988 resultados para sonic boom


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Desde 1956, en ocho ocasiones la Argentina refinanció deudas oficiales en el ámbito del Club de París. Estas refinanciaciones implicaron implementar programas de ajuste, acompañados en seis oportunidades por acuerdos contingentes con el FMI. Pero la apreciación subsiguiente de la moneda doméstica y los compromisos de facilitar importaciones pactados en tales acuerdos, desencadenan un ciclo de auge y deterioro de la cuenta corriente del balance de pagos que finaliza con una nueva crisis y una deuda externa incrementada, agravando la restricción de divisas originante de tal situación, en un contexto de salida masiva de capitales, inflación y recesión.


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Self-ignition tests of a model scramjet combustor were conducted by using parallel sonic injection of gaseous hydrogen from the base of a blade-like strut into a supersonic airstream, The vitiated air was produced by burning H-2, O-2, and air to a stagnation temperature of 1000-2100 K and a stagnation pressure of 0.8-1.6 MPa, The effects of different parameters on the self-ignition limits were analyzed, In addition, the effects of the combustor's different wall configurations on self-ignition limits were specifically studied. It was found that the wall configurations of the combustor had a significant effect on self-ignition limits, which might have variations of 420-840 K deg in stagnation temperature; however, the local static temperature in the recirculation zones for different wall configurations remained the same at approximately 1100 K, It was found that self-ignition could initiate at the exit of the combustor and this can be considered as a weak self-ignition characteristic.


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The controlled equations defined in a physical plane are changed into those in a computational plane with coordinate transformations suitable for different Mach number M(infinity). The computational area is limited in the body surface and in the vicinities of detached shock wave and sonic line. Thus the area can be greatly cut down when the shock wave moves away from the body surface as M(infinity) --> 1. Highly accurate, total variation diminishing (TVD) finite-difference schemes are used to calculate the low supersonic flowfield around a sphere. The stand-off distance, location of sonic line, etc. are well comparable with experimental data. The long pending problem concerning a flow passing a sphere at 1.3 greater-than-or-equal-to M(infinity) > 1 has been settled, and some new results on M(infinity) = 1.05 have been presented.


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The Financial Crisis has hit particularly hard countries like Ireland or Spain. Procyclical fiscal policy has contributed to a boom-bust cycle that undermined fiscal positions and deepened current account deficits during the boom. We set up an RBC model of a small open economy, following Mendoza (1991), and introduce the effect of fiscal policy decisions that change over the cycle. We calibrate the model on data for Ireland, and simulate the effect of different spending policies in response to supply shocks. Procyclical fiscal policy distorts intertemporal allocation decisions. Temporary spending boosts in booms spur investment, and hence the need for external finance, and so generates very volatile cycles in investment and the current account. This economic instability is also harmful for the steady state level of output. Our model is able to replicate the relation between the degree of cyclicality of fiscal policy, and the volatility of consumption, investment and the current account observed in OECD countries.


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This paper analyzes the stationarity of this ratio in the context of a Markov-switching model à la Hamilton (1989) where an asymmetric speed of adjustment is introduced. This particular specification robustly supports a nonlinear reversion process and identifies two relevant episodes: the post-war period from the mid-50’s to the mid-70’s and the so called “90’s boom” period. A three-regime Markov-switching model displays the best regime identification and reveals that only the first part of the 90’s boom (1985-1995) and the post-war period are near-nonstationary states. Interestingly, the last part of the 90’s boom (1996-2000), characterized by a growing price-dividend ratio, is entirely attributed to a regime featuring a highly reverting process.


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Characteristics of supersonic combustion by injecting kerosene vapor into a Mach 2.5 crossflow at various preheat temperatures and pressures were investigated experimentally. A two-stage heating system has been designed and tested, which can prepare heated kerosene of 0.8 kg up to 820 K at pressure of 5.5 Mpa with minimum/negligible fuel coking. In order to simulate the thermophysical properties of kerosene over a wide range of thermodynamic conditions, a three-component surrogate that matches the compound class of the parent fuel was employed. The flow rate of kerosene vapor was calibrated using a sonic nozzle. Computed flow rates using the surrogate fuel are in agreement with the experimental data. Kerosene jets at various preheat temperatures injecting into both quiescent environment and Mach 2.5 crossflow were visualized. It was found that at injection pressure of 4 Mpa and preheat temperature of 550 K the kerosene jet was completely in vapor phase, while keeping almost the same penetration depth as compared to the liquid kerosene injection. Supersonic combustion tests were also carried out to compare the combustor performance for the cases of vaporized kerosene injection, liquid kerosene injection, and effervescent atomization with hydrogen barbotage, under the similar stagnation conditions. Experimental results demonstrated that the use of vaporized kerosene injection leads to better combustor performance. Further parametric study on vaporized kerosene injection in a supersonic model combustor is needed to assess the combustion efficiency as well as to identify the controlling mechanism for the overall combustion enhancement.


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[ES]El fuerte crecimiento económico que vivirá el estado español desde finales de la década de los cincuenta hasta los últimos años del régimen franquista se producirá en el conocido como periodo del Desarrollismo. Un periodo que dará fin al sistema autárquico impuesto tras el fin de la Guerra Civil y que provocará, entre otros efectos, un auténtico boom urbanístico en las zonas con mayor nivel de desarrollo, entre ellas, Gipuzkoa.Tras la introducción, el capítulo segundo de la Tesis se centra en el análisis del contexto económico, urbanístico, normativo, constructivo y tecnológico de esos años y en la evolución que experimentarán las tipologías residenciales y constructivas en seis de los municipios con mayor crecimiento demográfico de la provincia.Los distintos agentes intervinientes (Administración, promotores, constructores, arquitectos, aparejadores, fabricantes de materiales, gremios, etc) se adecuarán a un determinado estilo y forma de trabajar que sentará las bases de muchos de los hábitos, procedimientos e, incluso, técnicas constructivas que se utilizan hoy en día. El papel de cada uno de los actores participantes en el proceso edificatorio, el contenido documental del proyecto arquitectónico así como el conjunto de trámites administrativos que van a ser necesarios para poder llegar a construir un edificio residencial de vivienda colectiva se analizan en el capítulo tercero del documento. En los capítulos cuarto y quinto, se estudian los materiales y los elementos constructivos utilizados en la conformación de la cimentación, la estructura, la fachada, la cubierta y los sistemas de suministro y evacuación de aguas del edificio desarrollista. Asimismo, se realiza una primera valoración del estado en el que han llegado hasta nuestros días con resultados realmente preocupantes, incluso para la seguridad de las personas, en el caso de la fachada y de determinados elementos estructurales.Además del importante número de edificios analizados, los testimonios aportados por los diecisiete personajes (diez de ellos arquitectos) a los que se ha tenido la oportunidad de entrevistar y que tomaron parte en las distintas fases del proceso constructivo durante esos años han resultado determinantes en el trabajo de investigación y cuentan, por si mismos, con un valor excepcional como documento histórico.De las conclusiones finales se pueden anticipar las siguientes: gran parte de los elementos constructivos han llegado a una edad crítica y sus lesiones, relativamente leves y asumibles hasta hace bien poco, comienzan a agravarse de forma exponencial; el ciclo de vida de la fachada tradicional debe darse por culminado y desterrarse definitivamente, como solución, de la construcción actual y futura; debido a sus carencias y lesiones, el esfuerzo económico que habrá que asumir en los próximos años para la adecuación de los edificios construidos durante el periodo desarrollista a las nuevas exigencias en materia de sostenibilidad, eficiencia energética y accesibilidad va a ser muy alto; se antoja necesario realizar una tipificación y catalogación de los edificios residenciales de la época; y, para terminar, se confía en que la Tesis, planteada como una primera aproximación global y un estudio ¿marco¿ del proceder constructivo de una determinada época, contribuya a abrir nuevas vías para futuros trabajos y proyectos de investigación.


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Catalytic cracking of China no. 3 aviation kerosene using a zeolite catalyst was investigated under supercritical conditions. A three-stage heating/cracking system was specially designed to be capable of heating 0.8 kg kerosene to a temperature of 1050 K and pressure of 7.0 MPa with maximum mass flow rate of 80 g/s. Sonic nozzles of different diameters were used to calibrate and monitor the mass flow rate of the cracked fuel mixture. With proper experiment arrangements, the mass flow rate per unit throat area of the cracked fuel mixture was found to well correlate with the extent of fuel conversion. The gaseous products obtained from fuel cracking under different conditions were also analyzed using gas chromatography. Composition analysis showed that the average molecular weight of the resulting gaseous products and the fuel mass conversion percentage were a strong function of the fuel temperature and were only slightly affected by the fuel pressure. The fuel conversion was also shown to depend on the fuel residence time in the reactor, as expected. Furthermore, the heat sink levels due to sensible heating and endothermic cracking were determined and compared at varying test conditions. It was found that at a fuel temperature of similar to 1050 K, the total heat sink reached similar to 3.4 MJ/kg, in which chemical heat sink accounted for similar to 1.5 MJ/kg.


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Thermal cracking of China No.3 aviation kerosene was studied experimentally and analytically under supercritical conditions relevant to regenerative cooling system for Mach-6 scramjet applications. A two-stage heated tube system with cracked products collection/analysis was used and it can achieve a fuel temperature range of 700-1100 K, a pressure range of 3.5-4.5 MPa and a residence time of approximately 0.5-1.3 s. Compositions of the cracked gaseous products and mass flow rate of the kerosene flow at varied temperatures and pressures were obtained experimentally. A one-step lumped model was developed with the cracked mixtures grouped into three categories: unreacted kerosene, gaseous products and residuals including liquid products and carbon deposits. Based on the model, fuel conversion on the mass basis, the reaction rate and the residence time were estimated as functions of temperature. Meanwhile, a sonic nozzle was used for the control of the mass flow rate of the cracked kerosene, and correlation of the mass flow rate gives a good agreement with the measurements.


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HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2003 1. Continued a 3-year threatened Gulf sturgeon population estimate in the Escambia River, Florida and conducted presence-absence surveys in 4 other Florida river systems and 1 bay. 2. Five juvenile Gulf sturgeon collected, near the mouth of the Choctawhatchee River, Florida, were equipped with sonic tags and monitored while over-wintering in Choctawhatchee Bay. 3. Continued to examine Gulf sturgeon marine habitat use. 4. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 20th Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 5. Over 73,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 31 sites. 6. Three stream fisheries assessment s were completed to evaluate the fish community at sites slated for habitat restoration by the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (PFW). 7. PFW program identified restoration needs and opportunities for 10 areas. 8. Developed an Unpaved Road Evaluation Handbook. 9. Completed restoration of Chipola River Greenway, Seibenhener Streambank Restoration, Blackwater River State Forest, and Anderson Property. 10. Assessments for fluvial geomorphic conditions for design criteria were completed for 3 projects. 11. Geomorphology in Florida streams initiated development of Rosgen regional curves for Northwest Florida for use by the Florida Department of Transportation. 12. Developed a Memorandum of Understanding between partners for enhancing, protecting, and restoring stream, wetland, and upland habitat in northwest Florida 13. Completed aquatic fauna and fish surveys with new emphasis on integration of data from reach level into watershed and landscape scale and keeping database current. 14. Compliance based sampling of impaired waterbodies on Eglin Air Force Base in conjunction with Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Total Maximum Daily Load development support. 15. Surveyed 20 sites for the federally endangered Okaloosa darter, provided habitat descriptions, worked with partners to implement key recovery tasks and set priorities for restoration. 16. Worked with partners to develop a freshwater mussel survey protocol to provide standard operating procedures for establishing the presence/absence of federally listed mussel species within a Federal project area. 17. GIS database was created to identify all known freshwater mussel records from the northeast Gulf ecosystem. 18. Completed recovery plan for seven freshwater mussels and drafted candidate elevation package for seven additional mussels. Developed proposals to implement recovery plan. 19. Worked with Corps of Engineers and State partners to develop improved reservoir operating policies to benefit both riverine and reservoir fisheries for the ACF river system. 20. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation opportunities. 21. Multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects initiated or completed (see Appendix A).


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Composite materials with interpenetrating network structures usually exhibit unexpected merit due to the cooperative interaction. Locally resonant phononic crystals (LRPC) exhibit excellent sound attenuation performance based on a periodical arrangement of sound wave scatters. Inspired by the interpenetrating network structure and the LRPC concept, we develop a locally network anechoic coating (LNAC) that can achieve a wide band of underwater strong acoustic absorption. The experimental results show that the LNAC possesses an excellent underwater acoustic absorbing capacity in a wide frequency range. Moreover, in order to investigate the impact of the interpenetrating network structure, we fabricate a faultage structure sample and the network is disconnected by hard polyurethane (PU). The experimental comparison between the LNAC and the faultage structure sample shows that the interpenetrating network structure of the LNAC plays an important role in achieving a wide band strong acoustic absorption.


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To meet the demand of modern acoustic absorbing material for which acoustic absorbing frequency region can be readily tailored, we introduced woodpile structure into locally resonant phononic crystal (LRPC) and fabricated an underwater acoustic absorbing material, which is called locally resonant phononic woodpile (LRPW). Experimental results show that LRPW has a strong capability of absorbing sound in a wide frequency range. Further theoretical research revealed that LRPC units and woodpile structure in LRPW play an important role in realization of wide band underwater strong acoustic absorption.


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The fisheries of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, experienced a boom year following impoundment, then decline post impoundment and now is in a period of stabilisation of the fish resources. Several reasons have been advanced on factors responsible for these changes, but two outstanding factors are those of nutritional status and fishing methods of the lake. Two important fish families however continue to dominate the lake fisheries in daily fisherman catches: Clupeidae and Cichlidae (tilapias). Recent studies have also shown that the dominance of the tilapias and clupeids is an important factor in the understanding of the stability of fisheries of Lake Kainji. One area which has remained undiscussed concerns the parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias which can affect the population dynamics of tilapias. This paper examines therefore some aspects of the fisheries of Lake Kainji and the potential roles that parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias can contribute in developing strategies for consideration in the sustainable management of the fisheries


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The paper documents the aquatic vascular plants situation of Lake Kainji, particularly with the invasion of water hyacinth (Eichhormia crassipes) hitherto alien to the lake system. The frequency of occurrence of some aquatic plants on Lake Kainji have increased whilst a few decreased over the period between 1984 and 1995. More than 53.6% of the lake surface has now been covered by aquatic vascular plants of which water hyacinth alone covered 30.6% (16.4% of the system). Apart from the characteristic rapid multiplication and biomass build-up of the plant, more than 9.1 clumps with a diameter range between 0.8-4cm enter the lake per minute. Thus more than 16.4ha per day or annually 6000ha of water hyacinth are added as drifts. Because of the peculiar hydrological cycle of the lake and the plant aggressiveness and invasiveness, NIFFR (with the support of the GTZ) had developed an approach of control which combines manual, biological, natural, boom construction and chemical measures. These are discussed


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Revista con LCC: Reconocimiento – NoComercial – SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)