997 resultados para Avaliação de Impacto Distributivo de Políticas Públicas. Programa Bolsa Família. Brasil


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O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre a inserção de bebês em creches públicas no município de São Paulo. De acordo com Rosemberg (2010), a infância constitui fase importantíssima na formação da criança e embora a duração da primeira infância seja de curta duração, considerando-se a expectativa de vida de 70 anos, ela constitui a vida inteira dos bebês e das crianças pequenas. Nos dias atuais os bebês ingressam na creche a partir dos quatro meses de idade e lá permanecem por até dez horas. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa buscou compreender as políticas públicas para esse atendimento, o qual, com a Constituição de 1988, foi considerado a primeira etapa da Educação Básica compondo a Educação Infantil brasileira, de oferta obrigatória e direito das crianças, garantindo, em complementação à família, o desenvolvimento integral da criança pequena. Desse contexto, alguns questionamentos foram trazidos para a discussão: quais as propostas de atendimento de bebês na creche e como funcionam as instituições que os recebem? Qual o olhar das políticas públicas para esse segmento de educação? A Constituição garante o ingresso dos bebês na creche, mas e seu desenvolvimento integral, está garantido? Recentemente atrelada à esfera educacional, a creche tem o desafio de compreender seu papel com essas crianças, desvinculando-se de práticas apenas assistencialistas e higienistas, e de construir novas concepções acerca desse atendimento. Tais concepções ficam explícitas não nas politicas públicas, mas efetivam-se na prática da creche, nas atividades desenvolvidas, nos espaços e processos pedagógicos pensados para receber o bebê. Em face do exposto, esta pesquisa possibilitou inferir que, apesar dos avanços acerca do atendimento educacional ofertado a primeira infância, falta ainda clareza por parte da sociedade em geral, sobre a importância de uma educação de qualidade para as crianças pequenas e seu impacto na formação humana. Essa lacuna merece o olhar das políticas públicas, uma vez que demanda ações nas diversas instâncias da creche, desde a formação e a valorização do professor de Educação Infantil, até a estrutura física e a escassez das vagas. Os poucos estudos que discutem tais políticas para a educação de bebês nas creches, justificam a realização deste trabalho.


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The contamination of aquatic environments is a phenomenon that dates back the origins of human civilizations and was amplified by the advent of industrial processes. The Jundiaí river , Macaíba's main water source, suffering discharge of effluents from various industries. The study work´s in two fronts, the environmental perception front was conducted through semistructured interviews whose textile effluent was appointed by the population as the main problem in the river. It was observed that nearly all respondents had concerns about the environment. In addition, there is an inclusion of individuals as the cause of the problem, because a significant part recognizes that its activities may cause damage to the environment and people's health. In other front, the experimental monitoring of water quality was conducted through ecotoxicological tests and physiochemical analysis that proposed to assess Pomacea lineata .Mysidopsis juniae isolated effect of textile effluent and its influence on the river compared with the limits established by Brazilian law. Although the physio-chemical analysis shows is inconclusive about the participation of the textile effluent in environmental contamination of the river, the ecotoxicological tests have shown to blunt the signal that the effluent may present a risk to aquatic organisms and consequently to human health. Thus, an interdisciplinary way it was possible to study the cause of the environmental problem identified by the population in the realization phase and measurable effect on water quality analysis in the river by means of the tests mentioned.


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In contemporary dynamics, a change is observed in the institutional structure of the state, culminating in several policies for the tourist sector which promote a new management format. The from this view, the Tourism Regionalization Macro Program (TRP), considered a significant program to Ministry of Tourism, arose as an answer to this new reality, having as strategy a joint working of structuring and promotion turned at decentralization of actions, valuing the residents participation in the search of the permanent dialogue between peers and revaluation of places and territories, based in the regionalization process. Based on this bias, this study aims to examine the role of the Tourism State Council of Rio Grande do Norte, with regard to the tourism planning, trying to understand it and solve it as governance Instance, through the Tourism Regionalization Program interventions, given the participation context of its actors and agents. For purposes of this study is delimited as time frame the year 2007 at 2014, understanding that it was this time, there was greater council members accession, as well as different types of sectors representation of civil society, as a result of a tourism public policy based on principles of innovation and participation. In relation to the research problem, this study is conceptualized as a qualitative and the chosen method is the materialist dialectic. Still on the methodological options, utilize the Content Analysis. The results show that the institutionalization of governance instance as the Conetur does not contributes, ideally, in the planning and management process of participatory and integrated tourist activity, facing a fair direction of your space production. The research indicates that there are debates, discussions and guidelines (still in a timely and targeted form), but not reverberates practical effects, by act in a conjuncture that Is strategically designed for political and economic power game, setting the hegemonic actors performance, which uses this arena to instill personal desires and wishes, that are decided in absentia to the council.


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This study has the main objective to analyze the role of the bodies of state and local governance of tourism, aimed at tourism development process in the city of Manaus / AM , by the public practices of planning, management and development activity in the respective municipality . To the specific objectives were established four aims: 1) To characterize the process of formation of governance entities active in tourism in the city of Manaus. 2) Lift the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014. 3) To question through the perception of the actors representing the different classes and entities of the Amazonian society, the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014 and 4) Identify key similarities and the differences in decision-making about actions aimed at cultural tourism in Manaus. We adopted a qualitative approach, using the methodological design of descriptive and exploratory, with the help of the use of the techniques of literature search, document, with on-site data collection through interviews with semi-structured script application forms to the representatives of sectorial institutions that make up the locations of governance in tourism. In addition, the treatment of information was used content analysis technique. In response to stated objectives, it can be concluded that the creation of public arenas, through the tourism of governance has enabled incipient discussion in a democratic manner and decision-making in the area of planning and management of tourism in Manaus. It was also observed that obstacles that hinder and undermine the structures of the bodies, which reflect the joint, in the promotion and cultural tourism development in the city of Manaus.


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The core of this research it is anchored in the analysis of the relationship between experiences and experiences of transvestite and transsexual women and citizenship category in Natal. For this, we analyzed, at first, the unfolding instilled in acting from the agenda of a Non Governmental Organization of the city, the Atransparência. In a second, and more importantly, time, reflections of those actions were followed in the daily and transgender women in the city belonging to NGOs. Methodologically, work is characterized as a qualitative research, with ethnographic deployment, made possible through interviews with semi-structured questionnaires. The analysis of the collected material was possible from the discourse analysis (Foucault, 1996), as well as qualitative analysis (Caregnato and Mutti, 2006). Theoretically, it was done the exercise to think queer theory conciliated her with the prospect of criticism of eucorêntrismo of power and knowledge, with fundamental emphasis on the relationship between theoretical national queers - Bento (2014), Miscolci (2014), Pelúcio (2014 ) and Pereira (2012) - authors and descolonial such as Mignolo (2008) Quijano (2005).


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The right to the preservation of a healthy environment is perceived as a Fundamental Right, inserted in the National Constitution and referring to present and future generations. The preservation of the environment is directly connected to the right to Health and Human Dignity and, therefore, must be treated as a personal right, unavailable, claiming for a positive response from the Brazilian State, through the development of related public policies, control of potentially harmful economic activities, with special focus on the principles of precaution and solidarity. The Brazilian judiciary must thus be attentive to the guardianship of the Fundamental Right. The judiciary control over the execution of public policies is based on obeying the principle of the separation, independence and harmony between the Powers, however it should never deviate from the constitutional obligation of caring for the effectivation of the rights and guarantees within the Magna Carta. In the balance between the principle of human dignity, from which springs the right to a healthy environment and the principle of separation of powers, the former should prevail, maintaining the latter to a core minimum.


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En México, desde finales del siglo pasado la noción de patrimonio cultural se modificó con respecto a la visión que a lo largo de gran parte del siglo XX se tuvo de ésta. Las ciudades prehispánicas con sus templos, palacios y centros ceremoniales, los inmuebles coloniales y los objetos culturales destacados de ambos períodos, ahora comparten su título patrimonial con los restos de asentamientos campesinos, viviendas, artesanías, tecnologías tradicionales y otras manifestaciones de la cultura material y del folclor popular, además del patrimonio paleontológico y el ecológico o natural. El desarrollo de la idea de este patrimonio despertó una conciencia de reivindicación de lo propio, un rechazo al centralismo y un programa de búsqueda de conservación, protección y uso del patrimonio cultural en beneficio de los sectores y personas encargados de su producción. Los grupos antes marginados, se convirtieron desde entonces en autogestores directos de la reproducción, conservación y difusión de su propio patrimonio, como lo muestran las acciones de comunidades indígenas y campesinas, de pueblos y ciudades, y de sectores urbanos populares, que han reivindicado su participación en la definición, el uso y manejo de su patrimonio cultural. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que en el discurso oficial de gobierno se habla de un “patrimonio cultural común a todos los mexicanos”, la realidad en el país muestra que en la sociedad mexicana existen muy diversos sectores entre la población con una serie de relaciones asimétricas de dominación-subordinación, que reflejan también sus diferencias en la manera como se concibe, percibe y apropian de dicho patrimonio cultural en común. La presente ponencia aborda la problemática existente sobre la percepción, uso, disfrute e interpretación del patrimonio cultural en la Ciudad de Puebla, México, la cual además de estar considerada desde 1987 como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, concentra la mayor cantidad de población en pobreza urbana a nivel nacional.


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Brazil is internationally acknowledged for its renewable sources, most notably, hydroelectric power plant projects which correspond to 65% of electricity production supply to the National Interconnected System. The main question behind this research is: what are the weights and the relative importance of the variables which have influence on the decision making process for the expansion of hydroelectric generation projects in Parana? The main objective is to propose a multi-criteria decision procedure, in association with water sources options that take into consideration the weight and relative importance of the alternatives having influence on the decision by enterprises in the generation of electricity in the state of Paraná. As far as the approach to the problem is concerned, this research can be classified as having mixed methodologies, applying Content Analysis, Delphi technique and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Following Delphi methodology, a group of 21 was selected for data collection, all of those linked to Paranaense hydroelectricity market. And the main result was the construction of a decision tree in which it was possible to identify the importance and relative weight of the elements associated with the four dimensions of energy. In environmental dimension, the highest relative weight was placed on the loading capacity of Parana system; the economic dimension, the amortization of investment; in social dimension, the generation of direct work places and in institutional dimension, the availability of suitable sources of financing. Policy makers and business managers make their decisions based on specific criteria related to the organization segment, market information, economic and political behavior among other indicators that guide them in dealing with the typical tradeoffs of projects in hydropower area. The results obtained in the decision tree show that the economic bias is still the main factor in making investment decisions. However, environmental impacts on the State loading capacity, income generation, providing opportunities for direct as well as indirect jobs. And at an institutional level, the absence of funding sources show that the perception of experts is focused on other issues beyond the logic behind development per se. The order of priority of variables in this study indicates that in the current environment of uncertainty in the Brazilian economy as many variables must be analyzed and compared in order to optimize the scarce resources available to expand local development in relation to Paranaense water matrix.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração, 2015.


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Resumen El presente artículo toma como referencia una de las aristas del fenómeno migratorio de Costa Rica: la inmigración. Desde un carácter analítico, realiza un repaso del impacto que tiene la inmigración nicaragüense en el país. Con un carácter propositivo, pretende contribuir al debate del tema migratorio en el país mediante propuestas para el establecimiento de una Política de Estado. El punto de partida es la delimitación de un marco desde el cual se conceptualiza el desarrollo, posteriormente se analizan los impactos en sectores clave como el mercado de trabajo, salud, educación y vivienda.   Abstract The focus of this article is Nicaraguan immigration in Costa Rica. In addition to an analysis of its impact, it includes proposals for Public Policy making. The theoretical framework assumed by the authors includes a particular form of understanding "Development" as a category. With this perspective, the impact of immigration is analyzed on local labor market, health, education and housing areas.  


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sociedade e Cooperação Internacional, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2014.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Programa de Economía