975 resultados para 170103 Educational Psychology
Parce qu’il est notamment lié à des facteurs de réussite scolaire et d’adaptation sociale (Eccles & Roeser, 2009; Finn, 1989; Janosz, Georges, & Parent, 1998), le sentiment d’appartenance des élèves est considéré comme étant un élément de première instance qui doit d’être développé et maintenu par les professionnels de l’éducation (MELS, 2012). L'objectif général visait à approfondir notre compréhension du sentiment d’appartenance à l’école. Pour répondre à cet objectif général, trois articles de recherche distincts ont été élaborés. Le premier article présente une analyse conceptuelle visant à clarifier la compréhension du concept de sentiment d’appartenance à l’école. La méthode conceptuelle privilégiée dans cet article est celle de Walker et Avant (2011). La recension des écrits et les référents empiriques répertoriés indiquent que ce concept est de nature multidimensionnelle. L’analyse des données indique quatre attributs définitionnels. L’élève doit : (1) ressentir une émotion positive à l’égard du milieu scolaire; (2) entretenir des relations sociales de qualité avec les membres du milieu scolaire; (3) s’impliquer activement dans les activités de la classe ou celles de l’école; (4) percevoir une certaine synergie (harmonisation), voir même une similarité, avec les membres de son groupe. À la suite de cette étude permettant de mieux comprendre le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école, le deuxième article visait à examiner la structure factorielle et l'invariance de l’instrument de mesure du sentiment d’appartenance Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) au regard du sexe des élèves. Cette étude a été menée chez un échantillon composé de 766 filles et de 391 garçons de troisième secondaire. Les analyses factorielles confirmatoires ont indiqué une structure à trois facteurs : (1) la qualité des relations entre les élèves; (2) la qualité des relations entre les élèves et l’enseignant; ainsi que (3) le sentiment d’acceptation par le milieu. Les analyses factorielles multigroupes ont indiqué pour leur part que le PSSM est un instrument invariant chez les filles et les garçons de troisième secondaire. Finalement, le troisième article a été mené chez un échantillon de 4166 élèves de niveau secondaire afin d’examiner les processus psychologiques complexes s’opérant entre le sentiment d’appartenance et le rendement scolaire (Anderman & Freeman, 2004; Connell & et al., 1994; Roeser et al., 1996). Afin d’examiner ces processus psychologiques, quatre hypothèses issues du modèle de Freeman-Anderman ont été validées par le biais d’analyses acheminatoires : H1 Les affects positifs médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur l’engagement comportemental; H2 Les affects positifs médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur l’engagement affectif; H3 Les affects positifs médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur l’engagement cognitif; H4 Les engagements affectif, cognitif et comportemental médiatisent partiellement et positivement l’effet du sentiment d’appartenance sur le rendement scolaire. Nos résultats appuient partiellement la première hypothèse de recherche tout en soutenant les hypothèses deux, trois et quatre. Spécifiquement, la relation entre le sentiment d’appartenance et l’engagement émotionnel montre davantage un effet direct qu’un effet indirect (H2). L’étude a produit des résultats similaires pour l’engagement cognitif (H3). Finalement, la relation entre le sentiment d’appartenance et le rendement scolaire indique un effet indirect plus grand qu’un effet direct (H4). À la lumière de ces résultats, des recommandations à l’intention des professionnels de l’éducation sont offertes en guise de conclusion.
Students hold a number of personal theories about education that influence motivation and achievement in the classroom: theories about their own abilities, knowledge, and the learning process. Therefore, college instructors have a great interest in helping to develop adaptive personal theories in their students. The current studies investigated whether specific messages that instructors send in college classroom might serve as a mechanism of personal theory development. Across 2 studies, 17 college instructors and 401 students completed surveys assessing their personal theories about education at the beginning and end of college courses. Students and instructors reported hearing and sending many messages in the classroom, including instructor help messages, conciliatory messages, uncertainty in the field messages, differential ability messages and generalized positive and negative feedback. Between-class and within-class differences in message reports were associated with students’ personal theories at the end of their courses, controlling for initial personal theories. Students’ initial personal theories were also related to the messages students reported hearing. The findings demonstrate the utility of assessing non-content messages in college classrooms as potential mechanisms for changing students’ personal theories in college. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Cette thèse doctorale, qui prend la forme de quatre articles, est une étude corrélationnelle mettant en relation le raisonnement moral et la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les pairs chez des adolescents de 3ème secondaire. L’objectif principal poursuivi était d’examiner la contribution de la désensibilisation morale aux conduites adoptées par les adolescents lors d’incidents d’intimidation à l’école. L’objectif secondaire était d’examiner l’importance accordée respectivement à des standards de conduite issus des domaines moral, conventionnel et personnel chez les adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation. Le premier article expose la problématique de la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les jeunes en faisant état des croyances normatives et des caractéristiques des environnements scolaires qui y sont associées. L’article discute de l’écart qui s’observe entre l’opposition affirmée de la majorité des adolescents face aux conduites d’intimidation et leur récurrence dans les milieux scolaires et vient compléter une première section décrivant les conséquences de l’intimidation pour les communautés scolaires. Le deuxième article s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de cette thèse et fait état des connaissances sur le raisonnement moral des élèves impliqués dans des dynamiques d’intimidation. Il présente une explication des conduites d’intimidation dans la perspective de la théorie des domaines de la connaissance sociale et dans celle de la théorie de l’agentivité morale. Ces approches ont été retenues pour opérationnaliser le concept de désensibilisation morale afin de rencontrer les objectifs de recherche poursuivis. Le troisième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour vérifier l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et l’acceptabilité d’incidents d’intimidation hypothétiques, de même que l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et le désengagement moral chez les adolescents impliqués. Le quatrième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour examiner les justifications sociomorales émises par différents profils d’adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation de façon à associer leur conduite avec les domaines de connaissances normatives auxquels se rattachent leurs justifications. Les résultats obtenus sont ensuite discutés au chapitre suivant afin de mettre en évidence la contribution de chacune des approches morales retenues à l’explication des conduites en contexte d’intimidation et les caractéristiques du raisonnement moral associées aux rôles adoptés et des pistes d’intervention sont offertes. Finalement, cette thèse doctorale conclue que seul le niveau moyen de désengagement moral, un indice global de l’adhésion à des croyances normatives antisociales, contribue statistiquement à l’explication des conduites adoptées lors d’incident d’intimidation au-delà du sexe des participants. Quant au raisonnement sociomoral, il informe davantage sur la façon dont les circonstances d’incidents d’intimidation sont reliées à la désensibilisation morale des jeunes impliqués. Les adolescents qui prennent activement la défense de pairs intimidés étaient caractérisés par un raisonnement moral plus uniforme, tandis que le raisonnement des élèves qui intimident et de ceux qui demeurent passifs était caractérisé par la subordination de principes moraux, respectivement en faveur d’impératifs à caractère conventionnel et d’impératifs à caractère personnel.
Las expectativas de los estudiantes y la calidad del servicio ofertado por la universidad de Sevilla
En este artículo se presenta un análisis diferencial de las expectativas de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla (España), en función de las ramas del conocimiento, agrupadas en las dimensiones personal, universidad, curricular y docencia. Las aportaciones han sido recogidas en un cuestionario aplicado a 1082 estudiantes de las áreas de humanidades, bio-sanitaria, económica-jurídica y científico-técnica, a través de un análisis de la varianza para la comparación de medias (asumiendo varianzas iguales y pruebas de Scheffé y Tukey). Se han contrastado los valores medios de cada rama, con el fin de determinar si las diferencias observadas resultan estadísticamente significativas. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que la dimensión personal y la de universidad son valoradas de forma similar en las cuatro ramas del conocimiento; en cambio en la dimensión curricular, las expectativas son más favorables para la rama bio-sanitaria y, en la docencia para la rama de humanidades. En definitiva, los resultados presentan las fortalezas y las debilidades en las dimensiones consideradas y permiten extraer conclusiones de las que derivan indicadores de interés para la mejora de la comunidad universitaria.
This research analyses the degree of satisfaction of a sample of 874 students from University Programmes for adults and elderly, from Spain. The investigation is framed along the lines of positive psychology, specifically in Martin Seligman’s proposal, founder of this movement, who advocates that the main objective of this branch of psychological science is to investigate the healthy aspects of human life. The methodology applied is mixed. The level of satisfaction, collected through the survey technique was analysed by the SPSS 20.0 (using method CHAID) statistical program for the quantitative data; and by the Programme Atlas.Ti 6.0 (textual and conceptual analyses) for the qualitative data. The analysed data reveal that students are highly satisfied with the programme, the teachers and their peers. The discussion confirms these results, since it has also stood out in others studies
The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.
El objetivo del artículo es realizar un diagnóstico sobre la percepción de los factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de cinco carreras universitarias en una escuela de educación superior en México, para así reconocer las áreas de oportunidad que permitan sugerir políticas y estrategias para elevar su rendimiento. Se utilizó una muestra de 1651 estudiantes, se obtuvieron los datos a partir de un cuestionario con treinta preguntas que estudian la percepción del rendimiento académico en escala tipo Likert. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio que permitiera reducir los datos, facilitar la interpretación y validar el instrumento. Se identificaron tres factores: a) el rol de los profesores, b) la evaluación y c) la motivación de los estudiantes. Se llevó a cabo un análisis comparativo por carrera. Se encontró que los estudiantes perciben que la mayoría de los maestros no se preocupan por la condición de los jóvenes en situación de reprobación. Además, casi no motivan y carecen de expresiones de sentimientos de orgullo por los logros académicos de los estudiantes. La mitad de los participantes piensa que los docentes no cubren el temario en su totalidad. Se detectó que los estudiantes poseen una alta motivación siendo esto positivo porque son alumnos dedicados y responsables. Se concluye realizando una serie de sugerencias y explicando las implicaciones que tiene este trabajo para las instituciones de educación superior.
This paper deals with the conceptions of the different school actors about the meaning and the implications of mediation in their schools, drawing on data from a qualitative approach carried out as part of a wider project to map mediation perspectives and practices in Catalonia. The authors analyze the scope of the situations regarded as suitable or unsuitable for the introduction of restorative practices, as well as the resistance to change in the practice of conflict resolutions and in the democratization of school culture.
This paper focuses on two basic issues: the anxiety-generating nature of the interpreting task and the relevance of interpreter trainees’ academic self-concept. The first has already been acknowledged, although not extensively researched, in several papers, and the second has only been mentioned briefly in interpreting literature. This study seeks to examine the relationship between the anxiety and academic self-concept constructs among interpreter trainees. An adapted version of the Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (Horwitz et al., 1986), the Academic Autoconcept Scale (Schmidt, Messoulam & Molina, 2008) and a background information questionnaire were used to collect data. Students’ t-Test analysis results indicated that female students reported experiencing significantly higher levels of anxiety than male students. No significant gender difference in self-concept levels was found. Correlation analysis results suggested, on the one hand, that younger would-be interpreters suffered from higher anxiety levels and students with higher marks tended to have lower anxiety levels; and, on the other hand, that younger students had lower self-concept levels and higher-ability students held higher self-concept levels. In addition, the results revealed that students with higher anxiety levels tended to have lower self-concept levels. Based on these findings, recommendations for interpreting pedagogy are discussed.
Four experiments investigated whether the testing effect also applies to the acquisition of problem-solving skills from worked examples. Experiment 1 (n=120) showed no beneficial effects of testing consisting of isomorphic problem solving or example recall on final test performance, which consisted of isomorphic problem solving, compared to continued study of isomorphic examples. Experiment 2 (n=124) showed no beneficial effects of testing consisting of identical problem solving compared to restudying an identical example. Interestingly, participants who took both an immediate and a delayed final test outperformed those taking only a delayed test. This finding suggested that testing might become beneficial for retention but only after a certain level of schema acquisition has taken place through restudying several examples. However, experiment 2 had no control condition restudying examples instead of taking the immediate test. Experiment 3 (n=129) included such a restudy condition, and there was no evidence that testing after studying four examples was more effective for final delayed test performance than restudying, regardless of whether restudied/tested problems were isomorphic or identical. Experiment 4 (n=75) used a similar design as experiment 3 (i.e., testing/restudy after four examples), but with examples on a different topic and with a different participant population. Again, no evidence of a testing effect was found. Thus, across four experiments, with different types of initial tests, different problem-solving domains, and different participant populations, we found no evidence that testing enhanced delayed test performance compared to restudy. These findings suggest that the testing effect might not apply to acquiring problem-solving skills from worked examples
Background. In pre-school and primary education pupils differ in many abilities and competences (‘giftedness’). Yet mainstream educational practice seems rather homogeneous in providing age-based or grade-class subject matter approaches. Aims. To clarify whether pupils scoring initially at high ability level do develop and attain differently at school with respect to language and arithmetic compared with pupils displaying other initial ability levels. To investigate whether specific individual, family or educational variables co-vary with the attainment of these different types of pupils in school. Samples. Data from the large-scale PRIMA cohort study including a total of 8258 grade 2 and 4 pupils from 438 primary schools in The Netherlands. Methods. Secondary analyses were carried out to construct gain scores for both language and arithmetic proficiency and a number of behavioural, attitudinal, family and educational characteristics. The pupils were grouped into different ability categories (highly able; able; above average; average and below). Further analyses used Pearson correlations and analyses of variance both between and within ability categories. Cross-validation was done by introducing a cohort of younger pupils in pre-school and grouping both cohorts into decile groups based on initial ability in language and arithmetic. Results. Highly able pupils generally decreased in attainment in both language and arithmetic, whereas pupils in average and below average groups improved their language and arithmetic scores. Only with highly able pupils were some educational characteristics correlated with the pupils’ development in achievement, behaviour and attitudes. Conclusions. Pre-school and primary education should better match pupils’ differences in abilities and competences from their start in pre-school to improve their functioning, learning processes and outcomes. Recommendations for educational improvement strategies are presented in closing.
Background: Many school-based interventions are being delivered in the absence of evidence of effectiveness (Snowling & Hulme, 2011, Br. J. Educ. Psychol., 81, 1).Aim: This study sought to address this oversight by evaluating the effectiveness of the commonly used the Lexia Reading Core5 intervention, with 4- to 6-year-old pupils in Northern Ireland.Sample: A total of 126 primary school pupils in year 1 and year 2 were screened on the Phonological Assessment Battery 2nd Edition (PhAB-2). Children were recruited from the equivalent year groups to Reception and Year 1 in England and Wales, and Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten in North America.
Methods: A total of 98 below-average pupils were randomized (T0) to either an 8-week block (inline image = 647.51 min, SD = 158.21) of daily access to Lexia Reading Core5 (n = 49) or a waiting-list control group (n = 49). Assessment of phonological skills was completed at post-intervention (T1) and at 2-month follow-up (T2) for the intervention group only.
Results: Analysis of covariance which controlled for baseline scores found that the Lexia Reading Core5 intervention group made significantly greater gains in blending, F(1, 95) = 6.50, p = .012, partial η2 = .064 (small effect size) and non-word reading, F(1, 95) = 7.20, p = .009, partial η2 = .070 (small effect size). Analysis of the 2-month follow-up of the intervention group found that all group treatment gains were maintained. However, improvements were not uniform among the intervention group with 35% failing to make progress despite access to support. Post-hoc analysis revealed that higher T0 phonological working memory scores predicted improvements made in phonological skills.
Conclusions: An early-intervention, computer-based literacy program can be effective in boosting the phonological skills of 4- to 6-year-olds, particularly if these literacy difficulties are not linked to phonological working memory deficits.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
In recent years there has been a rapid growth in mindfulness practices being applied to improve the health and wellbeing of those who participate. As a result mindfulness-based interventions (MBI’s) have been applied in medical and educational settings. The purpose of this piece of research is to explore children’s understanding of mindfulness following their involvement in a 12 week mindfulness based intervention. The research provides an in-depth explorative interpretation of both the pupils and the mindfulness practitioner’s experience of mindfulness. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was employed as a method of analysis which resulted in 3 master themes being identified. The themes include ‘physiological activities promote mindfulness’, ‘cognitive elements’ and ‘states of being’. Interpretation of the findings considered participants experiences in relation to the 7 attitudinal foundations as proposed by Kabat–Zinn (1990). A number of similarities between the participants were evident, as represented in the 3 master themes. However the degree to which each individual participant expressed their awareness and understating of mindfulness varied. Therefore the findings indicated that the participants were in the process of developing their understanding of mindfulness which differed between them on a conceptual level. This study is considered of relevance for those in the profession of Educational Psychology and those interested in the application of mindfulness-based interventions to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people. The research has made a distinctive contribution within the field of mindfulness in light of the findings. Recommendations are made to inform the practices of Educational Psychology Services with reference to the work of Educational Psychologists. Suggestions for further research have also been made to aid the direction of future research.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08