858 resultados para Reading epilepsy
Background reading for coursework to prepare a technical report as part of the orientation phase. These items are business documents (i.e. grey literature) which might be read as a prelude or complement to finding information in peer reviewed academic publications. grey literature links and articles to be used in preparation of technical report. See also overview guidance document for this assignment http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/8017/
Background reading for coursework to prepare a technical report as part of the orientation phase. These items are business documents (i.e. grey literature) which might be read as a prelude or complement to finding information in peer reviewed academic publications. grey literature links and articles to be used in preparation of technical report. See also overview guidance document for this assignment http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/8017/
Handout which contains a set of links to a variety of background resources associated with the topics for a technical report coursework. Resources are clustered into three overview areas, but contain links which be used to address each of the six questions scenarios.
small set of selected papers from which to choose two papers to read and summarise
Two articles outlining some early work on interdisciplinarity. Interesting as much for the style of the papers and the contents. You can download copies of the papers from this share. You can also access the full text via TDNET through the university library web site. Instructions provided.
The temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common type of refractory epilepsy in adults. There is a wide consensus regarding the commitment of memory in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. However, the consensus is not as widespread with respect to the other functions such as attention, executive functions, language and intellectual performance. For this study we analyzed retrospectively a group of 76 patients with refractory epilepsy, 48 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (23 with right lateralization and 25 with left lateralization) and 28 patients with extratemporal epilepsy. We applied a battery of neuropsychological tests used in the Epilepsy Surgery Program at Hospital de Egas Moniz, Lisbon, Portugal. Our results show that the battery of neuropsychological tests is internally consistent in the evaluation of patients with TLE. We have also found that patients with TLE have standard generalized deficits witch could be indicative of areas of engagement besides the hippocampus. One interesting finding was the fact that interference verbal memory (long term memory) remains adequate, suggesting that this function is not compromised in TLE. In addition to the general pattern of cognitive deficits, we can see the impact of the disease at the socio-demographic level, and we can also establish a relationship with neurobiological findings previously described in the literature
Introduction: Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic mental illness that has effect on cognitive and social functioning of a person who suffers it. Recent research points out that social cognition subprocesses, such as Theory of Mind, social perception or emotional processing, have to do with some problems that patients show in their social adjustment. Aim: Assessing ability of recognizing mental states from facial expressions in schizophrenia patients compared to a control group. Subjects and methods: 17 stable schizophrenia patients who are aware of the illness and 17 healthy people, with the same age and sociocultural level, took the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” Test Revised Version of Baron- Cohen. Results: Compared with the control group, subjects with schizophrenia showed much lower scores. Conclusions: It is confirmed that schizophrenia patients have impairments to understand facial expressions, especially from the eyes. That is typical of this illness, so it is necessary to do interventions at that point. Furthermore, inability to recognize emotions, as a domain of social cognition, contributes to deficit in functional outcome in schizophrenia. Finally, some treatment programs are put forward.
Objective: Epilepsy is a common neurologic disorder affecting 1% of the world population with one-third of these patients failing to have seizure control for more than one year. Clobazam is a long-acting benzodiazepine used worldwide for the treatment of epilepsy. This antiepileptic drug has demonstrated great clinical benefits with mild side effects. The objective of this study was to better understand the efficacy of clobazam treatment on adult patients with refractory epilepsy. Design: A retrospective review of 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy that were seen at our Epilepsy Clinic between January 2014 and May 2015. Setting: An outpatient epilepsy clinic at the Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. Participants: 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy. Measurements: Seizure frequency, adverse effects and the use of concomitant AEDs were reviewed in each of the patient´s clinical charts. Results: The responder rate of patients with clobazam was 52% at 3 months, 50% at 6 months and 55% at 12 month. Seizure freedom rates at 3, 6 and 12 months were 18%, 25% and 25% respectively. Clobazam related adverse events occurred only in four patients (9%) at the end of the twelve months with somnolence being the most common. Conclusion: These findings suggest that clobazam treatment in adult patients with focal or generalized epilepsy is effective and safe. Its use should be considered early when first-line agents fail to provide seizure control.
Crédito para ESO del área de Inglés. Pretende despertar el gusto por la lectura y la sensación de la necesidad de leer. Desarrolla una unidad didáctica, Lectura Autónoma, a partir de prácticas de lecturas públicas y en silencio, y su gestión por el lector, objetivos de la lectura, reconocimiento de tipos y géneros, etc. Pretende llegar a conseguir una lectura fluida comprensiva y expresiva y que los resultados de esa comprensión lleguen a establecer relaciones con los conocimientos previos.
Resumen tomado de la revista
Resumen en español
Resumen tomado de la revista
Se describa una experiencia desarrollada en el CRA (Centro Rural Agrupado) Campos Góticos, de Medina de Rioseco (Valladolid), que tiene como objetivo fomentar la lectura en lengua inglesa. Se destacan como beneficios de la lectura en ingles: mejora de la pronunciación, aumento del vocabulario y la comprensión, mayor corrección en al escritura y fomento de la afición a la lectura. Se detallan pautas y algunas de las actividades llevadas a cabo.
El desarrollo de la alfabetización infantil se inicia desde el momento en que los padres, hablan, cantan y leen a sus bebés. Estas buenas experiencias son las bases sobre las que seguir, pues, después, aprenden a jugar con los libros, a disfrutar con sus imágenes y sus páginas, a imitar a los adultos en la lectura, a garabatear y a escribir como ellos. Aunque, algunos niños hayan carecido de estas experiencias en su hogar, al incorporarse a la escuela, es necesario darles todas las oportunidades posibles para observar a sus compañeros lectores y escritores, interactuar con los libros y experimentar ellos mismos con la lectura y la escritura.
En esta etapa del desarrollo de la alfabetización, la mayoría de los niños han comprendido sus conceptos fundamentales y ya saben hablar, leer y escribir para distintos tipos de oyentes y para distintos propósitos. Para la consolidación de estos conocimientos y la adquisición de nuevas habilidades necesitan contar con una amplia gama de textos y contextos, aprender a decodificar palabras desconocidas, deletrear palabras difíciles. El modelo de lectura y escritura compartida y guiada es la estrategia de enseñanza más idónea.