797 resultados para SECONDARY SCHOOLS


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Advanced Placement is a series of courses and tests designed to determine mastery over introductory college material. It has become part of the American educational system. The changing conception of AP was examined using critical theory to determine what led to a view of continual success. The study utilized David Armstrong’s variation of Michel Foucault’s critical theory to construct an analytical framework. Black and Ubbes’ data gathering techniques and Braun and Clark’s data analysis were utilized as the analytical framework. Data included 1135 documents: 641 journal articles, 421 newspaper articles and 82 government documents. The study revealed three historical ruptures correlated to three themes containing subthemes. The first rupture was the Sputnik launch in 1958. Its correlated theme was AP leading to school reform with subthemes of AP as reform for able students and AP’s gaining of acceptance from secondary schools and higher education. The second rupture was the Nation at Risk report published in 1983. Its correlated theme was AP’s shift in emphasis from the exam to the course with the subthemes of AP as a course, a shift in AP’s target population, using AP courses to promote equity, and AP courses modifying curricula. The passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was the third rupture. Its correlated theme was AP as a means to narrow the achievement gap with the subthemes of AP as a college preparatory program and the shifting of AP to an open access program. The themes revealed a perception that progressively integrated the program into American education. The AP program changed emphasis from tests to curriculum, and is seen as the nation’s premier academic program to promote reform and prepare students for college. It has become a major source of income for the College Board. In effect, AP has become an agent of privatization, spurring other private entities into competition for government funding. The change and growth of the program over the past 57 years resulted in a deep integration into American education. As such the program remains an intrinsic part of the system and continues to evolve within American education.


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The purpose of this research is to investigate the various social, political and economic factors that contributed to Canada’s failure to implement a universal school lunch program during the 1940s. Although Canada developed several other social welfare programs in the post-war period, it remains one of the only industrialized nations that does not provide hot meals to children in elementary or secondary schools. Data from the province of Ontario, a major site of postwar reconstruction and policy-making, has been taken up to inform the broader national discourse on school lunches from the 1940s. National, Ontario provincial and City of Toronto archival records were collected and analyzed according to common themes, in order to identify key barriers that constrained government support of a hot meal program. Archival records were identified using key words, and were limited to materials created between 1930-1952. Analysis suggests that sufficient need for a hot meal program had not been established during the 1940s. Despite misleading nutrition messages, rates of malnutrition and nutrient-related disease were at an all-time low, and many Ontario school boards did not appear to have the necessary infrastructure required to supply all pupils with hot meals. The Canadian government had already employed significant resources to improve existing social security programs by coupling them with health education. This strategy reflected a shift in understanding malnutrition as a knowledge-based problem, as opposed to income-based. This understanding was further reinforced through the moralized dissemination of nutrition information, which placed blame on women for improperly raising their children. Ultimately, the strong uptake of nutrition as a public health issue in Ontario may have limited prospective responses to solutions already utilized in the public health domain, and directed favour away from a universal school lunch program for Canada.


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In this article, as part of the Erasmus+ project “Divercity”, we focus on the collection and analysis of good practices in Spain and other countries in Europe. The project revolves around the development of methods that valorize cultural diversity and in this respect, identifying and sharing best practices on diversity and inclusion through artistic mediation inside museums, culture institutions, our urban walks, forms an mandatory stage of the research process.


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La epigrafía latina nos ha legado el recuerdo de doce docentes y un grupo de maestros de escuela en Hispania. Los diferentes textos, la mayoría de carácter funerario y procedente del ámbito urbano, nos aportan información acerca de las funciones que estos profesionales desempeñaron en la sociedad hispana, así como del contexto socio-jurídico del que provenían. En este sentido, la pieza más valiosa es la inscripción dedicada a un gramático llamado L. Memmius Probus en la antigua Tritium Magallum, gracias a la cual conocemos las circunstancias concretas en las que trabajó este educador.


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PURPOSE: To study, for the first time, the effect of wearing ready-made glasses and glasses with power determined by self-refraction on children's quality of life. METHODS: This is a randomized, double-masked non-inferiority trial. Children in grades 7 and 8 (age 12-15 years) in nine Chinese secondary schools, with presenting visual acuity (VA) ≤6/12 improved with refraction to ≥6/7.5 bilaterally, refractive error ≤-1.0 D and <2.0 D of anisometropia and astigmatism bilaterally, were randomized to receive ready-made spectacles (RM) or identical-appearing spectacles with power determined by: subjective cycloplegic retinoscopy by a university optometrist (U), a rural refractionist (R) or non-cycloplegic self-refraction (SR). Main study outcome was global score on the National Eye Institute Refractive Error Quality of Life-42 (NEI-RQL-42) after 2 months of wearing study glasses, comparing other groups with the U group, adjusting for baseline score. RESULTS: Only one child (0.18%) was excluded for anisometropia or astigmatism. A total of 426 eligible subjects (mean age 14.2 years, 84.5% without glasses at baseline) were allocated to U [103 (24.2%)], RM [113 (26.5%)], R [108 (25.4%)] and SR [102 (23.9%)] groups, respectively. Baseline and endline score data were available for 398 (93.4%) of subjects. In multiple regression models adjusting for baseline score, older age (p = 0.003) and baseline spectacle wear (p = 0.016), but not study group assignment, were significantly associated with lower final score. CONCLUSION: Quality of life wearing ready-mades or glasses based on self-refraction did not differ from that with cycloplegic refraction by an experienced optometrist in this non-inferiority trial.


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La mise en œuvre d’activités de prévention de la consommation de substances psychoactives (SPA) (tabac, alcool et cannabis) en milieu scolaire est une stratégie couramment utilisée pour rejoindre un grand nombre de jeunes. Ces activités s’inspirent, soit de programmes existant, soit d’innovations dictées par le contexte d’implantation ou l’existence de données de recherche. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, l’évaluation de ces programmes représente la meilleure voie pour mesurer leur efficacité et/ou connaître comment ceux-ci sont implantés. C’est cet impératif qui a motivé une commission scolaire du Québec a recommandé l’évaluation de l’Intervention en Réseau (IR), un programme développé en vue de retarder l’âge d’initiation et de réduire la consommation problématique de SPA chez les élèves. Ce programme adopte une approche novatrice avec pour principal animateur un intervenant pivot (IP) qui assure le suivi des élèves de la 5e année du primaire jusqu’en 3e secondaire. Inspiré des modèles en prévention de la santé et de l’Approche École en santé (AES), le rôle de l’IP ici se démarque de ceux-ci. Certes, il est l’interface entre les différents acteurs impliqués et les élèves mais dans le cadre du programme IR, l’IP est intégré dans les écoles primaires et secondaires qu’il dessert. C’est cet intervenant qui assure la mobilisation des autres acteurs pour la mise en œuvre des activités. Cette thèse vise à rendre compte de ce processus d’évaluation ainsi que des résultats obtenus. L’approche d’évaluation en est une de type participatif et collaboratif avec des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues, de groupes de discussion, d’un journal de bord et de notes de réunions. Les données ont été analysées dans le cadre de trois articles dont le premier concerne l’étude d’évaluabilité (ÉÉ) du programme. Les participants de cette ÉÉ sont des acteurs-clés du programme (N=13) rencontrés en entrevues. Une analyse documentaire (rapports et journal de bord) a également été effectuée. Cette ÉÉ a permis de clarifier les intentions des initiateurs du programme et les objectifs poursuivis par ces derniers. Elle a également permis de rendre la théorie du programme plus explicite et de développer le modèle logique, deux éléments qui ont facilité les opérations d’évaluation qui ont suivi. Le deuxième article porte sur l’évaluation des processus en utilisant la théorie de l’acteur-réseau (TAR) à travers ses quatre moments du processus de traduction des innovations (la problématisation, l’intéressement, l’enrôlement et la mobilisation des alliés), l’analyse des controverses et du rôle des acteurs humains et non-humains. Après l’analyse des données obtenues par entrevues auprès de 19 informateurs-clés, les résultats montrent que les phases d’implantation du programme passent effectivement par les quatre moments de la TAR, que la gestion des controverses par la négociation et le soutien était nécessaire pour la mobilisation de certains acteurs humains. Cette évaluation des processus a également permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des acteurs non-humains dans le processus d’implantation du programme. Le dernier article concerne une évaluation combinée des effets (volet quantitatif) et des processus (volet qualitatif) du programme. Pour le volet quantitatif, un devis quasi-expérimental a été adopté et les données ont été colligées de façon longitudinale par questionnaires auprès de 901 élèves de 5e et 6e année du primaire et leurs enseignants de 2010 à 2014. L’analyse des données ont montré que le programme n’a pas eu d’effets sur l’accessibilité et les risques perçus, l’usage problématique d’alcool et la polyconsommation (alcool et cannabis) chez les participants. Par contre, les résultats suggèrent que le programme pourrait favoriser la réduction du niveau de consommation et retarder l’âge d’initiation à l’alcool et au cannabis. Ils suggèrent également un effet potentiellement positif du programme sur l’intoxication à l’alcool chez les élèves. Quant au volet qualitatif, il a été réalisé à l’aide d’entrevues avec les intervenants (N=17), de groupes de discussion avec des élèves du secondaire (N=10) et d’une analyse documentaire. Les résultats montrent que le programme bénéficie d’un préjugé favorable de la part des différents acteurs ayant participé à l’évaluation et est bien acceptée par ces derniers. Cependant, le roulement fréquent de personnel et le grand nombre d’écoles à suivre peuvent constituer des obstacles à la bonne marche du programme. En revanche, le leadership et le soutien des directions d’écoles, la collaboration des enseignants, les qualités de l’IP et la flexibilité de la mise en œuvre sont identifiés comme des éléments ayant contribué au succès du programme. Les résultats et leur implication pour les programmes et l’évaluation sont discutés. Enfin, un plan de transfert des connaissances issues de la recherche évaluative est proposé.


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Few qualitative studies have explored adolescent boys’ perceptions of health. Aim: The aim of this study was therefore to explore how adolescent boys understand the concept of health and what they find important for its achievement Methods: Grounded theory was used as a method to analyse interviews with 33 adolescent boys aged 16 to 17 years attending three upper secondary schools in a relatively small town in Sweden. Results: There was a complexity in how health was perceived, experienced, dealt with, and valued. Although health on a conceptual level was described as ‘holistic’, health was experienced and dealt with in a more dualistic manner, one in which the boys were prone to differentiate between mind and body. Health was experienced as mainly emotional and relational, whereas the body had a subordinate value. The presence of positive emotions, experiencing self-esteem, balance in life, trustful relationships, and having a sense of belonging were important factors for health while the body was experienced as a tool to achieve health, as energy, and as a condition. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that young, masculine health is largely experienced through emotions and relationships and thus support theories on health as a social construction of interconnected processes. 


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Legal perspectives or Social Pedagogy? Schools strategies of handling harassments The present study explores how Swedish schools define and categorize situations when students have been exposed to different forms of abusive acts and violence at school. The empirical study is designed as case studie of two urban secondary schools situated in areas with different socioeconomic conditions. One of the schools is located in a suburb in one of the most economically disadvantaged areas in a greater city area. The other school is located in a small town municipality, where the students are relatively privileged in respect to their socio-economic backgrounds. The results indicate that different socio-economic conditions influence how professional’s describe and categorize violence and harassment and the types of strategies chosen. In the suburban school professionals talk and collaborate with the police, reporting cases of violence and harassment. In the small town school the professionals talk about the importance of collaborating with parents.


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This thesis focuses on “livsfrågor” (questions of life) a typical Swedish concept introduced in the RE syllabus in the curriculum for compulsory schools in 1969. The study poses three questions: what can qualify as a “livsfråga”, why are they regarded important, and how do they fit into teaching? The main purpose is to study differences of the concept in two materials. Primarily interviews with Teacher educators all over Sweden and, secondly in the R.E. syllabus for compulsory and secondary schools from 1962 until today. Finally, the two materials used, will be brought together, and foci are recognized with the help of a tool for thought.  The study is using the concept dialogicity from Bachtin. Syllabus are viewed as compromises in accordance with a German tradition. In the syllabus, “livsfrågor” is one within many different words used with none what so ever stringency. It is not necessarily the most important term, as “livsåskådningsfrågor” (questions within philosophies of life)  is often dominating in objectivities. Also “existential questions” etc is used. The relation between the words are never made clear.  The syllabus are in one sense monologial as different meanings of the word are not made explicit, and other utterances are not invoked. In the interviews the dialogicity is more obvious. Philosophy is mentioned, eg.. Martin Buber, Viktor Frankl, theology (Paul Thillich), but also literature (Lars Gyllensten) and existentialism in a general sence. Other words are not as frequent – but “livsåskådningsfrågor” are of course mentioned, eg. Faith vs. knowledge. In the last chapter “livsfrågor” is problematized with the help of Andrew Wright and his three metanarrativies within the modern R.E. And the assumption, especially in the syllabus, of “livsfrågor”, as common between cultures and over time is problematized with the help of . feministic theory of knowledge.


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This interactive symposium will focus on the use of different technologies in developing innovative practice in teacher education at one university in England. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is a field of educational policy and practice that has the power to ignite diametrically opposing views and reactions amongst teachers and teacher educators, ranging across a spectrum from immense enthusiasm to untold terror. In a field where the skills and experience of individuals vary from those of digital natives (Prensky 2001) to lags and lurkers in digital spaces, the challenges of harnessing the potential of TEL are complex. The challenges include developing the IT skills of trainees and educators and the creative application of these skills to pedagogy in all areas of the curriculum. The symposium draws on examples from primary, secondary and post-compulsory teacher education to discuss issues and approaches to developing research capacity and innovative practice using different etools, many of which are freely available. The first paper offers theoretical and policy perspectives on finding spaces in busy professional lives to engage in research and develop research-informed practice. It draws on notions of teachers as researchers, practitioner research and evidenc-ebased practice to argue that engagement in research is integral to teacher education and an empowering source of creative professional learning for teachers and teacher educators. Whilst acknowledging the challenges of this stance, examples from our own research practice illustrate how e-tools can assist us in building the capacity and confidence of staff and students in researching and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment practice. The second paper discusses IT skills development through the TEL pathway for trainee teachers in secondary education across different curriculum subjects. The lead tutor for the TEL pathway will use examples of activities developed with trainee teachers and university subject tutors to enhance their skills in using e-tools, such as QR codes, Kahoot, Padlet, Pinterest and cloud based learning. The paper will also focus on how these skills and tools can be used for action Discussant - the wider use of technologies in a university centre for teacher education; course management, recruitment and mentor training. research, evaluation and feedback and for marking and administrative tasks. The discussion will finish with thoughts on widening trainee teachers’ horizons into the future direction of educational technology. The third paper considers institutional policies and strategies for promoting and embedding TEL, including an initiative called ‘The Learning Conversation’, which aims ‘to share, highlight, celebrate, discuss, problematise, find things out...’ about TEL through an online space. The lead for ‘The Learning Conversation’ will offer reflections on this and other initiatives across the institution involving trainee teachers, university subject tutors, librarians and staff in student support services who are using TEL to engage, enthuse and support students on campus and during placements in schools. The fourth paper reflects on the use of TEL to engage with trainee teachers in post-compulsory education. This sector of education and training is more fragmented than primary and secondary schools sectors and so the challenges of building a community of practice that can support the development of innovative practice are greater.


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Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Repräsentation Afrikas in schulischen Geschichtsbüchern. Am Beispiel von drei aktuellen Lehrwerken zeigen die Autorinnen sowohl negative Darstellungsweisen als auch positive Entwicklungen in Bezug auf den Umgang mit dem Kontinent, seiner Geschichte und Bevölkerung auf. In einem abschließenden Teil stellen sie einen Zusammenhang zwischen den Analyseergebnissen und dem Bewusstsein über bis in die heutige Zeit reproduzierte Diskurse und über Alltagsrassismen dar. (DIPF/Orig.)


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During the last decade a school subject with the designation of Life Competence Education ("Livskunskap" in Swedish) has emerged in many Swedish schools. The aim of this article is to describe and analyse the subject Life Competence Education, its historical and ideological roots and current place in the curricula of some selected schools. The article is based on analyses of policy documents, interviews and participant observations from fieldwork in two upper secondary schools and in one course for further training of teachers arranged by a municipality. Work by Foucault, especially on governmentality, is used as an analytic tool, as well as work developed from Foucault by Nicolas Rose and Stephen J. Ball. The analyses show that the subject Life Competence Education is constructed in many varied ways in Swedish schools due to different influences, both from the state, but also from private policy entrepreneurs (Ball, 2006). It is also shown that the SET-programme, which is only one example of programmes used for this type of education, is quite widely used in Life Competence Education in Swedish schools. In light of analyses from Foucault and Rose, I suggest that these programmes can be seen as the "psy", i.e. the "psychological domains" (Rose, 1999), entering into the educational arena and with the help of behaviouristic theories constructing "governable subjects" (Foucault, 1988, 1991). This raises questions regarding what kind of subjects are constructed in Life Competence Education, with what kind of methods, as well as how these methods are construed in the light of the Swedish National Curriculum


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This quantitative and qualitative analysis of syllabuses indicates difficulties in the relation between history teaching in upper secondary schools and in higher education. Using analytical tools stemming from research of education and history didactics we highlight problematic differences between universities. It is evident that history education in many ways lacks a progression from upper secondary school to higher education. Judging from the formulations in the syllabuses, the grading demands on the students in upper secondary schools are in some cases even higher than in the universities. The results from this study suggest a need for further analysis of the teaching of history, and other subjects, in higher education in relation to teaching in upper secondary schools.


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Dieser Aufsatz berichtet über die Ergebnisse einer umfassenden empirischen Untersuchung zur Schulsituation griechischer Kinder und Jugendlicher, die aus der BRD in ihre Heimat zurückgewandert sind. An Stichproben aus Grundschulen und Sekundarstufen wird überprüft, welche Probleme in den Schulleistungen und im psychosozialen Befinden bei Rückkehrern im Vergleich zu Einheimischen auftreten. Die Informationen über jeden Schüler enthalten mehrere Perspektiven: Lehrerurteil, Einschätzung durch die Mitschüler, Selbstkonzept sowie Schulleistungsindikatoren. Es zeigt sich, daß die Rückkehrerkinder schulisch im Rückstand liegen sowie eine Reihe psychosozialer Belastungen aufweisen, die je nach Remigrationszeitpunkt, Geschlecht etc, unterschiedlich ausgeprägt sind. Unproblematisch verläuft die Rückkehr in die Heimat und die schulische Integration nur, wenn sie vor dem 8. Lebensjahr erfolgt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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A Cultura Digital é uma realidade do século XXI, onde as relações humanas são fortemente mediadas pelas tecnologias e pelo digital. O Digital tem mudado o comportamento das pessoas e influenciado o seu meio cultural. O conceito de Cultura digital inclui saber onde encontrar informação, ferramentas e sistemas, necessários para cumprir uma determinada tarefa de forma não só eficaz, mas também mais eficiente. As competências para explorar as tecnologias que o permitam, são cada vez mais exigidas na interação em sociedade. Tendo em consideração estudos existentes associados com as competências TIC, nomeadamente os propostos pela UNESCO e pelo Executivo Angolano no seu Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento para 2013-2017, em que está enquadrada a iniciativa da Rede de Mediatecas de Angola, foi tomada a Cultural Digital e a sua promoção no ambito das Mediatecas. Numa primeira avaliação desde da abertura da Mediateca em Fevereiro de 2014, verificamos uma fraca adesão dos professores na utilização dos serviços da Mediateca do Huambo – Angola. Coloca-se neste contexto a questão do porquê que é que os professores não exploram as TIC para as atividades docentes ou da sua aprendizagem? Desta forma, é considerada a questão de investigação: Quais as estratégias a desenvolver para incrementar a exploração das TIC pelos professores e como a Mediateca do Huambo pode servir de espaço para a promoção da Cultura Digital. Foi realizado um estudo de caso, no contexto da Mediateca do Huambo, em que foi efetuada uma recolha de dados pela (a) aplicação de questionários aos professores do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Secundário do Município do Huambo para mapear as competências TIC dos professores segundo os padrões da UNESCO e o apuramento da formação e uso das TIC em contexto educativo, (b) pela aplicação de um conjunto de tarefas com o objetivo de verificar quais as competências digitais dos professores e por último (c), a implementação do projeto-piloto denominado “ Mediateca +Escola” com o objetivo de levar à Mediateca professores e alunos para desenvolver um projeto TIC onde os professores teriam uma oportunidade de demostrar as competências que afirmavam possuir. Como resultado final obtido neste estudo de caso podemos concluir que 71,27% indicanos que os professores têm a perceção que necessitam de mais formação e desenvolvimento de competências TIC, 27,50% confirma que os professores creem que têm confiança nas TIC. Em face das respostas com valores negativos que apontam para a necessidade de delinear estratégia para capacitar este grupo em competências TIC de forma a incluí-los na sociedade em rede providos de uma Cultura Digital foi proposto o modelo que permite validar os dados obtidos pelo questionário permitindo também delinear estratégias com vista à promoção da Cultura Digital.