890 resultados para Intervenções pedagógicas


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Aqui a pesquisadora Yoshie Ussami Ferrari Leite busca averiguar o real papel das obrigatórias 800 horas de prática pedagógica no curso de formação inicial dos professores, e ainda discutir como essa carga horária poderia contribuir para melhorar a formação deles. Fruto da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação de 1996 e de posteriores leis complementares, a obrigatoriedade das atividades práticas pedagógicas foi uma das questões que mais impactaram os cursos de formação de professores. Isso porque, a partir da obrigatoriedade, as instituições de ensino superior tiveram de passar a elaborar os correspondentes projetos pedagógicos e foram forçadas ainda a reestruturar os currículos para conseguirem atender às determinações legais, tarefa algo complexa, segundo Leite. A obra analisa ainda o papel do professor na atual escola pública e os problemas do processo de formação desses docentes. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, baseou-se essencialmente em estudos bibliográficos, análises da legislação educacional, documentos de instituições escolares e entrevistas. É um livro de grande utilidade para quem pretende compreender os rumos que a educação pública brasileira vem tomando.


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De forte caráter autobiográfico - já que foi, em boa parte, baseado nas próprias experiências da autora enquanto estudante e pesquisadora - este trabalho é uma tentativa de realizar uma abordagem qualitativa das práticas pedagógicas, levando-se em conta a importância dos dados autobiográficos e da história de vida para o entendimento da profissão docente. A autora também desenvolve no trabalho, através de pesquisa de campo com professores e alunos, uma série de questões concernentes à atividade didática que põem em foco a formação pessoal e profissional na atividade pedagógica. Uma dessas questões relaciona-se à forma como o professor concretiza suas ideias em sala de aula; outra ao modo como veicula os conceitos e conteúdos aos alunos, incluindo ações, atitudes, gestos, entre outros aspectos que mais afloram no professor. Ela também discute na pesquisa a percepção dos alunos sobre a prática pedagógica do professor, e os contextos de interação professor-aluno em que se dão as práticas específicas relativas à aprendizagem e ao ensino


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article portrays pathways and studies, arising from research already completed on relationships that constitute the process of appropriation-objectification of the world of human culture by the child at the School for Children, under the gaze of Historical-Cultural Approach. The studies had been configured in accord with a theoretical look that understands the relations as propeller of the humanization process and the child as capable to learn since very small. Initially, there is deepening of theoretical issues concerning the regularities of human development between three and six years old, based on the propositions of the Historical-Cultural Approach. Subsequently, it presents results of the routes methodological that integrated observation sessions of educational practice in schools in early childhood education, involving the relationship between children, adults and objects, as well as sessions of designs and semi-structured interviews with the children. These results show the resulting analysis of the pedagogical implications of the propositions of the HistoricalCultural Approach about the humanization process, mediation and activity.


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Este trabalho configura-se numa proposição de estudo de caso, que procurou discutir e orientar a prática pedagógica de alunos da educação especial, com vistas ao seu desenvolvimento acadêmico. Foi realizado no decorrer de um ano letivo, numa unidade escolar de uma rede municipal de ensino do oeste paulista. Contou com a participação de professores do ensino comum, da educação especial, gestores da escola e fez parte de um conjunto de ações desenvolvidas no projeto de extensão universitária, numa proposição conjunta entre universidade e escola. Num primeiro momento foram realizadas observações do cotidiano escolar de um aluno com transtorno global do desenvolvimento, autismo, e de uma aluna com duplo diagnóstico, paralisia cerebral e autismo, associada à coleta de informações sobre as trajetórias educacionais e os diagnósticos clínicos. Com base nessas informações efetivaram-se intervenções psicoeducacionais com os alunos e professoras especialistas e aplicou-se a Escala de Comportamento Adaptativo Vineland. De modo geral, identificou-se um padrão restrito de aprendizagens funcionais e comportamentos interacionas nos casos observados. Ao final da proposta questionou-se qual a contribuição das práticas pedagógicas, ofertadas na sala de aula comum, para o desenvolvimento educacional dos alunos em questão. As análises foram compartilhadas com os profissionais da escola e com os respectivos familiares, e direcionamentos foram apontados a favor da manutenção no ensino comum ou ao encaminhamento à escola especial.


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The context political, social and economical determines the material conditions of the individual's cultural formation and it influences in the constitution of the critical conscience and social responsibility. The aim of this paper is to describe the didactic experiences from discussions in classroom with students in disciplines dedicated to information access in the Brazilian librarianship courses from São Paulo State University (Unesp), state of São Paulo, and Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), state of Alagoas, precisely: Information Dissemination, supplied in 2007 and 2010, and Information Dissemination and Sources, supplied in 2008 and 2009, besides Library and Cultural Action, accomplished of 2008 to 2009. It was noticed, starting from the experience in classroom, that the Librarianship students have low knowledge of the institutions librarians and their services; they told that not to know the main library services before they study them referred disciplines.


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This article examines some aspects of the organization of multigrade schooling, taking as reference the state of Sergipe. It describes the profile, the conceptions and pedagogical practices of teachers working in multigrade classes in public schools. The data presented result from a statistical analysis of information collected by Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixiera (Inep) and from researches realized with public school teachers of Sergipe. The research has shown that the organization of multigrade schooling has different patterns and its central premise is the junction of years/grades, disregarding the age factor and inhibiting a possible pedagogical intervention, which considers the diversity of subjects and their lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary that teachers have a closer look at subjects of education in rural areas and build an educational intervention that goes beyond administrative aspects of formation of classes. The analysis of conceptions and practices of the teachers working in multigrade classes showed that the teaching work is obstructed by external determinations and by administrative barriers, inhibiting new reflections and practices that break up with the traditional logic of grades, permeated of excluding elements. The article aims to contribute to the dissemination of reflections and policies in the area of country education, especially for schools organized by multigrade schooling.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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PURPOSE: The development and application of collective pedagogical activities to assess phonological skills in pre-readers and beginning readers and could serve as potential screening tools to help in the early identification of students at risk for dyslexia. METHODS: The FAE tasks (alternative tools for educators) were built on classical phonological tasks known as sound categorization and in the Protocol for Cognitive-Linguistic Skills. FAE tasks basically consisted of matching pictures as well as pictures to spoken words according to their phonological similarity in the onset (alliteration) or rhyme and were given to 45 students on the first grade, of both genres and 7.3 years old on average. RESULTS: The protocol proved to be effective, confirming that phonological awareness, verbal working memory and rapid naming abilities constitute the main risk factors for dyslexia, and to which the FAE tasks were more strongly correlated jointly with the phonemic discrimination. FAE tasks were also strongly correlated with literacy skills. CONCLUSIONS: Students at risk for dyslexia can be efficiently identified through scientifically developed pedagogical tools, adapted and tested for the Brazilian's educational reality. This is a promising research field with the potential to help in avoiding the currently excessive number of students mistakenly labeled as having learning disabilities and improperly referred to specialized public services, as well as to indicate the more appropriate theoretical-empirical framework to guide our educational policies.


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During the process of development and urban sprawl in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP), some factors as the emergence of new centralities, the change in lifestyles and the expansion of equipments and urban infrastructure contributed to the dismantling and little appropriation of the central open space system. In this sense, the work is about the loss of continuity between the central squares of the city - Monsenhor Sarrion Square, July 9 Square, Bandeira Square and Nossa Senhora Aparecida Square - using different methodologies for character evaluation of each square, identifying the inviting and unattractive aspects of their spaces. The relations between these squares and its surroundings are characterized by analyzing interesting visual played on sketches, to complement character evaluation. Among these studies, it is also analyzed two spatial structures related to the squares – Calçadão and Quintino Bocaiuva Street - which have important architectural referring to the city's history and contribute to the central open space system configuration. General considerations obtained through diagnosis provided subsidies for the projectual proposed intervention, which aims to provide appreciation of the character of these public spaces and their articulation, promoting their use and constituting, thus, an important urban-environment set