereby taking into account all constraints on the wave function, provides analytic expressions for the fourth-order energy corrections. The latter have been implemented at the Hartree-Fock level and within second-order Møller-Plesset perturbaton theory using standard analytic second-derivative techniques into the CFOUR program package. For closed-shell systems, the DPT4 corrections consist of higher-order scalar-relativistic effects as well as spin-orbit corrections with the latter appearing here for the first time in the DPT series.Relativistic corrections are reported for energies as well as for first-order electrical properties and compared to results from rigorous four-component benchmark calculations in order to judge the accuracy and convergence of the DPT expansion for both the scalar-relativistic as well as the spin-orbit contributions. Additionally, the importance of relativistic effects to the bromine and iodine quadrupole-coupling tensors is investigated in a joint experimental and theoretical study concerning the rotational spectra of CH2BrF, CHBrF2, and CH2FI.


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This thesis deals with three different physical models, where each model involves a random component which is linked to a cubic lattice. First, a model is studied, which is used in numerical calculations of Quantum Chromodynamics.In these calculations random gauge-fields are distributed on the bonds of the lattice. The formulation of the model is fitted into the mathematical framework of ergodic operator families. We prove, that for small coupling constants, the ergodicity of the underlying probability measure is indeed ensured and that the integrated density of states of the Wilson-Dirac operator exists. The physical situations treated in the next two chapters are more similar to one another. In both cases the principle idea is to study a fermion system in a cubic crystal with impurities, that are modeled by a random potential located at the lattice sites. In the second model we apply the Hartree-Fock approximation to such a system. For the case of reduced Hartree-Fock theory at positive temperatures and a fixed chemical potential we consider the limit of an infinite system. In that case we show the existence and uniqueness of minimizers of the Hartree-Fock functional. In the third model we formulate the fermion system algebraically via C*-algebras. The question imposed here is to calculate the heat production of the system under the influence of an outer electromagnetic field. We show that the heat production corresponds exactly to what is empirically predicted by Joule's law in the regime of linear response.


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The excitonic splitting between the S-1 and S-2 electronic states of the doubly hydrogen-bonded dimer 2-pyridone center dot 6-methyl-2-pyridone (2PY center dot 6M2PY) is studied in a supersonic jet, applying two-color resonant two-photon ionization (2C-R2PI), UV-UV depletion, and dispersed fluorescence spectroscopies. In contrast to the C-2h symmetric (2-pyridone) 2 homodimer, in which the S-1 <- S-0 transition is symmetry-forbidden but the S-2 <- S-0 transition is allowed, the symmetry-breaking by the additional methyl group in 2PY center dot 6M2PY leads to the appearance of both the S-1 and S-2 origins, which are separated by Delta(exp) = 154 cm(-1). When combined with the separation of the S-1 <- S-0 excitations of 6M2PY and 2PY, which is delta = 102 cm(-1), one obtains an S-1/S-2 exciton coupling matrix element of V-AB, el = 57 cm(-1) in a Frenkel-Davydov exciton model. The vibronic couplings in the S-1/S-2 <- S-0 spectrum of 2PY center dot 6M2PY are treated by the Fulton-Gouterman single-mode model. We consider independent couplings to the intramolecular 6a' vibration and to the intermolecular sigma' stretch, and obtain a semi-quantitative fit to the observed spectrum. The dimensionless excitonic couplings are C(6a') = 0.15 and C(sigma') = 0.05, which places this dimer in the weak-coupling limit. However, the S-1/S-2 state exciton splittings Delta(calc) calculated by the configuration interaction singles method (CIS), time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TD-HF), and approximate second-order coupled-cluster method (CC2) are between 1100 and 1450 cm(-1), or seven to nine times larger than observed. These huge errors result from the neglect of the coupling to the optically active intra-and intermolecular vibrations of the dimer, which lead to vibronic quenching of the purely electronic excitonic splitting. For 2PY center dot 6M2PY the electronic splitting is quenched by a factor of similar to 30 (i.e., the vibronic quenching factor is Gamma(exp) = 0.035), which brings the calculated splittings into close agreement with the experimentally observed value. The 2C-R2PI and fluorescence spectra of the tautomeric species 2-hydroxypyridine center dot 6-methyl-2-pyridone (2HP center dot 6M2PY) are also observed and assigned. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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ab-initio Hartree Fock (HF), density functional theory (DFT) and hybrid potentials were employed to compute the optimized lattice parameters and elastic properties of perovskite 3-d transition metal oxides. The optimized lattice parameters and elastic properties are interdependent in these materials. An interaction is observed between the electronic charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom in 3-d transition metal oxides. The coupling between the electronic charge, spin and lattice structures originates due to localization of d-atomic orbitals. The coupling between the electronic charge, spin and crystalline lattice also contributes in the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties in perovskites. The cubic and tetragonal crystalline structures of perovskite transition metal oxides of ABO3 are studied. The electronic structure and the physics of 3-d perovskite materials is complex and less well considered. Moreover, the novelty of the electronic structure and properties of these perovskites transition metal oxides exceeds the challenge offered by their complex crystalline structures. To achieve the objective of understanding the structure and property relationship of these materials the first-principle computational method is employed. CRYSTAL09 code is employed for computing crystalline structure, elastic, ferromagnetic and other electronic properties. Second-order elastic constants (SOEC) and bulk moduli (B) are computed in an automated process by employing ELASTCON (elastic constants) and EOS (equation of state) programs in CRYSTAL09 code. ELASTCON, EOS and other computational algorithms are utilized to determine the elastic properties of tetragonal BaTiO3, rutile TiO2, cubic and tetragonal BaFeO3 and the ferromagentic properties of 3-d transition metal oxides. Multiple methods are employed to crosscheck the consistency of our computational results. Computational results have motivated us to explore the ferromagnetic properties of 3-d transition metal oxides. Billyscript and CRYSTAL09 code are employed to compute the optimized geometry of the cubic and tetragonal crystalline structure of transition metal oxides of Sc to Cu. Cubic crystalline structure is initially chosen to determine the effect of lattice strains on ferromagnetism due to the spin angular momentum of an electron. The 3-d transition metals and their oxides are challenging as the basis functions and potentials are not fully developed to address the complex physics of the transition metals. Moreover, perovskite crystalline structures are extremely challenging with respect to the quality of computations as the latter requires the well established methods. Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of bulk, surfaces and interfaces are explored by employing CRYSTAL09 code. In our computations done on cubic TMOs of Sc-Fe it is observed that there is a coupling between the crystalline structure and FM/AFM spin polarization. Strained crystalline structures of 3-d transition metal oxides are subjected to changes in the electromagnetic and electronic properties. The electronic structure and properties of bulk, composites, surfaces of 3-d transition metal oxides are computed successfully.


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We propose integrated optical structures that can be used as isolators and polarization splitters based on engineered photonic lattices. Starting from optical waveguide arrays that mimic Fock space (quantum state with a well-defined particle number) representation of a non-interacting two-site Bose Hubbard Hamiltonian, we show that introducing magneto-optic nonreciprocity to these structures leads to a superior optical isolation performance. In the forward propagation direction, an input TM polarized beam experiences a perfect state transfer between the input and output waveguide channels while surface Bloch oscillations block the backward transmission between the same ports. Our analysis indicates a large isolation ratio of 75 dB after a propagation distance of 8mm inside seven coupled waveguides. Moreover, we demonstrate that, a judicious choice of the nonreciprocity in this same geometry can lead to perfect polarization splitting.


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gehalten von Hermann Cohen


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Ismar Elbogen


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von Eduard Mahler


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Hermann Cohen


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ein erw. Vortrag von Joseph Eschelbacher


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Ludwig Blau


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Isert Rösel