Concept building

Autoria(s): Henderson, Deborah J.

Marsh, Colin

Hart, Catherine




In this world of continuous change, there’s probably one certainty: more change lies ahead. Our students will encounter challenges and opportunities that we can’t even imagine. How do we prepare our students as future citizens for the challenges of the 21st century? One of the most influential public intellectuals of our time, Howard Gardner, suggests that in the future individuals will depend to a great extent on the capacity to synthesise large amounts of information. ‘They will need to be able to gather together information from disparate sources and put it together in ways that work for themselves and can be communicated to other persons’(Gardner 2008, p. xiii). One of the first steps in ‘putting things together’ so they ‘work’ in the mind is ‘to group objects and events together on the basis of some similarity between them’ (Lee & das Gupta 1995, p. 116). When we do this and give them a collective name, we are conceptualising. Apart from helping to save our sanity by simplifying the vast amounts of data we encounter every day, concepts help us to understand and gain meaning from what we experience. Concepts are essential for synthesising information and they also help us to communicate with others. Put simply, concepts serve as building blocks for knowledge, understanding and communication. This chapter addresses the importance of teaching and learning about concepts and conceptual development in studies of society and environment. It proceeds as follows: first, it considers how individuals use concepts, and, second, it explores the characteristics of concepts; the third section presents a discussion of approaches that might be adopted by teachers intending to help their students build concepts in the classroom.





Pearson Australia


Henderson, Deborah J. (2011) Concept building. In Marsh, Colin & Hart, Catherine (Eds.) Teaching the Social Sciences and Humanities in an Australian Curriculum. Pearson Australia, Sydney, pp. 107-127.


Copyright 2011 Pearson Australia

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Office of Education Research; Faculty of Education; School of Cultural & Language Studies in Education

Palavras-Chave #130103 Higher Education #130205 Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Economics Business and Management) #130313 Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators #social sciences #social education #concepts #humanities #teaching and learning

Book Chapter