982 resultados para Facteurs de transcriptions


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Obtaining accurate confidence measures for automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcriptions is an important task which stands to benefit from the use of multiple information sources. This paper investigates the application of conditional random field (CRF) models as a principled technique for combining multiple features from such sources. A novel method for combining suitably defined features is presented, allowing for confidence annotation using lattice-based features of hypotheses other than the lattice 1-best. The resulting framework is applied to different stages of a state-of-the-art large vocabulary speech recognition pipeline, and consistent improvements are shown over a sophisticated baseline system. Copyright © 2011 ISCA.


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For many applications, it is necessary to produce speech transcriptions in a causal fashion. To produce high quality transcripts, speaker adaptation is often used. This requires online speaker clustering and incremental adaptation techniques to be developed. This paper presents an integrated approach to online speaker clustering and adaptation which allows efficient clustering of speakers using the same accumulated statistics that are normally used for adaptation. Using a consistent criterion for both clustering and adaptation should yield gains for both stages. The proposed approach is evaluated on a meetings transcription task using audio from multiple distant microphones. Consistent gains over standard clustering and adaptation were obtained. Copyright © 2011 ISCA.


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Interferon (IFN) exerts its antiviral effects mainly through activation of a subset of IFN-stimulated genes (ISG), but relatively few of fish ISGs have been isolated and characterized so far. Here, we report two fish ISGs, termed CaIF158 and CaIF156, cloned from a subtractive cDNA library constructed with mRNAs obtained from crucian carp (Carassius auratus L.) blastulae embryonic (CAB) cells infected by UV-inactivated GCHV and mock-infected cells. Database search revealed that both ISGs had a high-level homology with all members of a well conserved gene family with multiple tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motifs, including human IF160, IF158, IF156, IFI54 and their homologues in some other mammalian species. The transcripts of CaIF158 and CaIF156 were undetectable in CAB cells but could be induced by active GCHV, UV-inactivated GCHV or CAB IFN. Analysis of expression difference between them and IFN signal factors, CaSTAT1 and CaIRF7, indicated that their transcriptions were mediated possibly through JAK-STAT signal pathway, which was further supported by the induction analysis in UV-inactivated GCHV infected, IFN-treated and untreated cells in the presence or absence of cycloheximide (CHX), a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis. In addition, a pufferfish (Fugu rubrides) DNA sequence representing putative FrIFI56 was also revealed when CalF158 and CalF156 were used to search the pufferfish genome database. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these fish ISGs form a unique clad independent of mammalian homologues, reflecting a distant evolutionary relationship from mammals. These studies identified the first teleost IFI56 and IFI58 orthologues. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Rel/NF kappa B is a family of transcription factors. In the present study, a Rel/NF kappa B family member, Dorsal homolog (FcDorsal) was cloned from the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The full length cDNA of FcDorsal consists of 1627 bp, revealed a 1071 bp open reading frame encoding 357 aa. The predicted molecular weight (MW)of the deduced amino acid sequence of FcDorsal was 39.78 kDa, and its theoretical pl was 8.85. Amino acid sequence analysis showed that FcDorsal contains a Rel homolog domain (RHD) and an IPT/TIG (Ig-like, plexins and transcriptions factors) domain. The signature sequence of dorsal protein existed in the deduced amino acid sequence. Spatial expression profiles showed that FcDorsal had the highest expression level in the hemocytes and lymphoid organ (Oka). The expression profiles in the hemocytes and lymphoid organ were apparently modulated when shrimp were stimulated by bacteria or WSSV. Both Gram-positive (G(+)) bacteria (Micrococcus lysodeikticus) and Gram-negative (G(-)) bacteria (Vibrio anguillarium) injection to shrimp caused the up-regulation of FcDorsal at the transcription level. DsRNA approach was used to study the function of FcDorsal and the data showed that FcDorsal was related to the transcription of Penaeidin 5 in shrimp. The present data provide clues that FcDorsal might play potential important roles in the innate immunity of shrimp. Through comparison of the expression profiles between FcDorsal and another identified Rel/NF kappa B member (FcRelish) in shrimp responsive to WSSV challenge, we speculate that FcDorsal and FcRelish might play different roles in shrimp immunity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicopedagogia Perceptiva.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Empresariais


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Psicologia


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Estudos de Minorias


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Biotecnologia e Saúde, especialidade em Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Psicologia


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Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans un contexte institutionnel particulier. Depuis 2011, l’ULB rénove ses différentes plateformes informatiques afin d’améliorer les outils et services rendus à la communauté étudiante. Portant le nom de « SMILEY », ce grand projet gère entre autres les outils MonULB, GeHol, Web mail, U.V. etc. et a pour objectif une gestion plus simple, plus efficace et plus flexible de l’Université. Étant donné la complexité initiale du système de gestion de l’ULB, la mise en place du projet Smiley ne s’est pas faite sans difficultés. Divers bugs et imprévus ont été et sont encore rencontrés. Dans ce cadre, les autorités de l’ULB ont décidé de créer un observatoire pour mener des recherches sur les usages étudiants des outils informatiques liés à SMILEY EE (pour Études et Étudiants) afin d’améliorer l’acceptation des outils concernés. Au cours de ces recherches, différentes variables en lien avec l’utilisabilité et l’expérience utilisateur seront envisagées :connaissance du web, connaissance des TIC, sentiment d’efficacité personnel, perception de l’utilité et de la facilité d’utilisation des interfaces, stratégies de recherche d’information utilisées, sentiment d’autonomie t de contrôle, satisfaction cognitive et affective, identification à l’institution… Dès lors, les objectifs sont ;outre l’étude des déterminants de l’acceptation des Tic étudiants, de collecter l’avis des utilisateurs concernés, de fournir des recommandations, d’accompagner la mise en œuvre des améliorations et d’anticiper les besoins/attentes futures en matière de TIC à l’université.Pour cela, les méthodologies employées seront qualitatives et quantitatives. Des groupes de discussions exploratoire seront organisés afin d’identifier plus précisément les facteurs de satisfaction et d’insatisfaction, et des tests d’utilisabilités seront élaborés pour déterminer in situ les difficultés rencontrées. Des questionnaires en ligne seront aussi diffusés afin de déterminer le rôle des variables susmentionnées auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de la communauté estudiantine. L’ensemble des résultats permettra alors de guider des actions concrètes sur les outils étudiés.


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Les universités recourent de plus en plus souvent à des plateformes technologiques afin d’administrer les processus éducatifs et faciliter les tâches administratives des étudiants. Cependant, ces changements sont conséquents et engendrent souvent de nombreuses difficultés d’implémentation. C’est dans ce cadre qu’un Observatoire des usages étudiants d’un système éducatif de gestion intégré a été créé. Cet observatoire a pour missions d’identifier les facteurs de satisfaction et de fournir des recommandations à l’université. Plusieurs méthodologies (groupes de discussion, tests d’utilisabilité, questionnaires) ont été utilisées. Les résultats montrent que ce sont les difficultés et insatisfactions dues au système utilisé et aux informations présentes sur ce système qui influencent négativement l’acceptabilité du système. La création d’un tel observatoire permet tout à la fois d’étudier l’acceptabilité et la satisfaction des utilisateurs, de différencier l’impact des facteurs personnels et techniques, de s’interroger sur les processus d’évaluation des outils lors de leur implémentation.


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Musicians living in the Arab Diaspora around the Washington, D.C. metro area are a small group of multi-faceted individuals with significant contributions and intentions to propagate and disseminate their music. Various levels of identity are discussed and analyzed, including self-identity, group/ collective identity, and Arab ethnic identity. The performance and negotiation of Arab ethnic identity is apparent in selected repertoire, instrumentation, musical style, technique and expression, shared conversations about music, worldview on Arabic music and its future. For some musicians, further evidence of self-construction of one's ethnic identity entails choice of name, costume, and venue. Research completed is based on fieldwork, observations, participant-observations, interviews, and communications by phone and email. This thesis introduces concepts of Arabic music, discusses recent literature, reveals findings from case studies on individual Arab musicians and venues, and analyzes Arab identity and ethnicity in relation to particular definitions of identity found in anthropological and ethnomusicological writings. Musical lyrics, translations, transcriptions, quotes, discussions, analyses, as well as charts and diagrams of self-identity analyses are provided as evidence of the performance and negotiation of Arab identity.


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The performance of devotional music in India has been an active, sonic conduit where spiritual identities are shaped and forged, and both history and mythology lived out and remembered daily. For the followers of Sikhism, congregational hymn singing has been the vehicle through which text, melody and ritual act as repositories of memory, elevating memory to a place where historical and social events can be reenacted and memorialized on levels of spiritual significance. This dissertation investigates the musical process of Shabad Kirtan, Sikh hymn singing, in a Sikh musical service as a powerful vehicle to forge a sense of identification between individual and the group. As an intimate part of Sikh life from birth to death, the repertoire of Shabad Kirtan draws from a rich mosaic of classical and folk genres as well as performance styles, acting as a musical and cognitive archive. Through a detailed analysis of the Asa Di Var service, Shabad Kirtan is explored as a phenomenological experience where time, place and occasion interact as a meaningful unit through which the congregation creates and recreates themselves, invoking deep memories and emotional experiences. Supported by explanatory tables, diagrams and musical transcriptions, the sonic movements of the service show how the Divine Word as Shabad is not only embodied through the Guru Granth Sahib, but also encountered through the human enactment of the service, aurally, viscerally and phenomenologically.


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A relatively unexplored area of the harpsichord repertoire is the group of transcriptions made by J.S. Bach (1685-1750), Jean Henry d'Anglebert (1629-1691), and Jean-Baptiste Forqueray (1699-1782). These transcriptions are valuable and worth exploring and performing. Studying them provides unique insights into their composer‘s musical thinking. By comparing transcriptions with their original sources, the transcriber's decisions and priorities can be observed. The performance component of this dissertation comprises three recitals. The first features works of Johann Sebastian Bach: two transcriptions of violin concerti by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), and two transcriptions of trio sonatas by Johann Adam Reinken (1643-1722). The most salient feature of Bach‘s transcriptions is his addition of musical material: ornamenting slow movements, adding diminutions and idiomatic keyboard figurations throughout, and recomposing and expanding fugal movements. The second recital features works of Jean Henry d'Anglebert and Jean-Baptiste Forqueray, two French composer/performers. From d'Anglebert‘s many transcriptions, I assembled two key-related suites: the first comprised of lute pieces by Ennemond Gaultier (c. 1575-1651), and the second comprised of movements from operas by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687). Forqueray's transcriptions are of suites for viola da gamba and continuo, composed by his father, Antoine Forqueray (1671-1745). Creative and varied ornamentation, along with the style brisé of arpeggiated chords, are the most important features of d‘Anglebert‘s transcriptions. Forqueray‘s transcriptions are highly virtuosic and often feature the tenor and bass range of the harpsichord. The third recital features my own transcriptions: the first suite for solo cello by J.S. Bach, excerpts from the opera La Descente d’Orphée aux Enfers by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704), and two violin pieces by Nicola Matteis (fl. c. 1670-c. 1698). In these transcriptions, I demonstrate what I have learned from studying and performing the works in the first two recitals. These recitals were performed in the Leah Smith Hall at the University of Maryland on May 4, 2010; May 11, 2010; and October 7, 2010. They were recorded on compact discs and are archived within the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).