755 resultados para Digital technologies
A logic gate-based digital frequency multiplication technique for low-power frequency synthesis is presented. The proposed digital edge combining approach offers broadband operation with low-power and low-area advantages and is a promising candidate for low-power frequency synthesis in deep submicrometer CMOS technologies. Chip prototype of the proposed frequency multiplication-based 2.4-GHz binary frequency-shift-keying (BFSK)/amplitude shift keying (ASK) transmitter (TX) was fabricated in 0.13-mu m CMOS technology. The TX achieves maximum data rates of 3 and 20 Mb/s for BFSK and ASK modulations, respectively, consuming a 14-mA current from 1.3 V supply voltage. The corresponding energy efficiencies of the TX are 3.6 nJ/bit for BFSK and 0.91 nJ/bit for ASK modulations.
The study follows an approach to estimate phytomass using recent techniques of remote sensing and digital photogrammetry. It involved tree inventory of forest plantations in Bhakra forest range of Nainital district. Panchromatic stereo dataset of Cartosat-1 was evaluated for mean stand height retrieval. Texture analysis and tree-tops detection analyses were done on Quick-Bird PAN data. The composite texture image of mean, variance and contrast with a 5x5 pixel window was found best to separate tree crowns for assessment of crown areas. Tree tops count obtained by local maxima filtering was found to be 83.4 % efficient with an RMSE+/-13 for 35 sample plots. The predicted phytomass ranged from 27.01 to 35.08 t/ha in the case of Eucalyptus sp. while in the case of Tectona grandis from 26.52 to 156 t/ha. The correlation between observed and predicted phytomass in Eucalyptus sp. was 0.468 with an RMSE of 5.12. However, the phytomass predicted in Tectona grandis was fairly strong with R-2=0.65 and RMSE of 9.89 as there was no undergrowth and the crowns were clearly visible. Results of the study show the potential of Cartosat-1 derived DSM and Quick-Bird texture image for the estimation of stand height, stem diameter, tree count and phytomass of important timber species.
[ES] Danka Multimedia es una sociedad cooperativa que ofrece servicios de comunicación integral en el ámbito de marketing y la formación mediante el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Por el sector de actividad en el que se encuentra, así como por su propia vocación empresarial, Danka ha experimentado desde sus inicios un proceso paulatino de crecimiento. Este crecimiento está siendo cada más vez progresivo y, por ello, la empresa se está viendo obligada a hacer frente a una serie de problemas derivados del mismo. Estos conflictos derivados del crecimiento, comunes a todo tipo de empresa, se ven acrecentados en el caso de Danka Multimedia por su personalidad jurídica, los valores y cultura que ello conlleva y el sector de actividad en el que desarrolla su actividad. La gestión de este crecimiento, por parte de Danka Multimedia, es el tema central que se aborda a lo largo del caso.
Investiga como a produção e a distribuição de programas de televisão, filmes e outros conteúdos audiovisuais de produção nacional podem ser promovidas pela regulação. O estudo identifica as atuais ferramentas regulatórias e as diferentes políticas adotadas para a promoção do conteúdo nacional. Ele também aponta novas questões resultantes da transformação substancial que a mídia tem sofrido nos últimos anos. O setor audiovisual hoje é caracterizado pela abundância de canais de televisão e de serviços de telecomunicações e pela convergência digital em curso. Este novo cenário impacta a eficiência e a racionalidade da regulamentação dos conteúdos. Focada no Reino Unido, França e Brasil, esta pesquisa comparativa investiga as mudanças regulatórias, políticas, sócio-culturais, econômicas, tecnológicas e mercadológicas dos serviços de comunicação nas últimas décadas e como esse desdobramento tem influenciado a oferta de conteúdo audiovisual nacional. O ponto de partida da análise é a década de oitenta, quando a radiodifusão começou a ser gradualmente liberalizada em diversos países, e termina na primeira década do novo milênio, quando as tecnologias da informação, as telecomunicações e a radiodifusão convergem para a oferta de serviços interconectados, complementares e suplementares.
Since the launch of the JISC guide Innovative Practice with e-Learning (JISC, 2005), so much has changed. At that time, early adopters were exploring the potential of mobile and wireless learning. Since then, the increased availability of public and institutional wireless networks, the emergence of new and more powerful technologies and an increase in personal ownership of these technologies are changing the way we connect, communicate and collaborate. Emerging Practice in a Digital Age, one of a series of Effective Practice guides, draws on recent JISC reports and case studies and looks at how colleges and universities are continuing to embrace innovation and respond to changes in economic, social and technological circumstances in a fastchanging world.
Case study: Encouraging use of mobile and interactive technologies in the iZone at Redbridge College
Case study on how learners at Redbridge College are using interactive technologies in the iZone to enhance their digital experience.
This resource can also be used by professional staff who are seeking accreditation via the UK PSF for relevant aspects of their role, e.g. staff who support the use of technologies for learning and/or support the development of digital literacies.
Hoy en día, las empresas deben adaptarse a los cambios continuos del mercado, donde el comercio electrónico crece cada año y las redes sociales y los dispositivos móviles conectan a los consumidores con las marcas. El marketing ha evolucionado gracias a las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación para responder a un consumidor social que está conectado gran parte del día, es exigente y además, está comprometido con el medio ambiente. En un entorno muy maduro y competitivo, el cliente se ha convertido en el activo más valorado para las empresas especialmente de distribución minorista y por eso, su fidelización es un objetivo prioritario para las compañías, quienes tratan de enfocar las estrategias de marketing hacia las relaciones con los consumidores. Pero, a pesar de la infinidad de oportunidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías, los programas de fidelización implantados en el entorno digital tienen un recorrido de necesaria evolución y un ajuste de mejoras para la adaptación de un medio poco estructurado a las nuevas circunstancias. A través de este trabajo fin de grado se propone dar a conocer la actualidad sobre la distribución comercial en el ámbito digital así como las tendencias en los programas de fidelización. Además, la creciente implicación en el cuidado del medio ambiente por parte de las empresas y los consumidores se incluye como una aportación original y distintiva al trabajo.
Perceber a leitura como prática social, histórica e cultural a partir da evolução e das variações textuais construídas e exercidas junto à sociedade é o primeiro caminho para discutir os reflexos dos processos da leitura.Revisando a história da leitura, em autores como Fischer, Chartier e Manguel, busca-se uma imersão na construção da leitura ao longo de alguns séculos. Ao comparar os usos e as apropriações da leitura ao longo da história da escrita percebe-se que o indivíduo é fator determinante nas práticas da utilização da tecnologia. Tendo como objeto de estudo dois grupos de alunos de pós-graduação do Centro Universitário Geraldo Di Biase, onde pela primeira vez foi inserida a tecnologia digital como ferramenta didática, observa-se, com esse trabalho, uma nova experimentação da leitura. Dessa forma, o tablet como suporte de leitura é ferramenta pontual na observação in loco, de forma que a própria sala de aula é local de observação. Para as práticas metodológicas buscou-se na pesquisa empírica de observação não participante e participante meios de perceber o cotidiano dos alunos e professores inseridos em tal prática. Formado por diversas ações culturais e oriundo de uma educação tradicional, encontra-se um indivíduo proveniente da exclusão digital, que está sendo inserido constantemente num processo de inclusão digital, de forma frágil, mas reforçado pelas práticas do consumo e de marketing.Leitores cercados por leituras efêmeras e fragmentadas estão imersos numa era em que a concepção de quantidade é sobreposta à qualidade levando a um questionamento quanto às diversas leituras ou a procedência dos textos. De forma que até mesmo as relações sociais são estimuladas pela multisensorialidade midiática, encontra-se a tela como espaço de escrita e de leitura, mas essa não garante uma efetiva imersão tecnológica, mas um processo cognitivo que tenta inserir no cotidiano dos indivíduos o letramento digital.
Inkjet printing relies on the formation of small liquid droplets to deliver precise amounts of material to a substrate under digital control. Inkjet technology is becoming relatively mature and is of great industrial interest thanks to its flexibility for graphical printing and its potential use in less conventional applications such as additive manufacturing and the production of printed electronics and other functional devices. Its advantages over traditional methods of printing include the following: it produces little or no waste, it is versatile because several different methods exist, it is noncontact, and it does not require a master template so that printed patterns can be readily modified on demand. However, the technology is in need of further development to become mainstream in emerging applications such as additive manufacturing (3D printing). This review contains a description of conventional and less common inkjet methods and surveys the current applications of inkjet in industry. This is followed by specific examples of the barriers, limitations, and challenges faced by inkjet technology in both graphical printing and manufacturing. © 2013 by Begell House, Inc.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) can be used to perform many geospatial and hydrological modelling including drainage and watershed delineation, flood prediction and physical development studies of urban and rural settlements. This paper explores the use of contour data and planimetric features extracted from topographic maps to derive digital elevation models (DEMs) for watershed delineation and flood impact analysis (for emergency preparedness) of part of Accra, Ghana in a GIS environment. In the study two categories of DEMs were developed with 5 m contour and planimetric topographic data; bare earth DEM and built environment DEM. These derived DEMs were used as terrain inputs for performing spatial analysis and obtaining derivative products. The generated DEMs were used to delineate drainage patterns and watershed of the study area using ArcGIS desktop and its ArcHydro extension tool from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). A vector-based approach was used to derive inundation areas at various flood levels. The DEM of built-up areas was used as inputs for determining properties which will be inundated in a flood event and subsequently generating flood inundation maps. The resulting inundation maps show that about 80% areas which have perennially experienced extensive flooding in the city falls within the predicted flood extent. This approach can therefore provide a simplified means of predicting the extent of inundation during flood events for emergency action especially in less developed economies where sophisticated technologies and expertise are hard to come by. © 2009 Springer Netherlands.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) can be used to perform many geospatial and hydrological modelling including drainage and watershed delineation, flood prediction and physical development studies of urban and rural settlements. This paper explores the use of contour data and planimetric features extracted from topographic maps to derive digital elevation models (DEMs) for watershed delineation and flood impact analysis (for emergency preparedness) of part of Accra, Ghana in a GIS environment. In the study two categories of DEMs were developed with 5 m contour and planimetric topographic data; bare earth DEM and built environment DEM. These derived DEMs were used as terrain inputs for performing spatial analysis and obtaining derivative products. The generated DEMs were used to delineate drainage patterns and watershed of the study area using ArcGIS desktop and its ArcHydro extension tool from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). A vector-based approach was used to derive inundation areas at various flood levels. The DEM of built-up areas was used as inputs for determining properties which will be inundated in a flood event and subsequently generating flood inundation maps. The resulting inundation maps show that about 80% areas which have perennially experienced extensive flooding in the city falls within the predicted flood extent. This approach can therefore provide a simplified means of predicting the extent of inundation during flood events for emergency action especially in less developed economies where sophisticated technologies and expertise are hard to come by. © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009.
Within the UK, there is a growing awareness to better understand what online educational technologies can offer in relation to learning and teaching, and how social technologies are changing communication and collaboration out with formal education. The concept of the ‘digital university’ is being widely debated within the UK Higher education sector (McCluskey and Winter, 2012), becoming embedded in educational policy, and beginning to be explored within many institutions. This session will report on one such institutional initiative, undertaken at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland. A Digital Futures Working Group was established to: benchmark best practice in key areas including digitally enhanced education and digital literacies development; identify areas for short term action; and to produce a robust ‘digital agenda’ to inform the future direction of the university. Pivotal to this was the recognition to evolve staff digital pedagogical practices and to harness emerging digital opportunities, meet learner expectations, and meet wider expectations for contemporary able citizens. This session will be delivered in two parts. Firstly we will provide an insight into the focus of the project and the rich picture methodology used to consult with staff and students. Secondly we will specify the outcomes produced, and provide a case study of how the Faculty of Health, Life and Social Sciences engaged with the process and the progression of their digitally enabled educational practices.