870 resultados para Social Education -- Ensenyament universitari -- Congressos


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Institutions need to be aware of the complex way in which professional trajectories are built upon in order to offer under graduate and graduate students’ different possibilities for developing needed competences to display in practice. This paper focuses on the study2 conducted by ESEPF on its former students of Social Education, through a written questionnaire analysing different parameters of their professional transitions, from entrance at training, first job and entrance on the labour market, present work situations, developed competences and perceptions of the Social Educator role on Portuguese Society, among others. Results will be presented and discussed. Particular focus will be given on the specific role of Social Education and its distinctive features towards other “social work” professions.


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ABSTRACT Background: The school needs proficiar education able to meet the needs of every child regardless of the social and physical condition linguistically. Objective: This study aims to identify the sense of psychological belonging as a contribution to inclusive social education in the city of Arapiraca / al. Method: The methodology used to conduct this study was triangulated. The quantitative, descriptive and explorative, it was .desenvolvido at a school in Arapiraca - AL, in the period from January 2014 to March 2014, having been asked 38 students and their teachers with special necessidaes. With regard to the qualitative study was chosen for conducting interviews with teachers and students. Results: We questioned 38 students with special educational needs and 20 teachers, and it was found that 25% of teachers have specific training and 75% have no specific training. As for the students most had needs intellectual level. As for the teachers felt unprepared to meet students with special educational needs. On the other hand, it is important to note that among the students surveyed most are affected by stress and depression and reported that such things happen because you often see in the classroom in situations that do not know how to solve and when they seek help, found. Conclusion: The school, set in this context has an important role follow the changes, preparing their students more consciously to exercise citizenship by providing means proficionais skilled resources to this function. It is within the perspectiva of inclusive education we believe to achieve in the future, a society where everyone has their rights respected. The sense of psychological belonging experienced by educators in the classroom has special students is part of their lives. School social inclusion is a process that involves access, retention and success of students, but that requires a lot of educator and many times that is not prepared to answer all the expectations of the particular student. Focusing on the issue of the current situation that the public school experience, is undoubtedly recognize the need for changes in their practices. The search we are undertaking it is to carry on with this discussion in order to build the mission of educators grounded in a conscious inclusion within the educational possibilities available today. Key - words: Education. Inclusion. Citizenship. Psychological, Feeling of belonging.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação Social, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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The thesis presented here responds to the title of Social education as a tool for social equity and quality of education. This thesis is focused in E.S.O, which aims to reveal and expose a globalized mode of professional experience living for a significant number of teachers and social educators in our educational system. analyze and demonstrate the administrative and educational approach through studies categories for which you can catalog the educational reality experienced by educators in schools, check if the context of the practice of social education is given in the best conditions in the education system, identify the influence of social education as a platform of educational intervention to mitigate the possibilities of failure in school that is present through three Autonomous Communities (Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalucia) being distributed in a significant number of high schools and several private-subsidized schools Sponsored by religious institutions in the autonomous communities of Madrid and the Canary Islands and schools belonging to religious and social foundations based in Madrid in addition of several municipalities and nonprofit entities with public and private funds that have opted for a differentiated integrate social education in their respective schools of compulsory secondary education...


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Secondary social education in Australia is set to change with the new national history curriculum but integrated social education will continue in the middle years of schooling. Competing discourses of disciplinary and integrated social education approaches create new challenges for pre-service teachers as identification with a teaching area is an important aspect of developing a broader teacher identity. Feedback on a compulsory, final year curriculum studies unit revealed the majority of secondary pre-service teachers identified with at least one social science discipline. However, only a small number listed the integrated social education curriculum of Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE), even though SOSE was an essential part of their brief. More complex identities were revealed in post-teaching practice interviews. In times of curriculum change, attention to pre-service teachers’ disciplinary knowledge is critical in developing a stable subject identity.


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In this world of continuous change, there’s probably one certainty: more change lies ahead. Our students will encounter challenges and opportunities that we can’t even imagine. How do we prepare our students as future citizens for the challenges of the 21st century? One of the most influential public intellectuals of our time, Howard Gardner, suggests that in the future individuals will depend to a great extent on the capacity to synthesise large amounts of information. ‘They will need to be able to gather together information from disparate sources and put it together in ways that work for themselves and can be communicated to other persons’(Gardner 2008, p. xiii). One of the first steps in ‘putting things together’ so they ‘work’ in the mind is ‘to group objects and events together on the basis of some similarity between them’ (Lee & das Gupta 1995, p. 116). When we do this and give them a collective name, we are conceptualising. Apart from helping to save our sanity by simplifying the vast amounts of data we encounter every day, concepts help us to understand and gain meaning from what we experience. Concepts are essential for synthesising information and they also help us to communicate with others. Put simply, concepts serve as building blocks for knowledge, understanding and communication. This chapter addresses the importance of teaching and learning about concepts and conceptual development in studies of society and environment. It proceeds as follows: first, it considers how individuals use concepts, and, second, it explores the characteristics of concepts; the third section presents a discussion of approaches that might be adopted by teachers intending to help their students build concepts in the classroom.


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From monologues to dialogue. A discussion about changing the fragmented character of the debate concerning schools to one of negotiation, in the spirit of social constructionism. The starting point for the study is the assumption that the interested parties concerning schools such as teachers, students, public servants within school administration or politics construct the idea of the school in disparate ways. It looks as if the representatives of the various interested parties perceive the school in distinctive ways or with particular emphases. Additionally, there are not many discussion forums where these different interested parties have an equal right to speak and be heard. It seems that the lack of dialogue characterizes the debate about school. At the centre of the study are negotiations concerning schools, and the conditions that promote changing the fragmented character of this school debate in a more promising and collectively responsible process of negotiation. The aims of the study are to find both an empirical and theoretical basis for more equal ways to negotiate about school, and to increase cultural self reflection. Social constructionism plays a key role in aspiring to meet these research aims. The research questions are (1) How do the informants of the study construct the idea of school in their texts, and (2) What kind of prospects does social constructionism bring to the negotiations about school. The research informants construct the idea of school in their texts in several ways. To sum up: school is constructed as a place for learning, a place for building the future, a place where ethical education is lived out, a place for social education and Bildung, and a place where the students well-being is ensured. The previously presented assumption that the interested parties of a school construct the idea of a school in disparate ways or with various emphases seems to have support in the informants texts. Based on that, a condition can be put forward: different perspectives should have an equal opportunity to be heard in negotiations about school. It would also be helpful if there was a chance for different perspectives to be documented and/or in some way, visualized. This ensures that different constructions of school are within reach of all the participants. Additionally, while making the process of negotiation transparent, this documentation becomes an important medium for self reflection. On one hand it visualizes the complexity of the school. On the other hand it protects the school and education from serving as the spokesman of any single truth that is presented as objective or universal. Social constructionism seems to offer a stable theoretical basis for changing the fragmented character of the school debate in one of negotiation. More equal and collectively responsible school negotiation presumes that certain aspects or conditions drawn from postmodernism and social constructionism have been studied. In the study, six conditions are presented that can be seen as mediums for changing the fragmented character of the school debate into one of more equal negotiation. Keywords: social constructionism, Kenneth J. Gergen, school negotiation, education policy, dialogue.


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[Es] En las últimas decadas ha saltado a luz el debate en torno a la profesionalización, en el campo de la Teoría de las Profesiones. Este debate ha tenido su reflejo en el campo de la Educación Social, donde se perciben carencias a la hora de dar una imagen completa y global de la profesión. Siendo esto así, vemos la necesidad de ir dando respuesta a varias preguntas, para poder avanzar en el esclareciemiento y propio proceso de profesionalización de la Educación Social. El proposito del trabajo que se presenta a continuación es realizar una síntesis de las aportaciones sobre la conceptualización de la Educación Social y la situación profesional en ese ámbito. Para ello, se comenzará por analizar el concepto de Educación Social; seguidamente se trabajará los conceptos de profesión y profesionalización, que nos ayudarán a entender las características de la Educación Social como profesión. En la tercera parte del trabajo se pasa de un nivel más abstracto a un nivel más real, y se trabaja el tema de los educadores sociales. En la última parte nos adentraremos en la situación profesional que viven los educadores sociales, porque creemos que es desde ese nivel de donde hay que partir para poder articular pautas y mejoras.


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Clubhouse Euskadi es una propuesta innovadora en el campo de la Educación Social, concretamente en el ámbito de la enfermedad mental. Se trata de un modelo de rehabilitación psicosocial que promueve la inclusión social de las personas en un clima de trabajo, para alcanzar la autonomía propia de las mismas. Ésta se logra mediante la organización de un centro diurno, basado en un trabajo colaborativo e igualitario entre sus miembros y profesionales, que fomentan el acceso a empleos de transición e incluso independientes. La educación y el ocio son, a su vez, componentes esenciales que influyen en el periodo de mejora.


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Ikerketa honek, Gizarte Hezkuntzaren garrantzia nabarmentzeko helburua izanik, profesio honen eta ezgaitasuna duten pertsonen eboluzio historikoa aztertzen du. Horretarako, aspalditik Gizarte Hezitzaileak diren pertsonen testigantzak bildu (lehengo eta gaur egungo egoera konparatzeko asmoz) eta Gizarte Hezitzaileen profesionalizazioa lortzeko jarraitutako ibilbidea ikertu da. Horrez gain, Gizarte Hezitzaileen Euskadiko Elkargoaren nondik norakoak aztertu eta sortutako dokumentu profesionalizatzaileak landu dira. Halaber, honekin, Hezitzaileen etorkizuneko erronkak plazaratzeaz gain, egungo egoera ikertu eta, mobilizazioaren bitartez, gizartearen kontzientziazioa lortu behar dela ondorioztatu da, lanbideak merezi duen errekonozimendua lortzeko asmoarekin.


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Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradu Amaierako Lanaren barruan kokatzen den lan teoriko honek, Ikasketa eta Zerbitzu Solidarioaren gaineko informazio iturri esanguratsuenetarikoak kontuan harturik, bere izaera inklusiboa berrestea du helburu. Horretarako, metodo berritzaile honen argibide kontzeptualak azaltzeaz batera, prozesu demokratizatzaile eta inklusibo bat ematea posible egiten duten gakoak argitu eta bazterketari aurre egitea ahalbidetzen duen jabekuntza prozesuaz eta kapital soziala bereganatzeko moduaz idatzi da. Jendarte eraldaketa gizarte hezitzaileen lanbidearen eginbeharretako bat izanik, asmo hau lortzeko bide berrien emariak jaso beharko liratezke. Arrazoi horregatik, zerbitzu solidario bat eskaintzearen bitartez, ezagutzak areagotzea eta transformazio prozesu bat abian jartzen duen metodologia honen garrantziaz ohartarazten da.